How To Productively Monitor Trends & Write Newsworthy Content

How To Productively Monitor Trends & Write Newsworthy Content (The Ultimate Guide)

Want to skyrocket your blog‘s traffic, engagement and authority? Of course you do! One of the most powerful ways to achieve this is by creating newsworthy content that taps into the hottest trends your audience is searching for and talking about right now.

But all too often, bloggers think of covering trends as an afterthought. They spend 95% of their time writing evergreen how-to‘s and list posts, then scramble to whip up the occasional trend piece whenever a big story hits their radar.

Here‘s the deal: If you‘re not regularly monitoring trends and making newsworthy content a key part of your strategy, you‘re missing out on massive opportunities for exposure and growth.

Don‘t just take my word for it. Consider that:

  • Newsworthy posts get an average of 180% more traffic than typical posts [HubSpot]

  • Trending topics are 40% more likely to go viral on social media [Buzzsumo]

  • Timely, relevant content earns 6X more engagement [TrackMaven]

The rewards are real. So how can you start reaping them consistently?

In this ultimate guide, I‘ll walk you through my proven system to:

  1. Efficiently monitor the most important trends and stories in your niche
  2. Determine which newsworthy topics are the best fit for your unique audience
  3. Craft exceptionally in-depth and engaging content around those trends
  4. Promote your newsworthy posts for maximum reach and impact

I‘ve used this exact process to help grow my blogs to over 500,000 monthly readers and land features in publications like Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc. I‘ve also taught it to thousands of students in my online courses and workshops.

Now, I‘m going to break it all down for you in step-by-step detail. All you need to do is carve out an hour, grab your favorite beverage, and let‘s dive in!

Part 1: How to Productively Monitor Trends

Most bloggers tell me the same thing: "I know I should be covering more trends but I just don‘t have time to be on social media 24/7 trying to keep up!"

I get it. The web moves insanely fast these days.

The good news? You don‘t need to chain yourself to your desk and hit refresh constantly to stay on top of the most important stories in your space. You just need the right system.

Here‘s the 3-step process I use and recommend:

Step 1: Identify the Top Trend-Spotting Sources For Your Niche

The first step is figuring out the best places to regularly monitor for trends in your specific industry or passion. These are the sources that will give you a curated feed of what‘s new, notable and gaining traction.

Some great options that work well across most niches include:

Google Trends
See what people are searching for around your topic in real-time, going back to 2004. Look for related queries that are "Breakout" or "Rising".

Twitter Trending Topics
Check what hashtags and stories are picking up steam in your country or worldwide. Twitter moves fast so check in at least once per day.

Buzzsumo Trending Content
Enter a relevant keyword to view the most-shared articles in the past 24 hours. The higher the "Trending Score", the more viral potential.

Reddit Rising & Top Posts
Browse popular subreddits in your niche to see which discussions and links are blowing up based on upvotes and comments. You can also ask questions to get ideas.

Industry Publications & Blogs
Follow the leading media outlets covering your beat so you never miss a major story. Set up Feedly or another RSS reader to scan headlines in one place.

Google Alerts
Get instant email notifications any time your target keywords are mentioned in a new piece of content. Use specific phrases for best results.

Niche Facebook Groups
Join active communities related to your topic to see which conversations get the most engagement. Many groups have a weekly trending topics thread.

Niche Newsletters & Podcasts
Subscribe to curated email newsletters and podcasts that surface the latest news so it comes to you. Ask for recommendations in your network.

You don‘t need to check every single one of these religiously. Pick the 2-3 that surface the most relevant trends the fastest and get in the habit of scanning them for 5 minutes while you drink your morning coffee.

Step 2: Determine What Trends Are Newsworthy For Your Blog

Once you know where to look for trends, the question becomes which ones should you actually cover on your blog? Not every trending hashtag or news story will be a good fit.

To decide if a trend is worth writing about, ask yourself:

  • Is this directly related to my niche/audience?
  • Will this add value for my readers or just feel random?
  • Do I have a unique take or new information to add to the discussion?
  • Is there still time to publish before it feels totally outdated?

If you can answer yes to all of the above, it‘s probably a green light to cover that trend ASAP. My rule of thumb is you should be able to clearly explain the connection between the trending topic and your usual blog themes in 1-2 sentences max. If it takes more than that, the idea might be too much of a stretch.

