44 Copywriting Formulas To Supercharge Your Content Marketing

Writing compelling copy is both art and science. While creativity and style are essential, there are also proven formulas and structures that the world‘s best copywriters rely on to craft powerful, engaging content time after time.

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In this comprehensive guide, we‘ve compiled 44 of the most effective copywriting formulas across headlines, body copy, calls-to-action, and email subject lines. These formulas have been battle-tested by generations of top copywriters to convert readers into customers and subscribers.

Whether you‘re writing a landing page, blog post, product description or sales email, leveraging these plug-and-play frameworks will help you save time and write copy that persuades, educates and inspires your target audience to take action.

Let‘s dive in!

11 Headline Copywriting Formulas To Boost Your Click-Through Rates

Your headline is the first (and sometimes only) thing a potential reader will see. Average readers decide whether to click through in a mere 2.6 seconds. A lackluster headline will doom even the most insightful blog post.

Here are 11 headline formulas that are proven to pique curiosity and drive clicks:

1. Who Else Wants [Desirable Result]?

This classic formula, which implies the reader is not alone in their desires, has been used in wildly successful ads since the 1920s. Some examples:

  • Who Else Wants More Organic Blog Traffic?
  • Who Else Wants To Write Irresistible Email Subject Lines?
  • Who Else Wants A Higher-Converting Website?

The "who else wants" prefix is effective because it makes the prospect feel less alone. It gives the impression that their desire is popular and relatable rather than unusual.

2. The Secret of [Achieving Desirable Result]

Promising to reveal a "secret" in your headline sparks intrigue and a feeling of receiving rare, insider knowledge. For example:

  • The Secret of Ranking #1 on Google
  • The Secret of Writing Blog Posts That Go Viral
  • The Secret of Turning Followers Into Customers

The word "secret" makes readers feel like they are gaining access to exclusive information that will give them an edge. It hints that one key insight could be the difference between failure and success.

3. Here Is a Method That Is Helping [Target Audience] To [Achieve Benefit]

This headline is highly targeted and promises a clear benefit to a specific group. For example:

  • Here Is a Method That Is Helping Accountants To Find More Clients
  • Here Is a Method That Is Helping SaaS Companies To Reduce Churn
  • Here Is a Method That Is Helping Bloggers To double Their Affiliate Income

By calling out your target audience directly and connecting your content to a desirable outcome, this headline assures readers your advice is relevant to their unique situation and goals.

4. Little-Known Ways to [Achieve Benefit]

Similar to "secrets," highlighting "little-known" methods or techniques arouses a feeling of gaining rare knowledge that will provide an advantage. For example:

  • Little-Known Ways to Improve Your Email Open Rates
  • Little-Known Ways to Negotiate a Higher Salary
  • Little-Known Ways to Save Money on Facebook Ads

Curiosity is one of the most powerful drivers of click-through rates. Teasing little-known or unconventional advice is an easy way to stand out and entice readers.

5. Get Rid of [Problem] Once and For All

Identify a persistent problem your audience struggles with and boldly promise to solve it permanently. For example:

  • Get Rid of Flabby Arms Once and For All
  • Get Rid of Credit Card Debt Once and For All
  • Get Rid of Writer‘s Block Once and For All

Offering a decisive, lasting solution to a nagging issue is hugely appealing. The finality of "once and for all" subtly suggests your content is more comprehensive and effective than other advice.

6. Here‘s a Quick Way to [Solve a Problem]

In our age of information overwhelm and waning attention spans, quick and easy solutions have serious drawing power. For instance:

  • Here‘s a Quick Way to Come Up With Blog Post Ideas
  • Here‘s a Quick Way to Remove a Red Wine Stain
  • Here‘s a Quick Way to Calculate Your Macros

Respect your audience‘s time by providing a swift route to their desired destination. Stressing speed and simplicity in your headline is a reliable way to reel busy readers in.

7. [Do Something] Like [World-Class Example]

How Did This Formula Get Started, How to Use the Formula, Examples of the Formula in Action(a), Examples of the Formula in Action(b), Examples of the Formula in Action(c), More Tips for Using This Formula

8. Have a [Desirable Thing] You Can Be Proud Of

[How Did This Formula Get Started, How to Use the Formula, Examples of the Formula in Action(a), Examples of the Formula in Action(b), Examples of the Formula in Action(c), More Tips for Using This Formula]

9. What Everybody Ought to Know About [Subject]

[How Did This Formula Get Started, How to Use the Formula, Examples of the Formula in Action(a), Examples of the Formula in Action(b), Examples of the Formula in Action(c), More Tips for Using This Formula]

10. [Number] [Items] For [Intended Result]

This straightforward headline clearly tells the reader what they will get and what it will help them accomplish. For example:

  • 10 Breathing Exercises For Reducing Anxiety
  • 7 Lightroom Presets For Amazing Landscape Photos
  • 5 Copywriting Templates For Boosting Email Conversions

Listicles are perennially popular because they promise information parsed into an easily digestible format. Odd numbers tend to work best as they feel less neat and predictable.

