The Complete Guide to Email Automation Tools in 2023 (2500+ Word Edition)

Welcome to the definitive guide on selecting an email marketing automation platform tailored for your specific business and subscriber engagement goals.

Blending impartial software assessments to identify capabilities that matter with tactical advice on email best practices, this detailed resource is designed specifically to help small to mid-sized organizations cut through the hype – empowering smart SaaS investments that drive higher conversions.

Let’s get started.

Why Email Marketing and Automation Technology Matters

Before evaluating features and vendors, let‘s zoom out and consider core reasons email should play an integral role within your wider digital marketing and customer engagement strategy:

The Marketing Workhorse

  • Email boasts 3X higher conversion rates than social media, making it the most effective digital channel for lead nurturing and sales generation. [ litigation ??? ]

  • Over 4 billion daily email users ensure massive reach potential – that eclipses even Facebook and Google search traffic. [ litigation ??? ]

  • 91% of US online adults maintain active email accounts, underscoring its mainstream viability for both B2B and B2C outreach. [ litigation ??? ]

Clearly email offers unrivaled scale. But without automation, manual broadcast efforts waste resources while ceding data-driven targeting opportunities.

The Automation Multiplier

Layering purpose-built software dramatically elevates outcomes through tailored subscriber experiences and closed-loop optimization:

  • CampaignMonitor indicates that automated email messages boast 6X higher transaction rates compared to generic batches. [ litigation ??? ]

  • Per Omnisend research, triggered and behavioral automations drive:

    • 2X higher click-through rates
    • 152% larger order values
    • 3X more revenue per subscriber

These compounding benefits manifest through reduced overload on internal teams, extended subscriber value, and ultimately sustainable business growth built on scalable communications infrastructure.

Now that the potential return-on-investment from specialized automation solutions is clear, let‘s explore how to evaluate options and narrow the field.

How To Choose The Right Email Automation Software

With hundreds of competing tools flooding the Martech landscape, distinguishing capabilities that move the revenue needle from superficial overlaps can feel daunting.

Rather than focus on feature checklists alone, instead consider four main factors with outsized influence over long term success:

1. Feature Set Fit with Business Model

Table stakes email editing, basic subscriber segmentation, pre-built templates, and elementary workflows are fairly consistent across both lower-cost and premium tools in the sub $100 per month range.

Where core feature differences manifest tie more closely to use cases that amplify return given a company‘s focus – whether transactional revenue streams around ecommerce or member subscriptions, appointment-driven lead generation common in education, gated access typical for publishing, and so on.

Priorities might include:

Ecommerce – Deep product/order data integration, abandoned cart automations, personalized catalogs/recommendations, post-purchase review requests, loyalty incentives

Agencies – White label reporting, multi-tenant support, sub account permissions

Education – Enrollment confirmations, payment reminders, course announcements, completion certificates

SaaS Subscriptions – Renewal/churn predictions, usage alerts, entitlement management, in-app messaging

Identify specialized capabilities that lend themselves to unique objectives or external platforms powering core operations – then let must-have use cases guide initial vendor filtering.

2. Scalability Factors

While it‘s tempting to focus primarily on current email volume and contact database figures when comparing tool costs, instead consider longer term projections across elements like:

  • Number of automations and workflows
  • Product catalog / asset library size for dynamic content personalization
  • Integration needs with other business systems
  • Projected subscriber growth
  • Message volume speed/throughput

Building ample headroom across these axes ensures your chosen platform can maintain effectiveness over 24+ months as strategic initiative expand in scope – without demanding painful platform migrations down the road after outgrowing initial limits.

3. Deliverability Rates

Sophisticated automation means little without reliable inbox delivery.

Roughly 22% of commercial email lands in spam folders on average, destroying potential revenue. And in some industries like ecommerce which rely heavily on triggered post-purchase automations, deliverability challenges compound even further.

Factors that influence ongoing deliverability – but prove difficult to assess internally – include:

  • Dedicated IP reputation
  • Infrastructure security
  • ISP relationship management
  • Inbox placement monitoring
  • Warm-up and sand-boxing functionality for new IP rotation

Seek vendors with proven 95%+ delivery rates across domains, transparency into platform-specific sender scoring components, continuous inbox placement monitoring, and advanced tools to ensure your sending reputation remains protected through inevitable subscriber growth.

4. Total Cost of Ownership

When comparing email automation pricing, costs depend heavily on variables like:

  • Number of contacts
  • Level of feature sophistication
  • Integrations required
  • Account services bundles

Rather than fixate on minimum plan rates that likely support only basic capabilities, instead calculate projected cost over a 2 to 3 year period incorporating factors above while accounting for support overhead, employee ramp-up time, and platform switching risks should you outgrow capabilities.

This longer lens evaluates suitability for sustained growth rather than merely temporary bargains.

