What a Behind the Scenes Page Can Do For Your Blog (And How to Create an Amazing One)

Have you ever wanted to give your blog readers an inside look at how you work behind the scenes? Showcasing the process, tools, and environment behind the content you create can be an incredibly effective way to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

In this post, we‘ll dive into what exactly a "behind the scenes" page is and explore the many benefits of adding one to your blog. Plus, I‘ll share plenty of tips and examples to help you create a page that captivates your readers and even drives affiliate revenue in the process. Let‘s get started!

The Power of Pulling Back the Curtain

In its simplest form, a behind the scenes page is an area of your blog dedicated to providing a peek into your world as a content creator. It goes beyond the polished articles and tutorials you typically publish and offers a glimpse into the environment, process, tools, and people that make it all possible.

Think of it like bonus footage on a movie DVD. While the film itself is the main attraction, the behind the scenes segments add an extra layer of interest and connection for dedicated fans. Your behind the scenes page can serve a similar purpose for your blog audience.

By pulling back the curtain, you accomplish a few key things:

Build personal connections. Introducing yourself and your work on a more personal level helps your audience feel like they truly know you. They‘re able to put a face, voice, and story to the content they consume.

Establish your expertise. Demonstrating your process, skills, and tools reinforces your credibility and authority in your niche. Readers can see the depth of knowledge and care that goes into your work.

Encourage curiosity. An intriguing look behind the scenes can pique your audience‘s interest and keep them coming back to your blog to learn more about what you do. It adds a new dimension to your content.

Drive affiliate sales. Seamlessly mentioning the products and resources you use and love provides a natural way to encourage purchases through your affiliate links. Your behind the scenes page can become a hub for passive income!

The beauty of this type of page is that it‘s incredibly versatile. You have the freedom to include any details you feel will resonate most with your unique audience. And as we‘ll discuss later on, the content you choose to feature can also support your blog monetization and growth strategies.

But before we get into the nitty gritty of what to include, let‘s take a closer look at some of the most impactful benefits your behind the scenes page can deliver.

3 Key Benefits of Giving Readers an Inside Look

We‘ve already touched on a few of the positive outcomes a behind the scenes page can generate, but now let‘s zoom in on three of the most significant advantages adding this content can bring to your blogging business.

1. Form Genuine Connections With Your Audience

In the crowded blogosphere, one of the best ways to stand apart is by forming real relationships with your readers. When someone feels a genuine connection with you as the creator behind the content, they‘re much more likely to become a loyal fan and customer.

Your behind the scenes page is the perfect place to nurture those bonds. By sharing more of your personality, process, and story, you create touch points that make your audience feel seen and understood.

For example, let‘s say you‘re a food blogger who shares mostly recipes and cooking tips. On your behind the scenes page, you could offer a glimpse into:

  • Your recipe development process and food photography setup
  • The kitchen tools and appliances you use and love
  • A "day in the life" look at your schedule and routines
  • Photos of your kitchen and workspace
  • Your culinary background, favorite cookbooks, and journey as a blogger
  • Your team members (like a supportive spouse or trusty kitchen assistant)

Each of these details paints a richer, more relatable picture for your readers. It becomes easier for them to imagine themselves in your shoes, following your advice and recommendations. Suddenly, you‘re more than just another food blog—you‘re a go-to resource they know and trust.

2. Establish and Enhance Your Authority

Providing valuable content is essential for establishing yourself as an expert in your niche, but your behind the scenes page can lend even more authority to your blog. By pulling back the curtain on your process and skills, you demonstrate the depth of your knowledge and give readers a reason to trust what you teach.

This is especially valuable if you offer courses, coaching, or other premium products. A well-crafted behind the scenes page can serve as a powerful testimonial for the quality and care you bring to your work. It‘s a way to show your audience that you practice what you preach and have the experience to back up your claims.

For instance, imagine you‘re a productivity blogger who offers time management coaching. On your behind the scenes page, you could:

  • Share photos of your home office and desk setup
  • Outline your daily schedule and the productivity techniques you rely on most
  • Showcase the tools and systems that help you stay organized
  • Provide a detailed case study of how you tackle a big project from start to finish
  • Include photos of your certifications, awards, or features demonstrating your expertise

When potential clients see the effort and proficiency behind your blog content, they‘ll feel more confident investing in your products or services. Your behind the scenes page acts as an evergreen portfolio that instantly communicates your value.

3. Seamlessly Promote Affiliate Products

Every blogger appreciates the passive income potential of affiliate marketing, and your behind the scenes page provides ample opportunities to naturally promote products you love and use. By weaving affiliate links into your behind the scenes content, you create an organic way to drive more clicks and commissions over time.

The key is to keep your recommendations relevant and authentic. Focus on showcasing the tools, resources, and products that are genuinely essential to your process. This allows you to provide helpful details for curious readers while also inviting them to support your work by shopping through your links.

For example, say you‘re a travel blogger who shares destination guides and packing tips. In your behind the scenes content, you could:

  • Detail the photography and tech gear you pack for each trip
  • Recommend your favorite luggage, organizers, and travel accessories
  • Share the travel planning tools and apps you rely on
  • List the blogging tools and resources that help you run your site
  • Mention any other products that make your travel process smoother

Try to go beyond basic product names and include brief explanations of why you love and recommend each item. When your audience understands how something improves your workflow, they‘ll be more motivated to check it out for themselves. You can also create product roundup graphics or comparison charts to make your affiliate links even more appealing.

