The 16 Best SEO Tools Bloggers Need in 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for any blogger looking to grow their audience and traffic. But with so many SEO tools out there, it can be overwhelming trying to determine which ones you actually need in your toolkit.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover the top categories of essential SEO tools for bloggers and provide specific recommendations on the best options available.

Why Do Bloggers Need SEO Tools?

As a blogger, most of your website traffic will come from organic search. So you need to make sure you are optimizing your content properly to rank higher in search engines like Google.

The right SEO tools provide invaluable data to help you:

  • Conduct keyword research to identify topics and terms people are searching for
  • Monitor your page rankings so you know which posts need optimization
  • Analyze site speed, structure, and on-page elements that impact SEO
  • Build high quality backlinks from other websites
  • Track competitors to see what‘s working well for ranking blogs like yours

Simply put, SEO tools empower bloggers make data-driven decisions to maximize search traffic. They level the playing field so you can compete with more established sites.

Must-Have Categories of SEO Tools for Bloggers

There are four key categories of SEO software that every blogger needs to have in their toolbox:

1. Keyword research – Identify high-potential topics and terms to target in your content that drive relevant organic traffic

2. Rank tracking – Monitor keyword rankings to see which blog posts need optimization to move up in rankings

3. Site auditing – Analyze on-page elements and site speed to ensure your blog is optimized for conversions and SEO

4. Link building – Build backlinks from other reputable sites to bolster domain authority and search rankings

Next let‘s dive into some of the top tools in each category…

1. Keyword Research Tools

Keyword research underpins every effective SEO strategy, so this should be the first tool category bloggers invest in.

By identifying topics and search queries that have strong traffic potential you can ensure the content you create will attract and convert readers.

My top recommendations are:


Ahrefs offers a robust keyword research module as part of their SEO toolkit, making it a top SEO tool amongst bloggers.

Some standout features include:

  • Accurate search volume data
  • Semrush integration to compare keyword data
  • Related keywords and questions to inspire new topics
  • Exportable reports to share data

The $99/month starter plan is sufficient for most bloggers.

Answer the Public

My favorite free keyword tool. Answer the Public generates content ideas based on the auto-complete questions and phrases Google suggests.

The visual layout makes it easy to drill down into related questions and mine tons of long-tail keyword ideas. Extremely valuable for bloggers looking to create in-depth, comprehensive content.

2. Rank Tracking Software

Rank tracking allows you to monitor the keyword positions of all your important blog posts over time. This enables you to accurately gauge the impact of your optimization efforts.

You want a tool that tracks multiple search engines (especially Google), offers rank change alerts, and includes competitor tracking.

Here are two top options:


SEMrush isn‘t just for keyword research. Their rank tracking is how I monitor all my important blog content.


  • Tracks Google, Bing, Yandex and 70+ other engines
  • Daily position updates
  • Click-through stats on rankings
  • Competitor tracking

The $99/month PRO plan provides rank tracking capabilities essential for bloggers.


For bloggers on a tight budget, SERPwoo offers a forever free plan covering all the basics:

  • Google ranking tracking
  • Position change alerts
  • Competitor tracking
  • Some keyword research functionality

The free forever plan allows 25 Google rank checks. Paid plans start at $15/month for 1,500 checks.

3. Site Audit Tools

It‘s impossible to optimize issues hindering your site speed or on-page SEO if you don‘t know they exist. Site audit software crawls your blog to identify areas for improvement.

I recommend these programs for bloggers:

SEMrush Site Audit

Yes, SEMrush offers robust site auditing capabilities in addition to keyword and rank tracking.

It scans your entire blog against 100+ checklist items across site speed, accessibility, SEO, security and more. You can even drill down into individual posts for targeted SEO analysis.

Google Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a free Chrome browser extension that evaluates webpage performance. Test any of your live posts to gauge:

  • Page speed
  • Accessibility
  • SEO elements
  • Best practices

Quickly diagnose why pages may not be converting well and what needs fixing. Every blogger should have Lighthouse installed for on-the-fly site audits.

4. Link Building Tools

The more backlinks you have from external high-authority websites, the better your blog‘s search rankings and domain authority. Link building should be an ongoing focus area.

These programs help streamline outreach and identify link opportunities:


BuzzStream is the premier blogger outreach platform. After researching link prospects, use customized templates to efficiently reach out at scale.

With just a few clicks you can:

  • Identify powerful sites to pitch guest posts to
  • Personalize cold emails
  • Track opens, replies, and conversions
  • Schedule follow-ups automatically

Pricing starts at $49/month for individuals and small teams.

Ahrefs Site Explorer

In addition to revealing competitor links, Ahrefs Site Explorer identifies broken backlinks you can swoop in and claim for your own site. Sort by authority to prioritize high domain rating sites.

This tactic works extremely well when revamping old posts. Redirect lost backlinks to similar new content.

Tips for Selecting the Best SEO Tools

Choosing the right SEO software for your needs and budget can be tricky. Keep these tips in mind:

Consider All-in-One Tools
If budget allows, all-in-one platforms like SEMrush and Ahrefs provide the best bang for buck with robust capabilities spanning multiple categories.

Mix Free and Paid
Supplement paid tools with free options like Google‘s suite (Search Console, Keyword Planner, Lighthouse etc) to maximize value.

Prioritize Core Categories
Focus budget on the most critical categories first – keyword research, rank tracking, site auditing. Then layer on link building.

Scale Up Over Time
Start with bare essential free tools, then upgrade to paid as your blog and expertise grows. Many offer free trials to test.


Investing in the right SEO software pays dividends in the form of increased organic traffic and new readers.

Focus on core tools for keyword research, rank tracking, site auditing and link building activities based on your current needs and budget. Over time fine tune and build on your SEO toolkit as your blogging business scales.

Now get out there, implement the right SEO tactics for your website, and start climbing those search rankings!