The Complete Guide to Adding Reminders on Instagram Posts

Instagram rolled out post reminders in 2022, letting select accounts notify followers about upcoming events or drops. But how exactly do you create and optimize reminders to boost reach?

As a social media marketing advisor with over 5 years consulting top startups, I‘ll share an exhaustive guide covering everything from reminder setup to advanced promotion strategies. Expect actionable tips to maximize engagement, along with plenty of hard data sources.

Let‘s dive in…

Chapter 1: Why Post Reminders Matter

Before explaining how to add Instagram post reminders, it‘s crucial to understand why they deserve a spot in your social media toolkit.

[STAT] Reminders Boost Engagement by 152%

Let‘s look at some numbers. According to a 2022 study by Mavrck involving 2.4 million Instagram users, posts with reminders see a 152% increase in engagement on average compared to regular posts.

The lift comes from followers taking action to sign up for notifications around the upcoming event or drop mentioned in the post.

More Traffic, Awareness & Reach

This boost translates into tangible marketing & business gains:

  • Drive more traffic to your launches and releases
  • Raise awareness about events, offerings outside Instagram
  • Increase reach beyond existing followers
  • Break through the algorithm with notifications

Put simply, reminders help ensure your hard work connecting with communities pays off with visibility when it matters most.

Types of Content Perfect for Reminders

While any post can use reminders, they work exceptionally well for time-sensitive announcements like:

  • Product launches or pre-orders
  • Website/blog content like viral posts
  • Contests, sweepstakes or giveaways
  • Live streams, special guest interviews
  • Sales, limited-time special offers
  • Online or offline events/summits

Next let‘s get hands-on with step-by-step reminder creation…

Chapter 2: How to Add an Instagram Post Reminder

With a businesses account and the latest Instagram app, adding a reminder takes under a minute.

Step 1: Create Your Post

Draft your content first. Develop captivating visuals, captions hooked into the event/offer you‘re promoting.

You CAN enable reminders for:

  • Photo, video and carousel posts
  • Branded content and posts with product tags

You CANNOT use reminders with:

  • Ads or boosted posts (for now)
  • Instagram Reels or Stories

Step 2: Tap "Add Reminder"

Below your post content, notice the new "Add Reminder" button alongside familiar options like Location and Tag People:

Tap it to reveal the reminder customization pane.

Step 3: Name Your Reminder

Identify the event, announcement or offering tied to this post & reminder. For example, "John‘s Birthday Countdown".

You can reuse the same reminder name later for consistency:

Step 4: Pick Start & End Times

Choose when your reminder countdown begins and ends (optional). Starting at least 1 hour out is required.

Ideally, align with when your target followers are most active on Instagram. Early mornings and evenings tend to perform best.

Step 5: Share Post as Usual

With your reminder configured, post as normal!

Followers now see the bell icon on your post indicating they can opt into notifications.

And that‘s all it takes publish an Instagram post with remindersenabled. Pretty straight-forward right?

Now let‘s move onto best practices for reminders after launch…

Chapter 3: Marketing Strategies to Optimize Reminders

What good is setting reminders if they don‘t actually boost visibility and engagement though?

Let‘s explore proven promotion strategies to inform followers and turn them into notification subscribers.

Promote Across Instagram Surfaces

Share your reminder post across platforms for maximum eyes:

  • Re-share to Instagram Stories and Reels
  • Link via Link Sticker to external destinations
  • Cross-post reminder content to Facebook
  • Embed on website, email newsletters etc.

Repetition across surfaces increases people seeing your call-to-action.

While the post itself can‘t be "boosted", that doesn‘t stop you from running ads pointing to it!

Create Instagram story/reel ads with catchy creatives inviting followers to "Swipe up" or "Link in Bio" to your reminder.

Retarget website visitors with Facebook/Instagram News Feed promoted posts leading to your reminder countdown.

And offer an incentive for signing up through the ads.

Send Multiple Post Reminders

One reminder post likely won‘t cut through saturated feeds. Create excitement and urgency by publishing multiple reminder updates over time:

  • Initial teaser 4+ weeks out
  • Series of reminders with expanding details
  • Final reminder day/hour before launch

This builds anticipation and reinforces the notification signup CTA.

Interview: @FashionInspo‘s 1.5M Follower Strategy

I spoke with Miranda Horrell, influencer behind @FashionInspo (1.47M followers), about her proven tactic…

"I always make uber-fans and collectors wait in gleeful anticipation rather than fast satisfaction. Event countdown posts start subtle, mixing business with pleasure weeks prior. But as the launch event nears, I turn up reminder frequency and intensity culminating in a crescendo of posts."

This approach deliberately plays into innate psychological drivers. As Miranda explains:

"Scarcity triggers primal fear of missing out. Urgency prompts action over complacency. Curiosity gaps capture attention with partial reveals. Reminders incorporate all three dynamics – so use them wisely!"

Creative Reminder Post Ideas

Beyond oft-seen countdown clock graphics and text captions, shake things up with unconventional reminder formats:

  • Teaser trailers or movie previews
  • Behind-the-scenes photo bursts
  • "Under construction" scenes a la website development
  • "Save the date" aesthetic with calendar invites
  • Limited-run AR filters thematically tied to launch

Most importantly, remind your audience WHAT‘S IN IT FOR THEM.

Salient user benefits motivate followers to invest personal resources into your brand – via attention, time or even money. This breeds loyalty beyond transient fads.

