The Ultimate Guide on the Best Gumroad Alternatives for 2023

As the creator economy continues evolving, more entrepreneurs are finding opportunities to monetize their skills, knowledge and creative talents online. The total number of creators earning over $100k annually grew by 35% in 2021 alone according to SignalFire data.

But launching and scaling a creator business introduces challenges with balancing content production alongside technology and business operations. Thankfully creator-focused ecommerce platforms help remove major friction points.

Since 2011, Gumroad paved the way for individual creators to easily sell digital products like ebooks, courses, memberships and software. It made online transactions accessible for independent artists, musicians, bloggers and subject matter experts to name a few.

However, as creator businesses and product catalogs scale, many feel limited by Gumroad’s features and high fees:

[Image: Chart showing top Gumroad complaints]

This guide explores the top 8 Gumroad alternatives helping creators build sustainable businesses long-term. Let‘s compare the Gumroad competitors available to find the best fit for your ecommerce needs.

Do You Need to Graduate from Gumroad?

Before reviewing the top Gumroad alternative platforms, let‘s revisit pros and cons sellers experience using Gumroad itself:

Gumroad‘s Pros

  • Easy setup: Quickly create embeddable payment links to sell digital goods from your site or emails
  • No monthly fees: Only pay per transaction (no monthly subscription costs)
  • Basic features: Address core needs like an email-based checkout system, payment processing, product hosting and analytics

Gumroad‘s Cons

  • High transaction fees: 10% + $0.25 per transaction adds up quickly, reducing profit margins
  • Limited design control: Can‘t customize branding or checkout experience
  • No physical goods sales: Digital-only platform lacks tools to ship/track physical products
  • Reporting lacks detail: Analytics and reports about customers could be more robust to optimize offers
  • No native marketing tools: Requires using additional tools for email marketing, landing pages, affiliates

For creators in startup mode selling info products or digital assets, Gumroad delivers on simplicity and fast setup. But if looking to control brand experience, reduce fees, integrate marketing and analytics, or sell physical products, you‘ll want to consider alternatives.

8 Best Gumroad Alternatives for Creators

The following Gumroad competitors represent top-rated platforms to sell digital goods, courses, subscriptions and memberships. They also facilitate scaling to higher revenue through flexible monetization models, marketing tools and custom branding.

1. SendOwl – Best for Digital Downloads

[Image: SendOwl homepage]

SendOwl specializes in creators selling and delivering digital products securely. It equips sellers with:

Key Features

  • File protection with watermarks
  • Control customer download access
  • Membership capabilities
  • Affiliate marketing integrations
  • Coupons and bundles

From online courses and videos to software and design assets, SendOwl caters to diverse digital products.

It provides well-rounded analytics into customer behavior across acquisition channels and sales funnels. You gain visibility to optimize pricing models and improve conversions.

Customizable checkout pages and confirmation emails also lend themselves for strengthening brand exposure at the critical moment customers make a purchase.


Plans start at $15/month. Volume pricing available plus custom enterprise quotes.

Best For

SendOwl suits creators with 10+ digital products seeking security, marketing and analytics in one platform.

Start Your 14-Day Free SendOwl Trial

2. DPD – Best for eBooks & PDF Guides

[Image: DPD homepage]

DPD offers a straightforward platform specifically helping creators publish, market and sell ebooks securely.

Key Features

  • Automatically watermark PDFs
  • Limit customer downloads
  • Password protect documents
  • Affiliate marketing integrations
  • Native sales tax calculations


Starting at $9/month for up to 10 products. 5% + $0.50 transaction fees.

Best For

Authors, bloggers, coaches and information marketers selling premium educational content and PDFs.

Explore DPD‘s Plans

3. Payhip – Most Budget-Friendly

[Image: Payhip homepage]

Payhip delivers an easy way to create embeddable payment links and checkout pages to sell digital goods.

The free forever plan offers:

Key Features

  • Unlimited digital products
  • Modern customizable checkout pages
  • 5% + $0.50 transaction fees


Free plan available. Upgrades start at $29/month.

Best For

Solo creators and early-stage entrepreneurs piloting digital products.

Sign Up for Payhip‘s Free Plan

4. Paddle – Best for SaaS & Mobile Apps

Paddle specializes in helping developers sell software, SaaS and mobile applications.

It equips programmers building scalable companies with features including:

Key Features

  • Trials, demos and free promotion management
  • Payments optimized for one-time and recurring software purchases
  • Tools to build an in-app marketplace
  • Multi-language checkout pages


Custom pricing starting at $30/month plus transaction fees. Offers enterprise quotes.

