The Definitive 2023 Guide to YouTube Channel Promotion

With over 51 million channels battling for attention on YouTube today, building a sustainable audience requires a methodology beyond just creating great content. Through advanced promotion strategies across multiple fronts – search optimization, social engagement, collaborations and more – your channel visibility can expand exponentially.

In this comprehensive 2,500+ word guide, we provide ambitious YouTubers an exhaustive playbook containing 18 promotional avenues to supercharge growth and views in 2023.

Why Promotion is Non-Negotiable for YouTube Success

Consider these statistics that demonstrate the fiercely competitive climate:

  • Over 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute [Source: Oberlo]
  • The average video receives only approximately 100 views [Source: SignalFire]

Simply publishing videos, even high-quality ones, will not guarantee an audience in such a crowded environment. Less than 0.5% of channels have over 100,000 subscribers [Source: SignalFire]. Without promotion, your viewership growth may flatline quickly regardless of production value.

Active promotion is thus mandatory for overcoming YouTube obscurity. The platform‘s own algorithm favors better performing content with higher engagement and watch time. By catalyzing initial viewership through multiple promotion mediums you trigger a positive feedback loop – more views signal value to the algorithm which surfaces your content to exponentially more users.

This guide equips you with 18 strategies for kickstarting and sustaining this viral viewership momentum.

Optimize Videos for Maximum Engagement

We start by ensuring your video content itself compels engagement metrics that signal value.

Hook Viewers Early

YouTube analytics underscores that most viewers drop off within the first 15-30 seconds if videos fail to intrigue them quickly. Promote return viewership through compelling openers:

  • Shocking statistics
  • Humorous meme references
  • Teasers/cliffhangers previewing an interesting moment later in the video
  • Relatable anecdotes

Structure Strategically

Beyond gripping introductions, retain audience attention through strategic structure:

  • Frontload the most valuable information
  • Use frequent headers to aid scanability
  • Include graphics/b-roll footage over just a static frame
  • Insert mid-video prompts for viewers to like and subscribe

Boost Watch Time

Average view duration and overall watch time carry heavy weight in YouTube‘s recommendation algorithm. Benchmarks to aim for:

  • Average view duration over 50-60%
  • Total watch time over 500 hours per month

Insert periodic cues for viewers to continue watching, such as "Coming up later…" or previewing exciting moments in the second half of your video.

Tap Into YouTube‘s Built-In Features

YouTube offers multiple built-in levers for extra visibility at no added effort.

End Screens

Insert visual elements during the final 20 seconds of your video directing viewers to subscribe or check out another video.

Benefits include:

  • 20% higher conversion rate vs standard Subscribe Calls-To-Action [Source: YouTube]
  • Extended watch sessions across multiple videos


Overlay clickable Cards during the video or post-video linking other content. Features include:

  • Channel-subscribe cue
  • Individual video recommendations
  • Associated website links
  • Polls to further engage viewers

Well-timed cards provide another seamless bridge into more of your catalog.


Feature groups of thematically-related videos within Playlists built around specific topics, series, or formats. For example, MrBeast organizes his videos into segments like $10,000 Challenges, Gaming Videos,philanthropic endeavors and more.

Playlists enable binge sessions, amplifying watch time. They also help organically intersperse your videos amidst more popular YouTuber content if you collaborate on joint playlists.

Community Engagement for Organic Promotion

Nothing spreads brand awareness more effectively than word-of-mouth. Catalyze viewers to evangelize your channel through authentic community building.

Responsive Commenting

Reply to any comments on your videos – positive or constructive feedback. This simple engagement goes a long way in making subscribers feel valued rather than just another view statistic.

Exclusive Content and Groups

Consider creating a Discord server, Telegram group or Patreon offering subscribers-only bonuses like:

  • Early video access
  • Behind-the-scenes footage
  • Quick tips or mini-tutorials
  • Polls to vote on video topics/guest stars

Fans are much likelier to talk up channels making them feel like VIPs rather than just one of the crowd.


Nothing gains you instant shared access to another creator‘s audience like cross-promotional collaborations. But how to identify the best partners?

