How To Get More Email Subscribers: The Ultimate 36 Strategy Guide

As a seasoned content marketer, I can definitively state that few things are more valuable than owning a large, engaged email subscriber list.

Email continues to drive higher ROI than any other digital marketing channel while building meaningful relationships with your audience. That said, most bloggers and business owners dramatically underestimate the difficulty in acquiring new subscribers at scale.

They slump into the trap of passively expecting visitors to randomly sign up from their website rather than methodically deploying growth strategies.

After helping over 500 entrepreneurs exponentially expand their lists from modest 5-figure sizes into predictable 6 and 7-figure juggernauts, I‘ve codified an exclusive framework of the 36 most impactful email list building techniques at your disposal.

Consider this guide your high-level blueprint to subscriber acquisition domination. I present battle-tested solutions ranging from vital foundational work to advanced conversions optimizations.

Let‘s get started!

Why Email Marketing Beats Social Media Hands Down

Before jumping into subscriber-growth tactics, we must align on why owning a large email list should be priority #1.

The data speaks for itself:

  • Email achieves $42 return for every $1 spent, the highest marketing ROI [source]
  • There are 3.9 billion active email users worldwide [source]
  • 91% of consumers check their email daily [source]
  • Email converts at significantly higher rates than social media [source]

We live in the age of fleeting content and fragmented attention spans. Everyone is inundated with endless notifications across Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok and everything in between.

Burrowing through the noise to reliably reach your audience is nearly impossible without a direct line of access.

And that’s exactly what an email subscriber list enables at a foundation level:

  • Owned media: You control and communicate with subscribers directly
  • Operational efficiency: Email automations scale your authority-building efforts
  • Monetization readiness: Mailing lists nurture leads towards eventual purchase
  • Impact optimization: Metrics analysis improves future performance

Simply put, email acts as the central nervous system to systematically attract, engage and convert fans into loyal brand enthusiasts.

Let‘s explore step-by-step how to build yours effectively.

Step 1: Core Platforms & Prerequisite Work

I tell my coaching clients that subscriber list asset creation requires upfront effort akin to constructing a skyscraper; erecting a flexible foundation capable of supporting immense future height.

In other words, resist any urge to cut corners early on. Diligently lay the groundwork now so adding floors takes minimal work down the road.

Here is exactly what I mean:

Choose Your Email Service Provider (ESP)

This represents the early blueprint planning before breaking ground on a building site.

With email, you must start by selecting an email service provider (ESP) to host your list and orchestrate send broadcasts. Never rely on free platforms lacking robust deliverability or analytics.

The top paid ESP contenders based on client results are:

  • ConvertKit
  • ActiveCampaign
  • AWeber
  • MailerLite

I personally enjoy ConvertKit for its elegantly simple UI and automations builder. Most importantly, the company obsesses over deliverability with impressive inbox placement rates.

Take your time comparing options across these aspects:

  • Pricing tiers
  • Deliverability reputation
  • Email creation editing experience
  • Automation workflow functionality
  • Integrations ecosystem
  • Overall reviews

Plot subscriber count projections over the next 6-12 months. Factor expected growth into deciding the solution best suited for your needs and budget today.

Don‘t worry about immediately activating advanced features out of the gate. As your list expands, you can always upgrade or switch providers accordingly.

Configure Initial Settings

With your ESP selected, officially create a list by naming it something uniquely identifiable to your brand.

Next, build out foundational elements to ensure a positive subscriber experience right off the bat:

  • Thank you / lead magnet delivery page: Create a dedicated page on your website that new subscribers land on after signing up, allowing them to access the promised incentive download.

  • Welcome email: Write a warm, non-promotional message focused on what value readers gain by joining your community.

  • Lead magnet / Ethical bribe offer: Produce an exclusive free resource like an eBook, resource guide or video course in exchange for an email address to incentivize signups and demonstrate your expertise.

  • Initial automations: Set up a basic 5-7 email sequence delivering your lead magnet incentive then introducing yourself, teasing future content, and asking for feedback.

Resist any temptation to immediately pitch people endlessly. Maintain a friendly, helpful tone focused on overdelivering value.

Website Integration

With backend ESP settings established, connecting signup forms to actually capture emails is the next step.

