The Complete Guide on How to Repost Content on Instagram

Ready to master the art of reposting stellar content on Instagram? You‘ve come to the right place…

How to Repost on Instagram

Let me walk you through the various ways to regram posts and stories on Instagram. I‘ll cover both Instagram‘s native features as well as manual methods and third-party apps.

Native Reposting to Stories

Instagram makes it super simple to repost someone else‘s public feed posts, reels or videos to your own story in just a couple of taps.

Here‘s a step-by-step walkthrough:

  1. Find the post you want to regram and tap the paper airplane “Share” icon
  2. Select “Add post to your Story”
  3. Customize as needed – show/hide caption, add stickers etc.
  4. Post it directly to your story or DM it to close friends

See? It barely takes 30 seconds.

Instagram automatically adds a tag linking back to the original poster‘s profile – so proper credit is given.

Now let me show you how to repost those viral Stories people tag you in…

Reposting Tagged Stories

Instead of taking screenshots, you can directly repost anyone‘s Story to your own if they‘ve tagged you in it.


  1. Go to your DMs and find the story tag
  2. Tap "Add this to your story"
  3. Customize as needed
  4. Share to your story!

Easy peasy 😊

Manual Reposting

What if you want to repost a story or feed post to your own feed?

Unfortunately Instagram‘s native reposting only works for sharing stories – not feed posts or reels.

Don‘t worry, you‘ve still got options…

The manual method involves taking a screenshot, cropping it and uploading the screenshot with credit.

It takes a tiny bit more effort but gets the job done!

Here‘s how to go about it…

Reposting Feed Posts

  1. Screenshot the feed post
  2. Upload the screenshot to a new post
  3. Crop it so just the original image/video remains
  4. Add filters, captions, credits etc as you like
  5. Post it!

Reposting Stories

Similar deal – screen record untagged stories you want to reshare instead of screenshotting:

  1. Screen record the story
  2. Upload the recording to your feed
  3. Customize as needed
  4. Add a caption crediting the creator
  5. Share!

It‘s clunkier than the native reposting for sure. But the core concept remains the same.

If you want to save time though, I‘d highly recommend checking out the various IG reposting apps available. Let‘s look at some top contenders…

Handy Apps for Reposting Content on Instagram

Apps can seriously simplify reposting on Instagram versus the manual method.

Based on user reviews and personal testing, these are my top 5 regram app picks for convenience and functionality:

1. Pallyy

Pallyy is an affordably priced social media tool with a range of cool capabilities.

Beyond scheduling and analytics, one of its most useful Instagram specific features is the Explore tab.

This makes it super easy to unearth stellar UGC to repost from other profiles. You can search by usernames, hashtags or tags to curate quality content.

Once you‘ve identified great repost candidates, schedule them to your profile in a few clicks!

2. Sprout Social

Sprout Social needs no introduction. As an Instagram Partner platform, it offers specialized IG insight alongside other quintessential social media management features.

Its reposting functionality even lets you tweak other people‘s content to match your brand voice before scheduling to your feed or story!

Plus, with Sprout‘s Smart Inbox – you can directly repost any Instagram posts or stories you‘re mentioned or tagged in. Super nifty!

3. Repost: For Posts, Stories (iOS)

Boasting rave App Store reviews, this iOS exclusive app has totally dominated the regram game.

It takes reposting new levels with its creative features:

  • Repost feed posts + stories with optimized one click workflows
  • Automatically credit original creators
  • Access pre-made captions, hashtags and templates for accelerated posting
  • Identify viral content to repost with the Discover tab

Absolute game changer for convenience and customization in my opinion.

4. Reposta (Android)

With over a million Google Play downloads and thousands of 5 star reviews – Reposta is the #1 reposter app choice for Android users hands down.

And it‘s 100% free!

Just find the image or video you want to repost, copy its Instagram share URL, paste it into Reposta and voila – scheduled for regramming!

5. Repost for Instagram by JaredCo

Last but certainly not least on my top app reccos is this wildly popular iOS and Android app boasting 10+ million downloads.

It makes reposting stupidly simple – without ever making you leave Instagram or adding annoying watermarks.

There‘s a forever free version with limited features and a low cost Pro upgrade for hardcore power users.

Why Reposting is a Must for Instagram Marketing

Wondering why brands and influencers repost so much Instagram content anyway?

