WordPress GitHub Integration: The Best Code Collaboration Bliss

GitHub has become an integral part of the modern WordPress developer‘s toolkit. This in-depth guide covers everything you need to know to leverage the power of Git and GitHub for your WordPress projects…

The Benefits of Integrating GitHub with WordPress

While WordPress makes it easy to build websites without needing to code, integrating GitHub delivers important benefits for developers:

Enhanced Collaboration

GitHub facilitates collaboration across distributed teams:

  • Onboard team members by adding them as collaborators on your GitHub repo
  • GitHub‘s permissions allow you to assign granular access controls
  • Team members can submit changes via pull requests for review and discussion
  • Use GitHub Issues to track tasks, bugs, feature requests etc.

For example, at Acme Web Design, our developers use GitHub to build WordPress sites for clients. We break projects into modular user stories and leverage GitHub to coordinate work across our team.

Powerful Version Control

GitHub gives you:

  • Complete history of all changes in your codebase
  • "Rewind" and revert back to previous versions
  • Track changes by individual contributor

We heavily leverage GitHub version control when developing custom WordPress plugins and themes for clients. Whenever a bug emerges, we can trace back through the commit history to uncover when and why it was introduced.

Backing Up Your Code

Your self-hosted WordPress site has risks:

  • Server failures can wipe out code
  • Local development environments have fragmentation

By pushing your WordPress themes, plugins and custom code to a GitHub repo, you guarantee offsite backup in the cloud. Developers can pull down the latest verified version to their local environment.

We back up all client sites to private GitHub repos to mitigate disasters. Last year when one freelancer‘s laptop was stolen, we restored their work in minutes!

Transparency and Accountability

With traditional WordPress development, changes occur silently in the background without an audit trail.

GitHub delivers:

  • Complete visibility into every change
  • Tie changes back to specific developers
  • Verify work before merging into the main codebase

For clients concerned about accountability, we maintain a clean GitHub commit history allowing them to validate our WordPress development work.

Step-by-Step Guide: Connecting WordPress to GitHub

Let‘s walk through integrating a local WordPress site with GitHub step-by-step:


You‘ll need:

(For help setting up Git and GitHub, see the Resources section below)

1. Install LocalWP

LocalWP gives you a local WordPress environment for development and testing purposes.

  1. Download LocalWP for your operating system
  2. Follow the installation guide
  3. Create your first local WordPress site
    • Give it a name
    • Set admin credentials
    • Install extensions (like LocalWP VSCode Tooling)

Local WP Dashboard

You now have a running local WordPress site for development!

2. Initialize a GitHub Repository

Now we‘ll prepare a GitHub repo for our WordPress code:

  1. Login to GitHub and create a new repository
    • Name it meaningfully
    • Make it public or private
  2. Initialize the repo locally from your WordPress install folder:
cd ~/LocalWP/sites/your-site

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/your-account/your-repo.git
git push -u origin main

First Commit in GitHub Repo

Our local WordPress site now has remote GitHub version control!

3. Make Changes Locally

From here, you can develop your WordPress site like normal:

  • Edit plugins, themes, functions etc.
  • Test changes on your LocalWP site
  • When ready, commit changes to Git:
git add .
git commit -m "My changes" 
git push

Let‘s edit front-page.php and commit the change:

Edit WordPress Locale, Commit to GitHub

Now our change is versioned in GitHub!

4. Sync Changes Across Team

The full power of GitHub comes from collaborating across a team:

  • Team members can pull down the latest commits
  • Fork the repo to experiment on their own
  • Open pull requests to propose + discuss changes

At Acme Web Design, we mandate that all production changes come in via pull request:

WordPress GitHub Pull Request

This gives us oversight before merges. Our team stays in sync via GitHub!

