Pallyy Review 2023: The Ultimate Social Media Management Tool?

Welcome to my in-depth Pallyy review! As a social media manager and marketer, I‘ve tested my fair share of tools over the years. When I first heard about Pallyy, I was skeptical – it seemed too good to be true. But after extensive testing, I can confidently say it lives up to the hype.

In this Pallyy review, I‘ll give you a comprehensive look at its features, pricing, pros and cons, and more. By the end, you‘ll know if Pallyy is the right social media management tool for your business or clients.

What is Pallyy?

Pallyy is an all-in-one social media management platform built for simplicity and visual collaboration. It aims to simplify social media for solopreneurs, small business owners, influencers, and marketing agencies.

With Pallyy, you can:

  • Visually schedule content across 7 social networks
  • Manage comments and messages
  • Analyze performance with built-in analytics
  • Automate repetitive tasks
  • Collaborate with a team

It stands out for its intuitive interface, powerful Instagram and Pinterest capabilities, and excellent value.

I‘ll expand on all of these features shortly. First, let‘s look at the setup process.

Getting Started with Pallyy

Upon signing up for a free Pallyy account, you‘ll be prompted to connect your social media profiles.

Pallyy connects to 7 major networks:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • TikTok

Once connected, these accounts are bundled into your first "social set". Think of social sets like projects – they allow you to separate your own accounts from your clients‘ accounts.

I run 3 businesses, so I have 4 social sets:

  • My personal accounts
  • Business 1 accounts
  • Business 2 accounts
  • Business 3 accounts

The free plan includes 1 social set. Add-on sets start at $15/month. For solopreneurs, the included set should suffice. Agencies may need multiple.

With your accounts connected, it‘s time to explore Pallyy‘s 5 main tools:

  • Scheduling
  • Inbox
  • Analytics
  • Bio Link
  • Team

Let‘s look at each more closely, starting with scheduling.

Scheduling and Planning Social Media Content

At its core, Pallyy is a social media scheduler. But it takes this basic functionality to the next level with helpful extras like content ideation tools, post templates, and visual planning grids (especially helpful for Instagram).

To create a new post, navigate to the Content Calendar within the Scheduling tab. Click on any date and select your desired social networks from the header. You‘ll then be met with the familiar posting popup.

From here, you can:

  • Upload images and videos from your device or Canva
  • Edit images right within Pallyy (cropping, filters, etc.)
  • Create carousels and multi-photo posts
  • Schedule Stories and Reels
  • Customize captions by network
  • Add hashtags, locations, etc.
  • Set first comments (for Instagram)
  • Preview post aesthetics
  • And more…

Once your content is looking good, click Schedule and Pallyy will automatically publish it across the selected networks per your chosen date/time – no need to manually post or toggle between accounts.

For Instagram specifically, Pallyy allows you to visually plan out your entire feed on a grid. You can then sync your planned content to the Content Calendar in a few clicks.

This grid allows you to:

  • Map out your Instagram aesthetic
  • Plan content based on vertical/square formats
  • Ensure consistent filtering/editing
  • Identify posting gaps
  • Repurpose old content

For agencies and teams, Pallyy provides helpful collaboration tools right within the scheduling interface like color-coded assignments and Feedback threads.

You can also create post templates and hashtag lists to eliminate repetitive typing. I love this feature – no more re-writing the same captions and hashtags!</

Overall, Pallyy removes all friction from the posting process. Whether you manage 1 profile or 100, streamlining your workload is effortless.

Managing Social Messages and Comments

What good is perfectly scheduled content if you don‘t engage with your audience?

Pallyy‘s Social Inbox lets you manage comments, messages, and notifications from all connected networks in one unified hub.

From the inbox, you can:

  • Reply to comments
  • Moderate comments
  • Assign comments to team members
  • Create canned responses
  • Filter by network, status, author, etc.
  • Analyze response times and volumes

Pallyy also introduces handy automations to handle repetitive tasks like greetings and common questions.

For example, you can set up an automation rule that replies "Thanks for following!" automatically whenever you gain a new follower. This saves you time while still providing that critical human touch.

Between scheduling assistance and the consolidated inbox, Pallyy removes huge social media grunt work burdens. This lets you focus on creating compelling content and fostering genuine engagement.