What to Include On Your Behind the Scenes Page

By now, you should have a good grasp of why a behind the scenes page is so valuable—but what exactly should you include? Again, the beauty of this type of page is that the possibilities are nearly endless. Consider what will resonate most with your audience and start there. Here are a few thought starters:

1. Your Workspace

– Photos of your office, studio, or wherever you work
– A brief video tour of your space
– Explanations of how you‘ve optimized your work environment

2. Your Process

– An overview of your typical workflow
– A detailed look at how you approach a specific type of project
– Insights into your creative process and methods

3. Your Tools of the Trade

– A roundup of your essential gear, software, and resources
– Specific examples of how you use your favorite tools
– Comparisons of products you‘ve tried and explanations of how your preferences have changed over time

4. Your Team

– Photos and bios of anyone who supports your work (assistants, graphic designers, virtual assistants, etc.)
– Details on how you delegate and collaborate with your team
– Tips for scaling and building your own support squad

5. Your Blog Setup

– Information on your web hosting service
– Details about the WordPress theme and plugins you use
– Any other resources that help you manage and grow your blog (like email marketing providers or social media tools)

6. Your Story

– Your professional/blogging journey and milestones
– Lessons you‘ve learned along the way
– Big goals you‘re working towards

7. Fun Facts and FAQ

– Interesting tidbits your readers might not know about you
– Answers to frequently asked questions you receive
– A few of your favorite things (books, podcasts, quotes, etc.)

The goal is to provide value and forge connections, so don‘t feel like you need to include every category. Pick the details that you feel add to your brand story and will be most useful for your audience. You can also break things up into sections to make your page more scannable and organized.

Tips for Crafting an Engaging Behind the Scenes Page

Ready to start building your own behind the scenes page? These tips will help you create content that captivates, informs, and converts.

1. Make it visual.

Photos and videos make your behind the scenes content more engaging and memorable. Aim to include visuals for each section, focusing on high-quality images that put your personality and process on display.

2. Infuse it with personality.

A behind the scenes page should sound like you, so don‘t be afraid to weave in your natural voice and unique sense of humor. Write copy that‘s personal and conversational, as if you‘re chatting with a friend.

3. Incorporate storytelling.

Instead of just listing out facts about yourself, use storytelling techniques to draw readers in. Share anecdotes, lessons learned, challenges overcome, and funny moments to make your content relatable and compelling.

4. Optimize for affiliate sales.

As you describe the tools and resources you use, identify opportunities to naturally integrate affiliate links. Focus on products you genuinely love and explain how each one benefits your process. Use eye-catching visuals and calls-to-action to encourage clicks.

5. Link to related content.

Throughout your behind the scenes page, look for ways to link to other relevant posts or pages on your blog. This helps drive traffic to your most important content and gives readers even more context for what you do. You could link to your About page, your top tutorials and resources, case studies, or your services page.

6. Design for readability.

While the content itself is the star, the way your page is designed can have a big impact on its effectiveness. Use clear section headings, bulleted lists, and generous amounts of white space. Break up long paragraphs into shorter chunks of text. The goal is to make your page easy to scan and read, even on mobile devices.

7. Have fun with it!

Remember, your behind the scenes page should be enjoyable to create and consume. Pour your heart into it, but don‘t overthink things—often, the most natural, off-the-cuff details are the most endearing. If you‘re having fun pulling back the curtain, that energy will shine through and engage your audience even more.

Learn From the Pros: Behind the Scenes Page Examples

Want to see these tips in action? Here are a few stellar examples of bloggers who have nailed the art of the behind the scenes page:

Pinch of Yum

This popular food blog offers multiple behind the scenes resources, including an extensive page dedicated to food photography tips and gear. Bloggers Lindsay and Bjork share down-to-earth details about their business and weave in affiliate links to their favorite tools.

Smart Passive Income

Blogger and podcaster Pat Flynn has a behind the scenes page that offers an intimate look at his home office, podcast studio, and video setup. He includes photos of his gear alongside explanations of how each tool supports his process. The page is neatly organized and incorporates Pat‘s warm, relatable copywriting voice.

Bucket List Journey

On her behind the scenes page, travel blogger Annette shares a detailed list of her travel gear, blogging tools, and business resources. The page is packed with useful tips (like her packing strategies) and showcases Annette‘s personality through playful visuals and copy.

Melyssa Griffin

Entrepreneur Melyssa Griffin‘s behind the scenes page offers an authentic glimpse into how she manages her business and life. She combines storytelling with practical tips, plus links out to her most valuable resources. The page is professionally designed but still feels warm and inviting.

These examples prove that there‘s no one "right" way to approach a behind the scenes page. The key is to share information that aligns with your unique brand and audience. Think about the questions your readers frequently ask you or the details you know they‘d find fascinating. Then, have fun creating a resource that offers an inside look while supporting your blogging goals.

Putting it All Together

Phew, that was a lot of information! Let‘s recap the key points:

  • A behind the scenes page offers your audience an insider‘s look at your process, personality, and expertise.
  • Potential benefits include building personal connections with readers, enhancing your authority, and driving affiliate sales.
  • Your page can include details about your workspace, tools, team, blog setup, personal story, and anything else your audience would find valuable.
  • To create an engaging page, focus on making it visual, personal, story-driven, readable, and optimized for conversions.
  • Get inspiration from bloggers who have built effective behind the scenes pages, then put your own unique spin on the concept.

With these tips and examples under your belt, you should be well-equipped to craft your own behind the scenes page. Above all, remember that this is an opportunity to forge deeper connections with your audience. Share the details that paint an authentic picture of your process and create a page you feel genuinely excited about; that heart will shine through to your readers.

So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start pulling back the curtain! Your audience will love getting to know the face behind the amazing content they consume, and you‘ll love the benefits this strategy can bring to your blogging business. Happy creating!