The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research for SEO Bloggers

As an SEO blogger, conducting comprehensive keyword research is the most critical ingredient driving your success.

Choosing high-potential keywords to target allows you to:

  • Create content matched to reader intent and questions (73% of searches are question-based)
  • Rank higher on relevant searches through optimization (top 5 results get 75% of traffic)
  • Attract engaged visitors more likely to convert or revisit

Simply put, strategically researching and targeting keywords with optimal search volume and difficulty can directly grow your site‘s SEO traffic exponentially.

This definitive guide equips you with everything needed for expert-level keyword research tailored to meet SEO blogging objectives.

Let‘s begin with why keyword research is key for SEO bloggers before exploring the best specialty tools available to uncover keyword gold.

Why Keywords Matter Specifically for SEO Bloggers

High-quality writing and content creation make up the lifeblood of any SEO blogging strategy. As such, keywords serve as the compass guiding what topics you need to be writing about for rankings and visibility.

But beyond generally driving ideas and search traffic, optimal keyword selection powers SEO blogging success in 3 key ways:

1. Informs the Right Topics to Cover

Rather than guessing at themes and questions to cover in blog posts, keyword tools reveal exactly what searchers are asking around your niche. This ensures your ideas directly align to user intent.

Writing blog content that targets keyword phrases surging in search volume and interest ensures maximum traffic potential from rankings.

2. Provides Content Gap Opportunities

One key SEO blogging tactic is discovering content gaps – valuable keyword targets where ranking content is poor or non-existent. Keyword tools make uncovering these opportunities effortless.

Optimizing new posts around open long-tail niches matching search intent allows you to scoop up traffic competitors miss.

3. Drives Links with Targeted Guest Posts

Aside from your own site‘s content, guest posting on external, reputable sites remains a top SEO objective.

Keyword research uncovers sites and pages needing your niche expertise. Pitching targeted guest posts with aligned keywords helps earn high-quality backlinks.

Now that you know why keyword selection carries major upside for SEO bloggers, let‘s explore your toolset for excelling at keyword research…

12 Best Keyword Research Tools for SEO Bloggers

I‘ve compiled the top keyword research software for SEO bloggers based on:

  • Keyword criteria – Inventory and search metrics around blog-friendly long-tail phrases

  • SEO relevance – Ranking analysis abilities and metrics gauging optimization viability

  • Functionality – Features centered on content research, idea generation and topic clustering

The tools are split between four free and eight paid options below:

While the free tools offer an adequate starting point, I highly recommend investing in one of the paid platforms above to truly maximize benefits.

Next I‘ll overview the capabilities, pros and cons of each tool specifically considering the SEO blogging use case.

Best Free Keyword Tools for SEO Bloggers

Let‘s explore free keyword resources useful for bloggers:

1. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest makes brainstorming content ideas lightning fast with its extensive keyword generator:

ubersuggest displays keyword ideas and search volume

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Broad topic cluster and long tail ideas
  • Helpful SEO metrics like keyword difficulty
  • Easy discovery of related questions


  • No competitor or gap analysis
  • Exports only 25 lines per file

If you‘re seeking high volumes of long tail variations on a core keyword theme, Ubersuggest delivers. The SEMrush integration also provides quick difficulty scores for idea validation.

2. Answer the Public

Looking at search autocomplete can spark smart content angles matching user questions:

Answer the public shows keyword questions data

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Reveals gaps around question keywords
  • Filters help find blog post themes
  • Exports easily for analysis


  • No search volume estimates
  • Results tend to require refining

While light on metrics, Answer the Public efficiently gives question-based ideas. Filter categories to find fits for your SEO blog.

3. Keyword Sh**ter

The name says it all – this tool churns out endless long tail keyword variations:

KeywordSh*tter displays long tail keyword ideas

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Massively expands on core topic seeds
  • Specialized for long keyphrases
  • Low cost for individuals


  • No competitor or gap analysis
  • Very simple reporting

Keyword Sh**ter should be a go-to for pushing long tail SEO keyword ideas to their reasonable limits.

