What To Post On LinkedIn: The Ultimate Guide To LinkedIn Content Ideas

With over 875 million members representing the world‘s professionals, LinkedIn engagement remains vital for brands. But relentless changes to algorithms and interfaces necessitate adaptable content strategies.

Simply getting posts in front of your audience no longer guarantees reactions. Rising above fierce competition requires deeply understanding top-performing content styles aligned to user behavior.

That‘s why I have compiled this comprehensive analysis of the highest-converting LinkedIn post formats in 2022. Leverage these insider insights to inform your content calendar. Let‘s get started!

Benchmark Performance Data Across Post Types

All content is not created equal when vying for LinkedIn feeds placement. Format, stylistic and contextual factors all weigh on outcomes. But quantifying differences empowers smarter approaches.

Let‘s examine comparative engagement across these prevalent templates, pulling from SocialPilot‘s extensive analytics:

LinkedIn Video Posts

  • __3X Higher Engagement VS Non-Video__
  • 15% Connection Growth Month-Over-Month
  • 23% Follower Growth Month-Over-Month

Long-form Articles (2000+ words)

  • __75% Above Average Click Through Rates__
  • 18% Month-Over-Month Audience Growth
  • 61% Above Average Earned Views

LinkedIn Live Videos

  • __25X Greater Engagement Than On-Demand Video__
  • 37% Month-Over-Month Connection Growth
  • statehood 17% Follower Growth Month-Over-Month

List Posts (Tips, Strategies etc.)

  • __61% Higher Clicks Than Standard Posts__
  • 102% More Reactions Than Average
  • 78% Above Average Month-Over-Month Views

Notable gaps clearly emerge. Now let‘s overlay additionaldimensions.

Optimal Lengths Across Posting Formats

Beyond purely structure, appropriately targeting word counts and runtimes boosts metrics for each content style.

Standard Text Updates

  • __100-250 Words__: Highest Engagement

Long-form Articles

  • __2000-3000 Words__: Maximum Engagement
  • __3000+ Words__: Extends Audience Session Lengths

Guides/List Posts

  • __1500+ Words__: More Shares & Saves

Video Posts

  • __90 Seconds-3 Minutes__: View Completion Rates Peak

Live Videos

  • __20-45 Minutes__: Engagement Plateaus

Again we notice certain thresholds consistently outperform across categories. Now let‘s highlight overarching trends most influencing results.

Research Spotlights Key Performance Drivers

Stepping back, the highest-converting post themes share common psychological triggers generating explosive reactions. Specifically:

They Frame You As An Expert

Content highlighting insider industry perspectives establishes trust and authority. This earns readership despite countless competing posts.

Subject matter mastery remains the #1 asset fueling organic amplification on LinkedIn.

They Offer Utility/Education

75% of users visit LinkedIn to gather insights into challenges. Information-rich posts delivering value dominate feeds. Concrete tactics also manifest credibility.

They Align With Audience Goals

Understanding readers‘ underlying needs, pain points and desires allows carefully matching content. This guarantees relevance despite fluctuating news cycles.

Let‘s now overlay these key performance learnings across our highest-rated post styles.

Benchmark Analysis By Post Type

Long-Form Sponsored Articles

Eclipsing 2000 words requires dedication. But formats like LinkedIn Sponsored Articles reward investments, evidenced by:

  • __75% Higher Click Through Rates__: Indicating strong alignment to user intent
  • __123% More Comments__: Demonstrating resonance and substance

Success here reflects expert framing with actionable utility. Promoting articles via ads also lets you target niche professional demographics.


Hootsuite drives impressions for this 2800-word guide through ads while nurturing leadership authority around employee advocacy programs:

LinkedIn Live Video Streams

Real-time broadcasting multiplies perceived transparency and authenticity. Resulting relationship building fuels statistics like:

  • __37 New Connections Per Video__: Direct engagement measurement
  • __28% Follower Growth__: Trust culmination

The effects again trace back to thought leadership positioning and value provision waking interest.

Check out how digital marketing agency Falcon.io educates audiences through tactical live streams while spotlighting expertise:

List Posts

LinkedIn users yearn simplified solutions to pressing difficulties. Formats like numbered list posts cater to this impulse, reflected by:

  • __61% More Clicks__: Aligning to quick-win expectations
  • __5X Higher Recall Rates__ vs paragraphs: Enhancing comprehension

If you can compile insider hacks, case studies or step-by-step instructions, this packaging drives dramatic engagement.

See how Copypress strategically delivers website copywriting tips driving amplification:

Of course while these formats shine, one-size rarely fits all. Let‘s uncover more niche post types to balance your calendar.

10 Creative LinkedIn Post Ideas to Try

Beyond conventional articles, videos and images, numerous less-explored formats help diversify your content style.

Experiment with these outside-the-box post concepts I have seen effectively stop scrolling audiences:

1. Mock Press Releases

Summarizing company news in an official format makes announcements more shareworthy while expanding reach.

2. Quote Graphics

Bite-sized nuggets of commentary formatted as imagery spread key messages further.

3. User-Generated Content

Photos, reviews and testimonials from customers trigger authenticity and social proof.

4. Memes

Humorous commentary formatted as viral memes increases relatability when aligned to your brand identity.

5. Collaborative Cross-Posts

Joint articles co-created with recognized leaders help access new audiences.

6. Interactive Polls

Soliciting responses boosts comments and cements recall while uncovering audience opinions.

7. Creative Link Formatting

Masking links as text instead of URLs piques curiosity to help drive more clicks.

8. Profile Welcome Videos

Brief introductory videos shared on your page make first connections more personable.

9. Appreciation Posts

Sharing gratitude for partners, employees or fronts spotlight cultures while spreading joy.

