10 Best Instagram Analytics Tools for 2023

Instagram continues to gain popularity, with over 2 billion monthly active users. For brands and content creators, it offers massive potential to engage with audiences and drive growth.

However, succeeding on Instagram requires more than just regular posting. You need to properly track and analyze your performance using Instagram analytics.

The built-in Instagram Insights provide some basic metrics. But to truly unlock growth, you need a dedicated Instagram analytics platform.

In this definitive guide, we compare the top 10 Instagram analytics tools available in 2023 based on:

  • Depth of Instagram metrics and reporting
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Audience demographics
  • Custom reporting
  • Pricing

We‘ll help you find the best Instagram analytics option for YOUR needs and budget.

Why You Need Instagram Analytics

Before diving into the tools, it‘s important to understand why Instagram analytics matter:

  • See what content resonates best with your followers
  • Identify who your audience is and when they are most active
  • Benchmark against competitors to improve your strategy
  • Prove ROI to justify Instagram marketing budgets
  • Uncover growth opportunities you didn‘t know existed

Without analytics, you‘re just guessing in the dark. Measurement brings light so you can refine your approach for better results.

10 Best Instagram Analytics Platforms

1. Social Status

Social Status focuses 100% on social media analytics and is our choice for best overall Instagram analytics tool.

Key Features

  • Instagram analytics for both organic and paid Instagram campaigns
  • Real-time tracking of impressions, reach, video views, followers
  • Audience demographics – locations, age, gender
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Custom reporting with scheduled delivery
  • Influencer analytics add-on

We particularly like the powerful reporting function. Reports can be completely customized and sent automatically to clients.

The free plan supports 3 connected profiles making Social Status accessible for solopreneurs.


  • Free – 3 profiles
  • Pro – $29/mo
  • Business – $79/mo
  • Enterprise – Custom


2. Sendible

Sendible is an all-in-one social media management platform with excellent Instagram analytics.

Key Features

  • Real-time stats for Instagram posts – impressions, reach, likes, etc.
  • Audience engagement metrics and trends
  • When Followers are most active
  • Easy client reporting
  • Supports Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn alongside Instagram

For agencies, Sendible is great for managing multiple social profiles and generating polished reports. It‘s a Facebook Marketing Partner as well.


  • Starter – $25/mo
  • Professional – $42/mo
  • Teams – $158/mo


3. Pallyy

Pallyy focuses specifically on optimizing the Instagram experience with analytics at its core.

Key Features

  • Real-time stats for all Instagram content types
  • Post performance insights – impressions, reach, engagement
  • Audience demographics
  • Competitor benchmarking
  • Automated scheduled reports
  • Also includes publishing, scheduling and an Instagram link-in-bio tool

For Instagram-focused marketers, Pallyy provides detailed analytics at an affordable price. It also supports scheduling content via a handy calendar view showing best times to post.


Pallyy prices based on "social sets" of 5 connected profiles.

  • Basic – $18/mo for 5 profiles
  • Pro – $50/mo for 15 profiles


4. Iconosquare

Iconosquare (formerly Statigram) is a highly popular all-in-one suite for Instagram marketers with advanced analytics.

Key Features

  • In-depth Instagram audience demographics – age, gender, top locations
  • Post performance – reach, engagement, impressions
  • Instagram stories metrics
  • Scheduling, publishing, monitoring functionality

The tool allows for savvy segmentation with the ability to filter data by gender, age group and location. The image editor is also extremely convenient for visual social marketers.


  • Starter – $59/mo
  • Business – $119/mo
  • Pro – $259/mo


5. Metricool

Metricool is a multi-network social media analytics tool with excellent in-depth Instagram reporting.

Key Features

  • Post performance – impressions, reach, engagement, comments
  • Audience demographics
  • Exportable PDF reports
  • Hashtag monitoring
  • Scheduling integration

The "Report Builder" feature allows you to build custom cross-channel reports focused on Instagram metrics. These can be exported for client reporting.

