Crafting Remarkable About Us Pages: 27 Inspiring Examples & Templates

Your About Us page is one of the most critical elements of your website. It‘s often the first stop for potential customers wanting to learn more about your business. A well-crafted About Us page can build trust, forge connections, and convince casual browsers to become loyal customers.

But here‘s the thing: generic, lackluster About Us pages don‘t cut it anymore. To stand out in an increasingly competitive digital landscape, your About page needs to captivate, inspire and inform. It should tell your unique story, communicate your values, and articulate why you‘re the best choice for your target audience.

Easier said than done, right? Crafting a remarkable About Us page can feel daunting, but luckily we‘ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive into:

  • The essential components of standout About pages
  • 27 exceptional examples to inspire your own
  • Step-by-step tips and templates for writing and designing your page
  • Bonus resources to take your About page to the next level

Whether you‘re starting from scratch or looking to revamp an existing page, you‘ll walk away with a clear roadmap for creating an About page that wows.

Why Your About Us Page Matters

Before we jump into examples and tactics, let‘s take a step back and consider why nailing your About page is so crucial. A killer About Us page can:

  • Build trust and credibility – 52% of visitors want to see an About Us page before making a purchase (KoMarketing)
  • Differentiate you from competitors – Stand out by telling your unique story and value proposition
  • Increase dwell time on your site – The more engaged visitors are, the more likely they are to convert
  • Improve SEO – Search engines favor sites with robust, quality content
  • Reinforce your branding – Align your content and visuals with your overall brand identity
  • Drive conversions – Compelling CTAs can funnel visitors to your products, services or contact page

In short, your About page is a powerful tool for driving real business results. Treat it as an opportunity, not an afterthought.

Essential Elements of the Best About Pages

While every About page will be unique, the best share some common elements. Incorporate these to craft a page that resonates:

1. Authentic Storytelling

The best About pages go beyond generic facts and figures to tell a genuine, relatable story. Think about:

  • Why and how your business got started
  • The people behind your brand
  • Your mission, vision and values
  • Challenges you‘ve overcome
  • Your larger purpose; the "why" behind what you do

Warby Parker‘s About page is a masterclass in authentic storytelling. They detail their origin story as frustrated college students and share behind-the-scenes photos of their team at work. Quotes and anecdotes from the founders make the story feel personal and relatable.

Takeaway: Don‘t just state the facts, tell a story. Use photos, quotes and anecdotes to bring it to life.

2. Unique Value Proposition

Your About page should communicate what sets your business apart. Consider:

  • The specific problems you solve for customers
  • Benefits of your products or services
  • What makes you unique in the market
  • Awards, accolades or accomplishments that prove your expertise

Faber Novel, a strategic consulting firm, uses a clear, benefit-driven headline on their About page: "We help organizations navigate uncertainty and achieve extraordinary outcomes." Customer logos and case studies back up their claims.

Takeaway: Clearly articulate your unique value and back it up with proof points.

3. Human Touch

People connect with people, not faceless corporations. Put a human face to your brand by:

  • Showcasing founders, team members, or partners
  • Sharing behind-the-scenes photos or videos
  • Highlighting team members‘ unique skills, interests, and backgrounds
  • Using a conversational, friendly tone

Bulldog Skincare features endearing illustrations and humor-filled bios of their "Top Dogs" (aka, founders). Putting names and faces to the brand makes them instantly more likable and trustworthy.

Takeaway: Celebrate the unique people and personality behind your brand, not just your products.

4. Engaging Visuals

Captivating visuals can take your About page from bland to brilliant. Incorporate:

  • High-quality photos of your team, workspace, or products in action
  • Engaging videos that tell your story or explain your process
  • Custom illustrations or graphics that align with your branding
  • Animations or interactive elements to add excitement

Atlassian‘s About page features a bold, colorful design with custom illustrations and animations. An interactive timeline of the company‘s history adds a fun, engaging element.

Takeaway: Use eye-catching visuals to break up text, reinforce your branding, and make your page memorable.

5. Social Proof

Testimonials, customer logos, and stats help build instant credibility. Include:

  • Glowing quotes from happy customers
  • Logos of well-known brands you‘ve worked with
  • Impressive statistics or milestones
  • Awards, certifications, or media mentions

Help Scout‘s About page highlights customer testimonials with photos for added impact. Further down, they display logos of top brands like Trello and Reddit to boost credibility.

Takeaway: Let your customers and accomplishments do the talking to build trust and authority.

6. Clear Calls-to-Action

The best About pages don‘t just inform, they drive action. Incorporate clear CTAs like:

  • Links to product or service pages
  • Buttons to get in touch or request a demo
  • Newsletter sign-up forms
  • Links to your blog, resources, or case studies

Basecamp‘s About page features a prominent "Give Basecamp a Try" button that directs visitors to sign up for a free trial. They make the next step crystal clear rather than leaving visitors hanging.

