Demio Review 2024: An In-Depth Look at Features, Pricing, Pros & Cons

Are you searching for a powerful yet user-friendly webinar platform to engage your audience and grow your business? Webinars have become an essential tool for marketers, trainers, and entrepreneurs looking to connect with people remotely. With so many options on the market, it can be challenging to find the right solution for your needs.

In this comprehensive review, we‘ll take a deep dive into Demio – a popular web-based webinar platform that promises to simplify the process of creating and hosting professional virtual events. We‘ll explore Demio‘s key features, pricing plans, pros and cons, and see how it stacks up against other webinar software. By the end, you‘ll have a clear idea of whether Demio is the right fit for you.

What is Demio?

Founded in 2014 by David Abrams, Demio is a SaaS product designed to streamline the webinar experience for marketers and business owners. The platform enables you to host live, automated, and series webinars with interactive features like live chat, polls, Q&A sessions, and screen sharing.

Demio‘s mission is to make running successful webinars easy and stress-free. The company has grown rapidly, with over 650,000 webinars hosted on the platform in 2022 alone. But in a crowded market, does Demio do enough to stand out from the competition? Let‘s find out.

Key Features of Demio

Demio offers a robust set of features to help you create engaging webinars that convert. Here are some of the key capabilities:

Webinar Setup and Customization

Setting up a new webinar in Demio is a breeze. You can choose between standard, series, or automated events based on your goals. Give your webinar a name, select a host, and pick a date and time. For recurring sessions, you can set up a custom schedule.

One of Demio‘s strengths is the ability to comprehensively customize your webinar room and registration pages. You have control over the background, colors, logo, form fields, and overall branding to provide a cohesive experience. Add speaker bios, promo videos, custom descriptions, and social sharing options to make your event stand out.

You can also prepare your "room" in advance by uploading presentation slides, videos, handouts, and setting up polls or featured actions. Manage event admins, select your timezone and language preferences, and even integrate custom code.

The level of customization is impressive and allows you to deliver a unique, professional webinar that matches your brand.

Engagement and Interactivity

Keeping your audience engaged is crucial for webinar success. Demio provides several interactive tools to encourage participation:

  • Live Chat: Attendees can interact with hosts and each other through real-time chat.
  • Polls and Surveys: Gather valuable insights and keep people involved with polls.
  • Q&A: Let attendees submit questions and upvote the most relevant ones.
  • Handouts: Provide additional resources for attendees to view or download.
  • Featured Actions: Drive conversions with prominent CTAs.

With these features, you can create a dynamic, two-way experience that holds people‘s attention and drives them to take action.

Analytics and Reporting

To improve your webinars over time, you need data. Demio‘s analytics dashboard provides a wealth of information about your events. You can see key metrics like:

  • Registration and attendance numbers
  • Registration sources and attendee locations
  • Attendee focus and drop-off rates
  • Poll responses, handout downloads, and CTA clicks
  • Chat activity and Q&A submissions

Having this data allows you to track what‘s working, identify areas for improvement, and measure ROI. You can segment engaged attendees for follow-up and even export the data to your CRM or marketing automation tools.

While Demio‘s reporting covers all the essentials, some of the export options are a bit hidden in the interface. But overall, you have the insights needed to understand your audience and optimize your strategy.


One notable feature Demio is developing is Showcase. Currently in beta, Showcase allows you to sync details about upcoming and on-demand webinars with your website. You can create a branded webinar listing page and embed it on your site with just a few lines of code.

This is great for businesses looking to use their website traffic to drive webinar registrations. The Showcase pages are customizable and provide an easy way to expose more people to your events.

Integrations and APIs

To fit into your existing marketing tech stack, Demio integrates with popular tools like:

  • CRMs: Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive
  • Marketing Automation: Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, Drip, ConvertKit
  • Collaboration: Slack, Microsoft Teams
  • Social media: LinkedIn, TikTok
  • Payment processing: PayPal
  • And others

You can also connect to hundreds of other apps via Zapier or use the Demio API to build custom solutions. However, access to native integrations and the API is limited to higher-tier plans.

Customer Support

Getting help when you need it is critical with any software. Demio offers a few support options:

  • Knowledge Base: Articles and tutorial videos covering common topics.
  • Email Support: Submit a request and get an answer from the team, usually within 24 hours.
  • Live Chat: Paid users can chat with an agent to get real-time help.

While email and chat support aren‘t 24/7, the knowledge base covers most questions you might have. And when I tested the live chat, I got a helpful response within a few minutes.

Demio Pricing

Demio has a free 14-day trial that allows you to test out all the features. After that, there are three main pricing tiers:

  • Starter: $39/month for up to 50 attendees and basic features
  • Growth: $99/month for up to 150 attendees, custom branding, and Zapier integration
  • Premium: $234/month for up to 500 attendees, advanced features, and dedicated support

Note that these prices are based on annual billing. Month-to-month plans are also available at a higher cost.

The pricing is comparable to other webinar platforms, but the attendee limits are on the lower end. You‘ll also need a higher-tier plan to access most integrations, which could be an issue for some businesses. But if you‘re just getting started with webinars, the Starter plan offers good value.

Demio Pros and Cons

To summarize, here are some of the main advantages and disadvantages of using Demio for webinars:


  • Easy to use interface for setting up and running events
  • Extensive customization options for registration pages and webinar room
  • Variety of interactive features to engage attendees
  • Useful analytics and reporting to track key metrics
  • Showcase pages to promote webinars on your website
  • Helpful customer support and knowledge base


  • Native integrations and API limited to higher-tier plans
  • Relatively low attendee limits compared to some competitors
  • Certain features like data export not immediately obvious
  • Showcase still in beta and not available on basic plan

Overall, the pros outweigh the cons for most users. The main downsides are the limitations on integrations and attendee numbers at lower tiers. But the core webinar functionality, customization options, and user experience are all strong.

Alternatives to Demio

While Demio is an excellent webinar solution, it‘s always good to evaluate other options. Here are a few popular alternatives:

  • WebinarNinja – An easy-to-use platform with a range of webinar types and pricing plans.
  • Livestorm – Offers a limited free plan to test out the platform. Paid plans start at $39/month.
  • EasyWebinar – Focused on marketing webinars with strong integrations. Plans from $59/month.
  • Zoom – Not a dedicated webinar platform but supports large audiences. Plans from $14.99/host/month.

Each of these has its own strengths and weaknesses. We recommend taking advantage of free trials to see which one best meets your needs and budget.

Final Verdict

After an in-depth evaluation, we can confidently say that Demio is a top choice for businesses looking to run professional webinars. The platform stands out for its ease of use, customization options, and interactive features. You can create great-looking event pages, engage your audience, and track performance with minimal technical skills required.

While there are some limitations around attendee numbers and integrations on lower-tier plans, Demio still provides excellent value for the price. The development of the Showcase tool also shows a commitment to innovation and supporting customer needs.

If you‘re new to webinars or looking to level up your virtual events, Demio is definitely worth considering. Take advantage of the 14-day free trial to explore the platform. Chances are, you‘ll be impressed by how easy it is to create a polished, professional webinar experience for your audience.