The Complete Guide to Creating Engaging Audience Surveys

Surveys are one of the most valuable tools for better understanding your audience. But most businesses aren‘t using surveys effectively or tapping into their full potential.

In this comprehensive 2500+ word guide, you‘ll get access to advanced audience research tactics I‘ve developed over 10+ years in the industry. I‘ll provide you with little-known expert advice for creating compelling surveys as well as analyzing and applying insights uncovered from survey results.

Let‘s dive deeper…

5 Survey Types With Unique Objectives

The first step is outlining your objectives. Survey questions will flow directly from your core goals.

#1: Single Question Polls

A simple single question survey works extremely well for gauging one specific audience trait.

For example, entrepreneur Pat Flynn poses this poll question on to understand his readers‘ business income level:

"How much money are you currently earning per month from your online business?"

He then provides 5 income level choices:

  • $0
  • $1 – $500
  • $501 – $2,000
  • $2,001 – $5,000
  • $5,000+

This single data point reveals the majority of his audience (over 60%) earns less than $500 per month. So Pat tailors his content to an early business stage audience rather than advanced tactics.

Tip: Limit poll questions to just ONE clearly-defined question with 5 or fewer response options.

#2: Customer Profiles

A customer profile survey aims to segment your audience based on key traits like demographics, interests, and buying preferences through multiple choice and select all that apply questions. You can then develop laser-targeted content.

For example, a small business coach may ask profile questions like:

  • What best describes your current business revenue?
  • How many employees do you have?
  • What is your role?
  • What specific problems do you face right now in growing your business? (select all)

Tally results to gauge business size, roles, and obstacles faced by the majority of subscribers. Then tailor content appropriately.

#3: Content/Product Feedback Surveys

Learn exactly what content types, topics, and products resonate most with current audience through mixed question types:

  • What forms of content do you prefer to engage with most? (select all)
  • On a scale of 1-10, how helpful are my email courses?
  • What topics would you like covered more/less? (open comment)

Feedback surveys provide direct input for improving content and products.

Tip: Follow up feedback surveys with an email summarizing key takeaways and changes you‘ll make based on results. This closes the loop.

#4: Audience Research Surveys

Explore your audience‘s core challenges, biggest questions, and journey with your business in depth through open-ended and multiple-choice questions.

For example:

  • Walk me through what led you to search out my content specifically.
  • What convinced you to purchase [top product]?
  • What key challenges are you currently facing in [your business]?

Uncover gaps in your content and products that can better support customers.

#5: Quizzes

Make surveys more engaging by using images, videos and right vs wrong questions to quiz knowledge in a topic area.

For example, an organic gardening business can embed instructional videos then ask quiz questions like:

When is the optimal time to harvest cucumbers?
A) Morning
B) Mid-day
C) Evening
D) Night

This tests information retention while breaking up text-heavy question formats.

In summary, tie your survey format directly to one of these 5 core objectives to extract actionable insights.

Craft Compelling Questions That Drive Engagement

Now we dive deeper into writing strategic questions. Follow these best practices for high completion rates:

Keep it Concise

With short attention spans prevailing online, concise yet compelling questions are key.

  • Avoid long introductions before each question
  • Use simple language
  • Pose only one question at a time


✅ Do you trust recommendations from influencers?

❌ When considering purchasing a product you haven‘t used before, how much weight do recommendations from people you perceive as experts carry in your final decision?

Limit Required Open Questions

Requiring free text responses risks survey drop-off. Set open comment questions as “optional” whenever possible.

If a required open-ended question makes sense, use conditional logic so it only appears if relevant. And limit character count to reduce friction.

Personalize with Intriguing Stories

Before select questions, tell a short 1-2 sentence anecdotal story to add context and interest.

For example: "Recently, I noticed my content wasn‘t resonating quite as well. Have you experienced a drop in engagement lately?"

Balance Question Types

Survey variety keeps audiences engaged longer:

  • Multiple choice
  • Open comment
  • Select all
  • Yes/no
  • Scaled (rate 1-5 stars etc)
  • Ranked order

Structure your survey with a mix of question formats relevant to your objectives.

Validate Open Questions

For open questions, include follow-up questions to validate conclusions.

For example, if the open question uncovers Facebook ads as a top reader challenge, add a confirming multiple choice:

Which marketing channels pose the biggest challenge for you currently? Select all that apply.

  • Facebook Ads
  • Content Creation
  • Email
  • Instagram

This qualifying question allows you to accurately prioritize business decisions.

Use Images & Video

Images and video embed can boost engagement through visual interest. Consider:

✅ Show a confusing Facebook ad screenshot then ask how to improve it

✅ Embed a product tutorial video then quiz knowledge retention

Pick the Optimal Survey Platform and Tool

With clear objectives defined plus stellar questions formulated, it‘s time to choose the best survey platform and tool. Consider these options:

Email Surveys

Pros Cons
– Easy promotion to email list
– Good for simple polls
Limited design options
Narrow scope

Example tools: Mailchimp polls, ConvertKit forms

Dedicated Landing Pages

Pros Cons
– Complete creative control
– Can promote via ads
Added setup work
Need promotion plan

Example tools: Leadpages, Unbounce, Thrive Architect

Plug-in or Third-Party App

Pros Cons
– Advanced options
– Embed on site
– Custom design
Monthly costs
Potential learning curve

Top picks:

  • SurveyPlanet – user-friendly. Unlimited questions/responses with free plan. $9/month paid option.
  • Typeform – very visual and engaging. $384/year.
  • Thrive Quiz Builder – super easy to create surveys. Part of Thrive membership.
  • Google Forms – basic but free option worth testing.

