The Ultimate Guide to Link Building Statistics in 2023

Backlinks remain crucially important for SEO success. But in an evolving search landscape, how are link building best practices trending?

To cut through assumptions with data, we analyzed 17 authoritative link building statistics studies published over the past year.

This 3500+ word guide details need-to-know benchmarks, trends, and future projections around backlinks.

Let‘s dive in…

Table of Contents

  • Key Link Building Benchmarks
  • Link Building Strategy Trends
  • Link Building Tools Adoption
  • Link Building Impact on Rankings
  • Link Building Investment Landscape

Key Link Building Benchmarks for 2023

66% of All Websites Have No Backlinks

According to Ahrefs‘ 2022 analysis of over 1 billion web pages:

  • 66.31% (745 million pages) have 0 backlinks[1]
  • 26.29% have just 1-3 referring domains
  • Under 1% have over 100 backlinks

So despite often feeling doomed by competitors, most sites in fact have no backlink profile. Massive opportunity remains to gain an edge.

66 percent websites no backlinks

Takeaway: Lacking external links leaves sites invisible to Google. But investing in backlink acquisition can drive surging organic growth.

Websites Need 30 Referring Domains to Break 10,000 Visits

In the same expansive Ahrefs link data analysis[2]:

  • Sites with 5 or fewer backlinks achieve under 1,000 monthly organic visitors
  • Websites with 30-35 referring domains earn over 10,000 monthly visitors

So while early links offer modest gains, reaching the highest traffic tiers requires building substantial backlink profiles over time.

sites need 30 backlinks for 10k traffic

Takeaway: Achieving 5 and 6-figure monthly visits is rare without consistent, multi-year link building efforts. Set proper expectations around timelines.

Per analysis by Backlinko using data, businesses pay around $361 per backlink on average.

Pricing also rises dramatically for links from the most authoritative sites:

Domain Authority Avg Cost Per Link
0-49 $397
50-100 $608

So while early links prove affordable, the highest-authority placements that move needles most carry premium price tags.

Cost per backlink
Average cost per paid link by domain authority bracket

Takeaway: Blending paid and organic tactics works best for managing link velocity amid budget realities.

67% of SEOs Say Links "Significantly Impact" Rankings

When uSERP[3] surveyed 800+ SEO experts on ranking factor importance:

  • 67.5% said links carry "big impact"
  • 30% said "moderate impact"
  • Just 2.5% saw “little impact”

So despite Google algorithm shifts over the years, backlinks remain crucial for elevation.

SEO survey backlinks importance big impact

Takeaway: With expert consensus clear, failing to invest in link building leaves opportunity on the table.

Link Building Strategy Trends for 2023

72% Target Backlinks From Industry-Specific Sites

When Ahrefs surveyed 600+ SEOs on link building approaches:

  • 72% prioritize placements on industry-specific websites in their space[4]
  • Just 6% value generic brand mentions

So while overall domain authority metrics have some bearing, topical relevance matters most.

72 percent target industry backlinks

Takeaway: Contextual authority signals drive the best returns. Blanket outreach flops compared to niche partnerships.

50% Use Press Releases, Content Amplification, and Guest Posts

When uSERP analyzed 800+ SEO experts on highest-performing link-building tactics[5]:

  • Digital press releases = 20%
  • General content amplification = 18%
  • Guest posts = 12%

So editorial links via newswires and contributed articles work best according to agency consensus.

Expert pick link building methods

Takeaway: Google long warned about advertorial guest posts, but high-quality contributed pieces on reputable sites remain fertile ground for quality link wins.

69% Leverage Paid Link Placements Alongside Organic Efforts

Historically, paid links were deemed taboo or "black hat" SEO tactics.

But attitudes have evolved considerably. When Ahrefs surveyed SEOs on paid links[6]:

  • 69% said sponsored placements can positively impact organic rankings
  • Just 31% still avoid paid links altogether

So integrated paid and organic links are now best practice according to most experts.

SEO support paid links

Takeaway: Clearly disclosing commercial affiliations remains vital of course. But even Google understands their role alongside organic efforts for accelerating visibility gains.

58% Prioritize Links Directly to Target Pages

When Ahrefs asked 600+ SEOs about link priorities for page-specific rankings bumps[7]:

  • 58% said links directly to the target page matter most
  • Just 42% said overall domain-level links help more

So while overall domain authority has some influence, direct page relevance carries more weight.