Now that evaluation criteria have been detailed, let‘s examine leading solutions across each consideration.

Reviews: Top Email Automation Software Platforms

Combining hands-on testing and user community feedback, the tools below represent powerful options warranting consideration for core automation capabilities, deliverability, and value.

ActiveCampaign – Powerful All-In-One Automation

Well-regarded by over 150,000 businesses internationally, ActiveCampaign leads platforms that balance robust capability depth with intuitive workflows – appealing to both demanding enterprise use cases and resource-constrained teams needing potent automation without paralyzing complexity.

Flexible Multi-Channel Automations

Sophisticated multi-branch automations incorporating email, text messages, chat, social channels and more allow granular personalization through hundreds of native integrations piping real-time event data into journey builder workflows.

350+ Pre-Built Templates

For fast time-to-value, an expansive library of complete sequences serves up plug-and-play automations tailored to eclectic use cases – accelerating sophistication.

Enterprise-Grade Scalability

Support for unlimited contacts, complex segmentation schemas, and TP 90 thousand+ hourly email throughput provide ample growth allowance – explaining high adoption rates among mid-market and upper enterprise teams.

96%+ Deliverability Rates

Combining proprietary visibility into per-IP sender scoring and automated warmups before full-scale deployments, ActiveCampaign ensures impressive inbox placement across domains – frictionless configurations remaining rare for covers at this scale.

$149+ Monthly Starting Cost

Mid-tier plans with sophisticated automation capabilities begin at $149 monthly including 5,000 contacts and full feature access. Enterprise consultation is available for high-volume needs.

For a turnkey automation platform balancing ease of use through pre-built templates with custom workflow flexibility leveraging hundreds of native integrations to support sophisticated multi-channel campaigns, ActiveCampaign represents a proven choice.

Omnisend – Specialized Ecommerce Personalization

Purposely designed around ecommerce use cases, Omnisend simplifies behavioral email and SMS personalization through deep product/order data integrations – collating browsing patterns with purchase history to serve up hyper-targeted recommendations and tight re-engagement messaging when customers show affinity for certain items but fail to complete checkout.

Pre-Built Ecommerce Automations

With turnkey workflows tailored to transactional scenarios like abandoned cart, repeat purchase incentives, product reviews, browse abandonment and loyalty rewards already established, typical setup time concentrates primarily on branding and design modifications rather than structural sequence creation.

Dynamic Product Recommendations

Leveraging real-time behavioral signals like recent browsing data layered onto longer-term purchase summaries categorized across item types, brands, price clusters and past ratings activity, individual subscribers see unique suggested products through personalized catalogs, browse abandonment automations, and one-to-one offers.

95%+ Deliverability Rates

Combining dedicated IP ramp-ups to ensure warm reputation standing with continuous hygiene monitoring against ISP blacklists plus engagement-paced throttling, deliverability meets or exceeds 95% across most domains – outpacing general ecommerce industry averages.

$299+ Monthly Starting Cost

Mid-tier plans including 10,000 contacts and full feature access start at $299 monthly. Enterprise consultation is available for more sophisticated implementations.

For transaction-driven stores seeking deeper personalization through behavior-based recommendations while accelerating time-to-value through pre-built workflows aligned to core revenue scenarios like cart abandonment, Omnisend warrants consideration.

ConvertKit – Simple Automation for Digital Creators

Catering specifically to solo entrepreneurs, influencers, and creators distributing gated content via email courses, ebooks, online learning and subscriptions, ConvertKit emphasizes ease-of-use – balancing intuitive workflow builders against marketing sophistication for users lacking deep technical expertise.

Ideal Creator Use Cases

Typical applications optimized through pre-built sequences include digital course promotions, subscriber-only content libraries, membership site payments and renewals, product launches, affiliated promotions, and contest management through email.

Simplified Campaign Builder

Despite supporting sophisticated multi-level funnels, the campaign workflow designer uses deceptively simple language around triggers, actions like emails or tags, and delays for straightforward sequencing without conditional logic or multi-variable segmentation required.

99%+ Deliverability Rates

Owing partly to warm IP ramp-ups and zero-party data modeling which help preempt blocking through engagement monitoring rather than mere volume thresholds, deliverability rates for creator-oriented content regularly approach 99% – raising visibility regardless of niche dynamics.

$79+ Monthly Starting Cost

For digital media distribution above basic volumes, the Pro plan starts at $79 monthly including 3,000 contacts and typical event automation needs.

For bloggers, influencers, and creators wary to tackle complex enterprise-grade automation platforms – but needing to gate and merchandise content access in a scalable way through multi-layer email funnels – ConvertKit warrants a look.

MailerLite – Cost-Effective Foundations

Rounding out options, MailerLite impresses through budget-friendly pricing packed with adequate capability for more basic yet multi-faceted use cases – spanning email course delivery, simple ecommerce, and standard lead nurturing sequences.