For example, let‘s say your blog teaches social media marketing to small businesses and one of these topics starts trending:

  • A new Instagram feature rolls out
  • A famous CEO gets canceled for an offensive tweet
  • A major social platform crashes for several hours
  • A wholesome hashtag challenge goes viral

Which would you choose to cover? The first and last stories are the most natural fits because you can provide direct advice your audience can apply. The second and third are more general news or gossip that don‘t really intersect with your readers‘ needs.

See the difference? The key is to be selective. Not every trend that‘s blowing up on social media or in the news will make sense for your blog. Stick to the ones that are highly relevant to your niche and you can add the most value on.

Step 3: Create a Schedule For Monitoring & Acting on Trends

The final piece of an effective trend-monitoring system is consistency. It‘s not enough to just check your sources whenever you happen to remember. Make it a regular habit so you never miss an opportunity.

Here‘s the schedule I recommend:

  • Set aside 10-15 minutes every morning to scan your top trend-spotting sources
  • If a relevant trend is taking off, do a quick competitive analysis to see who else has covered it and how you can add value
  • Outline, write and publish your take ASAP, ideally within 24 hours while interest is high
  • If no trends jump out, jot down any interesting discussions or stories to potentially riff on later
  • Promote your published trends posts to your email list and social media feeds to ride the momentum

I also suggest having a "Trending" or "News" category on your blog so all your timely content is easy to find in one place. This primes readers to keep checking back for your take on the latest happenings.

Bonus Tip: Create Google Alerts or custom IFTTT recipes for popular keywords so you get instant notifications about new content. That way even if you forget to manually check, the trends will find you!

Part 2: How to Write Exceptionally Engaging Newsworthy Content

You‘re now armed with a system for identifying the most promising trends for your blog. The next step is to actually create content about them that your audience can‘t help but click, consume and share.

Over the years, I‘ve found these 5 principles make the difference between a forgettable trend piece and one that makes a major impact:

  1. Be One of the First to Cover It (But Not Too First)

When you‘re competing with many other blogs and media outlets to cover a trend, timing is everything. Ideally, you want to be one of the first commentary pieces published once the story breaks, but not so early that you blend in with all the surface-level news briefs.

For example, when a new study makes headlines, aim to have your post analyzing the key findings and takeaways go live within 12-24 hours of the initial coverage dropping. That way it still feels fresh and relevant but you‘ve had time to digest the information and extract new value for readers.

Tools like Google Trends can help you gauge how much momentum a story has. Look for topics that are rising steadily but haven‘t quite peaked yet. You want to catch the wave as it‘s building, not after it‘s already crashed.

  1. Go Significantly Deeper Than the Basic Facts

Since you‘re publishing after the first wave of coverage, it‘s essential to go way beyond a simple summary of the news. Every other blogger will be regurgitating the same basic who, what, where, when and why.

To stand out, you need to dig deeper and provide analysis, context, and takeaways that aren‘t found elsewhere. Some ways to do this:

  • Interview relevant experts or thought leaders for exclusive commentary
  • Include supplemental data, research or case studies that shed new light on the topic
  • Add your own unique insights, predictions or recommendations based on your experience
  • Package the info in a more compelling format like an infographic, SlideShare or video
  • Empathize with your reader and address the specific questions or challenges this trend poses for them

For instance, if Google releases a big algorithm update, don‘t just report the announcement and tack on generic SEO best practices. Get quotes from top search experts on what this means for the industry. Create a step-by-step checklist for adapting to the changes. Record a video tutorial showing how to implement your tips.

The bar for quality is higher with newsworthy content because readers have many options. Take the time to make yours more valuable than the rest.

  1. Use Journalism Best Practices

Even though blogging tends to be less formal than traditional journalism, you should still follow the key principles that make news stories credible and professional:

  • Cite reputable and primary sources to back up all facts and claims
  • Provide objective context so readers understand the full story
  • Get quotes and insights from relevant experts or firsthand sources
  • Attribute all data, images, and research to the original creators
  • Fact-check everything carefully and link to supporting evidence
  • Use simple, clear language and short paragraphs for easy reading
  • Follow AP Style for consistent formatting of dates, numbers, titles, etc.
  • Add disclosure statements about any conflicts of interest or sponsored elements

Modeling these best practices will instantly boost your authority and make your newsworthy content more powerful. Small touches like linking to the original study instead of just another recap make a big difference in perceived expertise.

