How To Create Engaging Quizzes That Supercharge Your Audience Growth

In the battle for your audience‘s attention, quizzes are the ultimate secret weapon. When crafted with skill and strategy, these interactive content powerhouses can skyrocket your engagement, lead generation, and audience insights.

In fact, research has found that the average quiz has a 31.6% lead capture rate – far higher than other types of content. Quizzes are also shared on average 1,900 times, making them a potent tool for growing your reach.

But not all quizzes are created equal. To harness the full potential of quizzes, you need to understand what makes them irresistible to audiences and how to optimize them for your specific marketing goals.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll walk you through everything you need to know to create quizzes that captivate your audience and drive real results. From choosing the right quiz type to designing share-worthy results pages to leveraging quiz data for growth, we‘ve got you covered.

Why Quizzes Are So Effective For Engaging Audiences

What is it about quizzes that make them so darn clickable? It boils down to psychology. Quizzes tap into deep-seated human drives and emotions in a way that other content can‘t always match.

Specifically, quizzes provide:


In an era of information overload, we all crave content that feels relevant and tailored to our unique interests. Quizzes scratch that itch by providing a personalized experience and outcome based on the user‘s responses.


Quizzes also appeal to our desire to understand ourselves better. Whether it‘s identifying our Myers-Briggs personality type or our spirit animal, we‘re endlessly fascinated by assessments that promise to reveal something new about who we are.

Social Currency

Sharing quiz results has become the modern equivalent of swapping personality test outcomes with friends. We love comparing and discussing what our quiz outcomes say about us – and, in the process, we spread awareness of the quiz and its creator far and wide.


In stressful, busy times, the simple act of taking a quiz can provide a much-needed moment of fun and relaxation. Quizzes allow us to briefly escape our everyday concerns and immerse ourselves in a playful, low-stakes interaction.

When you understand the deeper drivers behind why audiences love quizzes, you can craft quiz experiences that hit all the right notes. But it starts with choosing the type of quiz best suited for your goals and audience.

Choosing The Right Type of Quiz For Your Audience and Goals

The first step in creating a quiz that resonates with your audience is selecting the right quiz type. Different quiz formats lend themselves to different objectives and work best for certain audiences.

Here‘s a breakdown of the main quiz types and when to use them:

[Quiz Types Comparison Table] | Quiz Type | Main Objective | Best For | Example |
| Personality | Drive social shares, learn about audience | Fun, lifestyle, entertainment brands | "Which City Should You Actually Live In?" |
| Knowledge | Engage audience, establish authority | Educational, technical topics | "Can You Ace This Digital Marketing Quiz?" |
| Scored | Challenge audience, encourage competition | Passionate hobbyists, students | "How Well Do You Know Harry Potter? Take The Ultimate Fan Quiz" |
| Recommendation | Guide users to specific solution or product | Ecommerce, service-based businesses | "Find Your Perfect Pair of Leggings With This 60-Second Style Quiz" |
| Assessment | Gather data on audience needs and interests | Market research, lead qualification | "Discover Your Business‘s Biggest Growth Opportunity" |

Consider what you primarily want to achieve with your quiz, as well as what type of quiz your specific audience would find most engaging. When in doubt, look to your quiz topic for guidance: Entertaining, pop-culture focused topics work well as personality quizzes, while specialized knowledge is better suited to a scored or assessed format.

The Anatomy of an Irresistible Quiz

Once you‘ve chosen your quiz type and topic, it‘s time to actually build out your quiz. While the specific content of your quiz will be unique to your brand and goals, all great quizzes share a few key components. Let‘s break them down one by one.

A Compelling Title

Your quiz title is the first thing potential quiz takers will see – and it can make or break their decision to click through. Like a magnetic headline, your quiz title should spark curiosity, highlight the value of taking the quiz, and/or tap into your audience‘s emotions.

Some effective formulas for quiz titles include:

  • "Which [Blank] Are You?"
  • "Your [Blank] Based On [Blank]"
  • "How Much Do You Really Know About [Blank]?"
  • "The Ultimate [Blank] Quiz"
  • "What Type of [Blank] Should You Actually [Blank]?

For example: "Which Social Media Platform Should You Focus On In 2023?"

An Engaging First Question

The first question sets the tone for the entire quiz experience. It should be intriguing, easy to answer, and clearly related to the quiz topic. Avoid starting with complicated or personal questions that could turn people off from continuing.