  • Similar Subscribers: Prioritize channels making similar content favored by your target viewers
  • Equal Footing: Seek YouTubers closer to rather than exceeding your subscriber totals for mutually beneficial expansion
  • Shared Values: Partners you genuinely enjoy working with yield the best outcome

Brainstorm creative collaborations like vlog takeovers, guest interviews, co-hosted livestreams, joint challenges and more.

External Platforms Expand Reach

While YouTube holds your core audience, numerous external platforms present additional fronts for driving visibility.

Social Media

Promote new videos across your social media feeds on networks like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and – for short video clips – TikTok.

  • Tailor content style to each platform
  • Experiment with natively uploading versus YouTube links
  • Use relevant hashtags connected to broader conversations

This both engages existing social media followers and exposes you to entirely new audiences.


Reddit remains an untapped opportunity for most YouTubers despite ranking as the #7 most visited website globally. Follow this strategic process for sharing videos:

  1. Identify top subreddits intersecting your niche
  2. Engage actively in those communities through comments and content for 30+ days without self-promotion
  3. Slowly introduce relevant original videos and channel links where appropriate

This long-term goodwill prevents coming across as spammy.

Dedicate at least 1-2 hours per week to actively participating in relevant subreddits for maximum benefit.

Embed in Written Content

Insert YouTube videos into long-form written content like blog posts and articles. This provides multiple search engine visibility benefits:

  • Videos can rank directly in YouTube and Google search results
  • Content has 2 separate opportunities to place on page 1 – video pack and organic results
  • Viewers watch videos for longer in embedded context rather than standalone

Pick topics with solid search volume and comprehensively optimize the content around keywords.

While organic promotion has a slow build, paid advertising ignites immediate exponential reach. Highly customizable YouTube video ad formats to leverage include:

  • Skippable video ads
  • Non-skippable video ads
  • Companion banner ads
  • Sponsored cards

Define goals prior to launching campaigns – do you prioritize views, subscribers or an external conversion? Tailor targeting, bidding models and creative accordingly.

Invest 15-20% of your overall YouTube budget into testing various ad formats, placements and creatives. Continually optimize based on performance data.

Optimize for YouTube and Google Search

YouTube‘s internal search engine aids discoverability. Ranking here hinges on watch time and keyword optimization.

Tag Strategically

Include target keyword phrases in:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Tags
  • Transcript via captions
  • Verbal mentions during the video

This signals relevance to the algorithm.

Long-Form Over Short-Form

Runtime matters – videos over 8-10 minutes long gain more traction on YouTube Search compared to shorter formats like Shorts. Strive for 10-20 minutes.

Google Search also favors YouTube videos appearing prominently in results across various formats:

YouTube Ranking Types in Google Search

  • Video Pack – Videos in a dedicated section atop search results
  • Featured Snippets – Video details prominently in the main organic results

Optimize videos around trending search queries by analyzing Google Trends data and leveraging tools like TubeBuddy‘s keyword research to identify high-potential targets.

Viral Contests and Giveaways

Giveaways incentivize viewers to subscribe and share your content in exchange for prizes. The key factors are:

  • Prizes: Offer desirable, high-value awards – gaming consoles, gift cards, merch, etc.
  • Visibility: Promote the giveaway across your YouTube community tab, in videos, email lists, and social channels
  • Simplicity: Minimize barriers to entry by only requiring easy actions like Likes, Shares or Hashtag uses rather than overly complex multi-step mechanisms
  • Urgency: Limited-time contests trigger more rapid viral sharing

Drive anticipation by teasing and trailing the launch for a week beforehand.

Tracking Performance Is Non-Negotiable

How do you know what promotional activities deliver results versus wasted effort?

Disciplined tracking through YouTube Analytics and third-party analytics platforms like Google Analytics, Sprout Social and Simple YouTube Analytics.

Key metrics to monitor for each video:

  • Views
  • Watch time
  • Subscribers gained
  • Traffic source breakdowns – which channels drove the most viewers?
  • Age demographics
  • Traffic locations – target any geos falling behind

Continually test new promotion channels and compare performance against previous videos to determine incremental lifts. Iterate based on impact.

YouTube success relies on creativity both in video creation and marketing. Apply the expansive set of strategies across search, social, advertising and beyond outlined here to maximize visibility. Be patient, be persistent and growth will follow.

You‘ve got this! Now get out there and start actively promoting those amazing videos!