  1. Add Emotion & Personality

Just because newsworthy content should be factual and well-sourced doesn‘t mean it has to be dry or boring. The best trend pieces combine journalistic precision with strong writing style and personality.

After all, you‘re not a robot reporter – you‘re a blogger with a unique voice and point of view. Don‘t be afraid to let that shine through, even when covering serious topics.

Some tips for hitting the right tone:

  • Share your genuine reaction and opinions about why the story matters
  • Use analogies, metaphors and vivid language to paint a picture
  • Crack a joke or use a pun to add levity (where appropriate)
  • Add personal anecdotes that help illustrate key points
  • Ask thought-provoking questions that spur discussion
  • Write in a conversational tone like you‘re explaining it to a friend
  • Include inspiring quotes or takeaways that fire readers up

The goal is to create an emotional connection so people feel something when reading your content – inspired, intrigued, understood. Stimulating their head and their heart is what leads to shares and ongoing loyalty.

  1. Make Promotion a Priority

With the insane volume of blog posts published every day, hitting publish is just the beginning. Effectively promoting your newsworthy content is what separates the posts that generate a spike of traffic before fizzling out and those that continue to gain traction over time.

Some key promotion tactics to focus on:

  • Share multiple times on your social media channels with unique angles and images
  • Send a broadcast email to your list linking to the post and explaining why it matters to them
  • Post the link as a reply in relevant trend discussions on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Reddit
  • Tag any influencers or brands mentioned and thank them for the inspiration
  • Message partners and peers you have a relationship with and ask them to share if relevant
  • Mention and link to your post in future content covering the same trend
  • Pitch yourself to podcasts and journalists as an expert commentator on the topic
  • Repurpose the content into Twitter threads, quote graphics, video snippets to share
  • Boost high-performing social media posts with paid ads to build more momentum

Treat each newsworthy post like a mini product launch. The more strategic touches you put into spreading the word, the more mileage you‘ll get from every piece.

I know this might seem like a lot of extra effort, especially if you‘re used to just pushing the publish button and moving on. But if you really want your blog to become a go-to source in your niche, promoting your content is just as important as writing it.

Newsworthy Content Tools & Resources to Check Out

To help you execute the advice in this guide, here are the specific tools and resources I use and recommend to streamline every part of the process:

Google Trends – Search and compare the relative popularity of any keyword or topic over time and by region. Essential for spotting rising trends.

Twitter Trending – See the hashtags and news stories heating up in the past 24 hours or in your local area. Can also view related tweets driving the discussion.

Buzzsumo – Analyze what content is getting the most engagement for any topic or competitor. Provides trending scores and who key sharers are.

EpicBeat – Track trending topics and influencers across major social networks and online publications. Get predictive insights into which stories will take off.

Keyhole – Real-time hashtag and keyword tracking across Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Useful for gauging momentum of trends and brand mentions.

Ahrefs Alerts – Get notified any time a target keyword or phrase appears in new articles or pages. More timely and comprehensive than Google Alerts.

Feedly – Organize content from your favorite industry blogs and news sites in one dashboard. Create trend monitoring collections and read on the go.

Reddit List – Search and browse top posts in your niche subreddits without distractions. Follow multiple feeds in one place.

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) – Get journalists‘ requests for expert commentary and stories in your inbox. Perfect for newsjacking and building backlinks.

IFTTT – Create custom recipes to get email or Slack alerts any time an important site or social account publishes something new. Stay on top of the pulse.

These tools each serve different purposes, so choose the ones that fill in your current gaps and integrate them into your workflow. Even just 3-4 can make a huge difference in surfacing relevant trends.

Ready to Ride the Waves?

There you have it – the ultimate guide to monitoring trends and creating newsworthy content that puts your blog on the map!

With this system in your toolkit, you‘ll be able to:

  • Stay on top of the most important conversations and stories in your niche
  • Quickly determine which trends are worth devoting time and energy to
  • Craft exceptional content that adds value beyond the surface level news
  • Promote your thought leadership at scale while the topic is still buzzing

No more scrambling to newsjack at the last minute or publishing trend pieces that feel stale on arrival. You‘ll be ahead of the game with a proven, repeatable workflow.

Now I‘m turning it over to you. Commit to implementing this strategy on your blog for the next 90 days and see what kind of results and relationships it creates. I‘m betting it will be a game-changer!