How Many Instagram Followers Do You Need To Make Money In 2024?

Monetizing a sizable Instagram following is the goal for many influencers and creators today. But how big does that audience actually need to be to start making money?

This definitive 4,500+ word guide will uncover realistic Instagram monetization benchmarks for 2022 and actionable growth strategies to maximize earnings potential.

Let‘s dive in!

Breaking Down The Main Instagram Money-Making Avenues

Instagram offers a diverse range of built-in and third-party tools for turning your account into a steady income stream. But what are the most effective paths monetize your following?

According to an influencer earnings report surveying 1,500+ creators by Mavrck, the current income breakdown is:

  • 63% from creating sponsored content
  • 15% from utilizing affiliate links
  • 7% from selling their own products directly
  • 6% through Instagram’s native monetization tools
  • 5% via third-party subscription services
  • 4% other

Clearly sponsored branded content represents the largest piece of potential revenue, which aligns with previous data as well.

However native Instagram features now drive 6% of earnings, highlighting the growing opportunity.

Let‘s analyze the sponsored post opportunity first, followed by Instagram‘s evolving monetization offerings.

Instagram Sponsorships And Branded Content Deals

Partnering with brands via sponsored Instagram posts and Stories represents the bread and butter for most influencer accounts today.

But how do these brand partnership deals work and how much do they pay?

Popular Instagram Sponsorship Structures

The compensation models used for influencer sponsorships generally fall into four buckets:

CPM (cost per thousand impressions) – Getting paid for every 1,000 impressions of the sponsored content. Typically used for broader brand awareness campaigns.

CPC (cost per click) – Getting paid every time a user clicks from the Instagram post to the brand‘s site or offer page. Used to drive traffic.

CPA (cost per acquisition/action) – Getting paid when users complete a specific desired action, such as making a purchase, signup, app install etc. Tied to direct conversions.

Flat Rate – Getting paid a fixed pre-determined amount for the sponsorship post, not tied to performance. Common for smaller deals.

So for example:

A CPM deal would pay $100 for 10,000 impressions.

A CPC deal would pay $1 per click to the brand‘s site.

And a CPA deal would pay $25 per online sale generated.

Determining average CPM, CPC, and CPA rates depends greatly on your niche, audience demographic, and historical conversion data.

We‘ll break down expected Instagram influencer rates by follower tier next.

Average Instagram Sponsorship Rates in 2023

How much do typical sponsored posts on Instagram pay across various account sizes?

Based on social media industry data reports in 2022, here are current median sponsorship rates across influencer tiers:

As shown in the data visual above:

  • Nano influencers charge around $100 per post
  • Micro-influencers charge $150 to $300 on average
  • Mid-tier influencers charge $500 to $1,500+
  • Macro-influencers charge between $2,500 to $5,000+
  • Celebrity influencers charge $10,000+

These Instagram post prices act as useful benchmark ranges by follower size. However the value ultimately depends on your audience quality, engagement levels, and niche alignment with the brand‘s target market.

For example within the nano-influencer tier of 1,000 followers, rates can range from $50 up to $500+ per post based on those factors.

Now that we‘ve broken down the dominant money-maker of Instagram sponsorships, what about the platform‘s own evolving monetization features?

Instagram‘s Built-In Monetization Tools

Beyond brand sponsorships, Instagram offers creators ways to generate revenue directly from fans through its own tools.

Instagram Shop + Product Tagging

Turn your Instagram profile into a virtual storefront by using the Shop tab and product tagging features. This allows you to easily sell physical goods directly through clicks on your organic content.

Over 1+ million accounts now leverage this to drive over 175+ million product tag clicks per month globally.

Reels Play Bonuses

For those creating fun short-form video content, Instagram offers potential bonuses when your Reels perform well. The bonuses start at $800 all the way up to $35,000+ for the most viral hits generating billions of video plays monthly.

IGTV Mid-Roll Ads

Video creators can insert ad break spots within longer IGTV videos to monetize their content through revenue share from advertisers.

You must be over 18 and have over 10K followers + 10K views in the last 60 days to qualify.

Live Badges

Fans can purchase digital badges during your Live broadcasts as tips and support at $0.99 to $4.99 pricepoints. Instagram pays out 100% to creators after app store fees.


Super fans can pay $3.99, $4.99 or $9.99 per month for exclusive Stories and Lives. Plus subscribers get a special badge making them stand out in comments.

Still being tested with a limited group of US creators for now.

As you can see Instagram is expanding access to more ways creators can be rewarded for top content.

However all these features do require having an existing sizable audience to unlock monetization capabilities.

Next let‘s explore benchmarks for exactly how many Instagram followers you need to make money.

How Many Instagram Followers To Make Money: Size Guidelines

While some influencers will throw out random numbers like 10k or 100k followers as monetization requirements, the reality is more nuanced. Sponsorship eligibility relies heavily on 3 core factors:

👉 Niche relevance – Your content focus and audience demographic

👉 Engagement metrics – Likes, comments, shares, conversions etc.

👉 Brand alignment – Does your audience match the sponsor‘s target customer?

Indeed the Followers Required threshold can vary quite drastically based on those elements.

To demonstrate, let‘s examine a real-world case study first.

Micro-Influencer Case Study

Kayla Compton is an Instagram and YouTube content creator focused on apps, business strategies, and tips for solopreneurs.

In 2021, Kayla had:

  • 1,900 Instagram followers
  • 3,400 YouTube subscribers

Yet was she was able to drive over $15,000 in sales and become an official brand ambassador for Pura Vida bracelets! 🤯

She secured this with a detailed media kit and her laser-targeted entrepreneur audience demographic matching their core customer base.

