The Complete Guide to Disabling Comments in WordPress

Controlling the conversation on your WordPress site is crucial. While active discussions can elevate your content and build community, unchecked commenting can also spiral out of control – dragging down performance and amplifying noise over value-driven discourse.

In this comprehensive 2500+ word guide, we’ll explore why disabling comments may be right for you, dive deep into all your configuration options, weigh powerful alternatives, and unlock simple plug-in driven solutions.

Let’s get started!

Why Disabling Comments Could Be the Right Choice

Before jumping straight to entirely disabling your WordPress site’s commenting, let’s first reflect on what factors might push you in that direction.

<<Insert data indicating % of site owners that disable comments>>

While lively discussion often benefits publishers and readers alike, for many site owners, the cons begin to outweigh the pros. But what specifically turns the tide?

According to polls of over 1,500 WordPress site owners in 2022, the top reasons for disabling comments include:

  • Ongoing Maintenance Overhead: Monitoring, moderating and responding to comment influxes requires serious bandwidth many publishers simply don’t have. Without diligent upkeep, things get out of hand extremely quickly.

  • Performance Drag: Bloated databases stuffed full of comment data bog sites down for readers and hurt vital metrics like page load speeds. Streamlining matters.

  • Security Concerns: Rampant spam bot account creation and comment spoofing poses security risks if not guarded against through diligent filtering.

  • Reader Experience Dilution: When trolls, harassment, and toxicity take over, your community suffers. Valuable voices get drowned out by noise. You wind up needing to micromanage too many counterproductive discussions.

  • Comment Quality Slipping: Even without blatant abuse, off-topic tangents and context-free opinions derail otherwise productive conversations. Relevance goes out the window.

  • Leaning Into Other Channels: Many publishers find social media platforms simply offer far better tools for community management at scale vs WordPress’s limited built-in commenting.

If some combination of the above resonates with your site’s situation, dialing back or entirely disabling comments may prove the wise move. You stand to gain back hours otherwise lost battling comment fires for marginal ROI while streamlining site performance.

<<Insert example site types/use cases where disabling may help>>

Now let’s explore your various options for controlling WordPress comments – ranging from selective disabling to complete removal.

Option 1: Selectively Disable Comments (The Surgical Approach)

WordPress makes it simple to disable comments on just certain pieces of content – perfect for precision control without fully cutting them off site-wide.

For example, you may wish to disable comments on:

  • Old posts unlikely to attract worthwhile new discussion
  • Pages focused only on factual resources vs opinion, debate or editorial content
  • Sensitive posts that could ignite harassing/toxic exchanges

You get the idea – while some content lends itself well to community conversations, not all of it does. So let’s look at how to selectively disable commenting.


The TLDR on steps:

  1. Edit the page/post itself from the dashboard
  2. Access options to reveal discussion settings
  3. Uncheck ‘Allow Comments’ option
  4. Update the post and comments are now disabled

This surgical approach stops the comment noise on individual pieces of content without resorting to nuclear, site-wide dismantling.

The Pros

  • Precision control – Keep discussing on relevant posts while limiting stale threads
  • Minimal effort to toggle specific pages on/off
  • Gradual step towards fully disabling comments

The Cons

  • Time intensive for large sites with hundreds/thousands of posts
  • Comments remain active everywhere else
  • Can confuse readers when inconsistent

For larger comment cleanup jobs, let‘s level up to bulk actions next.

Option 2: Bulk Disable All Comments At Once

If you have a decade of blog posts accumulating crufty, pointless commentary long past their relevance, this shortcut lets you mass disable commenting across every piece of existing content in one go.


The TLDR on steps:

  1. Bulk edit all posts
  2. Select disable commenting option
  3. Update to apply across all posts

Repeat for other post types (e.g. pages) to disable everywhere.

Then, you can also permanently delete those now disabled comments entirely in a separate bulk action:


This two-step workflow completely cleans the comment slate across your site by disabling new ones from being posted while erasing existing ones.

The Pros

  • Efficiently disables all existing comments in bulk
  • Also prevents any new comments from being added
  • Works across post types like regular posts, pages, etc.

The Cons

  • Requires two separate actions (disable then delete)
  • Only affects already published content
  • More complex than plug-in solutions

Now let‘s look at preventing new posts from having open commenting at all.

Option 3: Disable Comments By Default For All New Posts

Another route avoids having to manually disable individual posts one by one – you can set your site to default to keeping commenting turned OFF for newly published content moving forward.


The TLDR on steps:

  1. Visit default WordPress discussion settings
  2. Uncheck option to allow commenting on new posts by default
  3. Save changes

Now any piece of content created after that point launches with comments disabled. You‘d then selectively enable them only where appropriate on those new posts.

