How to Get More Likes on Instagram: The Ultimate 2022 Guide

Getting more likes on Instagram can seem like an impossible task, but with the right strategy and consistency, it is very achievable. In this comprehensive guide, I will provide 20 tips to help you get more Instagram likes, from optimizing your content to leveraging influencer marketing.

1. Post High-Quality Photos and Videos

The most fundamental way to get more Instagram likes is to post captivating, high-quality photos and videos. Use clean backgrounds, proper lighting, and compose your shots intentionally. Investing in a good camera can make a noticeable difference. You can also edit your photos to make them more visually appealing with apps like Lightroom.

2. Optimize Your Instagram Profile

Craft an attractive Instagram profile that clearly communicates who you are and what you offer. Choose an on-brand profile photo, write an informative bio with relevant keywords, and highlight your best content. A polished Instagram profile makes a good first impression on visitors and encourages likes.

3. Post Consistently

Posting consistently keeps your brand top of mind. Use Instagram Insights to determine your optimal posting frequency and stick to it. Consistency also helps the Instagram algorithm work in your favor over time.

4. Schedule Your Instagram Posts

Scheduling posts ensures you stay consistent while saving time. Use tools like Later or Planoly to schedule Instagram posts in advance at optimal times when your audience is most active. Scheduling will lead to more eyes on your content and likes.

5. Optimize Your Instagram Captions

Great Instagram captions can be the difference between a few likes and going viral. Use captivating captions that educate, inspire or entertain. Ask engaging questions to spark discussion. Use relevant hashtags strategically and include a strong call-to-action.

6. Follow Your Audience First

Follow people who seem genuinely interested in your brand. Not only does this build important social proof but many people will reciprocate by checking out your profile and liking your posts. It establishes relationships that pay off with engagement.

7. Host Instagram Contests & Giveaways

Contests, giveaways and sweepstakes create buzz and attract new followers. Require followers to like a post as an entry method to increase likes exponentially. The prize doesn’t have to be fancy; creativity is key when it comes to giveaway ideas.

8. Jump on Trends and Memes

Stay on top of the latest viral trends, memes and hashtags your audience responds to. This can feel risky for brands but done right, injecting timely trends into your Instagram strategy can connect with your audience in an authentic way that drives likes.

9. Add Location Tags to Your Posts

Enable location services to add location tags or geotags to your posts and stories. Adding tags allows your content to surface to users browsing Instagram in your local area. This expands your reach dramatically and taps into hyperlocal engagement that converts to likes.

10. Run Targeted Instagram Paid Ads

Investing in Instagram advertising lets you target your post likes campaign toward your ideal audience to rapidly grow more likes. Instagram ads offer robust targeting options by location, interests, behaviors and more to laser target people likely to engage.

11. Cross-Promote on Other Social Channels

Leverage other social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat to spread the word about your Instagram profile and promote your new posts. Cross-promotion will direct highly targeted, conversion-ready traffic to your Instagram bringing in more likes.

12. Implement Instagram Shoppable Posts

Shoppable posts allow users to shop products from the Instagram app without leaving your profile. Enabling shopping tags makes products clickable so users can explore details then conveniently checkout. Lowering friction in the shopping process increases post engagement.

13. Collaborate with Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers in your product niche often have highly engaged audiences that will convert to new likes at a low cost. Plus their audiences are more targeted than huge influencers. Gifting them a product and having them post about it exposes your brand to fresh, relevant audiences.

14. Run User-Generated Content Campaigns

User-generated content or UGC campaigns invite your existing audience to create brand-related content and share it using a campaign hashtag. For example, you can encourage users to post product reviews or style photos showcasing your brand. This sparks excitement that leads new visitors to your profile and more likes.

15. Go Live on Instagram

Broadcasting live video engages your audience in real time and generates excitement. It gives followers a compelling reason to visit your profile right away to watch and participate in the live conversation. They will actively engage with your live content which makes converting them as regular likers easier.

16. Include Links to Your Bio & Stories

Adding links to your Instagram bio and Stories posts provides easy pathways for discovering more content on your website. When you guide visitors to in-depth content that aligns with your Instagram posts, it builds authority so they engage more when they return to your profile.

17. Reply to Comments

Replying to your Instagram comments shows followers that you’re enthusiastic about engaging with them. These small social exchanges cultivate relationships with followers that often result in them coming back to like and comment on more of your posts.

18. Run Loop Giveaways

Loop giveaways encourage continuous engagement beyond an initial post by requiring followers to keep coming back to fulfill extra entry steps. Steps might include tagging friends, sharing posts, checking back daily or visiting your website. The incentive to win will drive recurring traffic and likes.

19. Use Relevant & Popular Hashtags

Carefully chosen hashtags expand your reach to new audiences. Include a mix of popular hashtags with millions of posts along with niche hashtags more targeted to your product with less competition. Post consistently with hashtags for ongoing exposure to hashtag searchers.

20. Analyze Your Instagram Insights

Regularly explore Instagram Insights to identify patterns around your top-performing posts and best times to post. Leaning into content, captions and formats that consistently perform well will optimize your overall strategy for getting the most likes.

The Instagram algorithm is always evolving so staying nimble and keeping up with new tactics is key. But focusing on delivering value and forging authentic engagement with followers will always be at the core of a sound Instagram approach. What tips do you have for getting more post likes? I’d love to hear what works for you in the comments!