Master Scheduling for Success

When exactly should reminder posts go live for optimal impressions?

As a general rule, late mornings around 11 AM and early evenings around 7 PM garner the most Instagram visibility.

BUT – this varies based on your audience makeup. Fortunately, Instagram Insights reveals your followers‘ activity patterns.

Navigate to your Profile > Insights > Followers. The Days and Hours graphs showcase your unique ideal posting times.

Sync your reminder cadence to these habitual usage spikes for your community.

Avoid Common Reminder Mistakes

While reminders offer fabulous potential to elevate online visibility…they can also completely flop without thoughtful coordination.

Steer clear of these pitfalls:

  • Spamming followers across distances surfaces
  • Overpromising hype that disappoints
  • Launching without sufficient testing
  • Assuming everyone already knows details
  • Not incentivizing signups
  • Cryptic creative missing the mark

Keep your community‘s perspective central when architecting reminder campaigns. Relevance and value should take priority over self-centered marketing messages.

Chapter 4:Measuring Performance of Reminders

Wondering if those nifty notification bells translate into impact?

Monitor these metrics to gauge effectiveness:

Raw signups indicate baseline awareness and curiosity. Click-through rate on notifications shows genuine interest backing that initial opt-in action.

But conversions into sales, email subscribers, event participation etc. define real business value.

Tie this full-funnel data into broader analytics dashboards and platforms to identify what‘s working…then double down on those strengths!

For instance, I use Ninjalitics to track overall Instagram growth, then layer Google Analytics e-commerce tracking on my Shopify store. This combination illuminates whetherreminder posts boost actual purchases – not just vanity engagement.

Benchmark Studies on Ideal Reminder Benchmarks [Infographic]

How does your reminder performance compare against industry benchmarks?

Mavrck evaluated thousands of brands deploying reminders over 90 days. Here‘s an infographic with key benchmarks by niche:

Study your category statsrelevant to your business vertical.

For example, apparel brands see ~19% pickup in email list growth on average when leveraging post reminders. Is your email conversion or product sales rate higher or lower?

Identify gaps between your figures and these averages to pinpoint improvement areas.

Then A/B test reminder timing, creatives and placements to incrementally liftimpact.

Perhaps weekday evening posts outdo weekday afternoons for your shoppers. Images teasing the upcoming launch could edge out text captions only.

Squeeze more value from reminders through continual optimization and experimentation.

Chapter 5: Reminders vs. Other Notification Options

Before wrapping up this playbook, it‘s worth contrasting Instagram post reminders capabilities against other notify mechanisms. Should you rely exclusively on reminders? Or combine them as part of a cross-channel setup?

Email Marketing Integrations

While reminders reach Instagram followers, email newsletters may hit different audiences. Ideally combine both.

Tools like Mailchimp, ConvertKit and Klaviyo simplify syncing email campaigns to your main Instagram feed‘s updates.

So segmented subscriber groups receive personalized email invitations to RSVP for the launch event too. This additional touch delivers more visibility beyond fickle social platform algorithms.

Web/Blog Popup Notifications

Visitors browsing your website/blog represent hot leads since they already expressed direct interest.

Prompt them to opt-in to browser notifications about upcoming product releases, events or content drops. Popup modals when they land on your site facilitates this.

Popular plugins like Hello Bar, OptinMonster and Privy make embed signups seamless.

Text Message Alerts

Don‘t overlook good ol SMS as another notifications conduit!

Platforms like Postscript and MailerLite enable sending one-to-one text alerts mirroring the reminder countdown on Instagram.

Personalized mobile messages tend to see incredible open and response rates north of 90%, trouncing social media. Leverage this digital channel in conjunction with reminders.

Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest Notifications

While other social sites lack identical reminders functionality, their algorithms similarly reward fresh, time-relevant content.

Cross-posting your Instagram countdown updates across Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest multiplies eyeballs.

Encourage followers on those networks to turn on notifications so relevant launches or events don‘t get buried.

Summarizing An Omnichannel Reminder Approach

In reality, an integrated cross-network plan combining email, website, text and social reminder touchpoints drives the most reach.

Instagram reminders serve as the anchor, supplemented by other modes tailored to each platform/channel community nuances.

This unified messaging transforms a single Instagram post into an immersive campaign people see from multiple facets.

Conclusion & Next Steps

We‘ve covered a ton of ground unpacking how to create Instagram post reminders, strategically market with them and analyze performance.

Let‘s recap the key takeaways:

  • Reminders boost engagement 152% on average
  • Multiply touchpoints with omnichannel notifications
  • Promote across Instagram and via paid ads
  • Send multiple reminder updates
  • Creatively build anticipation
  • Time for follower habits
  • Measure notification signups AND conversions

Now over to you!

Review the detailed playbook above applying my real-world experience guiding social media managers at 500+ growing brands.

Choose one idea you can implement this week that aligns with current business objectives. Identify an upcoming announcement, sale or event for testing reminders.

Brainstorm creative concepts and notification flows leveraging guidelines in this guide. Draft reminder content tailored to your audience interests.

Then track performance daily via metrics like click-through rate and conversions. Tweak timing or creatives based on initial data to further optimize.

What part of leveraging Instagram post reminders still feels fuzzy? Or what challenges do you foresee based on your own experiements? Let me know in the comments ANY lingering questions!