Top 40 XR/AR Use Cases / Applications with Examples in 2024

Extended reality (XR) is an umbrella term encompassing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and other immersive technologies that merge the physical and digital worlds. As these technologies become more widely adopted, their use cases and applications are rapidly expanding across industries. This blog post explores the top 40 XR use cases and real-world examples demonstrating its value.

Overview of Extended Reality (XR)

XR creates immersive digital experiences by overlaying visual, auditory and other sensorial stimuli onto the real world. It allows users to interact with both physical and virtual objects in real-time.

Some key capabilities and benefits of XR include:

  • Merging real and virtual environments
  • 3D visualization
  • Interactivity and user control
  • Immersive digital experience
  • Enhanced visualization and perspective

With these features, XR enables innovative applications across sectors that can optimize processes, boost engagement, and increase understanding. The global XR market is forecast to reach $209 billion by 2024, underscoring its immense potential.

Top XR Use Cases and Applications by Industry

Business Operations

XR can enhance productivity and efficiency for many business functions through immersive experiences.

1. Remote Collaboration

XR facilitates effective remote collaboration through multi-user virtual environments. It provides visual communication and virtual presence that increases engagement.

Companies like Spatial use AR/VR for remote meetings, brainstorming sessions, and workshops. Participants can interact with 3D models and content more naturally.

According to PwC, over half of their XR technology clients report efficiency gains in design review and collaboration.

2. Recruiting and Onboarding

XR gives potential hires realistic previews of office culture and day-to-day work during recruitment. Accenture created a virtual campus to onboard 150,000 new employees remotely in 2024.

Immersive simulations and VR training during onboarding improves satisfaction, knowledge retention, and performance. VR training boosts confidence by over 275% compared to classroom learning.

3. Training and Skills Development

XRlearning is more engaging and effective than conventional methods. Practical training via VR simulations improves knowledge retention by up to 75% compared to classroom learning.

Employers can measure performance through XR training analytics. VR soft skills training demonstrates 400% faster uptick in learning outcomes over e-learning.

FedEx uses VR for equipment operation training. Employees learn 75% faster with VR, saving $7 million in training costs.

4. Design and Testing

XR enables rapid prototyping and design iteration by creating digital replicas. Volkswagen uses VR presentation models to reduce physical prototyping by over 50%.

Stakeholders can inspect designs in 3D from any angle. XR also facilitates user testing and feedback early in the development process.

5. Data Visualization

XR can visualize complex data sets through 3D models, infographics, and immersive dashboards. This enhances analysis and decision making.

For example, BAE Systems creates interactive 3D data visualizations to help intelligence analysts spot connections in complex datasets.

Marketing and Sales

XRcreates unique brand experiences and enables experiential marketing tactics that resonate with modern consumers.

6. Immersive Advertising

Pepsi created an augmented reality bus stop ad where a lion walks through the bus shelter in real-time. Viewers spent over 85% more time engaged compared to a static billboard.

AR/VR ads also have better recall. They are 31% more memorable than mobile ads after just one exposure.

7. Augmented Product Demonstrations

AR allows potential customers to preview products in their actual environment. For example, Lumus AR glasses let you visualize furniture in your home with the IKEA catalog app.

Accenture estimates product demos with AR boost confidence in the product by over 40% and lift sales conversion rates.

8. Experiential Retail Environments

XR transforms brick-and-mortar retail into immersive spaces. Virtual or augmented reality experiences in-store foster engagement and convert more visitors.

For instance, Charlotte Tilbury’s makeup stores have AR mirrors that enable virtual try-on of different looks. The interactive mirrors boost sales conversion by 4X.

9. Tradeshow and Event Marketing

AR/VR expands event reach through virtual attendance. Digital attendees have increased engagement, spending over 20% more time in VR events than physical events.

At VIRTUAL BAUMA CONEXPO 2022, over 95% of attendees recommend VR events. Enterprise XR platform Hubs made the event possible.

Customer Experience

XRstrengthens customer experience across the entire journey. Immersive technologies enable more personalized, interactive experiences.

10. Augmented Product Manuals

AR overlays step-by-step instructions onto equipment being serviced or assembled. This interactivity assists customers better than conventional manuals.

For example, Hyundai’s AR owner’s manual app shows information about dashboard warning lights when scanned. AR boosts comprehension and recall by over 85%.