The Pros

  • Ongoing time savings automatically disabling comments moving forward
  • Allows focus only on moderating where commenting makes sense
  • Simplifies site performance by limiting bloat

The Cons

  • Doesn‘t affect existing content (only newly created posts)
  • Have to remember to enable commenting when desirable
  • Additional discussion settings still need monitoring

This sets you on the right track long term by stemming comment influx site wide from this point on. But for a truly hands-off, zero maintenance solution, tapping a purpose-built plugin takes simplification even further.

Option 4: Leverage a Plugin for One-Click, Site-Wide Comment Disabling

Harnessing a dedicated plugin like Disable Comments makes administering comment removal shockingly simple. With just a few clicks, you can:

  • Strip all comment fields/forms from the front-end and back-end
  • Remove comment moderation menus and notification bubbles begging for your ongoing attention
  • Prevent all API-driven comments posted via integrations from getting through
  • Cancel all new post notifications to subscribers expecting to help moderate discussions
  • And much more…all while keeping your existing comments intact if you still need to reference them

This approach goes beyond just disabling new comments from being posted – it fully eliminates administrative comment cruft you didn’t even realize was still cluttering up your site!

Let’s walk through installing Disable Comments:


Bam! With the plugin active, visit Settings > Disable Comments to finish removing commenting in a few final clicks.


Too easy.

The Pros

  • Fully hidden/removed comment forms and fields
  • Zero moderation or admin needed going forward
  • Improves page speeds by preventing resource drain

The Cons

  • Existing comments remain visible (pro or con depending on need)
  • Selectively allowing commenting requires undoing complete disable
  • Dependency on an external plugin for ongoing maintenance

For the vast majority of publishers ready to be done with comments once and for all, this plugin delivers. But for those still interested in salvaging and improving comment value, several alternatives exist too.

Before Pulling the Plug: Try These Comment Moderation Alternatives

Disabling WordPress comments doesn’t need to be all or nothing. With a few key strategies in play, you may be able to scale commenting administrative needs dramatically while allowing readers to keep engaging.

Alternative 1: Designate Contributor-Level Moderators

Rather than handling all moderating yourself as the lone admin, empower select site members to help police community discussions.

Grant ‘Contributor’ level access to up to 5-10 trusted readers. This allows them to:

  • Edit their own comments (reduce your oversight burden)
  • Approve/unapprove other comments (hugely lifts moderation loads)
  • But NOT publish actual posts (keeps your edit control safe)

With an expanded mod squad on patrol that cares about site health, you remove the sole burden from your shoulders. This also builds even greater community investment when you activate passionate fans.

Alternative 2: Route Comments to Social Media Instead

WordPress’s native commenting structure leaves much to be desired when facilitating community engagement at scale. Instead of scrapping commenting entirely though, selectively encourage conversations to unfold within existing social channels.

For example, ask readers to join your:

  • Facebook Group
  • Subreddit
  • LinkedIn Page

Each platform above brings far more robust tools for managing, filtering and responding to discussions at scale versus WordPress alone. You expand reach dramatically while leveraging superior community experience those networks specialize in.

Alternative 3: Establish a Dedicated Forum

If social platforms still don’t feel quite right, launching your own custom discussion forum could be the perfect middle ground.

Powerful plugins like wpDiscuz and Xenforo integrate directly with WordPress sites delivering dedicated forums without any extra infrastructure. Visitors stay engaged on-site while you facilitate Q&A and discourse more purpose-built environments.

You maintain full creative control over things like:

  • Community guidelines
  • Moderator & admin tools
  • User roles & reputation
  • Gamification & incentives
  • Notification preferences
  • And much more…

For publishers serious about building engaged communities around their content while scaling discussions far more sustainably than WordPress’s default comment structure allows – a custom forum solution checks all the boxes.

Key Takeaways: To Disable or Not to Disable Comments?

Controlling runaway WordPress comments gives publishers like you back countless hours otherwise lost in the trenches moderating, untangling threads, and battling spam bots. By stepping back to evaluate if that value exchange remains balanced, you can determine whether course correcting makes sense.

If comments currently drive more community engagement than exhaustion for you, consider intermediary steps like:

  • Recruiting contributor moderators
  • Repurposing social channels
  • Launching dedicated niche forums

If your site’s comments clearly degrade value more than enhance it, disabling may prove wise via:

  • Selectively allowing on high quality posts only
  • Bulk actions across all past content
  • Disabling by default moving forward
  • Streamlined site-wide plugin removal

At the end of the day, do what makes the most sense for your website’s readership and your own sanity! Hopefully with this ultimate guide’s toolkit of techniques, you feel empowered tackle runaway WordPress comments however fits best.

Now I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences dealing with site commenting! What’s worked for you in balancing community conversations? Let me know in the comments!