RafflePress Review 2023: The Best WordPress Giveaway Plugin?

Welcome to my in-depth RafflePress review for 2023!

Running giveaways is hands down one of the most powerful marketing tactics for rapidly growing your email list, social media followers and overall blog traffic.

But organizing a successful giveaway requires overcoming complexity around tools, setup, promotions and legal compliance. This is why savvy bloggers lean on dedicated giveaway plugins to make giveaways easy.

In this expert review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using RafflePress to run viral giveaways, including:

  • RafflePress Features Overview
  • RafflePress Pros & Cons
  • RafflePress Pricing Plans
  • RafflePress vs Rafflecopter vs Gleam
  • Step-by-Step Setup Tutorial
  • Tips for Running Successful Giveaways
  • Is RafflePress the Best Choice in 2023?

Let‘s start by looking at the key capabilities of RafflePress for running all types of online giveaways…

RafflePress Features for Easy & Effective Giveaways

RafflePress is a feature-packed WordPress giveaway plugin made by the team behind SeedProd, the popular coming soon & maintenance mode plugin.

With an easy drag & drop builder and range of templates, RafflePress makes it simple for bloggers to create stylish, conversion-focused giveaway contests in just minutes.

I‘ll summarize some of the key capabilities:

🎁 Built-in Giveaway Templates

Choose from 8 templates optimized around goals like:

  • Grow Email Subscribers
  • Increase Social Followers
  • Drive Viral Traffic
  • Launch Pre-Orders

Just select your template and customize the content!

βœ… Fraud Protection

RafflePress uses fraud analysis to block fake entries and prevent ballot stuffing. This maintains giveaway integrity.

πŸ‘€ Collect Accurate User Details

Customizable form fields allow capturing key user data like emails and locations upon entry.

πŸ”„ Zapier Integration

Connect your giveaway data to over 3000+ apps including email and social media tools.

πŸ“± 100% Mobile Friendly

Giveaway displays beautifully on all device sizes. Plus one-click entries for easy joining via mobile.

πŸ“ˆ Built-in Analytics

Track impressions and conversions within WordPress to analyze giveaway performance.

πŸ”’ GDPR Consent Options

Easily add opt-in checkboxes to comply with GDPR and global data regulations.

With this broad feature set, RafflePress provides everything you need to plan, build, run and optimize online giveaways within one WordPress plugin.

Next let‘s compare the pros and cons…

RafflePress Pros & Cons

RafflePress has many advantages over handling giveaways manually or with open source plugins. But there are some downsides to factor in as well:

RafflePress Pros

  • 🎁 Easy to use drag & drop builder
  • πŸ‘ Modern and mobile-friendly designs
  • πŸ“ˆ Clear giveaway analytics within WordPress
  • πŸ”„ Zapier helps connect apps & automate workflows
  • πŸ”’ Fraud analysis blocks fake entries
  • ✏️ Customizable promotion options
  • βš–οΈ Terms & conditions generator
  • πŸ’― Supports unlimited giveaways

RafflePress Cons

  • πŸ’² Extra cost vs open source software
  • βš™οΈ Limited to preset templates (less control)
  • πŸ”Œ Less app integration vs Zapier

The biggest tradeoff is spending money vs relying on free open source options. But the simplicity and reliability often makes RafflePress well worth the premium pricing…

RafflePress Pricing Plans

RafflePress offers paid self-hosted plans for WordPress, along with a basic free version.

Here‘s an overview of the pricing tiers:

RafflePress Lite (Free)

The free plugin supports core giveaway capabilities but lacks certain features and design flexibility. Best for getting started or basic contests.

RafflePress Plus Plan

  • $39 per year
  • 1 website
  • All core features
  • Good for small sites

RafflePress Pro Plan

  • $99 per year
  • 3 website licenses
  • Added capabilities like custom entry limits
  • Best for professional bloggers

RafflePress Growth Plan

  • $199 per year
  • 10 website licenses
  • Additional promotion options
  • Ideal for multi-site producers

RafflePress Ultimate Plan

  • One-time fee: $499
  • Unlimited websites
  • Full access to all features
  • Best value for large publishers

Given the capabilities unlocked, RafflePress provides excellent value across all paid plans. The higher tier your choose, the more websites, features and giveaways you can leverage.

Next let‘s see how RafflePress compares to popular giveaway incumbents…

RafflePress vs Rafflecopter vs Gleam

The two leading alternatives to consider are Rafflecopter and Gleam.io:


Rafflecopter pioneered the first WordPress giveaway plugins. It‘s easy to use but offers less features vs modern options.


Gleam focuses heavily on viral giveaways. Great for social reach but more complex and costly for advanced features.


RafflePress strikes a great balance between simplicity and customization for versatility across blogger needs and giveaway types.

The choice comes down to your specific goals and budget. But RafflePress provides the best all-around capabilities for serious bloggers.

Want to see RafflePress in action? Let‘s run through quickly setting up a giveaway…

How to Set Up a Giveaway with RafflePress

One major benefit of RafflePress is ease of use. You can create a polished, high converting giveaway campaign in less than 5 minutes.

Here are the simple steps:

Step 1: Select Your Template

After installing and activating the RafflePress plugin, click "Add New" to open the template options. Choose your goal or use the versatile "Classic" template.

Step 2: Build Your Giveaway

Customize all aspects of your giveaway through the intuitive popup editor sidebar. Set prize details, entry actions, email integrations, terms and more.

Step 3: Promote Your Giveaway

Embed your stylish giveaway widget into any post, page or sidebar. Or easily add a full giveaway landing page. The promotion options are extremely flexible.

And within minutes you‘ve created an engaging, conversion-focused giveaway without any coding or design expertise required!

Of course mastering giveaway strategy takes more time and testing. Which leads to my next set of tips…

Giveaway Best Practices for Growth

While the software streamlines setup, optimizing your giveaways for maximum reach and conversions depends on smart strategy.

Here are my top tips:

🎁 Provide Desirable Prizes

Focus on prizes your target audience will value rather than generic swag. Offering prizes with clear benefits attracts the highest quality entries.

🚨 Limit Mandatory Actions

Requiring too many hoops to enter diminishes conversion rates. Stick to 1-2 mandatory actions then offer optional bonus entries.

🀝 Recruit Relevant Brands

Partnering with complementary brands as sponsors or co-promoters supercharges reach and engagement.

πŸ‘₯ Seed Initial Momentum

Leverage email lists and social media to drive an initial influx of entries and social sharing. This kickstarts the viral effect.

πŸ“ˆ Track Performance

Analyze entry flows over time, conversion funnels and demographic data to continually refine your giveaways.

Leveraging tools like RafflePress along with the right strategy enables giveaway success!

So is RafflePress the best WordPress plugin for giveaways in 2023?

RafflePress: The Best Giveaway Plugin for WordPress

In my experience using, reviewing and comparing the top giveaway software options, RafflePress stands out as the most versatile and reliable all-around tool for creating viral contests.

Between ease of use, customization flexibility, built-in analytics and advanced capabilities, RafflePress enables you to execute sophisticated giveaway campaigns to meet a diverse range of marketing objectives.

The biggest downside is lack of a free option. But the reasonable pricing combined with the power of the features makes RafflePress a worthwhile investment for professional bloggers.

So if you‘re ready to start running profitable giveaways, I highly recommend RafflePress as the best WordPress plugin solution available today.

To learn more or begin unleashing the power of giveaways with RafflePress, visit their website here.

I hope you found this comprehensive review helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments below!