23 Top Ecommerce Marketing Strategies to Boost Sales in 2023

Ecommerce has exploded in recent years. However, with intensifying competition, simply having an online store is no longer enough to succeed. You need marketing strategies tailored specifically to ecommerce if you want to attract customers and drive conversions in 2023.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the latest tactics to grow your ecommerce business and stand out:

1. Leverage Live Shopping

Live shopping represents an evolution of the classic home shopping network model. Brands host live video broadcasts where viewers can purchase featured products in real-time via integrated shopping capabilities.


  • Higher conversion rates – up to 5X greater than traditional ecommerce
  • Engaging and interactive format sustained viewer attention
  • Low barrier to entry compared to TV

Best Practices

  • Partner with influencers/creators to host streams
  • Keep streams under 1 hour
  • Offer limited time/exclusive deals
  • Make it easy to check out from the video player

Try apps like Talkshoplive, Popshop Live, and Yeay to run your first live shopping campaigns.

2. Create tailored gift guides

With gift-related spending consistently surging year-over-year, gift guides represent a major opportunity to boost season sales.

However, generic guides often fail to convert. You need to create guides personalized to your products and audience.

For example, HANDLEAS, a DTC cookware brand, saw a 2X revenue increase after launching a gift guide quiz tailored to customers’ cooking habits, lifestyle, budget and more.

Follow their lead with quizzes, expert recommendations and other personalization tactics. Integrate them across your site through overlays and dedicated landing pages.

3. Run social contests and giveaways

Giveaways, contests and other interactive social campaigns allow brands to engage audiences while spreading awareness.

However, you need compelling prizes and experiences to cut through the noise. Get creative with contest formats – bracket challenges, UGC campaigns, AR filters and more keep things fresh.

You can run contests directly on platforms like Instagram and TikTok. However, for more customization and analytics, leverage dedicated services like Rafflecopter and Wishpond.

4. Optimize for mobile shoppers

Mobile purchases now account for over 70% of ecommerce spending in the US. And that share will only grow over time.

Ensure your site offers a seamless experience for mobile shoppers by:

  • Using responsive design
  • Optimizing page speed
  • Simplifying menus/navigation
  • Displaying large, zoomable images
  • Offering prominent calls-to-action

Test your site’s mobile UX and make improvements to maximize conversion potential.

5. Explore shoppable social

Platforms like Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest now allow brands to tag products for streamlined checkout. Shoppable posts let you sell to engaged users while they browse.

For example, COSMETICS brand Milk Makeup increased basket sizes by 21% after launching shoppable Instagram posts showcasing product bundles.

Start small by adding shoppable tags to your highest-performing organic social content. Then explore spent to reach wider audiences. Track sales and engagement metrics to optimize efforts.

6. Spotlight UGC and reviews

By 2021, 90% of shoppers considered UGC when making purchase decisions. Platforms like Photoslurp make it easy to collect and display authentic photos and videos from actual customers.

Display UGC across your:

  • Product pages
  • Homepage
  • Email marketing
  • Paid ads

Not only does it build trust, but it also inspires customers with visual examples of how to use your products.

7. Create binge-worthy “how-to” content

Educational content earns 10X more links versus promotional assets on average. How-to articles and videos also foster organic growth by providing value to new audiences.

Explore trending topics and extensively researched guides to dominate search rankings. Promote top-performing assets across social, email, influencer campaigns and more.

For example, supplement retailer GNC publishes 100+ new pieces of ‘Good to Know’ fitness content each month. Their educational YouTube channel drives 40% of overall traffic.

8. Optimize on-site search

71% of shoppers prefer using on-site search to locate products while browsing ecommerce stores. Streamline the experience by:

  • Using AI and filters for misspellings/partial matches
  • Offering sort/filter for key product attributes
  • Displaying suggested products as users’ type
  • Including imagery alongside text matches

Site search optimization lifts conversion rate by providing a frictionless path to purchase. Prioritize it in your larger UX strategy.

9. Personalize recommendations

Product recommendations account for 10-30% of ecommerce revenues on average. And personalized suggestions deliver up to 15% uplift in CTR versus generic picks.

Leverage data like:

  • Purchase history
  • Browsing behavior
  • Quiz/survey responses

To tailor unique product suggestions for each customer as they browse and shop.

10. Retarget abandoned carts

Uncompleted purchases represent over $4 trillion in missed opportunity annually. Triggered email and ad sequences remind users about items left in their carts to recapture sales.

Email retargeting boasts between 50-80% higher open rates versus one-off promotional blasts. Combine with SMS and custom audiences on social for high-impact omni-channel campaigns.

11. Integrate reviews and testimonials

A staggering 92% of consumers read online reviews before making purchases decisions. Spotlight authentic praise from real customers to address potential objections and build credibility.

For example, apparel brand UNTUCKit saw a 10X+ increase in conversions after integrating ratings/reviews across their site and ads.