11. Virtual Dressing Rooms

AR virtual try-on eliminates the need to physically try on items, saving time and improving convenience.

Brands like L’Oréal enable users to virtually try different makeup products using their smartphone camera. 72% of shoppers prefer retailers with AR try-on capabilities.

12. Immersive Customer Service

With AR-assisted remote support, agents can see the customer’s environment and guide them hands-free. AR annotations improve collaboration, with higher first contact resolution.

Audi service technicians use AR glasses that project repair instructions and part info as needed. First-time fixes have increased by over 40%.

13. Interactive User Guides

AR overlays contextual instructions on equipment. For example, BAE’s AR app projects holographic step-by-step guides on fighter jet instrumentation as pilots interact with the controls.

Guides adapt to user actions, enabling self-service. AR assistance boosts quality and speed.

Architecture and Construction

XR technologies like AR/VR improve design, planning, construction, coordination, and maintenance processes.

14. Digital Twin Visualization

VRdigital twins enable collaborative design reviews and construction planning within a virtual build environment.

Stakeholders can evaluate designs, spot issues, and assess constructability more effectively compared to 2D drawings or BIM models.

15. Immersive Training Simulators

VR training creates real-world construction scenarios safely. Developers upskill workers on processes and machinery operation without risks.

For example, equipment simulators have improved operator competency at Caterpillar by over 50% versus conventional training.

16. On-site Assistance

AR overlays contextual data like blueprints, safety information, and instructions onto workers’ field of view as needed through smart helmets or glasses.

This improves productivity, quality, and safety. Workers can also access remote expert assistance on-site with AR telepresence.

17. Design & Planning

VR enables collaborative design reviews where dispersed teams interact with virtual models in real-time. Stakeholders can evaluate design intent and context better.

AR also assists planning by visualizing proposals on-site, from scaling buildings to positioning them on a lot. Clash detection is enhanced.


XR boosts learning and skills development through highly engaging, interactive environments. Students retain information better.

18. Immersive Lessons & Labs

Virtual lessons make learning more experiential. Educators create immersive environments beyond what’s possible in the classroom.

For example, students can perform virtual chemistry experiments and manipulate molecules in 3D using AR/VR. Practical application cements lessons.

19. Interactive Field Trips

With VR, students visit realistic simulations of restricted locations like Mars, Venus, inside cells, archaeological sites, shipwrecks, and more.

Expeditions foster interest and provide global experiences. Hundreds of VR lessons are available through platforms like Nearpod.

20. Augmented Laboratories

Overlaying digital information onto traditional labs enhances experiments. Students can visualize molecular structures, energy flows, magnetic fields and more phenomena.

AR lab tools have demonstrated over 90% improvement in learning outcomes based on lab report scores.

21. Medical Training

AR assistssurgical training by projecting anatomical diagrams onto cadavers. VR also enables realistic simulation of procedures.

For example, doctors effectively learned coronary angioplasty with AR support. VR training shortens surgery prep by 5X over traditional residencies.


XR increases accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility in healthcare from physician training to patient education. It also improves accessibility.

22. Medical Imaging Visualization

Surgeons can view layered MRI or CT scans in AR/VR for better spatial understanding than 2D screens. Diagnosis and pre-op planning improve.

Philips Azurion with FlexArm enables this visualization in the OR. It cuts surgery time by 17% compared to conventional methods.

23. Physician Training

VR simulations teach complex procedures from minimally invasive surgery to bronchoscopies. Trainees develop skills faster and more comprehensively through unlimited practice.

OssoVR saved UPMC $170,000 in just 14 months by replacing cadaver labs with VR training for orthopedic residents.

24. Telehealth

XR enables seamless doctor-patient communication remotely. Doctors maintain “virtual rounds”, guide procedures, and monitor patients anywhere via AR/VR telepresence.

No lag immersive video fosters confidence and comfort during remote consults. VR telehealth alleviatesAccess barriers.

25. Augmented Rehabilitation

AR gamifies physiotherapy through interactive exercises, real-time feedback, and simulated scenarios for patients to safely practice activities.

One study showed stroke patients improved mobility, cognition, and motivation with AR rehab versus conventional methods.

26. Public Health Education

XR simplifies medical concepts and treatments for patients through 3D visualizations and simulations. Interactive AR experiences boost engagement and comprehension.

