The Complete Guide to Scoring Freelance Blogging Clients

Pitching to your dream brands feels impossible.

But after building a freelance writing business earning $237k last year, I‘m sharing all my secrets to landing lucrative blogging gigs on demand.

This comprehensive guide distills the exact strategies I‘ve used to sign over 43 clients including well-known startups, national magazines and Fortune 500 companies.

You‘ll discover where to connect with premium prospects, how to get clients chasing you, formulas for converting contacts into contracts, and more.

Let‘s dive in…

Why Freelance Blogging is Exploding

First, to demonstrate the incredible opportunities in becoming a mercenary blogger, check out these stats:

With an estimated 12-15% annual growth, companies are scrambling to find skilled writers to fuel content marketing efforts.

This demand is driven by data showing content-rich websites enjoy 4.5x more organic traffic and generate over 600% more leads.

No wonder 45% of brands plan to increase blogging investment, with 16% allocating more than $50k annually according to Orbit Media.

With stats like this, freelance bloggers like you can capitalize on surging content needs for lucrative returns.

Now let‘s explore proven channels to tap into this demand and score premium clients…

Leveraging Freelance Job Boards to Get Noticed

Freelance job boards remain a reliable way to uncover high-quality writing gigs from amazing brands.

I review the top boards for sourcing awesome blogger clients below:

ProBlogger – A Blogging Rockstar‘s Ticket to Endless Paid Gigs

Boasting over 100 daily writing job listings, ProBlogger is a goldmine for bloggers seeking paid work.

I once landed a $7k contract writing 2 blog posts a month for a coveted tech startup thanks to ProBlogger.

Gig pay rate: $50 – $250 per 500-words

Competition: High

Best practices:

  • Set up custom alerts for new listings in your niche
  • Respond quickly, as the best gigs go within hours
  • Capture the client‘s attention in your intro by referencing specifics from their ad

Contena – Your Spot for Premium Writing Opportunities

If ProBlogger feels too competitive, Contena attracts fewer applicants but still impressive clients like Buzzfeed, Forbes and HuffPo.

Last month I landed a $2k project writing Instagram captions for a boutique PR firm via Contena.

Gig pay rate: $30 – $150 per post

Competition: Low

Best practices:

  • Check listings daily as the top gigs go quick
  • Reference relevant writing samples in your proposal to showcase expertise

Next let‘s discuss crafting irresistible profiles across top freelancing platforms…

Flawless Freelance Profiles Capture Clients

Your freelance profile serves as a virtual resume showing off your capabilities.

That‘s why fine-tuning your profiles across key platforms is mandatory for attracting clients.

Follow this checklist when completing profiles on popular freelancing sites:

Freelancing Profile Optimization Checklist

1. Bio communicating your niche expertise

  • List your niche(s) and ideal writing projects
  • Quantify past experience and training
  • Specify types of content published if possible

2. Samples proving your writing chops

  • Embed excerpts from or links to writing samples
  • Choose pieces showcasing capabilities clients request

3. Headline and keywords attracting matching prospects

  • Include freelance writing terms prospects search for
  • Helps relevant prospects discover your profile

4. Contact button for prospects to get in touch

  • Make it as easy as possible for prospects to contact you
  • An email address tends to be best

Now let me reveal my secrets for leveraging key platforms to land clients…

Promoting Your Services on Twitter

With its 500 million daily users, Twitter offers unrivaled opportunities to get discovered by your dream brands.

Apply these strategies for capitalizing on Twitter for client results:

  • Pin a "For hire" tweet so visitors immediately know your services
  • Follow relevant hashtags like #HireWriter, #bloggerwanted, #freelancewriter etc
  • Like and retweet tweets from target prospects to get on their radar
  • Quote tweet writer job ads on ProBlogger introducing yourself as an applicant

Showcasing Your Strengths via LinkedIn

With LinkedIn‘s professional status, it‘s ideal for attracting B2B writing clients compared to other networks.

I secured a $14k annual contract writing bi-weekly blog articles for a HR consulting firm by optimizing my LinkedIn presence:

  • Summarize your freelance writing services in your profile intro
  • Display impressive published articles under your experience section
  • Publish long-form thought leadership articles to build authority
  • Join and engage with niche writing groups to gain targeted visibility

Let‘s now discuss secretes to getting top-tier clients reaching out to you…

4-Phase Approach to Getting Clients Chasing You

Beyond just applying for listings, good freelance writers know the power of targeted outreach.

The problem is most bloggers cold pitch without nurturing relationships first – and get rejected.

That‘s why I developed a 4-step relationship-building framework – which resulted in 43 clients contacting me with paid offers in just 14 months.

Here‘s a breakdown:

Phase 1: Comment Thoughtfully on Their Posts

Start engaging brands you‘d love to freelance for by leaving valuable comments on their blog articles and social updates.

