NitroPack Review 2024 (w/ Test Data): The Easiest Way To Speed Up Your Site?

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Welcome to our updated NitroPack review. NitroPack is a website performance platform seemingly unlike any other. Their promise is simple – they’ll apply virtually every possible speed optimization automatically. No juggling with 5+ different optimization tools and technical headaches. Web performance finally made easy. But can it fix a slow loading website? And if so, how much can it speed up your website?

In this review, you’ll find everything you need to know. I’ll break down NitroPack’s features, pros and cons, and pricing. Most importantly – I’ve included before and after speed tests so you can see the results for yourself.

What is NitroPack?

NitroPack is an all-in-one website performance optimization platform. It combines advanced caching, a global CDN, image optimization, code optimization, and more into one easy-to-use solution.

Rather than needing to set up and configure multiple different plugins and services, you can improve all aspects of your site‘s performance with just NitroPack.

Some key highlights:

  • Deploys a global CDN powered by CloudFront to serve your static content faster
  • Advanced page caching and browser caching to reduce server load
  • Automatically optimizes images with lazy loading and next-gen formats
  • Critical CSS optimization for faster rendering
  • Minification and deferment of render-blocking JavaScript
  • DNS prefetching, font optimization, and more

With most website performance tools, you only get one piece of the puzzle. But NitroPack aims to provide everything you need to speed up sites of any size.

NitroPack Performance Results

To test how well NitroPack works in the real world, I ran detailed load tests on a WordPress site before and after setting up NitroPack.

Here is an overview of my test methodology:

  • Test Locations: Chicago, IL and Mumbai, India
  • Browser: Google Chrome
  • Connection Speed: Cable 5/1 Mbps, 28ms RTT
  • Number of Test Runs: 3 (median values analyzed)
  • Testing Tool: WebPageTest

I tested from two locations to examine both local and international performance. The browser, connection speed, and test runs were chosen to simulate real visitors as much as possible.

Now, let‘s analyze the results:

Performance Data from Chicago, IL

Metric Without NitroPack With NitroPack
First Byte Time 472 ms 266 ms (-44%)
Start Render Time 573 ms 383 ms (-33%)
Speed Index 1258 ms 818 ms (-35%)

As you can see, NitroPack provided substantial improvements to every vital metric, both on the server backend and what the visitor experiences.

First byte time and start render were significantly faster thanks to caching and code optimizations. The overall visual progress of the page, measured by Speed Index, improved by over 35% too.

Performance Results from Mumbai, India

Metric Without NitroPack With NitroPack
First Byte Time 1.8s 664ms (-63%)
Start Render Time 2.3s 794ms (-66%)
Page Weight 1.8MB 379kB (-79%)

The benefits of NitroPack‘s global CDN become extremely apparent here. Every vital metric improved massively for the visitor from India. Page weight decreased by 79% since resources are loading from the nearest CDN edge location rather than all the way from the origin server.

As a result, the visitor experience is insanely fast relative to not having a CDN enabled.

Google PageSpeed Insights Scores

Version Without NitroPack With NitroPack
Mobile 48 94 (+96%)
Desktop 64 98 (+53%)

NitroPack also almost doubled the PageSpeed Insights score for mobile and increased desktop substantially.

Google recommends scores of 90+ on mobile and desktop, so NitroPack hits that goal with ease.

Key Takeaways from Testing

  • Decreased page load times across the board
  • Much faster server response time and start render
  • Significantly lower page weight and faster downloads
  • Greatly improved Web Vitals and PageSpeed scores
  • Massive CDN acceleration for international visitors

The testing makes it clear that NitroPack delivers truly substantial website performance gains automatically.

Both real world visitor experience and technical metrics saw major improvements. NitroPack is the easiest way I‘ve found to speed up WordPress sites significantly.

How NitroPack Speeds Up Your Website

NitroPack utilizes a wide array of website performance optimizations to accelerate your site. Here are some of the key techniques:


Caching is one of the most effective web performance strategies. By saving computed pages, database queries, and static assets locally or in a CDN, you avoid unnecessary processing and trips to the origin server.

NitroPack has robust browser caching setup by default to leverage caching on your visitors‘ devices. For logged in users, it can switch to edge caching automatically.

There‘s also advanced page caching with cache invalidation to only serve cached pages when truly possible.

Together, these techniques greatly reduce server load.

Content Delivery Network

As the test results showed, NitroPack‘s global CDN can massively improve international performance. Resources are served from edge locations closest to each visitor for much faster load times.

The CDN also reduces burden on your origin infrastructure. Static assets are now handled by the CDN instead.

Image Optimization

Images often account for more than 60% of total page weight. That‘s why optimizing images is vital for fast sites.

NitroPack automatically compresses images and converts them to next-gen formats like WebP when supported. Images are also lazy loaded by default to avoid wasting bandwidth and server resources.

As a result, image heavy sites see drastic file size reductions.