Takeaway: Guide visitors to the next logical step in their journey with prominent, relevant CTAs.

Putting It Together: About Page Templates

Ready to craft your own standout About page? Follow these templates for a solid foundation.

About Us Page Template for Companies

  1. Hero section
    • Engaging headline
    • Subheading with unique value prop
    • CTA button
    • Background photo or video
  2. Our Story
    • Founding story
    • Mission and vision
    • Milestones or key stats
  3. Team
    • Photos and bios of key team members
    • Quote about company culture
  4. Why Us
    • Unique differentiators
    • Benefits for customers
    • Social proof (testimonials, logos)
  5. Our Process/How it Works
    • Overview of offerings
    • What customers can expect
  6. CTA
    • Link to Products/Services pages
    • Contact/Demo request button

About Me Page Template for Solopreneurs

  1. Hero section
    • Photo of you
    • Catchy headline
    • Brief description of what you do
  2. My Story
    • Your background
    • Path to current work
    • Fun facts or personal anecdotes
  3. My Approach
    • Unique process
    • What clients can expect working with me
  4. My Work
    • Samples or mini case studies
    • List of clients/projects
  5. Testimonials
    • Quotes from happy clients
  6. CTA
    • Link to Work With Me page
    • Contact form

27 Exceptional About Us Page Examples

Looking for more real-world inspiration? Check out these 27 exceptional About Us pages from companies large and small.

  1. Yellow Leaf Hammocks – Inspiring brand story and commitment to social good
  2. Apptopia – Clear, benefit-focused copy and impressive stats
  3. Moz – Fun, quirky design and peek into company culture
  4. Drift – Engaging chatbot to guide visitors through story
  5. Gumroad – Relatable personal story that builds empathy
  6. Cotopaxi – Powerful mission-driven messaging and visuals
  7. Beardbrand – Unique, personality-filled bios of target customers
  8. Mapbox – Impressive usage stats and case study examples
  9. Grow & Convert – Clear articulation of content philosophy and process
  10. Poo~Pourri – Hilarious, on-brand voice and clever visuals
  11. Strala Yoga – Aspirational messaging and founder‘s personal journey
  12. Pakt – Showcases product innovation story and commitment to sustainability
  13. Goodboy Collective – Charming illustrated bios of team members
  14. Bonusly – Feedback from real employees to convey culture
  15. Dos Toros – Mouth-watering food photos and story of brotherly love
  16. Tock – Honors the unsung heroes behind the business
  17. Eight Hour Day – Friendly, colloquial copy that mimics a real conversation
  18. Kuno Creative – Putting the spotlight on team members
  19. Bulldog Skincare – Cheeky illustrations and "Top Dog" bios
  20. Heckfield Place – Gorgeous, immersive photos and poetic copy
  21. Mailchimp – Quirky, colorful design and showcasing company culture
  22. First Round Capital – Unique structure addressing different stakeholders
  23. Maptia – Powerful storytelling and sense of higher purpose
  24. Zapier – Fun, relatable copy and peek into team‘s favorite tools
  25. charity: water – Compelling stats and stories that inspire donation
  26. Epic – Bold mission statement and stats showing massive impact
  27. Strategic Piece – Clever, self-aware messaging targeted to ideal clients

About Page Best Practices & Key Takeaways

Based on these examples, here are the key best practices to keep in mind:

  • Lead with a bold, benefit-focused headline
  • Tell an authentic, relatable story about your business
  • Showcase the unique people and personality behind your brand
  • Communicate your mission, vision and values
  • Highlight your unique differentiators and value proposition
  • Use eye-catching visuals to enhance your story
  • Incorporate social proof to build trust and credibility
  • Include a clear CTA to guide visitors to the next step
  • Keep your target audience and ideal customer in mind
  • Align your content and visuals with your overall brand identity

Additional Resources

Want to dive even deeper into crafting a winning About Us page? Check out these additional resources:

Key Takeaways

A great About Us page is more than just a mandatory blurb about your company. It‘s a powerful opportunity to build trust, differentiate yourself and guide visitors to engage further. The best About pages combine authentic storytelling, unique value propositions, social proof and engaging visuals.

Remember, your About page isn‘t set in stone. As your business grows and evolves, your story should too. Revisit your page periodically to ensure it reflects your current brand messaging and offerings.

Crafting an exceptional About Us page takes time, thought and effort – but the payoff of building customer connection and driving conversions is well worth it. So what are you waiting for? Go make your About page remarkable.