Monitoring Performance with Built-In Analytics

Making data-driven decisions is crucial for social media success. To help, Pallyy packs built-in analytics for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

You can analyze performance through:

  • Customizable dashboards
  • Pre-defined reports
  • Interactive charts and graphs
  • Exportable CSV files
  • Scheduled or automated PDF reports
  • And more…

Specifically for Instagram, you get access to:

  • Content insights like engagements, reaches and impressions
  • Audience insights like demographics, locations, follower growth
  • Hashtag and competitor benchmarking
  • Post/account comparison
  • IG story metrics
  • And more…

For other networks like Facebook and Twitter, you can track engagement, follower growth, top posts, URLs, etc.

The custom reporting capabilities are extremely flexible – you can analyze almost any metric imaginable across multiple networks for quick monthly, weekly or even daily review.

This allows you to double down on what‘s working and swiftly optimize areas that aren‘t.

Other Noteworthy Features

The core functionality covered above comprises the bulk of Pallyy. But the platform sprinkles in other handy tools like:

Link-in-Bio Creator: Create a custom feed-based landing page for your IG profile linking out to websites, donation pages, YouTube channels and more.

Instagram Content Discovery: Repurpose UGC content from hashtags, locations and influencers. Pallyy automatically inserts repost credits in captions.

Instagram Account Commenting: Comment on posts from directly within Pallyy to boost engagement.

Team Workspaces: Collaborative hubs to manage feedback, assignments, approvals and more.

Zapier Integrations: Connect Pallyy to over 1,000 external apps.

While I don‘t use these features daily, they come in handy often enough. I especially like repurposing UGC and automating mundane commenting.

Pallyy Pros and Cons

Pallyy is my favorite social media tool right now, but no product is perfect. Here is a balanced look at some of the advantages and disadvantages I‘ve experienced first-hand:


  • Visually intuitive interface
  • Powerful Instagram management
  • Real-time social inbox
  • Helpful post ideation features
  • Generous free plan
  • Great analytics and reporting
  • Solid uptime and reliability


  • Content library limits on free plan
  • No user roles or tiered permissions
  • Occasional slow loading times
  • Can‘t schedule tweets natively

The pros far outweigh the cons in my experience. And Pallyy rolls out frequent updates to squash bugs and launch new features.

How Much Does Pallyy Cost?

Pallyy won‘t break the bank thanks to affordable plans for all budgets. Let‘s look at pricing:

Free Forever

  • One social set
  • Unlimited network connections
  • 15 scheduled posts per month
  • Basic analytics
  • 1 team member

Pro ($18/month billed annually)

  • One social set
  • Unlimited posts/content library
  • Advanced analytics
  • Post/engagement exporting
  • Instagram comment management
  • 5+ team members

You can add additional social sets to both plans on a pay-as-you-go basis:

  • 1 Extra Set: $15/month
  • 2 Extra Sets: $20/month
  • 3 Extra Sets: $25/month
  • Unlimited Sets: $30/month

The free plan should meet most solopreneurs‘ and microbusinesses‘ needs. Agencies and power users may benefit from multiple paid sets or higher tiers for extra capacity, storage and team seats.

Upgrading is quick – simply visit the billing tab or contact support anytime.

Compared to rivals, Pallyy‘s pricing remains impressively reasonable. Yet despite the low costs, you still get premium features with white-glove onboarding and support.

Final Thoughts

So, what‘s the verdict? Is Pallyy worth it?


After months of testing against competitors, no other platform matches Pallyy‘s feature set or ease of use at its price point.

It effortlessly handles scheduling, engagement, analytics and team management pieces that used to give me headaches. The intuitive UI means minimal learning curve too – if you can use Instagram or Facebook, you can use Pallyy.

Solopreneurs, influencers, agencies, small businesses…anyone managing multiple social profiles should benefit tremendously from Pallyy.

The free version makes it completely risk-free to try out. And if you do upgrade later, you still get exceptional bang for buck.

For these reasons, Pallyy earns my highest recommendation. It single-handedly saves me 10+ hours each week, and I know it can do the same for your business. See for yourself by starting your free trial below!