The Ultimate Guide to 32 Must-Know Instagram Statistics for 2024

As a leading social media strategist, I‘m excited to present the definitive guide to the latest Instagram statistics you need for 2024 success.

This completely updated report draws on insights from 10+ major studies along with my own analysis as an industry expert. It‘s designed to help inform your Instagram marketing approaches through actionable data.

We‘ll cover everything from latest user demographics and behaviors to benchmark engagement levels across content formats—plus my informed perspectives on what it means for your brand.

Let‘s dive in!

Table of Contents

  • Key Instagram Milestones
  • Demographic Trends
  • User Behavior Shifts
  • Marketing Opportunities
  • Content Benchmark Data
  • Stories Format Guide
  • Strategic Conclusions

Major Instagram Milestones at a Glance

Before looking at latest stats, it helps to understand Instagram‘s growth trajectory. Here are key milestones:

Milestone Timeframe
Launched mobile app October 2010
Hit 100 million users February 2013
Introduced Instagram Stories August 2016
Reached 1 billion monthly users June 2018
Launched Reels short-video feature August 2020
Passed 2 million advertisers May 2022
Current user base 1.5 billion monthly active users

A few things stand out that inform my perspective on Instagram‘s current position:

  • Rapid growth to mainstream mega-platform: Instagram was already hugely popular by 2018 when it passed 1 billion users. But it has shown incredible continued momentum by adding another 500 million users since.

  • Lightning fast product innovation: With launches of massively successful features like Stories and Reels in 2016 and 2020, Instagram stays well ahead of shifting user behavior and preferences.

  • Priority for marketing: Crossing 2 million active advertisers as of mid-2022 signals Instagram‘s prime positioning as a data-driven marketing channel only set to expand further.

Instagram has come a very long way in a relatively short time. And major user and marketer adoption show no signs of slowing. Now let‘s get into specifics…

Demographic Breakdown: Who‘s on Instagram in 2024?

First, understanding Instagram‘s current user base and audience makeup is key for any brand marketer. So let‘s analyze the latest demographic data.

Gender Split

In the US, Instagram‘s gender breakdown is now 60% female and 40% male according to demographic data from Statista.

This female skew is unique amongst major social platforms. For context, Facebook and Twitter both have slightly more male than female users.

The increasingly female-dominated audience presents major opportunities for brands in beauty, fashion, lifestyle, and related verticals to intimately engage their target customer base on Instagram through aspirational and inspirational branded content and influencer partnerships.

Age Distribution

Statista also provides a detailed breakdown of Instagram‘s audience by age in the US:

Age Group % of Users
18-24 28%
25-34 31%
35-44 16%
45-54 11%
55-64 7%
65+ 6%

Key takeaways I want to emphasize:

  • Those age 25-34 make up the largest share with 31% of the total platform
  • Combined, a resounding 59% of users are under the age of 35

This data clearly shows Instagram remains a crucial platform for reaching Millennial and Gen Z audiences.

If your brand targets younger demographics, Instagram simply can‘t be ignored for connecting through culturally relevant content and community building. For other brands focused on older demographics, Instagram still provides plenty of reach just at smaller volumes.

Top Countries by Users

Expanding our view globally, below are the current top 5 countries ranked by total Instagram users according to data tracker Statista:

Country Total Users % of Total User Base
India 210 million 14%
United States 185 million 12.3%
Brazil 120 million 8%
Indonesia 100 million 6.7%
Russia 75 million 5%

India retains its #1 spot by a wide margin thanks to massive recent growth, while the US holds strong at #2. Russia was previously higher ranked before impacts from the Ukraine crisis.

With over 200 million users now, brands looking for international growth should seriously consider Instagram marketing expansion into India paired with locally relevant content and influencer partnerships.

How User Behavior is Shifting on Instagram

Beyond surface demographics, usage behavior offers deeper insights—and it continues evolving quickly on Instagram.

Kepios analyzed some noteworthy user behavior shifts from 2022-2024:

  • Feed posting decreased 28% amid rapid adoption of Stories and Reels
  • Story posting increased 55% as it becomes habitual daily content creation for both personal and brand accounts
  • Reels engagement grew 85% as it takes share from feed posts and challenges TikTok
  • Clickable links in profiles drove 20% higher engagement as Instagram expands ecommerce discovery capabilities

Analyzing these shifts, Instagram Stories and Reels clearly represent where all the momentum and engagement growth is heading as feed posts plateau.

For brands to cut through in 2024, an "Instagram-first" short video-focused approach is absolutely vital—one tailored to these preferred content formats rather than simply repurposing feed posts.

Huge Marketing Opportunities Across Instagram

Given relentless user growth and adoption for content consumption and engagement, Instagram continues delivering immense marketing opportunities. Let‘s analyze latest statistics confirming its value across objectives:

Unrivaled Discovery Channel

An updated 2024 survey by Meta found a remarkable 83% of Instagram users say the platform helps them discover new products, services and brands. This positions Instagram as a true digital discovery engine—especially for younger demographics looking for emerging brands aligned to their lifestyle and preferences.

Driving discovery requires brands publishing content consistently, and optimizing distribution through strategic hashtag and geotag usage, paid promotion, and influencer partnerships.

