The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Stock Photo Websites (2022)

Visuals make a vital impact. Compelling, relevant images invite visitors to engage more deeply with your content while reinforcing messaging. Yet finding the right stock photography easily gets overwhelming.

As an SEO and web design professional consulting agencies and brands for over 15 years, I‘ve tested my share of stock media libraries. In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn:

  • Key factors in choosing stock photo sites
  • How the top libraries compare on image quality, variety, licenses and more
  • Use case recommendations based on budget, volume needs and licensing risks
  • Best practices for seamlessly integrating stock images in your content

Let‘s dive in to help you efficiently locate the perfect platform providing affordable, diverse and legally sound stock photos.

Stock Photo Site Landscape and Growth

While stock photos serve supplementary roles, demand continues growing as more content publishes across websites, social media and advertising.

In 2021 alone, the stock photo industry generated over $4 billion in revenue according to a Persistence Market Research forecast. What’s driving this growth?

  • Content marketing adoption: Sixty-two percent of marketers say visual assets are core to communicating their brand story according to Social Media Today. Infusing great images through articles, social updates, and beyond is pivotal.

  • Visual-first platforms: Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Pinterest prioritize engaging imagery. Even Google displays thumbnail images beside search snippets. Stock photos help consistency.

  • Remote work acceleration: With over 65% of teams now hybrid or fully remote, convenient access to stock photos facilitates more impactful async and digital communications according to Buffer’s 2022 State of Remote Work report.

With visual content showing no signs of slowing down, where should creators, marketers and brands source this pivotal imagery? Evaluating stock photo site options starts with…

6 Key Factors in Choosing Stock Photo Websites

All stock libraries aren’t created equal. And your website or brand likely has unique needs in terms of budget, image styles and licensing requirements.

As you evaluate options, keep these six factors in mind:

Image Quality and Resolution

Low quality or heavily compressed images prone to pixelation damage credibility and trust. Seek out sites offering very high resolution photographs ideally displaying natural expressions.

Photo Variety and Volume

Greater volume and diversity limit that “generic stock photo” feel. Some sites feature over 200+ million media items spanning styles, motions and global demographics.

Realistic Pricing

Costs vary substantially from $80 premium photos to sites like Unsplash offering entirely free-to-use visuals. Consider one-time purchases, monthly subscriptions or mixed plans in providing optimal value.

Licensing Terms and Legal Safety

Understand exact usage rights, attribution needs, derivatives policies, indemnifications and more before assuming any photo usage is cleared. Rely on sites providing licensing terms transparently.

Search and Filtering Capabilities

All the photos in the world matter little if you can’t find the one you want quickly. Prioritize libraries with tagging, visual search and filtering by color, orientation etc.

Creative Workflow Integration

Sites playing nicely with tools you already use daily drive major time savings. Seek out stock platforms providing plugins to import media directly into web builders, Photoshop, Google Docs and more.

When comparing your stock photo options, weigh how competing services stack up across these table stakes features plus any niche requirements unique to your website or brand needs.

Next let‘s explore how some of the top stock photo site contenders compare.

Stock Photo Site Comparison Tables

To simplify your research across leading photography libraries, I‘ve assembled key details within comparison tables:

Stock Photo Site Pricing Comparison

Site Starting Pricing Licensing Approach Ideal For
Envato Elements $16.50/month Standard license included Agencies or creatives needing unlimited legal assets
Shutterstock $29/month for 10 images Ala carte subscriptions or packs Larger organizations or bulk needs
Adobe Stock $29.99/month for 10 assets Credits expire annually Adobe ecosystem users
Getty Images $499 per photo Rights-managed or royalty-free Brands favoring prestige imagery
iStock $4 per photo Subscriptions or packs Occasional needs on a budget
Pexels Free Creative Commons Zero Anyone on a $0 budget

This view compares the pricing and licensing models across some of the most well-known premium and free stock photography site options. From individual downloads to unlimited subscriptions, you can align costs to needs.

Key Stock Photography Site Features

Site Photo Count Resolution New Uploads Main Site Perks Editorial Range
Shutterstock 400 million+ High-res ~250,000 daily Complimentary skills courses Current events, archival entertainment
Adobe Stock 230 million+ High-res Regular batches Native Adobe app integration Contemporary selection
Getty Images Over 200 million Ultra hi-res Regular batches Extensive filtering and data Archival + modern
iStock 115 Million+ High-res Regular batches Affordable entry point Mainly contemporary
Pexels 100 million+ Hi-res Weekly 100% free membership Modern selection

This view compares key characteristics of some of the top stock photo site options including collection volume, image quality, refresh rates along with standout site features.

Let‘s explore the core strengths and weaknesses of both premium stock photo offerings versus free alternatives.