Paid hashtag tracking provides insights into performance of branded and unbranded hashtags.


  • Free – $0
  • Starter – $18/mo
  • Pro – $66/mo


6. Awario

Awario is a multi-channel social media monitoring platform that provides some useful Instagram analytics options.

Key Features

  • Mention monitoring across social networks including Instagram
  • Source breakdown (Instagram vs other sources)
  • Demographic data (age, gender)
  • Influencer analytics
  • Positive vs negative mentions

For social listening, Awario gives excellent insight into how you‘re being mentioned across social media. Brand monitoring is the main focus but the Instagram piece provides helpful metrics.


  • Basic – $39/mo
  • Plus – $99/mo
  • Premium – $249/mo


7. Brand24

Brand24 specializes in social media monitoring and market research. The Instagram analytics element focuses specifically on:

Key Features

  • Monitoring brand mentions in Instagram captions and comments
  • Statistics on volume of mentions and reach
  • Breakdown by location

For brands wanting to track branded Instagram mentions, Brand24 is a cost-effective solution. It can also track competitors which is great for market research.


  • Starter – $49/mo
  • Business – $99/mo
  • Enterprise – Custom


8. Combin

Combin provides Instagram analytics along with publishing and engagement tools.

Key Features

  • Detailed audience demographics – gender, top locations, language
  • Post analytics for reach, engagement and video views
  • Exportable reports
  • Content publishing

The audience demographics in particular are very detailed, great for optimizing Instagram followers based on language and location.

It focuses specifically on Instagram without support for other networks.


  • Free – $0
  • Influencer – $30/mo
  • Business – $66/mo


9. Social Blade

While Social Blade focuses mainly on YouTube stats, its platform provides excellent free Instagram user analytics.

Key Features

  • Instagram follower counts updated daily
  • Follower gains/losses
  • Engagement rates per post
  • Media upload counts

For reviewing Instagram influencers or monitoring your competitor‘s growth, Social Blade has all the key metrics available at no cost.

The paid Pro plans allow tracking of up to 200 profiles with additional analytics on likes, comments and more.


  • Free
  • Pro – Starts at $3.99/mo


10. Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights is the basic free analytics platform built into Instagram itself. Any business profile automatically gets access.

Key Features

  • Followers and Reach metrics
  • Likes, Comments and other engagement
  • Audience demographics
  • Data exports

As a free built-in tool, it provides a starting point for monitoring Instagram performance. But the data lacks depth compared to advanced analytics platforms.

For bloggers still using a personal profile, upgrading to a Business profile is essential to unlock Insights.


Instagram Insights is 100% free.

Which Is the Best Instagram Analytics Tool?

All tools featured provide excellent Instagram analytics. But which platform is right for your brand?

Here are the key selection criteria:

Budget – Balance features and depth of metrics versus cost. Many offer free plans to get started.

Focus – Some specialize 100% on Instagram vs supporting multiple networks.

Depth – Reporting detail requirements vary greatly based on your KPIs.

Audience Tracking – If demographics and location are important, ensure they are measured.

Competitor Benchmarking – Useful to contextualize your performance.

Reporting – Automated reporting helps track client campaigns.

Our recommendation is to try 2 or 3 tools on free plans. Select the one offering data that best aligns with your goals while fitting within budget.

Most importantly, focus on applying the insights from Instagram analytics to continually refine your visual content strategy.

Measurement for the sake of measurement helps no one!

Wrapping Up

Instagram analytics tools empower marketers to move from guessing to knowing. They unlock the data, insights and benchmarks needed to optimize performance.

Choosing the right platform provides visibility so you can better understand your audience and growth opportunities.

We hope this guide to the top 10 Instagram analytics tools for 2023 gives you clarity in selecting the best solution for your brand.

Remember success on Instagram is a process. But robust analytics get you there faster.

Now dive into the data and take your results to new heights!