The Ultimate 2500+ Word Guide on Migrating from to Self-Hosted WordPress

You launched your blog full of excitement on the simplicity of, but have grown increasingly held back by its rigid platform constraints.

You can‘t customize your site design outside of a few bland themes. Plugins are limited so you can‘t add key functions like an email list or contact form. Intrusive ads clutter your pages. The content feels like it belongs more to them than you.

The solution? Migrate from over to the open expansiveness of self-hosted WordPress.

As experts with over a decade of WordPress experience, we‘ve helped hundreds of site owners make this empowering transition from rental platform to creative sanctuary. This 2500+ word guide will walk you through everything you need to know – from export logistics to site redirects.

Let‘s dive in!

Core Differences Between vs

Before detailing the migration process, let‘s ground ourselves in what distinguishes from self-hosted WordPress: The Restrictive Rental is the free, hosted version of WordPress run by Automattic. It serves as an easy entry point for blogging, but comes with firm limitations including:

Design Constraints

  • Only utilize their built-in themes – no custom options allowed
  • Themes nearly all have a strong branding/styling
  • Very limited modification options for colors, fonts etc

Per data from CodeinWP‘s exhaustive comparison study, has just 16 free themes with marginal customization functionality compared to the over 9000 free themes accessible on self-hosted WordPress.

This lack of design control severely inhibits brand representation.

Functional Limitations

  • Cannot install plugins for key functions like email list, contact form, galleries
  • No access to many SEO and security plugins

An expansive Softcrylic analysis found that permits only 24 plugins vs over 55,000 free plugins on – crippling possibilities.

Ads & Branding

  • injects its ads into your content
  • Mandatory footer attribution links remain
  • Domain mapped to their brand (

Per‘s policies, ad removal requires expensive premium plans up to $25/month. Self-hosted WordPress enables ad-free sites at very low base hosting rates (often <$5/month).

This perpetual branding keeps your site relegated to a subdomain of their domain – not establishing your own brand identity. is a restrictive yet convenient blogging rental. To "own" your site however, self-hosting is needed. The Open & Flexible Creator Space

Self-hosted WordPress represents the fully customizable open-source version downloadable from With self-hosted WP, you:

Design Any Site You Dream Up

  • Utilize any of the thousands of themes to match your vision
  • Endless customization of colors, fonts, layouts
  • Build a site that wholly reflects your aesthetics

Add Any Function You Need

  • Install marketing, analytics, security plugins
  • Contact forms, social media integrations
  • Memberships, courses, ecommerce, forums
  • Craft a feature-packed site tailored to your goals

100% Ad & Brand Free

  • Promote just your brand, not WordPress
  • Completely customize and control your domain
  • Use without advertising distractions

Per statistics from WordPress themselves, self-hosted WordPress empowers over 43% of all websites – just shy of half the internet!

It offers endless design and functional possibility only limited by your imagination.

Now that we‘ve clarified the differences at a high level, let‘s explore how to migrate.

Step 1: Export Your Content From

The first technical step of migrating entails exporting your content from to have it ready for import into your new self-hosted site. Specifically:

  1. Log into your dashboard
  2. Navigate to My Site → Settings
  3. Scroll down and click on Export
  4. Select Export All to download your entire site
  5. After processing, provides an export of your XML file

Note this exports only your content – not site settings, widgets etc.

The export preparation is relatively straightforward, so let‘s move on to more complex elements.

Step 2: Select Your New Web Host & Domain

Next, you need hosting for your new self-hosted WordPress site along with an ideal domain name:

Choosing Web Hosting

When selecting a new host for your WordPress site, focus on providers that specialize in optimized WordPress hosting. I recommend hosts like:

  • SiteGround – Used by over 1 million sites. Great speeds.
  • Bluehost – Officially recommended by
  • A2 Hosting – Up to 20X faster speeds. Great support.

Consult this guide I compiled on the best web hosting for WordPress to match your budget and needs.

Key factors like speed, WordPress optimization, uptime, security, and support determine quality WordPress hosting.

If your current domain is over 60 days old, you can point it to new hosting. Otherwise…

Choosing a Domain Name

As for a domain name that appropriately captures your brand, utilize this methodology:

  1. Brainstorm keywords and terms relevant to your niche
  2. Check availability to see if .com or .net aligns
  3. Test concepts with target demographics
  4. Evaluate extensions like .blog or .site if preferred terms are taken

For a thorough framework on choosing an ideal domain name, consult my complete guide to picking the perfect domain.

With hosting and a domain name secured, we can proceed to installation.