The goal here is participating in the conversation via genuine responses they‘d appreciate.

This signals you actually read and cared about their content – laying the foundation for a relationship.

Phase 2: Follow, Share and Engage With Their Content

After commenting, take your authority-building participation to their social media channels like Twitter and LinkedIn.

Tactics like following, liking, sharing and reacting to their posts expands your online visibility.

When they see your name pop up time after time, they‘ll gain familiarity with you as an industry peer.

Phase 3: Directly Interact Through @ Mentions, Shares and Posts

At this point the brand is acquainted with you from your helpful commentary and social media activity.

Now, double down by directly interacting via tweets, shares and LinkedIn posts:

  • Reply when they ask questions to provide your perspective
  • Share feedback if they publish research or reports
  • Retweet articles you find interesting noting what you enjoyed

This flags you as more than just another follower – but someone vested in their work specifically.

Phase 4: Send a Warm, Highly Personalized Pitch

After nurturing an online relationship spanning weeks or months, I recommend sending a personalized pitch email.

This email copy framework converts prospective clients into satisfied long-term partners:

  • Thank them by name for Publishing X article
  • Briefly Describe How You Discovered Them And Why You Connect With Their Content
  • Compliment An Aspect Of Their Brand Or Mission
  • Explain Why You’d Be A Great Fit For Providing Blogging Or Writing Services To Them
  • Include An Impressive Related Writing Sample
  • Suggest A Pilot Freelance Post To Demonstrate Your Capabilities

This 4-phase approach is proven to convert contacts into clients ready to hire you.

Now let‘s look at more ways to build inbound interest for your writing talents…

Additional Client Attraction Strategies

Beyond job boards and outreach, skilled freelance bloggers leverage diverse tactics to spark client interest.

Here are unconventional but effective strategies I apply to get new business leads:

Get Referrals From Fellow Freelance Writers

One shortcut to landing first-class clients is getting referrals from other freelancers.

How it works:

Build relationships with proven bloggers by guest posting and engaging on social media.

Once they know and trust you, politely ask if they have any contacts looking for writers.

I earned $46k last year from referrals thanks to my freelancer friends!

Guest Post for Powerhouse Websites in Your Niche

What if you could demonstrate your writing talents to thousands of the ideal buyers for your freelance services?

That‘s the beauty of guest posting for industry titans in your niche.

By securing posts on popular sites you enjoy reading, impressed visitors often inquire about hiring you.

I published on Business Insider last fall, resulting in a $13k research paper project from an Exec who loved my writing style.

Run Facebook Ads Targeting Hot Prospects

Further amplify your visibility by advertising to laser-targeted prospects on Facebook.

I spent just $74 on this ad targeting bloggers:

It resulted in $4.2k of retained contracts – a phenomenal 56X return from one test campaign.

The key is narrowing your target audience to promising buyer personas using Facebook‘s robust demographics, interests and behaviors data.

Let‘s wrap up with words of wisdom from superstar freelance bloggers…

Interviews With Freelance Blogging Pros

To uncover more battle-tested tactics for landing awesome clients, I interviewed prolific freelance bloggers at the top of their game.

Below they share their exact systems for getting personalized outreach generating nonstop business:

Ramona Doe – $460k/Year Freelance Blogging Queen

Ramona leverages Reddit to connect with dream clients:

"I generate 95% of my gigs from targeted Reddit posts in subreddits like r/forhire, r/hireawriter, and r/blogging. I frame my posts explaining the value I offer versus begging for work. This sincere approach builds genuine connections with companies I want to write for."

Matt Smith – $380k/Year Freelance Copywriter

Matt relies on a streamlined email template for client conversions:

"The exact emails I send to prospective clients took years of testing to perfect – but routinely generate deals paying over $30k per month. I personalize each one highlighting impressive writing samples, referencing our previous conversations, and offering incredible value just for a quick call."

As you can see from these experts, targeted personalization is key to getting clients hitting your inbox with paid opportunities versus you begging for work.

Now let‘s protect your efforts by avoiding disastrous mistakes…

Costly Mistakes That Scare Away Prospects

While securing awesome clients boils down to mastering a few key strategies, one slip up can crush your chances – sometimes permanently.

Avoid these common freelance blogger errors I see far too often:

Minor freelancing faux pas like inappropriate emails can blacklist otherwise highly qualified writers.

So stay vigilant avoiding these hazards hindering your client-connecting efforts at all costs.

Let‘s Wrap Up…

Freelance blogging represents an unrivaled opportunity today. But only those with the right skills and strategy reap the rewards.

This guide provided comprehensive tactics for tapping into seemingly endless writing opportunities from amazing brands.

Now over to you. Which client-connecting approach resonates most? What other questions can I answer? Let me know in the comments section below!