How To Save Images From Google Docs (3 Methods)

Are you working on a Google Doc containing images you‘d like to save for later use? Extracting images from Google Docs can be surprisingly tricky. The good news is there are a few simple methods that make it easy.

In this article, we‘ll cover 3 ways to download images from your Google documents so you never lose access to key images again. Whether you want standalone image files or to transfer images to another document, read on to learn how.

Why Save Google Doc Images?

Before we dive in, let‘s review why you might need to save Google Doc images in the first place:

  • To reuse images in other documents or presentations
  • To edit or format images further in image editing software
  • To back up or archive important images for future reference
  • To insert visuals into blog posts or websites
  • To utilize the images in printed marketing materials

Saving Docs images allows you to access your visuals outside of Google Drive. It also prevents losing images if you accidentally delete or misplace the source document.

So whether you need standalone image files or want to transfer visuals between Docs, saving images grants vital flexibility.

Now let‘s get to the techniques!

Method 1: Publish to the Web

Publishing your Google Doc to the web generates a live webpage version. On this page, you can right click any image and save it:

  1. Open your Google Doc and select File > Publish to the web
  2. Click the Link tab
  3. Click Publish and confirm
  4. Copy the published webpage URL
  5. Paste this URL in a new browser tab to open your document as a web page
  6. Right click any image and choose Save image as
  7. Select location to save the image file


  • Simple, straightforward process
  • Works for saving individual images


  • Need to republish and resave if source doc changes
  • Not efficient for extracting multiple images

So if you just need to quickly save the occasional image from Google Docs, publishing to the web does the trick.

Method 2: Download as HTML

Downloading your document as an HTML file yields a handy images folder containing all visuals embedded in your Doc:

  1. Go to File > Download > Web Page (.html, zipped)
  2. Save the ZIP file when prompted
  3. Extract all files from the ZIP
  4. Navigate into the images folder
  5. Here you‘ll find JPG versions of all document images ready to save


  • One click extracts all embedded images
  • Makes transferring images between Docs easy


  • Need to re-extract images if source document changes
  • File names randomized characters rather than original image names

If you‘re looking to repurpose lots of images from a Google document all at once, the HTML method is incredibly convenient.

Method 3: Download as Word Document

Similar to HTML, downloading as a Word document maintains images embedded in your original Google Doc for simplified saving:

  1. Select File > Download > Microsoft Word (.docx)
  2. Open the downloaded Word document
  3. Right click any image and choose Save as Picture
  4. Choose save location for image files


  • Preserves original image file names
  • Easy to transfer images by copy/pasting in Word


  • Requires Microsoft Word software
  • Must re-save images if Google doc source changes

Downloading as Word maintains your original Google Doc visuals in an easy-to-edit format. It‘s perfect for transferring images with accurate file names intact.

Now Discover Your Favorite Method!

With various options for saving images from Google Docs, find the one fitting your specific needs.

If looking to occasionally save single images, stick with publishing to the web. But for bulk exports of all visuals in a Doc, go the HTML or Word doc route.

Whichever approach you choose, never lose a Google document image again! The ability to download them grants vital flexibility and control.

I hope these techniques help you better access and utilize the images within your important Google documents. Saving visuals keeps them safe, preserved, and ready to enhance all sorts of future projects.