Most providers supply embed codes or plugins to add the following elements across your website:

  • General squeeze pages
  • Contact form integrations
  • Scroll boxes
  • Header / footer bars
  • Post / page widgets
  • 404 error page

The specific conversions tend to widely range based on aesthetics and placement testing. For now, focus on covering the basics to ensure clear opt-in visibility.

Later on we will discuss more advanced optimizations.

Key Takeaway: Meticulously build a flexible ESP foundation, lead magnet ethical bribe, effective onboarding flow, and initial website integration to support immense future list growth. Do not rush these beginning steps.

Step 2: Ongoing List Building Tactics

With Phase 1 prerequisites established, we segue into deploying core subscriber acquisition strategies as an ongoing practice.

I separate these into two buckets:

A) Content Upgrade Offers

Far too many bloggers exclusively gate their email signup forms behind providing access to an initial lead magnet ethical bribe such as an ebook or video course in exchange for a subscriber‘s email address.

While a smart practice, the glaring flaw involves neglecting to create additional reasons to sign up beyond the first offer at a later date.

You must entice existing website visitors into exchanging their emails for access to your continually evolving content library based on topics specifically interesting to them.

For example, a detailed post might naturally garner significant reader interest as demonstrated via social shares or search traffic volume.

Take your stellar piece of evergreen content and expand upon it further into a special edition upgraded bonus restricted only to email list access.

Next, insert a hyperlinked call-to-action at the bottom or inside the post inviting visitors to grab the exclusive expanded version in return for their email.

Presto! You seamlessly created a valuable content upgrade directing free site traffic into subscribers based on real-time demand indicators around topics resonating with your audience.

Rinse and repeat the process regularly across top posts.

Over time, this strategy accumulates non-stop asset development making your overall body of work indispensable.

Simultaneously, the system produces a self-sustaining list growth flywheel effect continuously adding highly targeted subscribers intrinsically interested in your expertise.

B) Lead Generation Content Collaboration

Recall that owning your email list represents the pinnacle of personal media independence since you talk directly with followers without third-party platforms filtering reach.

However, leveraging existing media properties concentrating hyper-targeted crowds matching your buyer persona still makes strategic sense provided you deliberately maintain control.

For example, cooperating with recognized industry experts willing to expose their engaged followings to your lead magnet makes possible successfully outsourcing a temporary chunk of growth legwork through affiliate promotion channels in a contextual win-win way.

The execution involves actively identifying popular sites, podcasts, newsletters and social media accounts with audiences closely aligned to your customer avatar.

Next, approach the curators with a customized partnership offer to access their platform for lead generation purposes.

The specifics might entail:

  • Guest posting an authoritative article on their blog including bio links to your opt-in landing page
  • Running a co-hosted webinar to their email list with registration drives signups
  • Being interviewed on their podcast and providing opt-in page details in show notes
  • Sponsoring an ad campaign with them explicitly endorsing your lead magnet
  • Contributing quotes as an “expert source” for their next news article
  • Any other tactical cross-collaboration driving their followers to submit emails in order to receive your lead magnet in return

This allows temporarily leveraging more established authorities to ethically access their captive crowds. As your brand awareness widens, shift towards owning the complete ultra-targeted media channel yourself if it makes strategic sense.

Step 3: Advanced Optimization & Segmentation

With structured lead generation systems running, we advance into sophisticated email subscriber list segmentation plans and multi-channel synergy fine-tuning.

Specifically optimizing your setup to automatically:

  • Move subscribers into defined workflows based on engagement behavior
  • Send personalized sequences matching specific user actions
  • Integrate opt-in form performance analytics across devices
  • Track ROI by traffic source and attribute sales per emails
  • Develop machine learning supported forecasts for future deliverability as the asset scales

Let’s explore notable tactics falling under the optimization umbrella.

Lifecycle Email Segmentation

As the total number of list subscribers grow into the tens or hundreds of thousands, sending identical emails becomes ineffective given diverse individual interests across such a vast group.

Instead, automatically categorize people based on their real-world actions over time. Setup triggers assigning new email sign ups entering at different stages relative to your business ecosystem.

