The Ultimate Guide to the Best Google AdSense Alternatives for 2023

As a website owner, maximizing your ad revenue is crucial to profitability and growth. And for many, Google AdSense has long been the go-to monetization solution. However, an over-reliance on AdSense leaves money on the table and exposes you to risk. That‘s why having a diversified portfolio of the top AdSense alternatives is so valuable.

But with new options constantly emerging, identifying the best Google AdSense alternatives can be challenging. To help, I‘ve compiled the definitive guide to the leading AdSense competitor platforms available in 2023. Read on for an unbiased, in-depth feature comparison, along with strategic advice to help you determine which are the right fits for your website and maximize your earnings from web advertising.

Why Consider AdSense Alternatives?

Before jumping into the top AdSense alternative ad networks, it‘s worth examining why you may want to look beyond Google in the first place. There are a few key reasons website owners consider incorporating additional or replacement monetization platforms:

1. Maximize Earnings

Relying solely on AdSense leaves money on the table. Top-tier sites can often achieve higher RPMs (revenue-per-thousand pageviews) using well-matched alternatives. Spreading your ad inventory across multiple networks allows you to capitalize on differences in advertisers, rates, coverage and formats each network offers.

2. Minimize Risk

Putting all your eggs in the Google basket exposes you to risk. If your AdSense account is ever banned or limited, you lose all your ad revenue. Having backups in place protects you if anything happens.

3. Format Flexibility

AdSense limits you primarily to display ads. Expanding to native ads, affiliate links and beyond allows you to leverage formats that may better match audiences.

4. Fill Gaps

Even AdSense struggles with 100% fill rates. Adding platforms focused on uncovered geographies, languages, devices and ad types fills holes.

5. Unblock AdBlock Users

A growing share of web traffic uses ad blockers. Ad networks like AdRecover specialize in reaching this lost inventory no one else can monetize.

Now let‘s explore the various Google AdSense alternatives available to help achieve these goals of maximizing earnings, minimizing risk and better monetizing all your site‘s traffic and ad inventory.

Overview: Top Google AdSense Alternatives

The leading alternative for contextual display ads from Yahoo and Bing. Offers advanced targeting and formats.


Focuses solely on maximizing earnings on existing ad spots. Great publisher tools and transparency.


Ad marketplace for direct custom ad sales. Higher earnings potential but more hands-on.

Sovrn //Commerce

Automatically inserts affiliate links and highest paying contextual commerce ads.

Amazon Associates

Monetize product mentions via native shopping ads. Reliable earnings but Amazon-centric.

This table shows 5 of the 15 top AdSense alternatives covered in detail in this guide. Continue reading for the full feature-by-feature comparison to determine which options may be best for your site and goals.

Detailed Feature Comparison: Top 15 Google AdSense Alternatives

Let‘s dive deeper into the key differences, pros and cons among platforms:

Platform Models Payment Terms Minimums Ad Formats Perks Downsides

Contextual Display Ads $100 None All Major Displays + Video – Powerful performance platform
– Strong demand from top-tier brands
– Great support
– Higher payout minimums


Display Marketplace + Publishers Tools $100 10k/m unless under 80k ($99 setup) Banners, Overlays + More – Focused on earnings maximization for publishers
– Complete transparency
– Block low value advertisers
– Setup fees may apply for smaller sites


Self-Serve Marketplace $20 100k/m All Display + Custom Options – Highest earning potential via marketplace model
– Popular brand advertisers
– Very transparent
– More labor intensive for publishers
– Higher minimums

Sovrn //Commerce

Contextual Affiliate Links $10 None Text Links – Fully automated affiliate links
-nil; Excellent merchant breadth
– Fast approval and payments
– Limited formats

Amazon Associates

Affiliate + Contextual $10 None Text Links + Native Product Ads – Name brand trust
– Built-in contextual engine
– Extensive product range
– Amazon-centric approach

As you can see, the top Google AdSense alternatives available cover a diverse range of models, formats minimums and features. Continue reading for an even more detailed breakdown of each platform‘s unique advantages and drawbacks. emerges as the leading all-purpose contextual advertising network alternative to Google AdSense. Backed by Yahoo and Bing, it provides relevant text and image ads matched to page content via powerful machine learning algorithms.

Models: Contextual Display Advertising

Formats: All Major Banners, Interstitials, Video and beyond

Payments & Minimums

  • $100 minimum payout
  • Payments every 60 days


  • Name brand trust and demand
  • Advanced targeting capabilities
  • Strong advertiser base
  • Excellent publisher support and tools

Potential Drawbacks

  • Slightly higher minimum payouts vs some networks
  • Can take 1-2 weeks for approval after application

With strengths across the board in contextual analysis, range of ad formats, targeting, brand trust, and more, makes an exceptional all-purpose Google AdSense alternative. Ad approval wait times can vary a bit, but outside of that it checks nearly every box.