Step 3: Install WordPress on Your Web Server

In one click from reputable managed WordPress hosts, you can install WordPress rapidly with no technical lift. Simply:

  1. Log into hosting account dashboard
  2. Select 1-click install option for WordPress
  3. Enter site name, admin credentials, and account details
  4. Host instantly provisions WordPress site files

Or if installing manually, follow this 5-minute WordPress installation guide covering:

  • Web server requirements
  • Creating a database
  • Configuring wp-config.php
  • Uploading WordPress
  • Running the installer

If you prefer a managed migration path directly from including design setup, siloed hosting like WP Engine provides a 100% free migration service worth considering.

But our DIY journey continues…

Step 4: Import Your Content

Now that your new self-hosted WordPress site awaits, it‘s time to inject your old content. Simply:

  1. Install the WordPress Importer plugin via Plugins > Add New
  2. Activate the plugin & navigate to Tools > Import
  3. Upload your previously downloaded .XML export file
  4. Configure plugin to import all content to your user
  5. Check the box to download attachments

Depending on size, give it a few minutes to import your posts, pages, comments, etc from to your new database.

Common issues according to WordPress support data:

  • Adjust server PHP settings if timing out
  • Double check your user permissions
  • Manually upload any images causing importer errors

With your content migrated over, let‘s explore what we can do with our newfound freedom!

Step 5: Customize Your Site Design As You Please

Welcome to creative liberation! You now have limitless options regarding site design customization including:

Installing Premium WordPress Themes

Expand way beyond the 16 free themes of into a universe of over 9000+ free themes at your fingertips. Or for unique professional polish, install premium themes like:

  • Astra – used by over 600,000 sites, incredibly customizable foundations
  • GeneratePress – super lightweight + fast theme framework
  • OceanWP – gorgeous designs with drag & drop builder

Utilizing Drag & Drop Site Builders

For easy visual layout constructing, advanced page builders like:

  • Elementor – 60+ million sites leveraging intuitive design
  • Beaver Builder – refined templates & fluid interface
  • Divi – made for since 2011 design flexibility

No restrictions. Construct the site you want!

Crafting a Brand Stylized Design

Do you want:

  • A bold artsy theme?
  • A muted nonprofit site?
  • Vibrant illustrative elements?
  • Minimalist monochrome palette?

Your brand identity is now directly channeled through design complete with:

  • Tailored color palettes
  • Concept-relevant iconography
  • Distinctive typefaces conveying tone
  • Immersive visual styling via images and video

Self-hosted WordPress hands you the keys to architect a custom site aligned wholly with your vision.

Step 6: Add Key Features Via Plugins

In tandem with aesthetics, you now can freely add functions to achieve goals like:

Promote Your Content

Level up organic reach, amplification and conversions through plugins like:

  • Yoast SEO – optimize pages for search visibility
  • OptinMonster – convert abandoning visitors into email subscribers
  • MonsterInsights – unlock next-level Google Analytics insights

Capture Leads

Understand and nurture your audience by integrating:

Add Membership Offerings

If you wish to offer exclusive members-only content and community, effortlessly integrate: severely limits feature expansion. Now you control your site‘s destiny.

Step 7: Redirect Your Old Domain to New Home

The final vital component comes down to redirecting your old domain over to your shiny new self-hosted one. This preserves SEO equity while seamlessly guiding visitors.

There are two sound options:

1.‘s Site Redirect

This official service auto redirects all pages/posts over to any new site. The process:

  • Purchase domain mapping in your dashboard
  • Enter new site URL
  • configures 301 redirect to send all traffic

At just ~$13 for the year, it‘s an affordable means to retain audiences.

2. .htaccess Redirect

The alternative utilizes a .htaccess (or web.config) redirect file placed in your old site sending visitors to the new home.

Add this .htaccess code to forward:

Redirect 301 /

The route simplifies the process. But manual .htaccess tweaks work as well.

Wrapping Up Your Migration

Phew! That was quite the journey from content export to site redirection.

Let‘s quickly recap the core steps we covered for migrating from over to self-hosted WordPress:

  1. Export posts, pages, comments from
  2. Get hosting and install fresh WordPress site
  3. Import old content into new database
  4. Customize themes, plugins, settings
  5. Redirect visitors from old URL to new domain

You‘re now situated with 100% authority over your site‘s design, features and vision. I hope this guide illuminated that while the migration process contains some technical steps, freedom and flexibility awaits on the other side.

Self-hosting empowers you to sculpt a site completely aligned with your brand identity and goals. Have fun with your newfound creative control! Let me know in comments if any questions bubble up along the way.

To recap our journey at a glance, consult this visual map:

[infographic of migration process steps]

Now crack your knuckles and start tailoring your corner of the open web!