The Ultimate Guide to Mastering Pinterest Hashtags

Hashtags on Pinterest have evolved rapidly from shunned spam tactic to fully embraced discovery driver.

And the platform is only ramping up hashtag functionality based on strong initial success signals.

Recent updates allow clicking hashtag links anywhere on Pinterest to open aggregated, hashtag-specific pin feeds. The site architecture and mechanics now center hashtags as a core organizational system—and that means big opportunities for brands tapping in early!

This definitive guide will cover everything marketers need to know to maximize high-value visibility, traffic and engagement with strategic Pinterest hashtag optimization best practices.

The Meteoric Rise of Hashtags on Pinterest

It’s only been a few years since Pinterest introduced clickable, aggregated hashtag feeds in 2017. But already hashtag usage is exploding platform-wide.

Some key stats demonstrating the pivotal role hashtags now play include:

  • 21% of all Pinterest pins now actively use hashtags in descriptions
  • Monthly hashtag searches grew over 3500% after feed integration
  • 85% of weekly pinners say hashtags help them discover new content

Clearly the user base has fully embraced tapping hashtags to connect with relevant pin content. So smart brands are jumping on board driving strategic hashtag campaigns.

Recent Pinterest algorithm updates also help explain the shift, weighing hashtag optimization signals like:

  • Clickthrough rates on hashtag terms
  • Using a mix of popular and unique hashtags
  • Consistently using niche hashtags aligned to brand

As both user behavior metrics and site algorithms boost hashtag surfacing, expect to see branded hashtag content representing larger portions of feed exposure and search visibility.

The time is now for marketers to build their Pinterest hashtag strategies. Let’s explore exactly how.

How Do Hashtags Work on Pinterest?

Functionally hashtags on Pinterest behave much like more established social platforms. Including relevant tags in pin descriptions enables content to surface across 2 formats:

1. Hashtag Search Feeds

Pinners can manually search hashtags by typing into search bars. For example:


Results aggregate recent pins using the exact searched tag in any pin metadata.

This works identically to search on Instagram or Twitter, returning chronological results from across creators.

2. Clicking Hashtags In Descriptions

When viewing a pin, clicking any hashtag links in its description opens a feed of other recent pins using the same tag.

For example clicking #foodie within a recipe pin preview aggregates other #foodie content.

This clickable linking mirrors Instagram or Twitter functionality allowing one-click hashtag feed discovery.

In both cases, optimizing pins with relevant hashtags gives additional visibility in categorized feeds on high-value terms aligning to content themes and target audiences.

Key Differences From Keyword Search

Hashtags may seem like a simple extension of keyword search behavior at first glance. But optimizing around these 2 Pinterest discovery methods does require some differentiated approaches:

Factor Keywords Hashtags
User Intent Broad queries for general content exploration Specific filtering for narrow niche interests
Search Volume High on generic terms Long tail niche tags see more engagement
Results Quality Often mixed from wide range of vague, indirect pins Tightly curated feeds with relevant on-topic pins
Competition Levels Extremely high on popular keywords Lower with focused niche hashtags
Optimization Focus Pin title visibility driving external traffic to site Description engagement for consistent Pinterest visibility

With these core differences in mind, marketers should evolve pin optimization and marketing objectives for hashtags separate from keyword practices:

  • Keywords: Goal to drive external site clicks
  • Hashtags: Goal for engagement and brand-building on Pinterest

This dual discovery path strategy sets brands up for greater visibility and connection with both cold inbound traffic as well as warm Pinterest community members.

Now let’s explore tactics to skillfully execute both.

4 Steps to Start Optimizing With Pinterest Hashtags

Here is an optimized framework any marketer can use to integrate hashtag best practices:

Pinterest Hashtag Optimization Checklist

Let‘s explore what stellar execution looks like across each step:

Step 1: Pin Description & Keyword Optimization

Before considering hashtags, first ensure you have nailed foundational pin description optimization essentials:

🚀 Compelling hook front-loading benefits

🚀️ Keywords (3-5) aligned to buyer needs

🚀 Quality link to relevant site content

🚀 Visual that stops scrolling

With this base established, hashtags provide the supplemental jet fuel.

Step 2: Research Target Hashtags

Finding the right hashtags to integrate with keywords takes equal parts research and creativity.

mine existing content and trends to uncover on-brand opportunities:

  • Spy on competitors review popular pins and hashtag use in your niche
  • Find gaps in saturated hashtags where you can stand out
  • Monitor trending search terms with social listening tools
  • Leverage seasonal events by planning evergreen content timed around key cultural moments

Curate a master spreadsheet brainstorming 25-50+ categorized hashtag targets—this inspires ongoing ideas.