Incentivize customers to leave feedback with discounts and loyalty perks to amass genuine testimonials over time. Then feature selectively on high-value pages.

12. Launch paid Product Listing Ads

Google shopping/product listing ads (PLAs) appear when users search for related products. They garner a 17% higher CTR compared to standard text ads by showcasing images, prices and more.

Monitor metrics like CPC, conversion value and ROI to optimize bids and landing pages. Aim for at least a 3-to-1 return pre-profit.

13. Build a network of product pages

Generate pages targeting commercial long-tail key phrases that attract buyers ready to purchase specific items. For example:

  • Best lightweight yoga mats
  • Top-rated computer monitors for programming

These ultra-targeted landing pages speak directly to shoppers’ needs and intent, driving higher conversion rates. Use them to complement broader category and brand terms.

14. Produce shoppable video content

Product unveilings, demonstrations and tutorials all perform exceptionally well on platforms like YouTube and Instagram. Insert shoppable links into videos and associated metadata to handle purchases seamlessly without leaving the viewer.

For example, Sephora saw 500% higher CTRs for shoppable video ads on Instagram versus images. Video also provides interactive elements like AR try-on technology to engage audiences.

15. Become a social commerce champ

Social platforms are ramping up shoppable integrations, creating a single venue to engage, inspire and sell to connected users.

For example, Curalate found that shoppable posts on Instagram deliver a 4X higher CTR versus generic non-sales content. Hashtag Challenge Plus games, shop tabs and more optimize campaigns.

Track engagement and sales metrics across features to identify what resonates most with your followers. Then double down on the highest-converting formats.

16. Grow your email subscriber list

Email boasts a 4400% higher ROI than social media. Yet 70% of brands fail to capture email contacts from 90%+ of site visitors. Prioritize list growth with:

🌟 Lead magnet gated content
🌟 Pop-up/footer sign-up forms
🌟 Contests and giveaways
🌟 Exit intent offers
🌟 Referral programs

Incentivize subscribers with initial discounts/perks and demonstrate long-term value via helpful content to maintain engagement.

17. Leverage SMS/text message marketing

SMS open rates top 99% with most messages read within 90 seconds. Leverage messaging to:

📲 Send shipping confirmations/tracking info
📲 Share exclusive, time-sensitive promos
📲 Provide post-purchase customer support

Keep messages concise and actionable. Avoid overloading new subscribers to maintain opt-in rates. Personalize content to boost engagement.

18. Launch a tiered loyalty program

Recognize big spenders and brand evangelists by offering exclusive rewards like early access, free products and VIP experiences.

Define incremental tiers based on purchase volume or activity. Structure benefits to incentivize reaching the next level. Gamify progression to drive retention long-term.

19. Make referrals irresistible

Referrals convert up to 5X better than traditional leads. They also deliver 16% higher lifetime value over typical customers.

Refuel Tequila increased sales 29X with a referral program that rewarded both advocates and recipients. Sweeten the value proposition for each party to maximize participation.

20. Strategically offer discounts

Tactical promotions like sitewide sales and category spotlights distract from luxury branding for high-end ecommerce companies.

Instead, Gilt focuses discounts on previous customer cohorts sorted by:

  • Purchase recency
  • Average order value
  • Projected lifetime value

With personalized deals aligned to historical spending habits and potential.

21. Launch 24/7 personalized chat

When online shoppers have questions, they expect real-time support. Staffed live chat converts between 15-20%, dwarfing email and self-service searches.

Augment reps with chatbots that gather basic details and handle common inquiries to focus live agents on complex issues and conversions.

Prioritize speed and personalization. Chat performance affects your bottom line.

22. Implant urgency across the shopper journey

Strategically highlighting demand and scarcity inspires action by tapping into FOMO. For example:

🤩 “Almost sold out” warnings
⚡️ Exclusive sales for newsletter subscribers
⏰ Weekend-only promotions

Chewy.com A/B tested a low inventory warning in their emails, increasing clicks to site by 31%.

Scarcity must feel authentic. Monitor browsing patterns and sales velocity to determine legitimate opportunities.

23. Recruit authentic brand influencers

The rise of nano and micro-influencers (~500+ followers) enables authentic co-marketing that resonates with highly engaged niche audiences. Rakuten Advertising found the combination over index for trust and purchase intent.

Identify standout customers and fans. Provide free product samples in exchange for sponsored content centered on genuine use cases. Think long-term partnerships over one-off transactions.

Key Takeaways

  • Diversify efforts across platforms for integrated exposure
  • Prioritize mobile optimization and shoppable experiences
  • Blend educational and promotional messaging
  • Personalize and localize campaigns based on interests and activity

Test new strategies continuously. Monitor performance and double down on what works for increased sales and loyalty long-term.

What ecommerce marketing tactics resonate most with your niche? Share your favorites in the comments below!