Awario Review 2023: The Most Comprehensive Guide on This Top Social Listening Platform

Understanding how your brand is perceived online has become a make-or-break necessity for businesses of all sizes today.

But with millions of social conversations happening around the clock, getting a handle on critical brand mentions feels almost impossible without powerful tools.

That‘s why interest in social media monitoring and social listening platforms has erupted in recent years.

But with dozens of tools flooding the market, finding the right solution can feel overwhelming.

That‘s where in-depth software reviews centered on specific solutions come in handy.

This extensively researched guide focuses exclusively on one of the most prominent suites in the space – Awario.

We’ll unpack everything the platform offers and doesn‘t, who it‘s best suited for, top competitors, and conclusive recommendations so you can determine if Awario is the right social listening match for your needs.

Let‘s dive in…

What is Awario? Quick Facts

Before looking at specific capabilities, let‘s ground our knowledge with some quick reference points on Awario:

Launched 2014
Headquarters London, UK
# Employees 50-200+
Funding $5.2 million
Key People CEO – Konstantin Bayandin
CTO – Nikolay Dashkevich
Customers Sony, Panasonic, KFC, Adidas + more
Key Integrations Zapier, Slack, Google Sheets + more
Mobile Apps iOS, Android

In a nutshell, Awario is a SaaS platform focused specifically on social media monitoring, analytics and listening.

It provides powerful and expansive capabilities helping brands:

  • Listen for mentions across social networks, news, websites, blogs, forums and other sources
  • Analyze conversations with sentiment tracking, demographics, resonance scores, and competitive benchmarking
  • Receive real-time alerts when important keywords are detected
  • Monitor competitors to analyze market conversations and track share of voice
  • Identify influencers talking about their brand and industry
  • Discover new business leads from prospects talking about related needs or complaining to competitors
  • Uncover actionable insights and metrics through interactive reporting dashboards

Next, let‘s explore Awario‘s specific feature set driving these capabilities…

Key Awario Features and Benefits

Global Web Listening Power

The foundation of Awario‘s value lies in its breadth of listening coverage.

The platform actively monitors a staggeringly broad range of online data sources – both mainstream sites as well as niche communities.

Data Sources Details
13 billion+ web pages Crawled daily spanning sites, blogs, forums, publications and more
Social networks Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit + many smaller platforms
Video sites YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Twitch and more
News media sites 50K+ global publications and blogs
Review platforms Yelp, G2, Capterra, TrustRadius + more
Ecommerce sites Amazon, Walmart, Ebay, Etsy and other product sites
Forums and Q&A sites Quora, Reddit, StackExchange, community forums and more

This breadth stems from Awario‘s unique hybrid approach fusing:

  • Broad web crawling – Proprietary web scrapers crawl 13+ billion pages daily
  • Platform APIs – Direct integration with select networks like Twitter and Facebook
  • Human review – Select alerts manually validated by analysts

Combined, this allows Awario to deliver expansive reach rivaling enterprise-priced tools costing over $1,000+ per month.

You simply define the keywords, competitors, brands and products you want to track online. Awario handles scanning the web 24/7 to detect related mentions in real-time.

This serves up invaluable voice-of-customer insights from both mass venues as well as niche communities that can deeply impact perceptions and buying decisions.

Through extensive filtering tools, you can fine tune listening by:

  • Date ranges
  • Specific sites or domains
  • Authors
  • Influencer tiers
  • Location
  • And dozens more factors

This makes Awario invaluable for:

Use Cases Details
Brand monitoring Listen for brand, product or slogan mentions to manage reputation
Market research Monitor industry keywords and trends to guide product decisions
Competitive intel Track competitors brand/product mentions to benchmark performance
Influencer marketing Identify key online voices and publications driving conversations
Lead generation Get alerts when prospects complain or ask about competitor brands
PR monitoring Monitor press coverage, news events and related conversations
Crisis monitoring Rapid response to controversial events or negative PR

No matter your reasons for social listening, Awario provides the scope and configurability needed to target the conversations that matter most.