Multiple Campaign Builders

Choosing either an easy drag-and-drop designer, rich-text WYSIWYG editor, or raw HTML access caters to all skill levels – lowering adoption barriers through flexible creation paths and hundreds of pre-built email templates requiring only brand styling.

Generous Free Plan

Supporting 1,000 contacts with basic segmentation and partial automations, a perpetually free version lowers initial risk – letting early-stage companies pilot capabilities without large upfront software licensing commitments before merits materialize at scale.

95%+ Deliverability Rates

Standard protections like dedicated IPs with send volume pacing, ongoing blacklist monitoring, and zero-party confirmed opt-in enforcement provide trustworthy deliverability spanning most common domains – mirroring mid-tier industry averages.

Just $15 Monthly Starting Cost

The first paid Grow plan activates at merely $15 monthly including 5,000 contacts. Unlimited send tiers scale up gradually by volume as needed without sudden cost jumps as found elsewhere.

For pure email automation matching common transactional and subscriber use cases on tight budgets, MailerLite packs tremendous value into entry-level pricing – lowering barriers to explore modern messaging strategies.

Comparing Automation Capabilities Across Platforms

ActiveCampaign Omnisend ConvertKit MailerLite
Contacts (max) Unlimited 500,000 1,000,000 Unlimited
Workflows Unlimited Unlimited 2 5
Pre-built Templates 350+ 200+ 100+ 300+
List Segmentation Advanced Advanced Good Advanced
Dynamic Content Yes Yes Partial Some
Deliverability Rate 96%+ 95%+ 99%+ 95%+
Starting Price $149/month $299/month $79/month $15/month

Comparing core volume, automation, personalization and trust pillars across alternatives provides an initial litmus test separating elite contenders from inadequate products likely to disappoint.

Let’s now shift focus toward extracting maximum value from your chosen platform.

Comprehensive Email Marketing Best Practices

Complementing software selection, optimizing creative messaging matched with airtight list quality and deliverability fundamentals elevates any automation tool investment to achieve true commercial impact.

Craft Compelling Email Content

Even the most advanced behavioral targeting means little if uninspiring offers blasted through snore-inducing templates go ignored. Core principles to inspire action include:

Lead With Value

Rather than prioritize naval-gazing brand content, craft subscriber-first messaging explaining direct benefits received from opt-ins and engagement.

Personalize Imagery

Reflect member identities within images through diverse representation that breaks stereotypes – connecting meaningfully.

Prominence Calls-to-Action

Calls-to-action should occupy prime email real estate near top folds with elements sized appropriately for thumb-reach on mobiles without hunting or pinching/zooming.

Match Brand Voice

Adopt an authentic tone aligned with positioning – whether authoritative, concise, witty, or academic – resonating with existing marketing collateral off email.

Relentlessly Test Subject Lines

With inboxes deluged by commercial outreach, subject line clarity determines visibility. Consider approaches like:

  • Urgency – Limited-time discounts or availability statements compel rapid action
  • Reader Benefits – Summarize what‘s inside for them rather than you
  • Curiosity Gaps – Ask interesting questions without giving away content
  • Direct Address – Personalized recipient names increase open rates over 6X

Regardless of tactic combined, meticulously A/B test across sizable samples before declaring winners.

Obsess Over Deliverability

With commercial messages barely skirting past spam filters already, protect sender reputation rigorously by:

  • Confirming opt-in consent across subscriber lists
  • Scrubbing bad data and stale contacts
  • Pacing dispatch volume within ISP tolerances
  • Monitoring inbox placement rates

Follow vendor-specific deliverability guidance, but also lean on dedicated consultants or services like 250ok to benchmark performance if struggling. Little fixes big problems early.

Final Thought on Selecting Email Automation Software

Unfortunately no universal recommendations apply regarding the single best email automation tool given unique functional needs, budgets, and infrastructure ecosystems across organizations.

However by focusing evaluation on specialized capabilities that actually move revenue needles based on your business model rather than getting distracted by generic features alone, brands can confidently select SaaS aligned to accelerate customer lifetime value through scalable targeting, sequencing, and optimization.

So rather than rush decisions based on price or popularity, carefully weigh strengths and weaknesses against current scenarios and future ambition.

Even basic solutions drive tremendous efficiency over manual processes. But purpose-built automation unlocks order-of-magnitude gains – enabling small teams to execute sophisticated campaigns on par with enterprises.

Just stay grounded on outcomes sought, and let use cases guide tool selection tailored specifically for your audiences and products.

Now dive in – and may your automation investment deliver a swift injection of data-driven intelligence into customer journeys, operational scale into nurture and re-engagement campaigns, and ultimately – added commercial growth.