Mastering the WordPress Gutenberg Block Editor: A Comprehensive Guide

The Gutenberg block editor, introduced in WordPress 5.0, has revolutionized the way users create and customize content. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface and extensive library of content blocks, Gutenberg offers a more flexible and visually appealing alternative to the classic editor. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore the power of the Gutenberg editor and provide you with the knowledge and tips to create stunning posts and pages with ease.

Accessing and Navigating the Gutenberg Editor

To begin using the Gutenberg editor, create a new post or page, or edit an existing one. The editor interface is divided into two main sections: the content area on the left, where you‘ll add and arrange blocks, and the settings panel on the right, which displays options for the selected block or the entire document.

The block inserter, represented by the "+" icon, allows you to browse and search for available blocks. Simply click on a block to add it to your content, or start typing "/block-name" to quickly insert a specific block.

Commonly Used Blocks


The paragraph block is the most basic and frequently used block in Gutenberg. It allows you to add and format text, create links, and apply text color or background color. Customize the font size, line height, and alignment using the block settings in the right panel.


Use heading blocks to structure your content and create a hierarchy. Gutenberg offers six levels of headings, from H1 to H6. Select the appropriate heading level from the block toolbar or the block settings. Style your headings consistently to enhance readability and SEO.


The image block enables you to insert images into your content. Upload new images, select from the media library, or insert images from a URL. Customize the image size, alt text, and caption using the block settings. For more engaging content, explore the media & text block, which allows you to place text alongside an image.


Create ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) lists using the list blocks. Indent or outdent list items using the block toolbar buttons or keyboard shortcuts. Use the block settings to customize the list style, start value, and more.


Highlight quotes or testimonials using the quote or pullquote blocks. Style the quote text, citation, and alignment using the block settings. The pullquote block is ideal for emphasizing key quotes within your content.


Insert clickable buttons to guide users to important pages or resources. Customize the button text, link, color, and alignment using the block settings. Group multiple buttons together using the buttons block for a visually appealing call-to-action.


Organize your content into responsive columns using the columns block. Choose the number of columns, set the column width, and add content blocks within each column. The columns block is perfect for creating multi-column layouts, pricing tables, or side-by-side comparisons.


Present data or information in a structured format using the table block. Customize the number of rows and columns, and style the table with header, footer, and alternating row colors using the block settings.

Configuring Block Settings and Options

Each block in Gutenberg comes with its own set of settings and options, accessible through the block toolbar or the block settings panel. Experiment with these settings to fine-tune your content‘s appearance and functionality.

Some common block settings include:

  • Text formatting (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough)
  • Text and background color
  • Font size and line height
  • Alignment (left, center, right, full width)
  • Link settings (URL, open in new tab)
  • Image settings (alt text, size, caption, link)
  • List settings (ordered/unordered, start value, style)

Transforming and Rearranging Blocks

Gutenberg allows you to easily transform one block type into another. For example, you can convert a paragraph into a heading or a list by clicking on the "Change block type" button in the block toolbar and selecting the desired block type.

To rearrange blocks, simply click and drag a block using the "Move" handle or use the up and down arrow buttons in the block toolbar. You can also use the "More options" menu to duplicate or delete blocks.

Using Reusable Blocks

Reusable blocks are a powerful feature in Gutenberg that allow you to save and reuse custom block layouts across your site. To create a reusable block, select one or more blocks, click on the "More options" menu, and choose "Add to Reusable blocks." Give your reusable block a name and save it.

To insert a reusable block, use the block inserter and search for the block by its name. Reusable blocks are perfect for creating consistent content elements like call-to-action sections, author bios, or product features.

Gutenberg Keyboard Shortcuts and Productivity Tips

Mastering keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up your content creation process in Gutenberg. Some essential shortcuts include:

  • "/" to open the block inserter
  • "Ctrl + Alt + T" to insert a new block before the current one
  • "Ctrl + Alt + Y" to insert a new block after the current one
  • "Ctrl + Alt + Backspace" to remove the current block
  • "Ctrl + Alt + ↑/↓" to move the current block up or down
  • "Ctrl + Alt + H" to open the block navigation menu

For a complete list of keyboard shortcuts, click on the "More tools & options" menu in the editor‘s top-right corner and select "Keyboard Shortcuts."

Enhancing Gutenberg with Plugins and Block Libraries

While the default Gutenberg blocks offer a wide range of possibilities, you can further extend the editor‘s capabilities with plugins and block libraries. Some popular options include:

  • Gutenberg Blocks by Kadence Blocks – Adds 20+ custom blocks for advanced layouts, accordions, tabs, and more.
  • CoBlocks – Provides an extensive collection of page builder blocks, including hero sections, pricing tables, and social sharing buttons.
  • Atomic Blocks – Offers a set of beautifully designed blocks for testimonials, call-to-actions, profiles, and more.

Before installing any plugins, ensure they are compatible with your WordPress version and regularly updated by the developers.

Content Structure and Accessibility Best Practices

When creating content with Gutenberg, keep in mind the importance of proper structure and accessibility. Use heading blocks (H1-H6) to create a logical hierarchy and help screen readers navigate your content. Provide descriptive alt text for images to improve accessibility for visually impaired users.

Organize your content into sections using the group or section blocks, and use the spacer block to create visual breaks between sections. Ensure that your text has sufficient color contrast against the background for better readability.

Troubleshooting Common Gutenberg Issues

If you encounter issues while using the Gutenberg editor, try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Ensure that your WordPress version, theme, and plugins are up to date and compatible with Gutenberg.
  2. Deactivate plugins one by one to identify any potential conflicts.
  3. Switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Twenty-One to rule out theme-related issues.
  4. Clear your browser cache and try accessing the editor in a different browser.
  5. Consult the WordPress support forums or the plugin/theme developers for specific issues.

The Future of Gutenberg

The Gutenberg project is continuously evolving, with new features and improvements being added in each WordPress release. Some exciting developments on the horizon include:

  • Full site editing – Ability to design and customize entire website layouts using Gutenberg blocks.
  • Block patterns – Pre-designed block layouts that users can easily insert and customize.
  • Block directory – A centralized repository for discovering and installing third-party blocks directly from the editor.
  • Improved performance and accessibility – Ongoing optimizations to enhance the editor‘s speed and usability for all users.


The WordPress Gutenberg block editor is a powerful tool that enables users to create visually stunning and engaging content with ease. By mastering the various blocks, settings, and productivity tips outlined in this guide, you‘ll be well-equipped to create professional-looking posts and pages that captivate your audience.

Remember to keep accessibility and best practices in mind while exploring the creative possibilities offered by Gutenberg. With the continuous development and growing ecosystem of plugins and block libraries, the future of content creation in WordPress looks brighter than ever.