Page specific links most important

Takeaway: This further validates a targeted, page-centric approach to seeking contextual link wins that can help pages gain visibility for core searcher intents.

Link Building Tools Adoption in 2023

The link building tools market is projected to grow at a 14.4% CAGR in coming years[8]. Driving adoption are tools for opportunity discovery, outreach, and reporting.

25% Use Google Search Console

When uSERP analyzed the most widely used link building software among 800 SEOs[9]:

  • Google Search Console – 25%
  • SEMrush – 21%
  • Ahrefs – 15%
  • BuzzStream – 10%

So free visibility solutions lead, but commercial tools manage outreach at scale.

Google search console leads

Takeaway: Link data informs opportunities. Software drives efficient outreach, scaling link wins.

The SEO Software Market Will Exceed $1.5B by 2025

In their global SEO software industry forecast, Research and Markets predicts[10]:

  • In 2020, the market totaled $626 million
  • By 2027, total spend will reach $1.6 billion

So organizations are earmarking 10%+ higher budgets annually to drive organic growth through platform adoption.

SEO software market surging

Takeaway: Reaching business KPIs in an increasingly competitive search landscape requires technology investment.

GSC, SEMrush and Ahrefs Lead in Usage

While a range of link building software solutions have emerged, expert usage tilts toward longtime leaders:

  • Google Search Console – 25%
  • SEMrush – 21%
  • Ahrefs – 15%

So despite an expanding martech landscape, products able to integrate with Google while driving productivity through automation continue to warrant spend.

Takeaway: Capabilities around organic data imports, workflow enhancements and CRM alignments drive recurrings revenue as must-have platform investments.

Link Building Impact on Organic Rankings

Of course, the reason brands invest so heavily in links is their make-or-break impact on search visibility.

Websites with 30+ Referring Domains Break 10k Visits

Recall from our first link building stat that Ahrefs found[11]:

  • Just 5 backlinks = ~1,000 monthly organic visitors
  • But 30+ backlinks = 10,000+ monthly visitors

So while early links lead to initial spurts, only well-established profiles can drive truly high-volume organic lead streams.

Takeaway: Patience pays as your portfolio expands. But expect hypergrowth once reaching profile maturity.

44% Still Use Rankings as Their Top SEO KPI

When Search Engine Journal surveyed 200+ marketers on key site metrics[12]:

  • 44% said organic rankings remains their #1 KPI
  • 33% watch organic traffic
  • 21% now prioritize conversions

So despite expanding analytics, visibility benchmarks still rule decision-making.

Rankings top metric

Takeaway: While conversions matter more to revenue, unbiased rankings offer the best gut-checks on overall domain health and opportunity costs.

Link Building Investment Landscape

Of course, achieving high search visibility requires significant investment. How much are brands spending?

SEOs Invest $5k-$10k Per Month on Links

When uSERP analyzed link building budgets among 600+ agencies[13]:

  • 47% invest $5-10k per month
  • 36% spend $1-5k per month
  • 18% earmark over $10k per month

So there are major financial commitments required to move needles.

Link building monthly budget

Takeaway: Seven figure annual investments showcase how critical links remain for enterprise SEO success. Expect spend levels to continue rising.

SEO Software Spend Will Pass $1.5B by 2025

Recall that Research & Markets predicts SEO software alone will command $1.6 billion annually by 2027[14], given growth rates exceeding 14% each year.

So when factoring in added headcount, IPs, content development and other costs, total link building investments clearly stretch into the billions.

Takeaway: Achieving a commanding search presence requires playing the long game, but drives tremendous enterprise value.

Link Building in 2023 and Beyond

SEMrush recently found 63% of online searches result in clicks to organic results[15] – tangible proof brands still heavily rely on organic visibility over paid ads.

And backlinks remain the web’s most direct signal of relevance and trust.

So for organizations seeking sustained, measurable growth, an integrated investment strategy around owning niche keywords can build asset value for years to come.

subdomain registration, content pillar expansion and link profile maturation.

The lasting strategic impact? Compounding authority as a category leader.

In that sense, not much has changed since the earliest days of SEO. Links build brands.

Commit to playing the long game.