Premium Stock Photos: Pros and Cons

Sites like Shutterstock, Getty Images and Adobe Stock provide exceptional quality, volume and peace of mind yet solution costs can constrain budgets.


  • Meeting contemporary visual needs at scale (volume and diversity)
  • Peace of mind from strict vetting, licensing and indemnifications
  • Tight brand style guide and theme alignment options
  • Archival/editorial range for campaign versatility


  • Premium monthly or per-image pricing adding up over time
  • Possible over-licensing capabilities relative to needs
  • Lesser-known sites have smaller market share

Best for: Higher risk campaigns, regulated industries, large organizations with budget

Free Stock Photos: Pros and Cons

Alternatively, sites like Pexels and Unsplash deliver free, unique imagery albeit with possible licensing gaps and inconsistent selections.


  • Literally free to access, share and use commercially
  • Lesser-used images help avoid the "generic" effect
  • Option for more authentic vs. staged models
  • Great for cost-conscious creators


  • Gaps with model releases or unclear attribution needs
  • Questionable legal defense and indemnification
  • Variable volume and image quality

Best for: Cost-conscious creators, personal branding, experimental projects

Ultimately both paid stock subscription sites and free alternatives can provide value depending on the use case. Next let‘s explore recommendations by specific common needs.

Best Stock Photo Sites: Recommendations by Use Case

With core comparisons in mind, what stock photo type makes sense for your website, content or ad campaign? Here are top picks tailored to common needs:

For platform consistency: Adobe Stock

Already using Photoshop or browsing templates in Adobe XD? Adobe Stock lets you skip sidebar tabs and access photos or vectors with Creative Cloud searches. This drives major time savings for creatives immersed in the Adobe ecosystem.

For social media engagement: Shutterstock

If your brand manages multiple social media channels, Shutterstock helps consistency with on-brand content packs across verticals. Complimentary skills courses also provide social best practices.

For maximum budgets: Pexels

If paid subscriptions simply aren‘t viable, Pexels provides 100% free stock photos and videos with new content added weekly. Just be wary of variable attribution needs by photographer.

For sales enablement: Getty Images

For branding conveying market leadership, prestige or trust for B2B deals, Getty Images extensive contemporary and archival selection fits needs. Rights-managed licensing also provides exclusivity options by request.

For occasional designers: iStock

For one-off design or website projects without recurring volume stock photo needs, iStock single-download pricing from just $4 per photo or vector makes it easy to license on demand.

These are just a few common scenarios. Weigh your specific audience, campaign styles, legal sensitivities, target mediums and budget against the stock photo site comparison tables above to match the best solution.

6 Tips for Legally Using Stock Photos

Fantastic! You‘ve found the perfect stock image platform matching needs and budget. Yet simply finding and downloading visuals only fulfills step one. Legally clearing photographs for usage across mediums involves a bit more care.

Follow these best practices for seamlessly integrating stock photos across websites, ads and beyond while minimizing licensing risks:

1. Review license details carefully

Confirm precise allowances for file usage, derivatives, exclusivity, attribution and more. If terms remain unclear, request clarification from providers directly.

2. Retain licenses and document details

Downloading an image likely separates any license agreement visually. Retain licenses and log any restrictions for future reference should asset approvals or reworking arise.

3. Credit appropriately

Even free photo platforms often require photographer or collection credits visibly on reproductions. Display attributions clearly without obscuring or cropping out.

4. Store local backups

Linking hosted images risks the source platform removing content later without notice. Maintain local copies allowing re-posting should availability cease externally.

5. Adapt thoughtfully

While adjustments like cropping or resizing are often permitted, heavily altering photo contents risks violating licenses around derivatives. Make only permitted changes.

6. Use as approved

Finally, stick to media usage terms as outlined. Things like printed merchandise, digital redistribution rights and exclusivity clauses can vary substantially across images.

While stock photos facilitate easier visual content creation, take time to confirm precise usage allowances to minimize any potential licensing issues down the road.

Wrapping Up

Visually compelling stock photography makes content stand out while strengthening messaging and engagement. Yet between pricing, licensing and sheer options – identifying the right stock media platform proves challenging.

Hopefully this guide provided clarity leading creators, agencies and brands to the ideal stock photo site meeting budget needs while legally clearing a variety of stunning customizable images for attaching consistently across content and campaigns.

When weighing options, factor key considerations like:

  • Image quality, diversity and volume
  • Realistic pricing and licensing models
  • Complimentary libary integrations
  • Use case fit from social media enhancement to prestige branding

Finding the perfect photography library comes down to strategic priorities. So take time to evaluate unique needs, campaign goals and constraints to confidently leverage great stock visuals in leveling up audience experiences.

Have any other questions on strategically using stock photos within your website or content? Feel free to reach out!