Now let‘s explore some of Awario‘s advanced analysis capabilities…

Powerful Analytics and Reporting

While detecting mentions provides the raw signal, making sense of conversations requires robust analytics. This is another area where Awario shines.

Awario automatically scores and benchmarks every mention detected using natural language processing algorithms and machine learning models.

You gain instant perspective on:

Volume and Reach

  • Total mentions and trends over time
  • Geographical sources breakdown
  • Potential reach/impressions based on author audience size
  • Top domains, sites and authors driving influence

Audience Demographics

  • Gender distribution
  • Age range breakdowns
  • Language categorization
  • Account types (personal vs brand accounts)

Sentiment and Perception

  • Positive, negative and neutral sentiment scoring
  • Manual override to adjust inaccurate ratings
  • Competitor sentiment benchmarking

Engagement and Impact

  • Avg interactions and engagement per mention (reactions, clicks, comments, shares)
  • Message resonance measured by relative engagement

Topic Analysis

  • Keyword clouds showing top associated terms
  • Auto-detected topics and themes

Collectively, these provide incredible perspective on:

Strategic Insights Details
Brand perception tracking Continuously monitor shifts in consumer opinions and associations
Market positioning Gauge relative traction and associations of products vs competitors
Industry trend analysis Identify rising issues, technologies, threats and opportunities from topic analysis
Influencer valuations Quantify audience reach and engagement rates of influencers
Campaign resonance testing Compare messaging performance by segments and demographics
Audience research Understand the conversing audience by location, languages, account types and more

Rich interactive dashboards allow slicing and dicing data from all angles while trend graphs visualize shifts over time.

Exporting filtered data or custom reports as PDFs, CSVs or directly to tools like Google Sheets allows further analysis.

This transforms simple listening signals into actionable strategic insights.

Next let‘s explore a couple special features giving Awario added potency for acquisition…

Unique Lead Generation Alerts

One of Awario‘s most valuable exclusive features is its Lead Alerts capability.

This allows brands to identify buyer prospects talking about related topics online like:

  • Expressing frustration with competitors
  • Asking questions about product/service alternatives
  • Generally indicating needs aligning to solutions they offer

As soon as one of these conversations is detected, Awario triggers an alert allowing immediate outreach to the prospect.

Countless studies show buyers are up to 4X more likely to purchase when engaged during active need moments vs cold contacts.

Awario essentially surfaces these ready-to-buy prospects on tap allowing effortless lead generation at scale.

White Labeled Reporting

Awario also offers specially designed White Labeled Reports presenting listening analytics and insights with your own branding applied.

These customizable reports allow effortless visualization sharing with stakeholders, executives and non-technical teams internally using your own logos, colors and terminology.

This helps seamlessly align Awario‘s data with internal systems without disruptive overhauls to existing processes and tools.

Combined with robust API access, these white labeled reports enable relatively smooth alignment to complement rather than displace legacy BI tools.

Comparing Awario vs Alternative Social Listening Tools

Awario delivers immense capabilities for those focused specifically on deep social monitoring, listening and conversational analysis.

But how does it stack up against alternatives?

Here we analyze how Awario compares to competitors on key criteria:

Awario Brand24 Talkwalker Social Searcher
Breadth of data sources Excellent Very good Excellent Average
Alerting and real-time monitoring Excellent Very good Average Good
Competitive benchmarking Very good Good Excellent Average
Sentiment and topic analysis Very good Excellent Excellent Average
Lead generation alerts Excellent Average Poor None
Reporting and exports Very good Average Excellent Average
Post scheduling/publishing None Excellent Average Average
Email and SMS alerts Email only Both Both Email only
Social inbox management None Excellent Average Average
Audience engagement None Excellent Average Average
Enterprise-level support Very good Average Excellent Poor
Bang for buck value Excellent Average Poor Excellent


  • For pure listening and analytics on a budget – Awario leads
  • For social posting plus monitoring together – Brand24 superior
  • For premium enterprise-scale capabilities – Talkwalker edges ahead
  • For simple low-cost tracking – Social Searcher wins

Ultimately there is no “best” tool. It depends on your budget, focus areas, team skills and specific KPIs.

