Private: How to Make 4G LTE Mobile Proxy?

Interested in setting up your own 4G LTE mobile proxy? Discover the comprehensive guide on how to create one from scratch using hardware like Raspberry Pi and modems, or effortlessly with a pre-configured kit from Proxy-Seller. Learn step-by-step methods, software installation tips, and more to optimize your proxy setup.

In today’s digitally connected world, the demand for secure and efficient internet proxies is growing, especially with the rise of data scraping and anonymity needs. One of the most reliable solutions is the 4G LTE mobile proxy, leveraging mobile networks for robust connectivity and IP rotation.

Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a professional looking to enhance your online activities, creating your own 4G LTE mobile proxy can offer unparalleled control and performance. This guide explores two methods to set up your own mobile proxy: a DIY approach using Raspberry Pi and modems, and a hassle-free option with Proxy-Seller’s ready-to-use kit.

Why Is 4G LTE Mobile Proxy Becoming More Popular?

The surge in popularity of 4G LTE mobile proxies is driven by their tailored advantages meeting the evolving demands of internet users and businesses. These proxies enhance anonymity and security by using IP addresses shared among users via Carrier-Grade Network Address Translation (CGNAT). This shared infrastructure complicates detection and blocking by websites, ensuring superior security compared to traditional proxies.

Businesses benefit from distinct IP addresses for each online account, preventing bans and facilitating smooth automation tool operation. Their robust resistance to IP bans further reinforces their reliability, crucial for tasks like automation and web scraping.

How to Make 4G LTE Mobile Proxy?

To set up your own 4G LTE mobile proxy, start by selecting a reliable carrier with an unlimited data plan and prepare either a 4G modem or smartphone. Next, install the necessary software to configure your proxy. Alternatively, for a simpler approach, consider Proxy-Seller’s comprehensive kit. They provide an effortless solution to create your own 4G LTE Mobile Proxy.

We’ll delve into both methods in detail, so continue reading for step-by-step instructions!

Build a 4G Mobile Proxy from Scratch

Step 1. Setting up Raspberry Pi and Installing OS:

To begin, procure a Raspberry Pi board and install the Raspberry Pi OS on an SD card. This operating system serves as the backbone for your proxy server, enabling connectivity and management.

Step 2. Connecting Peripherals and Modems:

Connecting Peripherals and Modems

Attach necessary peripherals such as a monitor, keyboard, and USB hub to your Raspberry Pi. Connect 4G modems, each equipped with a SIM card for internet access. Ethernet connectivity ensures stable internet access crucial for proxy operation.

Step 3. Configuring Proxy Software:

Install proxy software like 3Proxy, configure routing tables for each modem, and set up proxy rules. This step establishes how traffic is routed through each modem, ensuring effective IP rotation and management.

To configure the 3Proxy software for your 4G LTE mobile proxy setup, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Download and Install 3Proxy:

First, download the 3Proxy software package using the following command:


Once downloaded, install 3Proxy using the dpkg command:

sudo dpkg -i 3proxy-0.9.4.arm.deb

Create Admin User:

Create an admin user for 3Proxy using the command below. Replace `<password>` with a strong password:

sudo echo admin:`openssl passwd -crypt <password>` | sudo tee --append /usr/local/3proxy/conf/passwd > /dev/null

Prepare Configuration Files and Directories:

Create the necessary directories and files for 3Proxy to operate correctly:

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/3proxy/conf
sudo chown 13:13 /usr/local/3proxy/conf
sudo touch /usr/local/3proxy/conf/3proxy.cfg
sudo chmod 660 /usr/local/3proxy/conf/3proxy.cfg
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/3proxy/logs
sudo chown 13:13 /usr/local/3proxy/logs

Configure IP Routing:

Modify the routing table (`/etc/iproute2/rt_tables`) to add routes for each modem. Each modem should have a separate line in the routing table. For example:

1 gateway1

Obtain the interface name, IP address, network, and gateway for each modem using the `ifconfig` command. Replace `<interface>`, `<IP_address>`, `<network>`, and `<gateway>` with actual values in the commands below:

sudo ip route replace <network> dev <interface> src <IP_address> table <gateway>
sudo ip route replace default via <gateway> dev <interface> table <gateway>
sudo ip rule add from <IP_address>/32 table <gateway>
sudo ip rule add to <IP_address>/32 table <gateway>

Configure 3Proxy:

Open the configuration file `/usr/local/3proxy/conf/3proxy.cfg` and add the following configuration:

#! /usr/local/bin/3proxy

config /usr/local/3proxy/conf/3proxy.cfg

# logging
log /usr/local/3proxy/logs/3proxy-%y%m%d.log D
rotate 60

# users passwd file
users /usr/local/3proxy/conf/passwd

# proxy user and group ids
setgid 13
setuid 13

auth iponly strong

# allow proxy access for local network
allow *

# assign weights (probabilities) to modems by their IP address
parent 500 extip <IP_address_modem1> 0
parent 500 extip <IP_address_modem2> 0
# Add more lines for additional modems if needed

# run proxy on port 2000
proxy -a -p2000

# allow admin panel access to the admin user on port 8080
allow admin
admin -p8080

Save and Apply Configuration:

Save the changes to `3proxy.cfg` and close the file. Restart 3Proxy to apply the new configuration:

sudo systemctl restart 3proxy

By following these steps, you can effectively configure 3Proxy for your 4G LTE mobile proxy setup, ensuring secure and efficient operation for your networking needs. Adjust the configurations as per your specific requirements and the number of modems you are using.

Step 4. Testing and Optimization:

After setup, test your proxy’s functionality using tools like cURL to verify IP rotation and connectivity. Fine-tune settings for optimal performance and security, ensuring your proxy meets operational requirements.