Code Optimization

While caching and CDN handle performance at the browser/network level, code optimization accelerates the logic of your application itself.

NitroPack minifies CSS, JavaScript, and HTML to reduce file sizes. Render blocking resources like CSS/JS can be deferred or loaded asynchronously as well.

There‘s also automatic critical CSS inlining for faster first paints. Font optimization and preloading happens behind the scenes too.

Together, these code optimizations help pages load their most important content faster.

Configuring NitroPack

One of NitroPack‘s major selling points is how easy it is to set up, especially compared to manually configuring other performance tools.

Here is an overview of getting started with NitroPack WordPress optimization:


First, sign up for a free or paid NitroPack account. Then install the NitroPack plugin on your WordPress site.

Connect your NitroPack account credentials with the plugin. And you‘re accelerated!

It takes 5 minutes at most. No complicated configuration whatsoever.


NitroPack works very well out of the box on the default "Standard" setting. More advanced options are hidden behind the Optimization Slider.

Crank it up to "Ludicrous" mode to activate advanced optimizations like critical CSS inlining, adaptive images, and deferred JS. This is what I used in my testing.

You can also selectively enable or disable certain optimzations in the settings panel if you want more granular control. For example, deactivate JS minification if you face conflicts.

Use the Integrations tab to connect tools like Cloudflare or Sucuri with NitroPack without conflicts.

But again, don‘t get overwhelmed – the bulk of users will never need to go beyond the slider!


Check the main dashboard and CDN stats to monitor bandwidth usage and cache efficiency over time. This helps you identify optimization opportunities.

The Tools tab also lets you test performance from various geographic regions to observe the CDN benefits.

Lastly, keep an eye on Core Web Vitals reports in Google Analytics or Search Console. Speed gains will steadily compound SEO benefits.

The Pros and Cons of NitroPack

NitroPack has many strengths as a well-rounded performance suite, but there are some downsides too:


  • Easy setup and use
  • Substantial real world speed gains
  • Combines many tools into one
  • Packed with advanced optimizations
  • Free tier available
  • Great customer support


  • Can conflict with certain WordPress configurations
  • Site removal must be handled by support
  • Potential JS conflicts on max settings
  • Pricing not cheap for mid-large sites

The biggest thing in NitroPack‘s favor is simplicity and results. The breadth of WordPress sites and configurations means conflicts will occasionally occur, but that‘s expected.

Pricing is quite reasonable too considering you get a full CDN and caching included, which are often separate services.

The pros heavily outweigh the cons for most users overall.

NitroPack Pricing Breakdown

Here‘s an overview of NitroPack‘s pricing model:

  • Free Forever Tier – 5k monthly visitors
  • Starter Plan – $21/month – 50k visits
  • Professional Plan – $53/month – 500k visits
  • Enterprise Plan – Custom Quote
  • 14 day money back guarantee
  • Free migration support

The monthly cost seems appropriate given the robust CDN, caching, and optimization you‘re receiving. Most sites would need separate services and plugins to replicate NitroPack‘s features.

If your existing site already utilizes partial optimizations like a CDN or image compressor, crunch the numbers to see if consolidating them into NitroPack makes financial sense.

For almost all small to medium sites, NitroPack presents very good value. Large media properties and ecommerce should contact their enterprise team.

Make use of the 14 day refund window if you want to rigorously test site performance before committing.

Top NitroPack Alternatives

Here are some top tools to consider if NitroPack isn‘t the right solution:

WP Rocket

WP Rocket is the leading dedicated WordPress caching plugin. It excels at page caching, database caching, minification, and lazy loading.

Unlike NitroPack, WP Rocket lacks a CDN and image optimizer. But if you just need WordPress caching, it‘s a great choice that can still provide amazing speedups.

Read our full WP Rocket review here.


Cloudflare is a popular CDN and security provider. They have a free subscription tier with limited bandwidth suitable for many smaller sites.

However, they lack built-in caching and image handling. You‘d need additional plugins to mimic NitroPack‘s functionality.


ShortPixel is a lightweight image optimizer plugin for WordPress. It converters images to WebP and JPEG/PNG formats for smaller file sizes.

Unlike NitroPack, ShortPixel doesn‘t touch caching or other performance avenues. But it‘s very affordable if only image handling is needed.

The Final Verdict

NitroPack makes it shockingly easy to accelerate WordPress sites of all sizes. It‘s an all-in-one performance suite combining CDN, caching, image optimizer, and code minification.

My detailed testing confirms NitroPack drives amazing real world speed improvements automatically. Average sites see 50%+ faster load times, while the gains are even bigger internationally thanks to the CDN.

For those struggling to speed up their WordPress site, I highly suggest giving NitroPack‘s free tier a try (no credit card needed). The results might surprise you.

In closing, NitroPack succeeds tremendously in its mission to simplify website performance optimization for everyone. I haven‘t found an easier or more effective way to speed up WordPress across the board.

You can sign up for a free NitroPack account here to test it yourself.