The 9 Best Content Optimization Tools for 2023

Content is the lifeblood of most websites today. But creating high-quality, engaging content that also ranks well in search engines is easier said than done. This is where content optimization tools come in.

I‘ve analyzed the top content optimization platforms on the market to help you find the right software for your needs. Based on in-depth research and testing, here are the 9 best tools for optimizing website content in 2023:

What is Content Optimization?

Before reviewing the top content optimization tools, let‘s quickly cover what content optimization entails.

In a nutshell, content optimization is the process of creating or refining content to:

  • Align with searcher intent and interests
  • Target relevant topics and keywords
  • Adhere to best practices for on-page SEO
  • Craft compelling, high-quality content

The goal is to publish content that meets the needs of both users and search engines. Optimized content ranks higher in SERPs and converts visitors into customers more effectively.

Content optimization software provides research, recommendations and analytics to streamline and enhance this process. From initial topic ideation to final edits, these tools offer invaluable guidance at every stage.

Now let‘s review the top content optimization platforms on the market this year.

1. Frase – Best Overall Solution

Out of all the content tools tested, I found Frase to be the most well-rounded and user-friendly option.

The key highlights include:

  • All-in-one content editor: Frase centralizes content creation, optimization and AI within a single intuitive interface.
  • Powerful keyword research: Get keyword ideas and detailed analysis like search volume, CPC and more.
  • AI content generation: Use generative AI to instantly create draft titles, intros, bullet points and more.
  • Custom optimization tools: Build your own custom tools tailored to your needs using Frase‘s AI.
  • Expert content analysis: Get detailed recommendations to optimize on-page SEO, readability, length and more.

For do-it-yourself website owners or content teams alike, Frase makes every step of the content process easier.

You can try Frase free for 5 days. Paid plans start at $14.99/month.

→ Get Started With Frase

2. Scalenut – Excellent for AI-Powered Content

Scalenut stands out for its stellar AI content generation capabilities.

With Scalenut, you can:

  • Create SEO-optimized drafts in seconds using the AI Article Writer.
  • Analyze competitors to find content gaps and opportunities.
  • Configure automated workflows to continually produce fresh, optimized content at scale.
  • Enhance existing content with targeted keyword and SEO recommendations.

Scalenut is ideal for larger sites looking to scale content production with AI.

Pricing starts at $39/month. Get started free with a 7 day trial.

→ Start Your Free Scalenut Trial

3. Clearscope – Top Choice for Readability Optimization

While many tools focus heavily on SEO metrics, Clearscope places extra emphasis on optimizing content for maximum readability and engagement.

Use Clearscope to:

  • Check grammar, spelling and style as you write.
  • Simplify complex sentences and phrases for improved readability.
  • Highlight passive voice and verbose text to tighten up content.
  • Suggest improvements for stronger word choice and clarity.

For publishing readable, compelling content at scale, Clearscope is a great choice.

Clearscope starts at $170/month. Schedule a custom demo to learn more.

→ See a Clearscope Demo

4. MarketMuse – Top for Competitive Content Analysis

One of the standout features of MarketMuse is its unparalleled competitive analysis.

You can leverage Market Muse‘s data to:

  • Benchmark your site against competitors.
  • Identify gaps in coverage for target keywords.
  • See where competitors rank for terms you could potentially target.
  • Detect emerging opportunities as new searches and content develop.

For those playing catch-up or looking to outpace competitors with smarter content, MarketMuse delivers powerful insights.

There‘s a free version available. Paid plans start at $149/month.

→ Sign Up for MarketMuse Free

5. Surfer SEO – Best for On-Page Optimization

While many tools simply suggest keywords to target, Surfer SEO takes optimization several steps further.

You can leverage Surfer to:

  • Insert keywords seamlessly within your content for natural optimization.
  • Rearrange content and headlines for maximum impact.
  • Enhance page speed and technical SEO for better crawlability.
  • Review the complete on-page checklist to identify optimization opportunities.

For start-to-finish on-page optimization without switching tools, Surfer SEO is a great solution.

Pricing starts at $99/month. Take Surfer for a free 7-day test drive.

→ Get Started With Surfer SEO Free

6. Outranking – Top Choice for SEO Content Briefs

The standout capability of Outranking is creating comprehensive SEO content briefs to inform writers.

Outranking analyzes competitors, searches and more to:

  • Suggest content topics and angles with the highest potential.
  • Provide questions and concepts that align with searcher intent.
  • Deliver SEO guidance and best practices tailored to each piece.
  • Supply outlines, structures and templates to streamline writing.