Prime Channel for Raising Brand Interest

Confirming Instagram‘s influence beyond bottom-funnel objectives, Meta‘s survey also found 65% of users say seeing brands in Instagram ads or promoted posts makes them more interested in the brand, product or service.

This positions Instagram as a prime channel for upper-funnel brand lift—especially for digital native CPG, apparel, beauty and other lifestyle brands reaching younger audiences.

Massive Influencer Marketing Growth

A 2024 Influencer Marketing Benchmark Study by Mediakix found over 75% of marketers will run influencer campaigns on Instagram this year—up from just 25% in 2018.

And it‘s no surprise why, with influencer content generating higher engagement and credibility with audiences looking for 3rd party social proof.

For brands not yet tapping into influencer partnerships, you are missing out on Instagram‘s most engaging content format perfect for awareness and conversion.

Updated Benchmarks for All Post Types

Of course, chasing engagement never stops for brands on Instagram. So what should you aim for? Here are the latest post engagement benchmarks by format that I would target for 2024 based on updated Quintly data.

Photo Feed Post Benchmarks

For traditional photo-focused feed posts, target metrics look something like:

Feed Post Metric 2024 Benchmark Target
Likes 750
Comments 15
Save to Bookmarks 20

While feed engagement is down overall, remember that introducing new shoppable product tags can lift conversion rates by over 100%.

Video Feed Post Benchmarks

For video feed posts, aim for:

Video Post Metric 2024 Benchmark Target
Likes 850
Comments 18
Saves 25
Average Watch % 65%

Note video view-through rate overtakes photos. Ensure sound stays on by default when uploaded.

Instagram Reels Benchmarks

As Reels gain share, engagement rates increases. Here are realistic Reels benchmarks:

Reel Metric 2024 Benchmark Target
Likes 1,200
Comments 35
Shares 30
Average Watch % 75%

The more interactive and viral Reels become, average performance will keep increasing.

Instagram Story Benchmarks

Stories continue to see incredible daily usage. Target these engagement levels:

Story Metric 2024 Benchmark Target
Reach 1,200 followers
Quick Reply DM‘s 3
Swipe Ups 35
Exits <30%
Avg. View Duration >50%

Unique to Stories are exit and view duration metrics—minimize drop off by immediately catching attention.

Instagram Stories Strategy Guide

Speaking of Instagram Stories, creating consistent compelling content here is vital engagement driver for brands in 2024 worth a deeper dive.

Let‘s analyze 5 key Instagram Stories statistics informing strategies—plus my tips for each:

500 Million Daily Active Users

The sheer popularity of Instagram Stories can‘t be overstated. What works:

Post daily to stay top of mind
Re-share feed post content as additional touchpoint

33% Have Engaged with Branded Story

1 in 3 taking action means huge room to boost engagement:

Add interactive stickers and questions to post copy
Make content more sharable and meme-worthy

Only 20% Stories Viewed to 100%

Standing out in crowded Stories feeds is vital:

Hook viewers in first 5 seconds with bold visuals/text
Keep video lengths short and swipe stopping

Location Tags See 79% More Engagement

Geo-relevance works to drive actions:

Enable location services on mobile to tag posts
Geotag local events/places to help exposure

Link Clicks in Bio Drive 20% More Likes

Expand link access for conversions:

Add Linkin.Bio or Linktree to Instagram profile
Pin most important website/product URLs to share

These data-backed best practices will pay dividends for driving higher Instagram Stories performance.

And for additional context, I actually break down the full guide to optimizing branded Instagram Stories engagement here.

Key Strategic Conclusions for Brand Marketers

Bringing this all together—where should brands be focusing energy based on Instagram‘s current state?

Here are my expert perspectives on highest strategic priorities for marketing success:

Lead With Video-First Approach

Instagram is now a video-first platform. Feed posts decreasing as both Stories and Reels ramp up shows the future is short-form social video content.

Brands still focusing mainly on photos are missing where all the user attention and engagement growth now lives. Leading with video aligns to user preference shifts.

Innovate Unique Interactive Content

Creative branding and engagement lift potential are infinite. With features like shoppable tags, AR filters and stickers, polls and quizzes, Instagram offers endless possibilities for brands to deliver unique interactive experiences aligned to audience preferences.

Experimentation based on performance data should guide new interactive content innovations to continually surprise and delight.

Measure What Matters Most For Objectives

One content approach won‘t drive all results. Reels fuel reach and awareness. Stories build community. Feed posts connect through lifestyle imagery. And ads offer targeting possibilities.

Each format has ideal use cases based on campaign goals. Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) per initiatives based on purpose and optimize accordingly.

The Data to Succeed on Instagram

Hopefully this guide has armed you with the must-know Instagram user, engagement, and marketing data your brand needs to unlock success in 2024.

I aimed to provide more than numbers alone though through informed analysis and strategic context based on my own expertise.

The key is now applying these insights through targeted, metric-driven execution across Instagram content formats. This allows continually optimization towards benchmarks reflective of current user behavior and platform direction.

Want to dig deeper into data-backed Instagram or social media strategies for your brand? Set up a consultation with me here. I‘d be happy to develop customized recommendations based on your audience, marketing objectives and existing Instagram presence.

To recap, you can freely reference back to any of the 2024 Instagram statistics included here:

Now you‘ve got all the tools and knowledge to crush it on Instagram! Time to put insights into play. Feel free to reach out with any other questions.