A few strong ways to kick off your quiz:

  • A fun "would you rather" style question
  • A simple multiple choice question related to the quiz topic
  • A visual question, such as choosing between images
  • An imaginative situational question that pulls the user into a story

Strategic, Personality-Driven Questions

According to a study by BuzzSumo, the most shared quizzes have an average of 7.5 questions. Aim for 6-10 questions that progressively dive deeper into the topic at hand.

The best quiz questions do more than just test knowledge – they reveal aspects of the quiz taker‘s personality and preferences. Each question should feel meaningful and tie into the overall outcome.

For example, an entrepreneurial style quiz might include questions like:

  • "When faced with a major business decision, you usually go with: a) Concrete data; b) A gut feeling; c) Input from your team"
  • "Which of these sounds most appealing? a) Speaking on stage to a huge crowd; b) A quiet day working from home; c) Leading a dynamic brainstorming session"

As you craft your questions, keep your brand voice and audience in mind. Use language and examples your audience will connect with.

Outcomes Worth Sharing

Perhaps the most crucial element of your quiz is the outcomes or results. After all, this is the payoff for taking the quiz – the key insight quiz takers are hoping to gain.

Your quiz outcomes should be distinct, specific, and valuable to the user. Avoid generic outcomes that could apply to anyone. Instead, hone in on the unique attributes of each potential result.

Aim to create outcomes that are:

  • Detailed and in-depth
  • Phrased positively
  • Supported by additional insights and advice
  • Accompanied by a relevant visual or graphic
  • Actionable and leading to a logical next step

Above all, your quiz outcomes should make your audience feel understood and inspired.

A Compelling Call-To-Action

After delivering their quiz results, you have one shot to steer quiz takers toward a conversion. Use this opportunity to make a strong, relevant call-to-action that motivates them to engage further with your brand.

Some examples of effective quiz CTAs:

  • Sign up to our email list for even more [topic] tips and insights
  • Shop the [product name] collection to find your perfect match
  • Download the full [topic] report based on your quiz results
  • Book a free consultation call to discuss your [topic] needs

Be sure your CTA corresponds logically with the quiz topic and the user‘s results. You want it to feel like a helpful, value-added invitation rather than a jarring sales pitch.

Optimizing Your Quiz For Audience Growth

A compelling quiz is a good start – but without implementing certain growth strategies, you could be leaving leads and engagement on the table.

As you build your quiz, weave in tactics that will help your quiz reach a broader audience, drive more leads, and give you valuable data on your audience. Here are some of the most important quiz growth hacks to try.

Collect Leads Within the Quiz Experience

One of the biggest benefits of quizzes is their unparalleled lead generation power. To maximize the number of quiz takers who become leads, you need to seamlessly integrate an opt-in opportunity into the quiz flow.

The two most effective places to collect leads during a quiz:

  1. Between the last question and the results. At this point, the user is highly engaged and primed to see their results. You can "gate" the results behind an opt-in form, explaining that you‘ll also send their results to their inbox. Just avoid asking for more than a name and email – you want to make opting in as low-friction as possible.

  2. On the results page. After the user sees their results, you can include an opt-in invitation to receive additional personalized content related to their outcome. This works especially well if you can tie it to a specific downloadable resource or product recommendation.

Add Social Sharing Buttons

Making social sharing a seamless part of the quiz experience is key for extending your quiz‘s reach. When a quiz taker shares their results on social media, it exposes your quiz (and brand) to their entire network.

To encourage social sharing, you can:

  • Add social share buttons prominently on your results page
  • Create share-worthy result graphics that visually represent each outcome
  • Use copy that compels sharing, such as "Think this result sounds like you? See if your friends agree!" or "Did you get [XYZ result]? Find out what your network gets!"
  • Incentivize sharing by entering quiz takers into a contest or giveaway when they share

Use Facebook and Google Ads Pixels

Quiz takers have already demonstrated an interest in your quiz‘s topic – and therefore, an interest in what your brand provides. By adding a Facebook and/or Google Ads pixel to your quiz, you can retarget these engaged prospects with relevant ads.

The pixel will let you build custom audiences based on quiz engagement, such as people who started but didn‘t finish, people who opted in for an offer, or people who got a certain outcome. You can then show these hyper-relevant audiences ads that align with their quiz experience.