Whereas focuses primarily on leveraging its contextual technology and demand side scale, Monumetric starts from the publisher end. This innovative ad network centered its platform specifically around empowering website owners to maximize their ad earnings.

Models: Display Marketplace + Publisher Tools

Formats: Banners, Overlays + More

Payments & Minimums

  • $100 minimum payout
  • 14 day payment terms


  • Complete focus on publisher ad earnings
  • Selectively block low value advertisers
  • Complete transparency into impressions, clicks and process

Potential Drawbacks

  • Small setup fees for sites under 80,000 pageviews/month
  • Mostly display formats only

For publishers wanting more transparency control over their ad experience, Monumetric makes an exceptional choice. The ability to filter out bad ads and underperforming advertisers gives you leverage to increase your RPM substantially.


Most ad networks rely on some degree of automation to match advertisers to website ad inventory. BuySellAds throws that model out the window. Instead, it provides a transparent, efficient self-serve advertising marketplace.

Publishers list their available ad placements, audiences, pricing and more. Advertisers can browse, search and purchase the exact website ad spots that align with their campaigns.

Models: Self-Serve Marketplace

Formats: Display Banners + Completely Custom Options

Payments & Minimums

  • $20 minimum payout
  • 14 day payment terms
  • 100,000 monthly minimum visits


  • Highest earning potential
  • Popular brand advertisers
  • Complete transparency and control
  • Robust publisher tools

Potential Drawbacks

  • Hands-on management required
  • Slow ramp up while building advertiser base
  • High monthly minimums

For top-tier sites able to invest more effort, the BuySellAds marketplace model opens up avenues for higher ad rates from premium brands. However, you need sufficient traffic and a willingness to actively sell and manage your ad inventory to succeed.

Sovrn //Commerce

Formerly known as VigLink, Sovrn //Commerce pioneered the automated affiliate link model. Their technology scans website content in real-time. When you mention or link to an ecommerce product, it dynamically appends affiliate codes, earning you sales commissions.

Plus, it recently expanded into contextual commerce ads. For product keywords with no existing links, Sovrn inserts relevant product ads from the highest bidding advertiser.

Models: Contextual Affiliate Links + Display Ads

Formats: Text Links + Banners

Payments & Minimums

  • $10 minimum payout
  • Net 90 payment terms


  • Fully hands-off contextual affiliate links
  • Great for product-focused sites
  • Massive range of 28,000 merchants

Potential Drawbacks

  • Net 90 payments are slower than monthly
  • Limited ad formats compared to other networks

For sites already linking to plenty of products, Sovrn makes monetizing them with affiliate commissions effortless. The technology handles the heavy lifting of creating and maintaining links across a vast catalog of ecommerce merchants.

Amazon Associates

As the world‘s largest ecommerce company, Amazon‘s affiliate platform is a juggernaut in its own right. The Amazon Associates program opens up powerful moneymaking integrations between your website and Amazon‘s product ecosystem.

In addition to traditional manually-created affiliate links and product images, Amazon Associates also includes API access and contextual ad units. For example, the Native Shopping Ads automatically display relevant products to website visitors, earning you a sales commission if they click and complete a purchase.

Models: Affiliate Links + Contextual Product Ads

Formats: Text Links, Product Images + Native Advertising

Payments & Minimums

  • $10 minimum payout
  • 14 day payment terms


  • Instantly recognizable brand name
  • Contextual ad engine built-in
  • Vast range of products

Potential Drawbacks

  • Amazon-centric approach
  • Strict operating requirements

For publishers already driving product purchases on Amazon, Native Shopping Ads create a great incremental revenue stream. However, Amazon Associates may not make sense for content-focused sites with limited product mentions.

Which Google AdSense Alternative is Best For You?

With this comprehensive feature comparison of the top options available in 2023, you‘re well-equipped to determine which AdSense alternatives may be best for your website.

To recap the key factors to keep in mind:

Your current monetization mix – Which networks are you already using? Looking to replace or supplement AdSense?

Content focus – Are you product/commerce focused? Or informational content? Important for contextual vs affiliate models.

Ad format potential – What types of ad units can your site support? Articles? Sidebars? Image slots? Video?

Traffic volume – Monthly visits and ad impressions dictate minimum requirements for networks.

Hands-on management – Can dedicate time to learn, set up and optimize networks? Or want more of a hands-off contextual platform?

Payment terms – Do you require a certain threshold or speed to payouts?

Evaluating your website against variables this like simplifies matching the best Google AdSense alternatives to your goals, audience and resources.

No one platform is necessarily the "best" option outright. Spreading your ad inventory and earnings potential across 2-3 top options creates the strongest overall monetization portfolio. With the detailed comparisons and advice in this definitive guide, you have everything needed to build yours.