The Complete Guide to Adding a Favicon in WordPress

Here is a 2500+ word comprehensive guide on how to add a favicon in WordPress:

Adding a favicon, the little icon that appears next to your website‘s URL in browser tabs, is an important way to establish brand recognition. In this complete guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about favicons in WordPress.

What is a Favicon?

A favicon (short for "favorites icon") is the little square icon that appears next to your website‘s name in browser tabs.

The favicon helps identify your brand and website. When done properly, it creates instant brand recognition that users will come to associate with your content.

Some key things to know about favicons:

  • Favicons appear in browser tabs next to page titles
  • They also appear next to bookmarks and in mobile app web clips
  • The standard size is 16×16 pixels, but larger versions are common too
  • Favicons should be simple yet reflective of your brand identity
  • PNG is the best file format due to broad compatibility

In short, the favicon is a small but important touchpoint between your brand and website visitors. Putting thought into a well-designed favicon that reflects your brand pays dividends through increased site recognition.

Why Add a Favicon in WordPress?

There are a few key reasons why you should add a custom favicon in WordPress:

1. Brand Identity

A customized favicon is part of your brand identity. Pairing a thoughtfully designed favicon with your branding helps establish instant recognition among visitors.

2. Professionalism

Using the default generic WordPress or web host favicon looks unprofessional. A customized favicon signals you put thought and care into your website.

3. Consistent Experience

A favicon helps create a consistent experience across your website, social profiles, mobile apps, etc. This continuity in branding improves site recognition.

In short, adding a properly sized and formatted favicon in WordPress improves the visitor experience and branding of your site. It‘s a small but meaningful detail.

WordPress Favicon Size & Format

Let‘s cover the technical requirements of favicon images in WordPress:

Minimum Size:

  • 16×16 pixels

This is the absolute minimum size that will be properly displayed in all browsers and operating systems.

Recommended Size:

  • 32×32 pixels

This strikes the ideal balance of sharp image quality while keeping file size low.

Maximum Size:

  • 512×512 pixels

While excessively large, this upper limit ensures top image quality and accounts for usage in Apple touch icons and other areas.

File Type

PNG is the best favicon file format option. Compared to JPEG and GIF, PNG provides:

  • Lossless compression
  • Transparent backgrounds
  • Broad platform compatibility

For these reasons, a 32×32 or 512×512 PNG is recommended in most cases.

How to Add a Favicon in WordPress

There are a few different methods to add a favicon in WordPress. We‘ll cover the four main options from easiest to most complex:

Method 1: Using the Site Icon in the Customizer

The easiest way to add a favicon in WordPress is by uploading an image in the site identity section of the customizer:

  1. Create a 512×512 PNG favicon file
  2. Go to Appearance → Customize
  3. Navigate to the Site Identity panel
  4. Click Select Site Icon
  5. Upload your PNG favicon image
  6. Click Publish to save changes

This will automatically resize the favicon and generate the necessary favicon files for you.

Method 2: Using a Favicon Plugin

If the customizer method doesn‘t work, the next option is using a favicon plugin like Safe Favicon or All-in-One Favicon:

  1. Install and activate the plugin
  2. Follow the plugin settings to upload your image
  3. The plugin will generate favicon files automatically

The plugin method adds a few more steps but accomplishes the same thing.

Method 3: Manually Editing Theme Files

More advanced users can manually add favicon image links by editing their theme header file:

  1. Generate favicon files from an online tool
  2. Upload the favicon files to your theme folder
  3. Edit header.php to link the favicon files

This involves dealing with code directly but offers more customization possibilities.

Method 4: Using the Site Logo Gutenberg Block

For WordPress 5.5+ users running the block editor, there is another option:

  1. Add the Site Logo block to a post/page
  2. Upload the 512×512 PNG favicon
  3. Check the "Use as Site Icon" toggle
  4. Update/publish the post

This dynamically assigns the favicon through a block instead of the theme header or customizer.