For content teams, Outranking is invaluable for briefing and guiding writers.

Paid plans start at $49/month after a special $7 first month offer.

→ Start Optimizing With Outranking

7. Frase – Top Newcomer

As a relative newcomer, Frase has quickly become a formidable contender through constant innovation.

Key advantages of Frase include:

  • All-in-one optimization environment with tools for every content need.
  • Continual updates and improvements based on user feedback.
  • Generous free trial to thoroughly test capabilities.
  • Intuitive interface and workflows perfect for beginners.

For an affordable but rapidly advancing solution, Frase hits the sweet spot.

Try Frase free for 5 days. Paid plans start at just $14.99/month.

→ Get Started With Frase Free

8. UberSuggest – Best Free Keyword Tool

For free keyword research, UberSuggest is a top choice. With UberSuggest you can:

  • Discover high-potential keyword variations for core terms.
  • See detailed metrics like monthly searches and CPC data.
  • Identify questions and long-tail keywords aligned with searcher intent.
  • Find low competition keywords that are easier to rank for.

If budget is a concern but you still need rock-solid keyword data, UberSuggest delivers immense value at no cost.

→ Dive Into Keyword Research With UberSuggest

9. Answer The Public – Best Free Content Idea Generator

Lastly, Answer The Public is my top pick for free content inspiration.

You can leverage Answer The Public to:

  • See the actual questions real people are asking online about your topics.
  • Get content ideas and angles that align with searcher intent.
  • Find gaps in coverage around questions with little/no existing content.
  • Brainstorm related subtopics and concepts worth covering.

For unlimited access to real searcher questions at no cost, Answer The Public is invaluable.

→ Uncover Content Ideas With Answer The Public

Key Factors for Choosing Content Optimization Software

With so many options for content optimization tools, selecting the right platform can feel overwhelming. Here are the most important factors to consider:

Your Current Process Gaps

First, analyze where you currently struggle most with content creation and optimization. Do you lack ideas for what to write? Have difficulty researching keywords and topics? Struggle to structure or format content for strong on-page SEO? Outlining your biggest pain points will help determine which tool capabilities are non-negotiable.

Available Time for Manual Tasks

Certain tools require heavy manual input for research and analysis, while others automate more recommendations using AI and analytics. If time is scarce, seek out the solutions providing greater automation, workflows and generation capabilities.

Teams Involved in Content Efforts

Consider which teams are involved in content production – writers, strategists, SEO experts, and what components they handle. Certain tools specialize more in briefing content teams vs optimizing single-author workflows. Identify where AI guidance or human automation will be most useful.

Content Volume and Frequency Goals

Take into account proposed volume and cadence for content output. If aiming to produce high quantities of content regularly over time, you‘ll likely require automation for scalability. If creating more sporadic, one-off pieces, manual optimization tools often suffice.

Available Budget

Pricing can vary widely depending on the depth of analysis, automation and integrations offered by each platform. Free or freemium tools provide solid basics, while paid tools unlock more advanced capabilities. Set realistic budget expectations before comparisons.

When selecting a content optimization tool, consider which capabilities will address your greatest friction points within existing content workflows, resources and strategic goals.

The right software investment pays compounding dividends over the long-run through greater organic visibility, lower acquisition costs and increased brand authority. But without focus and discipline to continually apply capabilities, even the most powerful tools fail to pull their weight.

Commit to the habit of optimization and let software accelerate the heavy lifting from there.

Conclusion – Streamline Content Optimization With Software

In today‘s competitive landscape, creating technically SEO-optimized and compelling website content is no longer optional – it‘s imperative for relevance and survival.

Sophisticated content optimization software has never been more accessible and essential for supercharging these efforts. Configured properly and used consistently, these tools enable teams large and small to:

  • Research high-potential topics more efficiently
  • Produce strategic, optimized content briefs and frameworks
  • Simplify and enhance on-page optimization flows
  • Generate initial drafts using AI
  • And promote overall best practices

The platforms showcased above represent the top solutions available based on critical evaluation and real-world testing. Each fills certain gaps that typically bog down the human-led content process unaided. Some centralize multiple components while others specialize more narrowly.

But across the board, advanced software lends the speed, insights and capacity that determine whether you sink or swim in today‘s algorithmic seas.

Wishing you best of luck with your content optimization efforts ahead! Please share any questions in the comments below.