There‘s actually a bunch of excellent reasons you should be regramming too:

Show Off Earned Media – Repost happy customers endorsing your brand or products for social proof

User Generated Content – Share real photos of actual customers engaging with your offerings

Save Time – Curate existing viral content instead of creating everything from scratch

Develop Influencer Relationships – Ping influencers by reposting their content

Boost Community – Engage followers by resharing their contributions

Diversify Content – Balance original + curated content for an engaging mix

Expand Your Reach – Tap into new audiences by regramming viral content

See why it pays to tap into reposting?

Now let‘s get into some best practices for effective, ethical regramming…

Instagram Reposting Best Practices

While reposting opens up tons of opportunities, you need to make sure you adhere to certain guidelines.

Here are my top tips for foolproof, failsafe regramming:

Ask Permission First

Ideally, take the time to ask content creators before reposting their stuff.

A quick DM asking if they mind you sharing goes a long way towards:

  • Establishing consent

  • Strengthening creator relationships

  • Avoiding potential copyright issues

Most creators are thrilled to let you repost content if you plan on crediting them. It equals free promo!

But it never hurts to take the courtesy of asking upfront.

Always Attribute Properly

When using Instagram‘s native reposting, attribution happens automatically.

But if taking screenshots or using a third party app – manually credit creators by:

  • @Mentioning their username
  • Linking to their profile

Giving credit when credit‘s due is common courtesy…and mandatory as per Instagram‘s policies.

Don‘t Over-Edit Originals

When repurposing someone else‘s content, resist the urge to significantly alter, filter or edit it.

Stickers, text and modest cropping is fine.

But changing colors, applying strong filters etc distorts the content and undermines the creator‘s artistic direction.

Balance Original + Reposted Content

It‘s awesome to capitalize on trending memes and viral content via regrams.

But you still need a healthy mix of original, custom content on your Instagram profile.

Aim for an 80/20 split – 80% original posts mixed with 20% reposts. This achieves the right balance for an engaging, authentic profile.

Vet Profiles Before Reposting

When reposting from an account, their content and ideas become associated with your brand by extension.

So it‘s smart to thoroughly vet any profile before amplifying their content.

Double check there‘s nothing controversial or misaligned with your brand values.

Your reposts are subtle endorsements – so choose carefully who and what you co-sign!

Pro Instagram Reposting Tips & Tricks

Ready to step up your repost game?

Try implementing these advanced tips for superior regrams:

Optimize Timing

You‘ll net WAY more engagement on your reposts if shared at optimal times when your audience is most active on the app.

So instead of posting regrams willy nilly – check your Instagram analytics to identify key days/times your followers engage most.

Then schedule reposts to publish during these peak windows for maximum visibility and response!

Run UGC Contests

UGC contests are fantastic for sourcing quality, genuinely engaging photos and videos to repost.

To run one, offer an exciting prize incentivizing users to create and submit visual content aligned with your brand.

You could make submissions a contest entry requirement or ask followers to share a special branded hashtag.

Then repost the top, most relevant submissions crediting the creators. It‘s a proven win-win strategy!

Utilize Social Listening

Leverage social listening tools to automatically surface buzzworthy brand mentions across social media.

These tools filter conversations by keywords, tags and sentiment.

So you can instantly identify happy customers sharing your products on Instagram…and repost that UGC!

Talk about easy access to authentic visual content.

Reposting FAQs

Let‘s quickly tackle some common questions that come up around reposting Instagram content:

Is reposting allowed on Instagram?

Yes absolutely – as long as you:

  1. Have the original creator‘s consent
  2. Visibly credit the source

As long as you check those boxes, feel free to regram great content!

Why can‘t I repost certain posts/stories?

If the share icon doesn‘t appear allowing Instagram‘s native repost, likely reasons are:

  • The creator has a private account
  • They‘ve disabled reposting capabilities

In that case, try the screenshot method or third party apps. But be sure to request permission first!

How do I disable reposts of my Instagram content?

If you don‘t want others being able to re-share your posts and stories, here‘s how to disable it:

  1. Tap your profile picture
  2. Open the menu and select Settings
  3. Tap Privacy > Sharing and Remixes
  4. Toggle ‘Allow resharing to Stories‘ OFF

And that‘s it – your content is now repost proof!

Let‘s Get Reposting!

Phew, that was a LOT of info to cover all aspects of reposting on Instagram!

Hopefully this guide gave you total clarity on:

  • – Instagram‘s built-in reposting capabilities
  • – Manual screenshot reposting workflows
  • – Handy third party apps to simplify regrams
  • – Key benefits of strategically repurposing content
  • – Actionable tips for effective, ethical reposting

The world of Instagram content is your reposting oyster!

Time to put these tips into practice. Wishing you stellar content and maximum engagement!

Let me know if any other reposting questions pop up. I‘m happy to help clarify anything.