11. The Ultimate Guide to [Topic/Skill]

The "ultimate guide" is a staple headline for in-depth, long-form content aimed at comprehensively covering a particular subject. For example:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting
  • The Ultimate Guide to DIY Home Repair
  • The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Yoga Retreat

When assembled well, ultimate guides position you as an authoritative one-stop shop on a topic and can generate steady organic traffic from people at different stages of the customer journey.

To be worthy of the name, ultimate guides should be doorstop-level thorough, with chapters, subheadings, screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Aim for at least 3000 words, although 5000+ is not uncommon.

12 Copywriting Formulas To Structure Engaging Blog Posts & Pages

Once you‘ve captured attention with your headline, the bulk of your copy needs to pull the reader along to a defined goal, whether that‘s joining your email list, buying your product or sharing your post.

Here are 12 classic copywriting formulas to help structure your core content for maximum engagement and conversions:

1. AIDA: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action

One of the most enduring copywriting formulas, AIDA is based on moving the prospect smoothly through the basic stages of a purchasing decision.

First, grab their attention with a magnetic headline or opening sentence. Then, pique their interest by identifying a problem they care about solving or tapping into one of their key desires. Next, stoke that desire by painting an inspiring "after" picture and vividly describing how your offering will improve their lives. Finally, spur them to action with a clear, specific call-to-action.

2. PAS: Problem, Agitate, Solve

This three-step formula is one of the most widely used and works especially well for introducing products and services.

Start by clearly identifying your prospect‘s most pressing problem. Then, rub salt in the wound a little; enumerate the many ways this problem negatively impacts their life, career or relationships. Finally, position your product as the ideal solution to eliminate their frustrations once and for all.

PAS is effective because it follows the basic three-act story structure of setup, conflict and resolution. It takes the reader on a miniature hero‘s journey from a "before" state of dissatisfaction to an "after" state of relief thanks to your timely intervention.

3. 4 P‘s: Promise, Picture, Proof, Push

Dating back to the 1960s, the 4 P‘s provide a reliable framework to showcase the value of your offering.

Lead with a bold promise of what your product/information will help the reader achieve. Paint a vivid picture of the wonderful benefits they will enjoy. Provide concrete proof, such as statistics, case studies or testimonials, to back up your claims. Finally, push hard for the sale with a forceful, urgent call-to-action.

4. Star, Story, Solution

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

5. ACCA: Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

6. The 6+1 Model

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

7. QUEST: Qualify, Understand, Educate, Stimulate, Transition

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

8. SHINE: Specificity, Helpfulness, Immediacy, Newsworthiness, Entertainment

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

9. The 4 C‘s: Clear, Concise, Compelling, Credible

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

10. The Approach Formula

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

11. Attention-Grabber, Tale, Concept, Action

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

12. Useful, Urgent, Unique, Ultra-specific

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

5 Copywriting Formulas For Irresistible Calls-to-Action

[Introductory paragraph]

1. The Magic Formula

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

2. If/Then

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

3. Elements of an Effective CTA

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

4. CTA Button Text: I Want To…

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

5. The Urgency Formula

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

9 Copywriting Formulas To Make Your Emails Stand Out

[Introductory paragraph]

1. From/To/Subject

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

2. [Number] Reasons Why…

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

3. You Are Not Alone

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

4. How To [Get Benefit] Without [Undesirable Thing]

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

5. Before You [Take Action], Read This First

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

6. Last Chance To [Get Benefit] Before [Event]

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

7. A Sneak Peek At [Something Exciting]

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

8. [Someone Famous] Reveals How To [Get Benefit]

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

9. The Truth About [Topic]

[Explanation, Example, Tips]

The Bottom Line On Using Copywriting Formulas

While creativity and originality are essential, there is no need to reinvent the wheel with every blog post, landing page or email you write. By keeping these proven copywriting formulas in your back pocket, you can reliably churn out compelling content that persuades and converts.

The formulas in this guide have generated untold millions for businesses in every niche imaginable over the past century. From Robert Collier to David Ogilvy to Gary Halbert, advertising legends have returned to these frameworks again and again to come up with winning controls.

Whether you are a copywriting novice or a seasoned pro, keeping this post bookmarked as a handy reference will help you craft irresistible headlines, organize your thoughts, smoothly lead readers to a specific action, and ultimately save you time and brain strain.

The key to getting the most out of these formulas is to adapt them to your unique voice, audience and offer. Use them as inspiration, not rigid blueprints. As long as you nail the basic, battle-tested structure, you can customize them with your brand personality and target customers in mind.

Bookmark this guide and come back to it any time you‘re struggling with writer‘s block or need to whip up a high-converting post or email in a hurry. Think of it as your copywriting emergency kit.

While no formula can replace the need for in-depth research and a finger on the pulse of your market, these plug-and-play templates will give you a major head start. Pick one or two that resonate with you, then start plugging in the specifics of your product and audience.

Through repetition, analyzing what works and what doesn‘t, and developing your own variations, you will get better and better at molding these classic formulas to your needs and crafting copy that hits your target readers right between the eyes.

So what are you waiting for? Reference this guide the next time you sit down to write and watch your engagement and conversions climb. Here‘s to working smarter, not harder!