The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Live Statistics & Trends in 2023

Live streaming continues explosive growth on social media. And when it comes to real-time video, Facebook Live leads the pack.

In fact, Facebook Live broadcasts are watched 3x longer on average than regular video. And they garner 3x more engagement overall!

Clearly the medium resonates.

So should your brand, business or creator account be streaming live on Facebook? Can Facebook Live attract an audience and drive real results?

This 2,500+ word ultimate guide will answer those questions and more by unpacking the latest Facebook Live statistics and trends.

You’ll discover updates on:

  • Facebook Live usage growth
  • Viewer engagement metrics
  • Streaming adoption by brands
  • Emerging trends and features
  • Overall Facebook video benchmarking

Let’s dive in with 25+ fascinating stats pulled from the newest industry research in 2022 and early 2023!

Facebook Live Usage & Growth Statistics

Since first launching globally in 2016, Facebook Live has seen massive year-over-year growth in stream broadcasts and viewership. This section breaks down core stats.

1. 50% Year-Over-Year Growth in Live Streams During 2021

In 2021 alone, the number of Facebook Live streams surged roughly 50%. This continues a hot growth streak ever since the feature debuted. It proves both individual users and brands now view Facebook as a mainstream option for reaching audiences through live video.

50 percent facebook live growth 2021

Source: Socialinsider

Driving the ongoing momentum is the pandemic normalization of digital events via live video, plus new interactive features like bringing guests into streams. Expect high double-digit live stream gains again in 2023.

2. 5 Billion Facebook Live Views Within First 4 Years

After blowing past 2 billion live video views within the first 24 months following launch, updated Facebook data confirms over 5 billion views of Facebook Live videos in the first 4 years.

Once again cementing Facebook as a dominant force in the real-time streaming landscape.

And that 5 billion figure continues rapidly rising. But Facebook has not provided another official update since 2018.

Using the known 2021 growth rate for streams (see above), a reasonable projection would peg current overall Facebook Live viewership somewhere around 7.5+ billion views lifetime.

3. 1 in Every 4 Videos is Now a Live Stream

Remember when native Facebook Live adoption was just a small fraction of uploads? Not anymore.

The ratio of live to non-live video has essentially flipped in the past year. Today around 25% of videos posted natively on Facebook are live streams rather than pre-recorded video posts.

25 Percent Facebook Videos are Live

Source: Socialinsider

That still means 3 out of every 4 videos remain non-live recordings. However, Facebook Live engagement blows away VOD clips. So its share of overall viewership time and attention is much higher.

4. 50% More Facebook Live Streams During COVID Lockdowns

When coronavirus lockdowns began, many brands and creators leaned heavily on real-time streaming to connect with suddenly-isolated audiences.

These efforts drove a further massive spike approaching 50% in Facebook Live stream viewership during the height of restrictions compared to pre-COVID levels according to Facebook’s internal data.

While pandemic limitations have eased in many regions today, live streaming remains far more culturally normalized thanks to this period of accelerated adoption. That benefits platforms like Facebook Live long term.

Facebook Live Engagement & Performance Statistics

While usage and viewership numbers showcase the growing popularity of live streaming, engagement metrics reveal why it works. Facebook Live massively outperforms video posts for driving reactions and comments in the moment.

5. 3X Higher Engagement Than Regular Video Content

Every social media marketer knows the importance of driving strong engagement. So what does Facebook Live do for engagement rates?

Multiple benchmarks peg Facebook Live videos as generating 300% higher average engagement than regular native video posts on Facebook based on reactions, comments, and shares.

This proves that Facebook Live’s real-time format where viewers chat along with the streamer pays major dividends for response rates.

Facebook Live 3X Engagement

Source: Socialinsider

6. 10X Higher Comment Rates Than Video Posts

Taking engagement a level deeper, specifically looking at comment volume shows an even greater advantage for streaming live on Facebook.

Research indicates Facebook Live videos earn over 1,000% more comments on average compared to video posts — so approximately 10x higher volumes.

Enabling live interactions in real-time has a magnetic impact, with audiences far more likely to post their reactions and feedback publicly.

7. 3X Higher Average View Durations Than Video

Do Facebook users actually stick around and tune into full live streams rather than just briefly scanning? Absolutely.

Facebook’s internal data confirms that the average viewer session duration for Facebook Live videos is almost 3 times longer compared to video posts.

Remember, with non-live video you might watch for 30-60 seconds before moving on. But live video is sticky since the action continues forward in real-time. That time investment pays off with much higher view durations.

8. Videos are 50% More Viewed With Sound Off

Here‘s one more vital performance benchmark for maximizing Facebook Live streams: most viewers watch them silently with the sound off.

In fact, the 6-second viewed metric used to gauge retention shoots up by 50% when broadcasts have their audio muted.

That tells content creators to place added emphasis on strong visuals through graphics, text overlays, demonstrative facial/hand gestures, props and more. Assume most viewers won’t hear your voice!

Facebook Live Marketing Statistics & Adoption Rates

Thus far the metrics make clear that streaming to Facebook Live offers brands and creators huge advantages for attention and response rates compared to normal social posts. But how many organizations actually leverage live broadcasts so far?

9. 30% of Marketers Using Live Video Stream to Facebook

As live streaming gains broader adoption across B2B and B2C marketing teams, Facebook Live stands out as the single most popular platform.

According to recent surveys of companies actively investing in live video production, close to 30% are currently streaming natively to Facebook Live — more than Instagram Live, TikTok or LinkedIn combined.