Leverage Quiz Data For Personalization

Beyond retargeting ads, you can use quiz response data to personalize your marketing efforts at scale. By integrating your quiz with your CRM or email marketing platform, you can create new segments based on each user‘s quiz outcomes and responses.

For example, if someone took a "What‘s Your Style Personality?" quiz and got the result "Bold Minimalist," you could add them to an email sequence showcasing your most popular minimalist clothing pieces. Or if they expressed interest in boho dresses in one of their responses, you could send them targeted email promotions for boho styles.

The key is to use the quiz data to create hyper-relevant messaging that demonstrates you understand your audience on an individual level. This type of personalization can significantly boost your conversion rates.

How To Get More People To Take Your Quiz

You‘ve created an engaging quiz optimized for growth – now you need eyeballs on it. While organic shares can drive significant traffic, you‘ll want to seed your quiz strategically to give it an initial boost.

Here are some of the best ways to get more visibility for your quiz:

Promote To Your Email List

Your email subscribers are your most engaged audience, so it makes sense to start promoting your quiz to them first. Send out a targeted email announcing your new quiz and inviting people to check it out.

Use A Quiz-Focused Popup

If you‘re using a popup tool on your site, create a new campaign specifically promoting your quiz. You can target it to appear only on certain pages that relate to your quiz topic, or after a user has spent a certain amount of time on your site.

Share On Your Social Channels

Announce your quiz on all your active social media channels. Rather than just posting once, create a series of social posts that tease different aspects of the quiz or showcase some of the potential results.

Run Paid Social Media Ads

Put some paid promotion behind your organic social posts to expand their reach. Facebook and Instagram ads tend to work especially well for quizzes – you can draw people in with an intriguing question and eye-catching image.

Link To Your Quiz Within Blog Posts

If you have existing blog content related to your quiz topic, add a link to your quiz within those posts as a relevant call-to-action. You can also create new blog posts on tangentially related topics that naturally lead to your quiz.

Analyzing Your Quiz Performance

Tracking and analyzing key performance metrics will help you gauge the success of your quiz and identify areas for improvement. Some of the most important quiz metrics to measure include:

  • Quiz starts
  • Quiz completions
  • Lead capture conversion rate
  • Social shares per quiz completion
  • Quiz outcome percentages

Look for any major drop-off points, such as a low start-to-completion rate or a high quiz abandonment rate on a certain question. Use those insights to tweak your quiz for better engagement.

Also keep an eye on which of your promotion channels are driving the most quiz traffic. Double down on what‘s working and ditch anything that isn‘t delivering ROI.

Over time, you can run A/B tests on different quiz elements – such as the title, questions, and outcomes – to continually optimize your quiz‘s performance. Even small tweaks can make a big difference in your completion and conversion rates.

The Next Steps: Turning Quiz Takers Into Loyal Customers

Getting someone to take your quiz is a fantastic first step – but the larger goal is to turn those casual quiz takers into engaged leads and, ultimately, loyal customers.

Here are a few next steps to focus on after someone completes your quiz:

  1. Follow up with a relevant welcome email sequence that delivers on the quiz outcome and teases additional value. Make multiple offers throughout the sequence, but keep the emphasis on helping, not selling.

  2. Create additional interactive content pieces that align with your quiz topic and outcomes. The more you can keep the conversation going and demonstrate your authority on the subject, the more likely quiz takers are to trust your brand.

  3. Develop a product, service, or offer that directly ties to your quiz topic. If you can provide a solution to the core need or desire that drew the user to your quiz in the first place, you‘ll be poised to convert them.

Remember, a quiz is just the beginning of the audience relationship. It‘s up to you to build on that foundation with a strategic, value-driven follow-up that keeps them coming back for more.


Quizzes are an incredibly powerful tool for engaging your audience, driving traffic, and gathering priceless insights about what makes your ideal customer tick. When you approach quizzes with intention and strategy, you can harness their potential to take your audience growth to new heights.

The best part? Getting started with quizzes is easier than you might think. With the right topic, a thoughtful quiz flow, and a smart promotion plan, you can have your first audience-attracting quiz up and running in a matter of days.

So what are you waiting for? Your audience is out there, waiting for a chance to engage with your brand in a fun, meaningful way. Give them that opportunity with a quiz that wows – and watch your business grow as a result.