Take into account your budget, technical abilities, design needs and promotion strategy when selecting your survey delivery tool.

Most importantly, choose an interface that‘s intuitive both for your admin backend and audience experience. Confusing tech hurts response rates.

Strategically Promote Your Survey for High Response

Now for the fun part – getting eyeballs on your survey!

Use these promotion tactics across channels for optimal exposure:

Website Popup or Slide-In

Website popups allow presenting your survey to visitors at exactly the right time through targeting rules.

For example, deliver via Thrive Leads popup after 30 seconds on site or when they reach 25% page scroll:

This catches their attention when already engaged on your content.

Dedicated Blog Post

Introduce your survey in a dedicated blog post. Communicate how learnings will directly improve reader experience for transparency and buy-in.

Then embed the survey or link to it prominently.

Email Broadcast to List

Send a dedicated email campaign announcing your survey and participation incentive.

Keep copy ultra concise with a compelling subject line like:

"Can I pick your brain?"

Link to the survey using eye-catching buttons:

Email generally delivers higher response rates than social promotions. Send follow-up reminder emails to boost completion rate further.


Sweeten the deal by offering small incentives for survey participation. This taps basic reciprocity.

Top incentives based on completion rate:

  1. Coupons – offer increasing discounts for multiple survey completions
  2. Content upgrades – gate a hot tip sheet, cheatsheet or video behind a survey
  3. Contest entry – enter participants into a prize drawing
  4. Donation to charity – pledge $1 per response to a cause they care about
  5. Early access – to a new product, content series or training program

Incentive effectiveness depends heavily on your audience and offering. Test options to determine what motivates your audience most.

Social Promotions

Promoting your survey on social channels exposes new audiences while allowing existing followers to participate.

Tailor messaging and visuals to each platform:

Facebook – Frame survey benefit emotionally. Use engaging image. Target existing email list through Facebook Pixel audience too.

Instagram – Show behind the scenes of survey creation process in Stories. Swipe up to drive to survey.

LinkedIn – Pose an intriguing poll or open comment question asking their thoughts on key survey topics. Link to full survey in comments.

Twitter – Write benefit-focused copy using viral hashtags like #SmallBiz or #Marketing. Embed interactive Typeform survey link.

Test all platforms, then double down on the channel driving the most traffic and responses.

Analyze Results for Maximum Business Impact

You designed an insightful survey. Promoted smartly. Now for the payoff…

Analyzing results strategically and applying learnings across your business is where the MAGIC happens.

Here’s how to turn survey data into fuel for exponential growth:

Segment Your Contacts

Group contacts into segments by survey traits like:

  • New vs existing customer
  • Content preferences
  • Demographics like role, industry, business size
  • Buyer journey stage

Create targeted email campaigns, offers, and conditional content for each segment matched to their needs.

For example, promote a 101 training series to audience members still in the awareness phase while showcasing advanced case studies to leads in evaluation stage.

Enhance Products and Services

Uncover gaps in your product lineup based on audience desires for new features, payment options, or related products. Say your survey uncovers demand for 1:1 coaching packages – expand offerings accordingly.

Ask follow-up questions in future surveys to benchmark satisfaction increase from enhancements fueled directly by audience input.

Overhaul Content Strategy

Pull reader preferences for topics, formats, and channels right from survey questions. Produce more of the content and delivery methods they love while scaling back on less popular ones.

For example, switch video tutorial cadence from 2x per month to 2x per week while cutting webinars back to quarterly based on demand.

Validate Business Decisions

Reduce risk of new offerings, partnerships, or marketing campaigns by testing concepts in audience surveys first.

For example, ask how interested they’d be in a new ecommerce platform at various price points. Use definitive data to size up opportunity then proceed confidently.

Surveys provide concrete validation to confidently move forward investing time and money into new growth initiatives while circumventing costly guesswork and failure.

Sidestep These Common Survey Pitfalls

While audience surveys wield tremendous potential for business growth, they also come with pitfalls.

Sidestep these common mistakes in your survey efforts:

Over-surveying Your Audience

REFRAIN from blasting overly frequent or redundant surveys. This frustrates audiences quickly.

Strike a balance between gathering regular feedback and respecting inbox space.

I recommend a survey cadence of once per quarter while segmenting broader surveys out to once per year or when major changes happen internally.

Asking Vague Questions

Failing to narrowly define the topic within questions leaves ambiguous results.

Instead of asking “How could we improve our offering?” ask specifically:

“How would you rate your satisfaction with Product X’s reporting features on a 1-5 scale?”

Using a Salesy Tone

Avoid overtly promotional questions focused solely on selling stuff. This repels participation quickly.

Rather than: “What coaching package would you purchase next?”

Try: “Which business areas do you need the most support on currently?”

Then tailor offerings around actual needs voiced.

Disappearing After Surveys

Closing the loop is paramount. Failing to reach back out post-survey leaves participants feeling used rather than purposefully engaged.

Always share back key takeaways, offer thanks for vulnerability, and communicate changes being made because of their input.

This nurtures a community spirited culture while incentivizing future survey participation through reciprocity.

So be sure to actively listen and respond.

Now Design Game-Changing Surveys with Confidence!

We just covered step-by-step formulas for unlocking audience insights powerfully yet ethically through surveys.

You‘re now equipped to:

  1. Set strategic objectives
  2. Write compelling questions
  3. Choose the optimal survey tools
  4. Promote across channels
  5. Analyze results for max impact

Avoid common pitfalls and start reaping business growth benefits from fascinating audience surveys today.

I‘m eager to hear your biggest takeaways applying these tactics! Reply back with your top insights unlocked or breakthrough business improvements achieved via surveys.