4. Soovle Keyword Tool

Soovle provides a well-rounded free keyword research starting point:

Soovle shows keyword volume and trend data

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Capable basic feature set
  • Helpful keyword trends view
  • Topics cluster tool for ideas


  • No competitor analysis
  • Limited advanced functions

As a lesser-known free suite, Soovle delivers on core keyword research foundations like search volume estimates and historical trends.

While these free tools work for initial ideas, investing in a paid platform unlocks the full power SEO bloggers need for executable keyword strategies.

Best Paid Tools for Keyword Research

Here are paid keyword research software with more advanced capabilities for serious SEO bloggers:

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs sits atop the industry for unparalleled keyword data and analysis.

It reveals high-potential SEO targets with helpful content gap identification:

Ahrefs shows great optimization opportunities for target keywords

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Robust organic difficulty metrics
  • Optimization scoring for smart SEO
  • Semantically related keywords


  • High cost of $999+/year
  • Steeper learning curve

If budget allows, Ahrefs brings immense SEO keyword intelligence to shape high-impact blog strategies.

6. SEMrush

The long tail keyword performance tracking in SEMrush spots trending opportunities:

SEMrush displays search volume trends over time for a keyword

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Historically models search volume
  • Clickstream reveals rising keywords
  • Budget-friendly pricing


  • Less innovation than Ahrefs
  • More limited filtering options

For a reasonably-priced alternative, SEMrush empowers SEO bloggers through historical volume patterns and emerging keyword tracking.

7. Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz surfaces SEO keywords needing your specific domain experience:

Moz shows optimization opportunities for a keyword domain

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Keywords by opportunity score
  • Useful for Guest Post outreach
  • Trusted data source


  • Less real-time tracking than Ahrefs/SEMrush
  • Requires Moz‘s Open Site Explorer

If you use Moz already, its keyword tools integrate seamlessly to locate strategic domains and backlink targets.

8. Keyworddit

Combining ideas generation and opportunity identification, Keyworddit funnels helpful keyword Blog buckets:

Keyworddit reveals optimization opportunities divided into categories

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Blog keyword bucket built-in
  • Workflow management aid
  • Cheaper pricing tiers


  • Smaller crawler database
  • Lesser known tool

Keyworddit brings unique workflow features to strategically funnel keywords into blog content and outreach categories.

9. UberSuggest

UberSuggest integrates SEMrush metrics for expanded capabilities:

Ubersuggest displays keyword ideas along with SEMrush metrics

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Huge keyword idea generator
  • SEMrush difficulty scores
  • Google Trends Interest


  • No opportunity scoring
  • Exports still limited

Together with SEMrush, UberSuggest provides high value keyword discovery and fast validation for SEO bloggers.

10. AnswerThePublic Pro

The paid Pro plan unlocks enhanced capabilities:

AnswerThePublic shows keyword volumes, questions, and related themes

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Advanced question mining
  • Related themes and site results
  • Low monthly cost


  • Still no opportunity scoring
  • Lesser known platform

For long tail question harvesting, AnswerThePublic Pro pulls valuable keyword insights at an affordable price point.


This streamlined keyword generator adds value metrics to ideas: shows keyword ideas with search volume and CPC data

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Affordable pro plans
  • Keyword difficulty gauges
  • Google suggest keyword uncovering


  • No opportunity analysis
  • Limited tracking metrics provides fast keyword discovery affordably. Difficulty filtering helps quickly validate ideas for SEO blogs.

12. Soovle Keyword Planner

The paid premium upgrades deliver helpful reporting:

Soovle shows keyword volumes, trends, categorization and other data

Pros for SEO Bloggers:

  • Advanced keyword tracking
  • Custom reporting exports
  • Reasonably priced tiers


  • No optimization scoring
  • Lesser known tool

Soovle‘s premium plans unlock more powerful analytics, tracking features and custom reporting for serious SEO bloggers.