But Awario strikes an impressive balance of deep capabilities with reasonable pricing accessible to most SMB budgets.

Now let‘s drill specifically into Awario‘s available plans and pricing…

Awario Pricing Plans Breakdown

Awario offers three paid plans plus custom enterprise packages:

Plan Starter Pro Enterprise Custom
Monitored Topics 3 15 Unlimited Quoted
Keyword Mentions/Month 30K 300K 1+ million Quoted
Stored History/Topic 5K 15K 50K+ Quoted
Team Members 1 10 Unlimited Quoted
Lead Alerts
Real-time Monitoring
Reports and Exports ✅ + Custom
Account Manager Custom
White-labeled Reporting Custom

A few things stand out reviewing these tiers:

  • Awario scales affordably into serious enterprise territory rivaling tools like Salesforce Social Studio or Synthesio costing over $5K+/month
  • But it also remains accessible to SMBs unlike other enterprise platforms with minimums exceeding $1,000+/month
  • Paying annually reduces rates by ~40% making it even friendlier for growing teams

They also offer unlimited 1-week trials to experience the platform firsthand rather than solely relying on a feature checklist.

Taking advantage of that hands-on experience is by far the best way to determine true fit beyond a surface-level box checking exercise.

Visit Awario‘s website to register for your free trial.

Next let‘s dive deeper into weighing the pros and cons of adopting Awario for your organization…

Awario Pros and Cons Evaluation

Awario delivers immense listening power yet also comes with inherent tradeoffs.

Here we analyze the key objective pros and cons organizations must factor deciding if Awario is the right match:

Key Pros

Pro Details Value Rating
Broad data coverage Expansive niche + mainstream reach Excellent
Real-time monitoring Instant alerts on keyword detection Excellent
Conversion-focused Lead gen alerts create easy sales touchpoints Very good
Easy data exports Exporting reporting CSVs/PDFs aids internal alignment Good
Affordable enterprise-scale Cost maxes ~$3K/mo with unlimited scope Excellent
Generous free trial 7 full days to actively test drive Excellent

Key Cons

Con Details Impact Rating
No audience engagement Lacks owned platform posting and scheduling Moderate
Partial insights Limited capacity for complex linguistic analysis Mild
Steep starter pricing $39/month intro tier exceeds some tools Moderate
No SMS/Slack alerts Email notifications only, no texts or Slack Mild
Occasional false positives Signals sometimes match partially irrelevant mentions Mild
No offline desktop access Purely web-based, no native desktop apps Mild

Interpreting this analysis ultimately requires stacking it against your specific needs and priorities.

There is no universally "best" or "worst" tool – it depends on your situation.

But when centered specifically on deep web listening, monitoring and conversational analytics, Awario delivers extremely compelling capabilities relative to both pricing and alternatives.

Now let‘s move onto final recommendations…

Final Thoughts and Recommendations

Given its power, breadth, intuitive workflow and reasonable pricing – Awario earns a strong recommendation for organizations focused on web listening and monitoring.

It brings expansive niche + mainstream data coverage, accurate real-time alerts, conversion-focused lead gen opportunities plus easy exporting to fuel external analysis.

Awario manages to balance significant capabilities with accessible SMB pricing starting at just $24/month when billed annually.

At the same time, they still offer enterprise-grade power matching tools costing over $5,000+/month for large-scale needs.

Of course Awario isn‘t a fit for every need.

For natively integrated social publishing, scheduling and audience engagement you‘ll need to look at tools like Sprout Social, Buffer or Hootsuite.

And for hardcore linguistic analysis, predictive modeling and machine learning of social data you‘ll require a Sentiment360 or Brandwatch.

But for the majority SMB use cases of listening, monitoring, analyzing and engaging conversations across the social web, Awario more than holds its own while saving thousands over leading enterprise competitors.

Ultimately we recommend most organizations trial Awario directly using their generous 7-day free pilot.

Hands-on experience lets you judge fit beyond a surface-level box checking exercise.

Visit Awario‘s website to register for your free trial today.