Content Automation: What it is, How it works & Tools [2023]

Content marketing is one of the most effective strategies for inbound and digital marketing. By creating valuable, relevant content, brands can raise awareness, build trust with audiences, and attract qualified leads. However, consistently producing high-quality content requires significant time and effort. This is where content automation comes in.

What is Content Automation?

Content automation refers to the use of technology to automate or semi-automate parts of the content creation and management process. The goal is to improve efficiency, scale content production, and deliver more personalized experiences.

Specifically, content automation aims to streamline:

  • Content research: Identifying trending topics and analyzing competition through automated web scraping, data extraction, and analysis.
  • Content creation: Automatically generating text, images, audio, and video.
  • Content optimization: Improving SEO, formatting, grammar, etc through automated tools.
  • Content distribution: Personalizing content and delivering it across channels through automated workflows.
  • Content maintenance: Keeping content updated and evergreen through automated refreshing of outdated information.

Key Benefits of Content Automation

When used strategically, content automation provides several advantages:

  • Increased output: Automation allows you to produce much more content than manual methods. For example, Wordsmith by Automated Insights can generate thousands of earnings reports each quarter for the Associated Press.

  • Improved quality: Automated proofreading and optimization can improve grammar, readability, and SEO. For instance, Grammarly‘s AI techniques catch 4x as many errors as Microsoft Word.

  • Enhanced personalization: Automated segmentation and testing enables personalized content experiences. Netflix increased video views by 20% with automated personalized thumbnails.

  • Up-to-date content: Automated workflows can keep content updated with latest data. Quark‘s auto-updating ensures content accuracy.

  • Reduced costs: Automation requires less staff time and overhead than manual content processes. Forbes uses NLG to produce thousands of articles for a fraction of the cost.

  • Regulatory compliance: Automated review helps ensure brand safety and consistency. Uberflip‘s AI reviews all generated content.

How AI Enables Content Automation

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are driving innovation in content automation. Natural language processing (NLP), natural language generation (NLG), and deep learning allow computers to analyze text data, mimic human writing, and create original content.

Here are some key AI techniques powering content automation:

Natural Language Processing

NLP algorithms can extract key topics, sentiments, and entities from text. This allows systems to understand content and recommend relevant, high-performing topics to write about. For example, Buzzsumo analyzes millions of articles to detect trending topics.

Natural Language Generation

NLG systems can automatically generate paragraphs or even entire articles from data inputs. NLG behind tools like Quill and Articoolo produce draft content for humans to refine. Quill created 100,000 workout recaps a week for

Machine Learning

Algorithms study patterns in massive text data sets to learn about effective writing styles, formatting, grammar, and more. These models power automated proofreading and optimization features. Grammarly‘s AI improves grammar in real-time.

Deep Learning

Advanced deep learning models can generate surprisingly human-like long-form text. However, the best results still combine AI-generated drafts with human creativity and oversight.

Computer Vision

Computer vision techniques can analyze visual content and metadata to automatically tag, caption, and enrich images and video.

Evaluating Top Content Automation Tools

Dozens of companies now offer content automation software and services. Here is an overview of leading solutions and their key capabilities:

Automation Tool Key Features
Articoolo Auto-generates draft blog posts and articles from keywords with natural language capabilities.
Quill Uses NLG to create written content from data sets like reports, summaries, social media posts.
Wordsmith NLG to turn data into written narratives, earnings reports, recaps, and more.
Buzzsumo Analyzes millions of articles to suggest high-performing content ideas and topics.
Grammarly Checks grammar and mechanics of writing in real-time using AI rules and models.
Hemingway Editing tool that highlights complex sentences and suggests improvements for clarity.
Überflip Personlizes webpage content through AI and machine learning techniques.
Wibbitz Automated video creation platform that turns blog posts and articles into short videos.

Each automation solution focuses on different use cases, so brands should carefully evaluate their needs. For example, Articoolo saves time drafting blog posts while Grammarly enhances editing. Most effective is using multiple tools for different processes.

The Limitations of Full Content Automation

While AI-powered content tools are rapidly advancing, fully automated content creation still faces major limitations:

  • Lack of originality: Fully auto-generated content often seems derivative or generic without human creativity. Machines have difficulty coming up with novel ideas.
  • No emotional appeal: People connect with content that evokes emotion. Machines struggle to establish the human connections and storytelling that drive engagement.
  • Impersonal tone: Content needs a human touch to craft stories, employ humor, and connect with audiences in an authentic brand voice.
  • Limited formats: Automation focuses on written text but falls short with images, video, podcasts, etc that require visual and audio capabilities.
  • Narrow usefulness: Automatically generated articles don‘t necessarily align with brand voice or achieve business goals. They fail to understand broader context and strategy.

For these reasons, the most effective automation strategies are actually human + machine collaborations.

Best Practices for Content Automation

To harness automation most effectively, here are a few best practices to follow:

  • Set realistic expectations: View automation as an assistant rather than a complete replacement for human effort. Completely hands-off automation is rarely effective.

  • Maintain human oversight: Have staff review auto-generated content, refine it, and ensure it aligns with brand voice before publishing.

  • Match automation to use cases: Focus automation on rote tasks like first drafts, data-heavy reporting, proofreading, etc. Creative work still requires human ingenuity.

  • Test and iterate: Experiment with different automation tools and workflows to determine what adds the most value. Evaluate outputs and metrics.

  • Focus on augmentation: Look for automation to augment (not replace) your team by freeing them from repetitive tasks so they can focus on high-value creative work.

  • Automate intelligently: When applying automation, carefully consider the desired business objectives, brand messaging, target audience, and metrics of success.

The Future of AI-powered Content Creation

According to one estimate, the global content automation software market is projected to surpass $107 billion by 2027, growing at an annual rate of 18%.

Content automation technology will continue advancing rapidly, becoming both more capable and more widely adopted. However, the most successful brands will strike the ideal balance between human creativity and machine-powered efficiency. While we can expect AI to handle more repetitive content tasks, originality, emotion, and connection ultimately require a human touch. The best approach blends automated workflows and systems with human oversight, creativity, and strategy.

Brands that embrace content automation thoughtfully and strategically will gain a distinct competitive advantage through improved efficiency, quality, scale, and personalization. However, full content automation remains science fiction. For the foreseeable future, the most impactful innovations will be AI-assisted – rather than fully automated – content creation.