So in summary, there are four main methods to add a favicon in WordPress – the customizer method generally being the easiest and most reliable option.

Creating a Favicon Image from Scratch

If you need help actually making a favicon image from scratch, follow these best practices:

Design Something Simple Yet Unique

The tiny 16×16 pixel minimum size doesn‘t leave much room for complex graphics. Instead, focus on simple, iconic representations of your brand.

Use Vector Graphics Software

Design vector images in a program like Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape. Vector graphics are resolution independent, staying sharp at any size.

Export as PNG

Export the vector design as a 512×512 PNG image to retain transparency and maximum image quality.

Include Primary Brand Colors

Work your brand‘s primary colors into the icon design so that the favicon ties back to the overall branding.

Follow these tips and you‘ll have a professional favicon that perfectly complements your website in no time.

Favicon Design Inspiration and Examples

Need some extra favicon inspiration? Here are eight great examples across various industries:

1. Slack:

Slack uses a simple, hashtag-inspired icon that cleverly visualizes their product for communicating and collaborating.

2. Basecamp:

Basecamp includes a tiny campfire image to tie back to the company name in a fun, recognizable way.

3. Twitter:

Twitter‘s favicon is their iconic, world-famous blue bird logo, making the brand instantly identifiable.

4. YouTube:

YouTube‘s play button favicon perfectly encapsulates the video-centric nature of the platform.

5. Moz:

Moz includes a stylized "M" initial to identify their brand – a classic, customizable approach.

6. Stripe:

Stripe uses a simplified "S" initial in their bright aqua blue brand color, complementing their logo mark.

7. Ghost:

The Ghost blogging platform features a minimalist, wireframe-style ghost icon to match their logo.

8. WordPress:

And WordPress itself uses a solid blue background with simplified white "W" initial to maximize recognizability.

As you can see, some common approaches are using:

  • Initials
  • Brand mascots
  • Product icons
  • Abstract geometric shapes

While keeping designs simple due to size constraints. Consider what uniquely encapsulates your brand when designing your favicon.

Tips for Favicon Testing

Once added in WordPress, how can you test that your favicon is properly displaying? Here are three easy ways:

1. Open Site in New Browser Tab

Open a fresh browser tab and navigate to your site‘s URL to check if the favicon appears properly next to the page title.

2. View Favicons in Chrome Inspector

Chrome DevTools has a Favicons tab that shows all versions of the favicon files that were generated.

3. Test on Mobile Devices

View your site on various mobile devices to ensure the favicon also displays properly in mobile browsers and web apps.

Fixing any issues early ensures your new favicon shows up perfectly across all platforms.

Common Favicon Problems and Solutions

Though generally straightforward, you may encounter problems adding favicons to WordPress like:

Doesn‘t Show Up

Double check it was uploaded properly in the customizer and clear your browser cache. Verify no plugins or code are overriding the favicon.

Appears Blocky and Low Quality

Export larger source images closer to the 512×512 size to maximize image clarity. Favicons under 32×32 pixels become distorted.

Disappears Unexpectedly

If your favicon suddenly vanished, a recent plugin update or WordPress upgrade may be clearing out customizations. Try reuploading the favicon.

Fortunately favicon issues are relatively rare and typically quick to troubleshoot.


Adding a favicon is an essential detail that helps reinforce brand recognition and polish the visitor experience of your WordPress site.

With WordPress making it easy to upload custom favicons, there‘s no reason not to take a few minutes setting this up on your site.

We covered favicon best practices and multiple methods of adding favicons, from the simplified site icon upload to manually editing theme files.

To recap, here are some key favicon tips:

  • Create a simple, 512×512 PNG favicon file
  • Add in WordPress via the site icon customizer option
  • Test on various devices to ensure proper display
  • Troubleshoot issues with browser caching or plugin conflicts

Taking the time to properly configure your favicon ensures your website‘s brand identity shines through in every visitor interaction. Your favicon is more than just a tiny icon – it‘s an integral part of your website‘s brand image.