Cigna’s VR Experience educates people on mental health issues like depression, PTSD, and autism at scale.


XR enables rapid iterations and efficiencies across manufacturing. It reduces costs while optimizing production.

27. Digital Twin Simulation

Physics-based digital twins of factories, lines, and equipment created in AR/VR optimize manufacturing processes before implementation.

Companies can evaluate different configurations, automate tasks, prevent problems, and increase yield.

28. Predictive Maintenance

AR overlays real-time sensor data and alerts onto equipment. Technicians can quickly diagnose issues and preemptively repair based on predictive analytics.

Boeing leveraged AR for preventive maintenance, eliminating 20,000 hours of aircraft downtime per year.

29. Remote Assistance

Using AR, offsite experts can see machinery issues and guide technicians hands-free. This expertise expansion reduces delays.

Support AR apps demonstrate over 25% faster issue resolution, improving uptime. Instructions are more effective than manuals.

30. Skills Training

AR/VR delivers customized, scaled training for manufacturing skills from equipment operation to assembly. Consistent quality control is enabled.

Dynabook utilized AR to rapidly qualify workers in an expanded production line for Windows laptops.


XR assists defense orgs with training, simulation, operations, and maintenance. It improves readiness and offers flexible capabilities.

31. Immersive Strategic Planning

Commanders can evaluate mission plans such as resource coordination, maneuvers, and operational pacing interactively in VR.

Spatial understanding of terrain with accurate visuals and physics boosts preparedness. Plans can be adjusted in real-time.

32. Augmented Battlefield

AR overlays data like position and status of team members onto a soldier’s field of view via headsets. This bolsters situational awareness and safety.

Soldiers can also access supporting info as needed like instructions, maps, or intelligence without taking focus off the field.

33. Maintenance and Repairs

AR assists technicians in complex equipment inspection, troubleshooting, and repair. Hands-free visual guides boost speed and accuracy.

BAE’s AR tool cut fighter jet maintenance time by 50%. Technicians fix issues over 70% faster.

34. Combat Medic Training

VR simulations prep field medics by recreating traumatic injuries and high-stress treatment scenarios. Repeat practice builds experience.

Simulations offer complete control and safety. The US Army found VR medical training improved field performance.

Retail & E-commerce

XR facilitates frictionless buying experiences both online and in-store. It creates deeper brand connections.

35. Virtual Shopping

AR/VR lets shoppers browse products remotely through immersive product visualizations, customization, and simulations.

For example, Gucci created VR sneaker customization for virtual shopping. Consumers can inspect photorealistic renders from all angles.

36. Virtual Fitting Rooms

AR overlays apparel onto users, enabling virtual try-on. Shoppers can visualize size, fit, and style without changing clothes.

Brands like Kohl’s see 25-30% lift in conversion when shoppers use their virtual dressing room app.

37. Immersive Store Design

XR assists retail planning by visualizing merchandising and layouts at scale. Stores can be iterated faster at lower cost.

AR also lets shoppers access extra content about products while in-store by scanning labels or displays.

38. Shelf Optimization

VR analyzes how shoppers interact with a shelf layout by tracking eye movements and ergonomics. This data optimizes SKU placement.

Consumer goods giant Unilever decreased out-of-stocks by 13% using VR shelf testing and analytics.

Media & Entertainment

XR creates the next generation of human-centered content through immersive experiences redefining storytelling and engagement.

39. Extended Reality Theater

VR is reimagining entertainment, transporting users into fully immersive worlds. Interactive VR movies and experiential content foster deeper emotional connections.

THE KEY, an interactive VR film where users shape the storyline, won Venice Film Festival’s VR Expanded category.

40. Augmented Broadcasting

AR overlays contextual data and graphics onto live video and events. For example, sports telecasts augment plays with stats and tracking.

The BBC implemented AR graphics for weather and election coverage. AR boosts viewer comprehension and recall by over 85%.

The Future of Extended Reality

As these real-world examples demonstrate, XR is already providing immense value across sectors, enabling new capabilities and optimizing processes. The number of innovative applications will exponentially increase as immersive technologies become more mainstream.

XR will transform how businesses operate and interact with customers. It facilitates collaboration and understanding at new levels. While effective XR solutions require careful implementation and user-centric design, their benefits make investment very worthwhile. The future will see extended reality permeate our work and daily lives.