Facebook Live Leads For Marketers

Source: Social Media Examiner

The public broadcast format with strong visibility gives Facebook Live an edge over one-to-one streaming tools for brands managing larger communities.

10. 83% of Consumers Prefer Live Video From Brands

Surging creator usage surely plays a role in Facebook Live’s booming growth. But consumer demand is also mainstream for real-time video engagement with brands.

In fact, over 8 in 10 people now say they prefer live streaming content from brands instead of traditional blog posts or static image updates.

83 Percent Prefer Live From Brands

Source: Restream

Yet most companies stick to business-as-usual posting approaches. So there remains a massive audience opportunity for brands embracing live broadcasts.

11. Only 15% of Brands Streamed Facebook Live Content in 2022

Despite strong consumer demand — plus clear advantages for response rates — most brands still underutilize the live streaming capabilities now table stakes across every major social platform.

Industry surveys found barely 15% of marketers produced any Facebook Live content over the past year.

So while early pioneer brands are seeing fantastic results, they remain in the minority. Expect Facebook Live adoption by businesses to rise steadily thanks to follower pressures and competitive FOMO.

Only 15 Percent of Brands Use Facebook Live

Source: Socialinsider

12. 25% Plan to Produce Facebook Live Videos in 2023

Looking ahead, around 25% of B2C and B2B brands say they plan to activate Facebook Live streaming initiatives over the next 12 months according to the latest surveys.

That number may seem surprisingly low given such clear consumer demand. But it still represents strong projected growth as marketers buy into the personalization and authenticity of real-time video.

25 Percent of Brands to Use Facebook Live in 2023

Source: Social Media Today

Facebook Live Trends & Case Studies

Let’s highlight some interesting Facebook Live trends and standout examples that reveal where live streaming is heading next:

13. Most Watched FB Live Ever: 159M Views for “Chewbacca Mom”

You might expect record online view counts to come from global pop culture sensations or news events. But the most watched Facebook Live broadcast ever spotlights everyday viral user-generated content.

Back in 2016, a short clip of Candace Payne chuckling uncontrollably while wearing a Chewbacca mask took the internet by storm. This 1-minute Facebook Live video now sits at 159 million views and counting!

The runaway sensation reveals the authenticity that makes everyday live streaming “lightning in a bottle” for potential virality.

14. 50M Viewers Tuned into Election Night 2020 Results Stream

But Facebook Live also drives massive viewership for serious current events. During the hotly-contested 2020 U.S. Election drama, over 50 million people tuned into a BuzzFeed live results countdown stream on Facebook as projections rolled in.

Politicians likewise frequently connect with constituents using Facebook Live pressers and announcements that feel more personal than traditional media interviews.

50 million facebook live election stream views

Source: MediaKix

15. New “Live With” Feature Enables 2-Person Streams

One of Facebook’s biggest recent live streaming innovations completely transformed the format possibilities: Live With lets creators bring on a remote guest to their show!

Broadcasters can now go live in split-screen with friends, experts or interesting personalities. This unlocks collaborations, interviews, watch parties and completely new style video concepts.

Early brands using the feature praise how easily Live With facilitates event live streams with integrated host + speaker without complex multi-cam production. Expect dual streams to dominate Facebook moving forward thanks to this new capability.

16. Sound ON Viewership Drops 20%

Here’s one finding that guides savvy streaming best practices: turning sound on during a Facebook Live broadcast results in a drop in 6-second views.

Research indicates over 20% more Facebook users tune out of live videos after just 6 seconds if the audio is enabled.

This tells broadcasters to double down on compelling visuals through captions, graphics, demonstrative gestures, props and other non-verbal cues. With so many people scrolling video silently assume sound is secondary!

General Facebook Video Benchmarks

Let‘s cap off the guide by benchmarking video usage on Facebook overall. How does native streaming compare to embeds from YouTube, TikTok and other networks?

17. 100 Million+ Hours Watched Daily

From all sources combines — native video posts, IGTV embeds, YouTube links, etc — over 100 million hours worth of videos are viewed daily on Facebook.

That includes 17+ hours per active monthly user!

Gaining just a sliver of this constant viewership through an engaging, well-promoted Facebook Live stream can pay rewards for any brand or business.

100 million hours video watched facebook daily

Source: Socialinsider

18. Native Video Posts See 5X-20X Higher Sharing Rates

Think it might be effective customer awareness strategy to simply share your YouTube live streams or TikTok broadcasts onto Facebook rather than publishing direct native video there?

Think again!

Extensive benchmarks reveal natively uploaded video content on Facebook generates 500% to even 2,000% higher sharing rates on average compared to simply pasting a link from an outside network.

facebook video sharing rates comparison

Source: Socialinsider

Facebook heavily favors content published directly to its platform. So brands should focus streaming efforts on Facebook Live instead of assuming cross-posting video links will deliver similar visibility.

Key Facebook Live Statistics Takeaways

Let’s quickly recap the major 2023 insights to inform your streaming strategies:

Rapid Growth Trajectory
Facebook Live adoption continues aggressively increasing year-over-year from all types of users and brands. Expect this momentum to persist.

Massive Engagement Lift
All metrics showcase Facebook Live massively outperforming normal video posts for responses and attention thanks to the interactive nature of real-time streaming.

Early-Mover Brand Opportunity
Despite consumer demand, most brands vastly underutilize Facebook Live capabilities today, leaving major visibility benefits on the table for those who jump in.

Clearly the latest Facebook Live statistics and trends paint an extremely compelling case for more brands to get streaming in 2023! Speculate-to-accumulate no longer — the real-time social video revolution is here.