Key Evaluation Criteria for Keyword Tools

All SEO bloggers have unique research needs and budgets. Refer to this comparison chart when evaluating paid keyword tools:

Combining a free discovery option with 1-2 paid research platforms tailored to your search volume patterns, metrics needs and budget works best.

Now let‘s talk expert strategy…

How SEO Bloggers Should Use Keyword Tools in Their Workflow

With keyword software overviewed, I want to provide tactical processes for seamlessly integrating keyword research into your SEO blogging efforts.

Follow this 5 step workflow to extract maximum value:

Step 1: Uncover New Keyword Ideas

  • Start with a target primary keyword
  • Use free and paid tools to expand into questions, long tails and related keywords

Step 2: Track Search Volume Patterns

  • Record current monthly searches for keywords
  • Study historical trends to spot rising stars

Step 3: Gauge Keyword Optimization Viability

  • Assess keyword difficulty scores for ranking potential
  • Identify low competition long tail gaps your domain can target

Step 4: Map Keywords to Content

  • Categorize keywords into core blog post themes and clusters
  • Prioritize keyword targets by potential traffic value

Step 5: Set Keyword Targets

  • Establish target keyword mix – primary, secondary, long tail etc
  • Set targets for each blog post, campaign or other objectives

Consistently following this workflow maximizes your odds of discovering high-converting SEO keywords that drive qualified traffic.

Now let‘s answer some common blogger questions around getting the most from keyword tools.

FAQs – Getting the Most from Keyword Tools as a Blogger

Still have some lingering questions on research software for SEO blogging objectives? I‘ll tackle top keyword tool FAQs from bloggers here.

Should I Use Free or Paid Keyword Tools?

My recommendation – start research with free tools to generate ideas and get baseline metrics.

But to take things to the expert level, invest in 1-2 paid platforms for enhanced capabilities like:

  • Opportunity analysis – valuable keywords with low competition ripe for targeting
  • Historical search volume patterns – understand seasonality and trends
  • Customized reporting – tailored exports, API access and saved projects to track keywords

The premium features ultimately provide SEO bloggers data needed to optimize research and execute high-ROI keyword strategies.

What is The Right Budget for Paid Tools?

SEO bloggers can unlock immense capabilities without overspending. I suggest between $50-200 monthly depending on your current revenue and ability to capitalize on keyword insights.

SEMrush Pro costs ~$100/month offering strong budget value. Mid-range platforms like Soovle (~$70/month) also give bloggers robust features more affordably.

Evaluate options to match capabilities and budget for your growth stage. Many offer free trials to experience value before subscribing.

How Many Monthly Searches Makes a Good Keyword?

For SEO blogs, it often comes down to finding the right balance between targeting primary head terms driving volume vs secondary long tail phrases easier to rank for.

Here are keyword monthly search volume tiers I suggest going after:

  • Primary Keywords – 500-5,000 searches
  • Secondary Keywords – 100-2,000 searches
  • Long tail Keywords – 20-500 searches

Mix keyword targets strategically across these tiers when mapping to blog content for optimal blended returns.

How Often Should I Research Keyword for My Blog?

I suggest comprehensive keyword research sessions every 2-3 months to keep pace with trends and seasonality shifts.

Additionally, perform light trend validations on your primary targets more regularly (~monthly).

Ongoing research ensures you capitalize on rising stars while phasing out dying keywords over time.

How Many Target Keywords Per Blog Post?

To maximize SEO value and relevancy, I aim for this keyword mix per average 500-1,000 word blog post:

  • Primary Target: 1-2 keywords
  • Secondary Targets: 1-3 keywords
  • Long Tail Targets: 2-4 keywords

Customize across posts based on overall content themes and keyword asset mapping of course.

Transform Your SEO Blogging Through Keyword Mastery

Success with organic growth comes down to a strategic command of your keyword opportunities.

Now you have the tools and tactical processes to fully own keyword research specialized for SEO blogging results.

The time is now to turn these untapped keyword insights into thriving, high-traffic blog content assets.

Let me know if you have any other questions as you master these publisher keyword superpowers!