Step 3: Optimize Pins with Hashtags

With robust research completed, purposefully select 4-8 complementary hashtags per pin showcasing your unique perspective.

Best practices for seamless onboarding:

🔗 Include mix of popular/unconventional hashtags

🔗 Place at end of description following keywords

🔗 Capitalize words within hashtags for consistency

🔗 Refresh portions over time as trends change

This framing makes hashtags easily scannable by users without disrupting preview context.

Step 4: Track Performance Over Time

Monitoring key analytics for individual pins using specific hashtags shows real impact beyond guesswork.

Prioritize hashtag use driving measurable upticks in:

👁️‍🗨️ Impressions and Reach

💯 Saves and Closeups

📈 External link clicks

🤝 Follower growth

By manually tracking pins using niche hashtags yielding sustained visible growth, you build an intelligence edge on differentiated tags resonating with your distinct audience vs. playing the volume game with ultra-popular generic tags.

Getting Creative With Hashtag Content Strategies

Now that we’ve covered tactical best practices for hashtag optimization, let’s explore some advanced initiatives to further boost visibility.

Here are 3 creative content ideas to showcase your brand perspective:

Spotlight Branded and Niche Hashtags

Build consistent branding and niche authority over time by using and promoting owned hashtag properties.

For example:

  • @TravelWriteClick crafting pins around #travelwriteclick community

  • @BellaCucinaBlog sharing #BellasKitchenMade recipes

The more volume of quality content tied back to niche branded hashtags, the faster you cultivate that hashtag real estate.

Create Thematic Boards Around Key Hashtags

Curate boards using specific hashtags in title and descriptions. Then only pin highly related content to strengthen associations.

For example:

  • Easy Camping Food Ideas #campingfood

Use relevant niche hashtags as inspiration for differentiated content hubs rather than just peppering into all pins.

Monitor Trending Events Hashtags

Viral cultural moments or news can unlock temporary visibility for those paying attention.

Use social listening tools to rapidly spot rising hashtag opportunities then create on-brand content while trends are hot.

Tools like RiteTag or Google Trends quickly spotlight trend spikes worth plugging into faster than competitors.

Then retarget followers with evergreen content capturing momentum once trends wane.

Tracking Pinterest Hashtag Performance

While Pinterest’s analytics are still maturing, some manual tracking provides initial insight into winning hashtags.

Here is a simple but effective hashtag performance tracking process:

Step 1: Log Metric Targets

Start by noting key performance indicators you want to measure for each hashtag used based on content objectives:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Engagement
  • Conversions
  • Followers

Step 2: Capture Baseline Data

Manually compile analytics snapshot of recent pins before introducing improved hashtag optimization to determine starting benchmark.

Step 3: Log Hashtag Impact

Once introducing an updated tagging strategy, take weekly data cuts of pins using targeted hashtags to monitor relative impact on KPIs against your baselines.

Pinterest Hashtag Performance Tracker

Review monthly for any outlier hashtags driving noticeable lifts beyond normal posting performance. Double down on niche tags with traction indicating genuine audience fit beyond generically popular terms used by the masses.

Step 4: Course Correct Underperformers

Similarly, make note of any hugely popular mainstream hashtags failing to move your personal metrics as expected. Consider swapping out oversaturated generic tags losing relevance among updates.

While still manual tracking for now, overlaying performance tiebacks gives tangible insight into exactly which hashtag optimization strategies earn best returns.

Let data guide your indication around resonating niche terms best aligning to your audience interests where you can stand out.

Pinterest sits in an exciting state, rapidly evolving discovery capabilities shaping behaviors.

Hashtags in their infancy show massive potential for brands willing to dive now with an experimentation mindset.

As algorithmic personalization, segmentation and analytics grow ever smarter, expect to see even more precise guidance around individual performance.

But in the meantime, rely on a mix of savvy strategy, manual tracking and creative niche community building through strategic hashtags.

The brands consistently showing up tailored to user intent signals rise above the noise. And the more precise the matching, the greater your visibility and connection over the long term.

So take the insights from this guide to pave inroads while hashtag capabilities rapidly expand. Curate hashtag content feeds bringing value to the users most aligned with your brand perspective.

Then track what captures audience attention based on tangible traction indicators from hashtag testing.

Let the quantified results guide your niche hashtag strategy to new heights on an ever-evolving Pinterest.

What surprising or counterintuitive lessons have you uncovered from early hashtag optimization tests? Please share your top findings in comments!