This proves that follower count offers limited indication of money making potential alone.

Her high 5.6% Instagram engagement rate and ideal brand fit allowed her to create valuable partnerships even as a micro-influencer under 2k followers.

However Kayla‘s earnings success remains more an outlier case than the norm at that range. So what are realistic monetization benchmarks by follower size?

Let‘s explore!

Follower Count Breakdown

Based on historical data reports and confirmed creator deals, here is an overview of key monetization thresholds crossed at each major Instagram follower milestone.


Just get started! Focus less on monetization now and more on creating captivating content and growing your audience.

Familiarize yourself with Instagram‘s various analytics tools within app Insights and third-party sites to analyze performance.


Congrats into breaking into 4-digits! Now you can start assessing potential affiliate programs to join or crafting media kits.

Explore your options around selling basic digital goods like logo templates, photography bundles, or ebooks. Or potentially offer paid services like graphic design.

You likely don‘t have enough impressions yet to earn significant income directly from Instagram. Instead focus on continuing to refine your niche value proposition and craft quality content.


At this point you can start experimenting with the occasional sponsored post partnership. Think micro brands selling complementary products aligned to your audience interests.

Rates per sponsored post typically range in the ballpark of $100-250 but scale up and down based on historical engagement levels.

Use this initial period to demonstrate your expertise to brands in providing real value to your audience. Take on a few small deals proactively even at lower rates to build case study results and rapport.


Now you‘ve reached the major eligibility thresholds to unlock Instagram‘s own monetization tools like IGTV ads, shopping and badges.

Your follower size and niche focus also allow for joining mid-tier affiliate programs with higher payouts vs entry-level options.

Sponsored post prices creep up into the $250-500 range on average. Again focus deals on brands selling complimentary products actually useful to your audience instead of random partnerships.


Congrats, you’re now a true mid-tier influencer!

Pitch small brands spending up to $1,000 per sponsored post. Nail your analytics dashboard reporting engagement KPIs during negotiations.

Test using Linktree or Milkshake app to publish swipeable Stories showcasing products as more subtle affiliate promotions.

Alternatively try launching a paid digital community via Mighty Networks for super fans willing to pay $5-20 monthly for exclusive content.


Enter 5-figure territory! Now focus pitches at brands with mid 5-figure budgets for long-term ambassador deals.

Rates per static image sponsored post range from $2,500-$5,000+ now. Charge extra for expanded packages including multiple feed posts + Stories.

Consider launching your own physical product line with Shopify if suitable. Leverage giveaways to gain email signups converting followers into purchasers.

For service providers, use the audience reach to position your expertise and offer high ticket online courses or masterminds.

🎯 500,000+ Followers

As an industry leader you can command 6-figures for long-term brand partnership deals now.

Rates exceed $10k+ per post for one-off campaigns. But ideally secure at least a 5-6 figure base payment for multi-month ambassador collaborations with additional incentives tied to sales or traffic milestones.

For maximum revenue look to build an all-encompassing ecosystem like:

🚀 Paid digital community

🚀 High-ticket mastermind program

🚀 Online store or physical products

🚀 Own services sold as offerings

🚀 Affiliate commissions

🚀 Sponsored post partnership deals

This complete business model uses immense follower size to drive multiple income streams. But remember it all ties back to the audience relationship and value created long before monetization.

Key Takeaways And Next Steps

As the above follower thresholds demonstrate, Instagram monetization ranges drastically across account sizes.

But when all said and done, the metrics carrying the most weight with sponsors are:

  • Niche relevance
  • Engagement rates
  • Audience interests
  • Past campaign performance/ROAS

So don’t get caught up solely chasing follower count milestones. Stay laser focused on creating value for your audience consistently.

Then when you eventually cross key follower thresholds, huge monetization possibilities start opening up to capitalize on that audience value.

Here are some recommended next steps:

💵 Document audience demographics + interests – Create buyer personas and showcase niche data proving your authority to brands.

💵 Track historical analytics – Compile engagement and conversion metrics for each post category to establish expected performance ranges.

💵 Grow email list – Convert followers into email and text message subscribers as well to chat 1-on-1 for sponsor pitching.

The above all forge credibility and authority that allows negotiating lucrative rates, no matter the follower size.

Then explore all monetization options in tandem from the start:

🏦 Instagram sponsorships
🏦 Affiliate promotions
🏦 Product sales
🏦 Paid digital communities
🏦 Selling your services

This diversified approach leads to mutiple income streams compounding over time.

So optimize each stream simultaneously on the path to becoming a financially thriving influencer!

Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways

Monetizing a sizable yet highly engaged Instagram following is the end goal for most influencers today.

But determining realistic income potential based on follower counts alone remains challenging.

The key milestones laid out in this guide provide an overview of thresholds where lucrative sponsorships, affiliate promotions, product sales, and more start entering the picture.

Just remember that nurturing an audience relationship through value-focused content comes well before chasing money directly.

Genuine audience connection and expertise in your niche are the precursor to income. Without that, no amount of followers or vanity metrics will draw significant monetization.

So stay patient continuing to craft high quality content, but keep the various monetization avenues in mind as you scale up over time.

Because huge potential exists to earn a great living from Instagram followers when playing the long game correctly.

I hope this 4,500+ word definitive guide provided tons of helpful benchmarks and actionable tips! To recap:

✅ Instagram sponsorships represent the biggest revenue stream

✅ Multiple monetization models can stack for max income

✅ Follower counts dictate potential, but engagement + authority unlock deals

Have any other questions on strategically earning from your Instagram audience in 2023? Ask below!