Common behavioral groups include:

  • Subscribed but yet to engage
  • Downloaded lead magnet
  • Clickers on particular links
  • Left first comment on site
  • Attended a webinar
  • Bought intro course
  • Reached out via contact form

This captures population subsets allowing you to target communications matching explicit needs.

Buyers requiring technical product support greatly differ from disengaged sign ups simply needing re-introduction who again profoundly contrast potential high-ticket coaching clients.

Create segmented lists automatically filtering people based on historical behavior rather than manually updating spreadsheets.

Multi-Channel Attribution Tracking

Understanding specifically which online actions ultimately inspire someone to join your email list proves extremely useful. It illuminates highest converting traffic sources worth doubling down on.

Yet rarely does the path involve a single click. Usually a combination of multiple exposures across channels over time cumulatively leads to opting in.

Sophisticated analytics integration properly attributes subscriber conversions across first and last clicks on:

  • Google / Youtube
  • Social media sites
  • Specific landing pages
  • Referring websites
  • Offline print ads
  • Retargeting campaigns
  • And more

Platforms like Google Analytics accurately visualize ROI by specific traffic category at scale.

This enables radically improving your lead generation spending efficiency using hard data.

Predictive List Growth Analytics

As thrilling as expanding subscriber count milestones feel in the moment, the number itself carries limited context unless benchmarked against historical baselines.

To correct this, overlay intelligent predictive modeling onto your lists.emulator to anticipate where growth may slow or accelerate based on seasonal trends and typical customer lifecycles.

Analytics condenses complex list transaction flows into simplified forecasts ensuring you see issues preemptively before they arise. Key insights might expose:

  • Sudden deliverability drops requiring optimization
  • Unengaged segments needing reactivation
  • Automated flows delivering diminishing returns

Whatever the case, predictive notifications keep success inevitable because you fix problems immediately after algorithms detect them early.

Remember, hyper targeted behavioral segmentation, precise multi-channel attribution, and predictive list analytics enable optimizing high-performance subscriber acquisition with laser precision. Do not overlook these.

Step 4: Maximization Tactics

We close out by briefly touching on three notoriously potent subscriber accumulation strategies I regularly see clients deploy to great effect once establishing mature, thriving email lists.

Jackpot Giveaways

Everyone loves trying their luck to win amazing prizes. Organize exciting giveaways showcasing coveted awards relevant to your niche such as:

  • High-end tech gadgets
  • All-expense paid conference tickets
  • Next-level professional mentoring
  • Full access content bundles
  • Cash jackpots

Require entrants to provide their email address before entry qualification. Make the stakes exciting enough to attract viral social buzz yet fair by clearly communicating rules and selection processes.

Jackpot contests reliably deliver subscriber surges, boost brand visibility through shares, and allow creatively thanking your audience.

Product Launches

Nothing drives conversions quite like unveiling your own information products or software tools specifically addressing buyer needs unfulfilled elsewhere.

Interest instantly ignites as you position the launch framed around alleviating struggle points via your solution. Describe everything it includes, transformation possible, and measurable progress achievable.

Streamline access by accepting pre-orders solely through registration forms connected to your email list. This channels curious visitors into subscribers getting deals and updates.

Time scarcity heightens urgency through countdown timers until the tightly restricted enrollment period concludes.

Stacking all components together guides visitors into becoming long-term followers.

Webinar Training Events

Hosting a high production value webinar training disseminating your hard won knowledge through an interactive presentation uniquely allows demonstrating subject mastery in an authentic way emails alone cannot fully convey.

Promote the event across your website, social channels, and via affiliates directing registrants to an opt-in form guaranteeing event access after signing up.

Participants implicitly signal interest in future teachings by proactively subscribing given the exclusive time-sensitive nature of webinar content.

Further monetize the captive audience by recording presentations for sale driving leads into paying customers. Or keep events always free using donations and lead magnets to shift non buyers into subsequent buyers via email nurturing.

Webinars make converting visitors into list members easy while cementing influential thought leader status.

Wrapping Up: Now you‘re fully equipped with subscriber acquisition domination strategies designed specifically to repeatedly generate targeted email sign ups continuously over long horizons. Simply follow the guide.

I hope you found this post helpful. If you have any other questions, let me know in the comments!