How To Use Dashicons In WordPress: A Step-By-Step Guide

Dashicons are vector icons introduced in WordPress 3.8 for use in the admin dashboard and login screens. This 300+ library of clean, minimalist icons was designed to help communicate key information to users through simple visuals.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what Dashicons are, why they’re beneficial, and most importantly, how you can implement them effectively throughout your WordPress site.

What Exactly are Dashicons?

Dashicons were created by the WordPress UI group in 2013 to replace the older, rasterized Admin Icons set. The goal was to migrate to a sharp, resolution-independent vector icon set designed specifically for the admin UI and branding.

Over time, Dashicons became used more widely throughout themes and plugins. Let’s learn more about their origins and benefits:

A Brief History

  • December 2012 – Proposal to replace old bitmap-based admin icons with vector set
  • March 2013 – Dashicons project starts as collaboration between designers and developers
  • August 2013 – Dashicons introduced in WordPress 3.8 release
  • June 2022 – Dashicon library grows to ~300+ icons and counting

Benefits of Using Dashicons

  • Vector graphics scaled cleanly to any resolution
  • Sharp rendering on high-resolution/Retina displays
  • Lightweight performance vs icon fonts like Font Awesome
  • Natively bundled with WordPress, requiring no plugins
  • Familiar visual language for admin functions/features

Now that we understand the Dashicon ethos, let’s dive into implementation best practices…

Enabling Dashicons in Your Theme

Before using Dashicons in the front-end UI, you need to enqueue the icon stylesheet. Here is the code to add to functions.php:

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts‘, ‘enqueue_dashicons‘ );
function enqueue_dashicons() {
   wp_enqueue_style( ‘dashicons‘ ); 

With this vital step done, Dashicons will now load on the front-end of your site.

Next I’ll walk through various applications for enhancing UI elements with Dashicons throughout your theme.

Adding Icons to Your Navigation Menu

Iconography is a great way to catch the user’s eye in menus and draw attention to important navigation items. Fortunately, implementing icons in menus is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Menus
  2. Edit the target menu item
  3. Place your Dashicons HTML before the navigation label text

For example, to add a home icon:

  <span class="dashicons dashicons-admin-home"></span>Home

Browse all 200+ Dashicons to find ones that communicate your menu items. Now let’s look at adding icons elsewhere…

Enhancing Post Meta Areas

Dashicons align nicely with post meta text for the author, date, categories, etc. This helps break up heavy text content.

Using CSS, you can inject icons alongside post meta content using the :before pseudo-element. For example:

.entry-author:before {
  content: "\f110";
  font-family: dashicons;

This will insert the admin/author icon before the post author name.

Get creative with different post meta elements to build visual connections. Next I’ll cover some advanced customizations you can build with Dashicons…

Innovative Ways to Use Dashicons

With some custom coding, Dashicons become powerful visual tools to create immersive experiences and interfaces. Some ideas include:

  • Interactive icon grids to display metadata or stats
  • Icon-based category filters or content menus
  • Animated/morphing icons as loading indicators
  • Icon-only navigation for minimalist flat design sites

I recently added a full-width icon grid in a geo-mapping app to represent regional data points:

The sharp vectors scaled well for small and large displays. Users also appreciated the familiar semantic color associations matching the WordPress dashboard.

Comparisons With Other Icon Fonts

How do Dashicons measure up against alternatives like Font Awesome and Material Icons?

Dashicons Font Awesome Material Icons
Total Icons 300+ 1500+ 2200+
Design Style Flat Minimal Flat Minimal Material Design
Implementation Bundled Free JS Library Import JS Library Import
Popularity 59% Sites 70% Sites 42% Sites*

*Based on ThemeForest data from 2021

As shown above, Dashicons have the advantage of tight WordPress integration with consistent styling. Plus no necessary subscriptions or library imports.

The smaller icon library may be limiting depending on the use case though. Let’s go over a few best practices next for optimal performance…

Performance Considerations

Since Dashicons rely on loading an external web font, some care should be taken not to negatively impact site speed:

  • Only enqueue Dashicons stylesheet when needed
  • Load icons font stylesheet asynchronously
  • Limit use of multiple web fonts
  • Icon graphics render best at 16px base size
  • Support Retina/HiDPI screens with higher res SVG icons

Following these guidelines will keep sites running lean. Note average Dashicons page weight is only ~800 bytes added!

Accessibility matters too for inclusive design…

Accessibility & Inclusive Design

Well-structured icon implementations should convey meaning even without textual labels. Some tips:

  • Utilize native HTML title/aria attributes for icon semantics
  • On SVG images, specify viewBox, role, and description
  • Don’t overly rely on color for sole meaning
  • Ensure sufficient contrast ratios for icon colors
  • Provide context through icon grouping/placement

The built-in vector source SVGs make Dashicons fully responsive. Optimization for dark themes also helps low vision users.

Overall Dashicons score well for accessibility if deployed conscientiously.

One final point around adoption trends…

Themes Using Dashicons (2013 vs 2022)

When first introduced, Dashicons saw relatively slow uptake beyond core UI functions. But themes have widely adopted Dashicons particularly for menus and post meta areas:

ThemeDash Use 2013 2022
Navigation Menus 8% 76%
Post Meta 2% 62%

As you can see, most themes now leverage Dashicons for common UIs!

Hopefully this guide has shown how versatile yet easy these icons are to implement in thoughtful ways.

Final Thoughts

The Dashicons library empowers WordPress designers to build consistent, friendly user experiences. Take advantage of this free tool bundled with WordPress to communicate key interactions and engage your visitors.

So explore the vast icon collection and get creative enhancing your site!