Best For

Developers from early stage startups to VC-backed high growth companies.

See Paddle‘s Custom Quotes

5. Podia – Best for Online Courses & Memberships

[Image: Podia homepage]

Podia powers over 43,000 course creators, online coaches and digital educators running their businesses.

It equips entrepreneurs seeking to teach and earn online with:

Key Features

  • Online course and membership site builder
  • Webinars and digital downloads
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Affiliate marketing integrations
  • Built-in blogging and analytics

By centralizing essential marketing, sales and analytics features onto a single platform, Podia saves creators significant time piecing tools together themselves.

It‘s an end-to-end solution for launching and marketing training programs to scale revenue.


Plans starting at $39/month plus payment processing fees.

Best For

Online course creators, coaches and educators with niche expertise seeking more features to engage and earn from students.

Start Your 14-Day Free Trial of Podia

6. Memberful – Best for Paid Community Sites

[Image: Memberful homepage]

Memberful simplifies launching and managing a paid membership site for creators seeking recurring membership revenue.

It delivers powerful capabilities to:

Key Features

  • Offer custom packages and access levels
  • Integrate gated content as membership perks
  • Automate member emails and renewals
  • Integrate with existing sites on WordPress, Shopify, etc.

By handling subscriptions, fulfillment and communication workflows, Memberful saves creators headaches so they can focus on serving members with valuable access.


Plans starting at $49/month for up to 3,000 members.

Best For

Bloggers, publishers and creators managing paid communities.

See Memberful‘s Plans

7. Shopify & Shopify Lite – Most Flexibility

[Image: Shopify homepage]

As an all-in-one commerce platform built to scale, Shopify equips entrepreneurs with powerful ecommerce and marketing tools including:

Key Features

  • Sell unlimited physical, digital and service offerings
  • Customizable themes and branding
  • Integrated payment processing
  • Discounts/promotions and gift card capabilities
  • Abandoned cart recovery and analytics

For creators also selling physical products or one-on-one services, Shopify delivers unmatched flexibility.

Shopify Lite offers core features starting at $9/month. Full Shopify monthly plans start at $29/month.

Best For

Solo entrepreneurs to enterprise companies needing a scalable foundation for multi-channel inventory, diverse revenue streams and marketing automation under one platform.

Start Your 30-Day Free Trial of Shopify

8. Gumroad Competitor Overview

[Image: Table comparing 8 Gumroad alternative platforms]
SendOwl DPD Payhip Paddle Podia Memberful Shopify
Best For Digital downloads eBooks & PDF sales Early-stage digital
Good free plan
SaaS & mobile apps Online courses
& memberships
Highly customizable
Monthly Cost $15+ $9+ Free – $29+ Custom quotes $39+ $49+ $9+ – $299+
Transaction Fees Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Design Customization High Medium Medium High High Through site High
Digital Goods Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Physical Goods Third-party Third-party Third-party Third-party Third-party Third-party Yes
Memberships Yes No Third-party Yes Yes Primary purpose Third-party
Key Integrations Zapier Zapier Zapier Zapier Zapier
1000+ apps

Evaluating your product mix, business model, technical needs and future goals can determine which platform above aligns best.

Most offer free trials to experience their platforms firsthand before committing.

Choosing the Best Alternative to Gumroad

With this extensive evaluation of the top Gumroad competitors, how do you select the right commerce solution?

There is no universal “best” platform. But based on key factors below combined with long-term business goals, you can zero in on the right foundational choice.

When comparing alternatives to Gumroad, assess:

  • Product types – Digital only? Physical merch and warehousing needs? Mix of both?
  • Monetization streams – One-time purchases? Subscriptions? How will you generate revenue now and in the future?
  • Audience experience – Will you cultivate, market to and support your audience directly on the platform?
  • Brand customization – How much control over site design and themes based on your brand identity?
  • Budget – What can you afford now understanding revenue and scale potential later?

Prioritizing must-have commerce, marketing and customization functionality will determine whether you’ve outgrown Gumroad‘s simplicity.

For creators focused exclusively on selling digital goods, Gumroad remains a viable starting point.

But creators incorporating physical merch, subscriptions, sophisticated conversions tracking and marketing will soon require a robust platform like those covered above.

Identifying the standout commerce solution aligned to your goals now allows concentrating more time on content creation and audience connection moving forward!