10. LinkedIn Stories

Photo montages and Boomerangs offer more authentic glimpses behind the scenes than typical posts allow through glimpses of company culture and values.

Do any of these outside-the-box post ideas spark inspiration for your marketing calendar? Feel free to borrow what you like!

Now let‘s shift gears to discuss overarching strategies for executing whichever formats you select.

Crafting A Results-Driven LinkedIn Posting Strategy

Underpinning cadence and content selections, optimal visibility requires nailing foundational executional elements.

Specifically by intentionally incorporating these best practices:

Include Multi-Format Visuals In Each Post

While artistically shot photography, engaging infographics and crisp videos may demand added resources, results justify investments.

With visual posts earning:

  • 98% more engagement than non-visual
  • Up to 3X higher conversion rates
  • 41% more clicks

Prioritize quality over quantity in sourcing eye-catching imagery conveying messages quickly.

Tools like Canva, Venngage and Adobe Spark simplify infographic and social graphic creation for non-designers.

For budget-friendly stock photos and videos check out Unsplash, Pixabay and Pexels.

Write Headlines That Stop Scrolling

In feeds dominated by boring, predictable headlines only the most compelling writing arrests attention. Master catchy, benefit-focused titles.

Power words (like “How To” or “Why”) pique reader curiosity. Off-beat questions, intruging data and clever plays on popular phrases break monotany.

If writing isn’t your forte explore free AI copywriting tools like Jasper.ai, Writesonic or Copysmith to optimize headlines.

Tag Strategically To Increase Discoverability

Categorizing posts by industry, topics and keywords appends your content with relevant hashtags. This allows non-connections to locate your updates via LinkedIn‘s search and feed filters.

Therefore tagging intentionally dramatically multiplies potential impressions and engagement.

For example, a post on microlearning training strategies might include:

[#Training] [#WorkplaceLearning] [#Microlearning] [#InstructionalDesign]

Identify terms audiences are likely using to find related posts. Insert these tags to appear in common searches.

Promote High-Value Updates Through LinkedIn Ads

As mentioned earlier, organic visibility only spans your first-degree network. Yet niche professionals outside your circle can still prove valuable prospects.

This is where LinkedIn Sponsored Content and Sponsored InMail advertising enters. Self-selected audiences cost-effectively multiply your reach 10X+.

I recommend testing promotions for owned media like:

  • gated resources (like webinar replays or ebooks)
  • lead magnets (like assessments or demos)
  • long-form articles
  • videos

The combination of engaging content with targeted exposure accelerates conversions.

Repurpose Content Across Multiple LinkedIn Post Types

Chances are resources you share across channels like podcast episodes, blog articles and videos apply to LinkedIn audiences despite different packaging.

A helpful exercise is documenting existing owned media, then identifying potential repurposing applications to create a true omnichannel presence that reinforces messages exponentially through repetition.

Equally explore how longer-form blog posts might convert into shorter commentary-focused posts. Or how imagery and stats might be recut into captivating graphics or digestible social videos.

HubSpot sets the gold standard, promoting blog content across dedicated organic update posts, LinkedIn Articles, natively uploaded videos and more to maximize viewership.

Finally, let‘s discuss amplifying beyond solo efforts…

Collaborate With Employees & LinkedIn Influencers

While independently establishing thought leadership drives progress, synergistic partnerships accelerate impact even further.

Specifically by strategically coordinating with two underutilized asset types:

Activate Your Employees As Brand Advocates

Rallying staff to share brand content not only increases eyeballs, but conveys deeper authenticity and transparency than corporate self-promotion.

So provide resources, guidance and incentives towards building advocacy. The collective personal networks and engagement your team brings to the table creates tremendous leverage.

Track content penetration across wider audiences as you facilitate colleagues regularly posting updates. The compounding goodwill and expanded reach builds familiarity rapidly at scale.

Recruit LinkedIn Influencers As Brand Collaborators

Influencers hold captive digital audiences primed to amplify messages through partnerships. One impactful strategy entails co-creating content marrying your thought leadership to an influencer‘s distribution.

This instantly positions you alongside known industry celebrities while distributing posts further. Compelling propositions bring renowned experts on board to try collaborative founder-focused content experiments.

Begin identifying relevant voices analyzing target customers and alignment to your positioning. Then explore creative ways to team up on projects expanding mutual value.

The combination of employee and external influencer initiation sparks immense viral potential.

Key Takeaways & Next Steps

We‘ve covered extensive ground mapping LinkedIn‘s highest-converting content formats, ideal posting strategies and creative partnerships to elevate exposure.

Let‘s connect the dots with actionable conclusions:

  • Long-form articles, videos, live streams and lists generate outsized amplification: Focus initial experiments here
  • Optimize writing for audience goals not vanity: Frame your perspectives around solving struggles
  • Get visual across photo, graphic and video posts: Hero images increase impressions
  • Announce content launches via LinkedIn ads: Pay to promote owned media
  • Repurpose top resources: Refresh evergreen content
  • Mobilize employees & influencers: Capitalize on partnerships

As next steps I recommend:

  1. Documenting existing content assets to uncover repurposing opportunities
  2. Brainstorming 2-3 collaborative content projects with leaders
  3. Developing an initial 30-60-90 day content calendar incorporating insights from this guide
  4. Codifying an employee advocacy program charter and inbound recruiting LinkedIn strategy

The platforms‘ sheer size can seem daunting but methodically incorporating the above best practices positions you for exponential growth. Feel free to reach out directly anytime as you implement your program.

Now over to you – what types of LinkedIn posts reach your audiences best? I would love to hear what is working well in your experience!