Best Practices for WordPress + GitHub Workflows

To leverage GitHub effectively for your WordPress projects, keep these best practices in mind:

Use Feature Branches

Instead of everyone checking out main directly:

  • Developers create feature branches for any major efforts
  • Work is isolated until the feature is ready to merge in

For example:

git checkout -b new_checkout_feature
# Develop the new feature  
git add / commit changes
git checkout main
git merge new_checkout_feature

Feature branches encapsulate work and minimize production disruptions.

Automate Testing

Manually checking every GitHub commit is inefficient. Instead:

  • Automate tests with a CI/CD pipeline like GitHub Actions
  • Run unit tests, smoke tests etc. with each commit
  • Reject problematic pull requests automatically

Adding test automation gives your team confidence that quality is baked into each GitHub commit.

Use .gitignore

Not all WordPress files need live version control:

  • Cache files
  • Uploads / media
  • Build / log files

Ignore non-source files with a .gitignore file:

# .gitignore


A well-crafted .gitignore keeps your repo clean and efficient.

Document Architectural Decisions

Future maintainers will thank you for documenting:

  • Why key decisions were made
  • Project roadmap / timeline
  • Common troubleshooting issues

We use GitHub Wikis paired with READMEs in repos for WordPress documentation. Keeping it versioned alongside code unifies access.

Troubleshooting Guide

Let‘s cover some common troubleshooting tips for WordPress + GitHub integration:

Fixing Git Connection Issues

Can‘t push/pull to the remote GitHub repo? Try:

Resolving Merge Conflicts

If a pull request conflicts with the main branch:

  1. Fetch latest main
  2. Merge main into your branch
  3. Manually edit files with conflicts
  4. Stage/commit merged changes
  5. Push branch, re-open PR

Don‘t fear merge conflicts – with clean commits they are easy to resolve.

Handling Disrupted Working Directory

Accidentally deleted files or otherwise disrupted environment?

  • Discard all uncommitted changes:
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/main
git clean -f -d

Now your working directory matches the GitHub main branch again!

For more troubleshooting, see the Resources section below.

WordPress GitHub Workflows – In Practice

While the fundamentals are universal, every engineering team tailors GitHub to meet their specific needs.

To dig deeper, I interviewed Sarah, Lead Developer at Agency X, who uses GitHub extensively for managing WordPress projects across their distributed team.

What does your GitHub workflow look like?

"We break projects into modular user stories in GitHub Issues. Engineers claim stories and use feature branching – 1 branch per story. Changes get deployed to test, trigger automation, then PR against master.

For web projects, we run regression test suites. Infrastructure changes run through automated pipelines. Review + QA happens on the PR before merging."

How has GitHub helped scale collaboration?

"It‘s been huge. Devs split into specialties – front end, DevOps, API layer etc. GitHub gives us a unified system of record to coordinate across those domains.

PR templates and branch policies strengthen our process. Overall GitHub helps reduce surprises and fragmentation."

Any lessons learned or pitfalls to watch out for?

"Get rigorous with CI/CD early on. Manual testing bottlenecks will kill productivity. Automate code quality checks pronto – linting, security etc.

Also watch out for "merge debt" – don‘t let long running branches stagnate. Keep main clean and force teams to rebase often."

What WordPress/GitHub efficiency tips can you share?

"Custom GitHub Actions! We built a custom WP action that handles setup, config, reset etc automatically. Engineers spin up pre-configured WordPress instances right in workflows.

We also automatically sync production DBs into testing environments. This makes Local WP replica testing way faster."

Key Takeaways and Resources

Integrating GitHub delivers game-changing version control, collaboration and transparency for WordPress projects both big and small.

Here are some final takeaways:

Learn Git fundamentals – Start with GitHub Training then level up via Pro Git Book

Leverage automation – Automate linting, testing, builds etc. via GitHub Actions

Fine tune workflows – Optimize workflows for WordPress specific needs like managing upgrades, deployments etc.

Dig deeper – Check WordPress ecosystem sites like WPTavern and ManageWP for the latest DevOps insights

Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any other questions on integrating GitHub for your WordPress projects.
