How to Create SEO-Friendly Page Titles That Boost Clicks and Rankings

Page titles have been a cornerstone of on-page optimization for over 20 years. But how you should write and use titles for SEO has changed dramatically.

In this 2,800+ word guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about optimizing titles to boost rankings, traffic, and engagement in 2023 and beyond.

You‘ll learn:

  • What page titles are and why they are critical for SEO
  • Title tag best practices and recommendations
  • Expert insights on recent Google title algorithm changes
  • Tips for improving click-through-rate (CTR)
  • Tools for monitoring titles and search snippets
  • Special title considerations for WordPress sites

Let‘s start with the basics…

What Is a Page Title?

The page title, also known as the title tag, is an HTML element that defines the text that appears in three key places:

  1. The browser tab displaying a web page
  2. Search engine results pages (SERPs)
  3. External sites linking to that page

For example, if we look at the Moz homepage, we see their title tag content "Moz: SEO Software for Smarter Marketing" displayed in the browser tab:

The title tag lives in the HTML section of a web page and looks like this:

<title>Moz: SEO Software for Smarter Marketing</title>

The text inside the

tags is what visitors see in their browser tab and search engines display in results. <h2><span id="Why_Page_Titles_Matter_for_SEO">Why Page Titles Matter for SEO</span></h2> <p>There are three core reasons properly optimized page titles are essential:</p> <h3><span id="1_Page_Context_for_Search_Engines">1. Page Context for Search Engines</span></h3> <p>Page titles serve as a signal to search engines about the topic and purpose of a page.</p> <p>Google and Bing rely heavily on titles when crawling, indexing, and ranking web pages. An informative title helps them understand what each page focuses on.</p> <h3><span id="2_Snippets_in_Search_Engine_Results">2. Snippets in Search Engine Results</span></h3> <p>Search engines also use page titles to generate the title text and snippets for listing pages in results:</p> <p><img decoding="async" src="data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg%20xmlns=''%20viewBox='0%200%200%200'%3E%3C/svg%3E" data-lazy-src="serp-snippet-example.png"><noscript><img decoding="async" src="serp-snippet-example.png"></noscript></p> <p>A compelling title that makes searchers want to click can improve click-through-rate (CTR).</p> <h3><span id="3_Usability_on_External_Sites">3. Usability on External Sites</span></h3> <p>When other sites link to your content, they typically use your page‘s title text as the anchor text.</p> <p>This helps users better understand where a link will take them before clicking.</p> <p>So in summary – page titles have a direct impact on:</p> <ul> <li>How search engines interpret and rank your pages</li> <li>Click-through-rate from search listings </li> <li>Usability on sites linking to your content</li> </ul> <p>Now let‘s move on to actually optimizing titles…</p> <h2><span id="Page_Title_Best_Practices_and_Recommendations">Page Title Best Practices and Recommendations</span></h2> <p>Here are the most important current best practices to follow when optimizing title tags:</p> <h3><span id="1_Unique_Titles_for_Each_Page">1. Unique Titles for Each Page</span></h3> <p>Every page on your site should have a unique title relevant to the content on that page.</p> <p>Don‘t use your site name or similar generic text across all pages.</p> <h3><span id="2_Compelling_Headline_Style_Phrasing">2. Compelling Headline Style Phrasing</span></h3> <p>Instead of dry, factual keyword-focused titles, create compelling headlines optimized for clicks.</p> <p>For example:</p> <ul> <li>Dry: SEO Keyword Research Guide</li> <li>Compelling: The Complete Guide to SEO Keyword Research</li> </ul> <h3><span id="3_Understand_User_Intent_and_Meet_Expectations">3. Understand User Intent and Meet Expectations</span></h3> <p>Put yourself in the searcher‘s shoes. What would they expect to find based on the query and how can your title meet those expectations?</p> <p>Tailor titles specifically around likely search intent and goals.</p> <h3><span id="4_Powerful_Keywords_Early_In_Title">4. Powerful Keywords Early In Title</span></h3> <p>Place important target keywords and terminology early in the title so they are visible in search snippets.</p> <h3><span id="5_60-70_Characters_Ideal_Length">5. 60-70 Characters Ideal Length</span></h3> <p>Google will truncate titles over 70 characters. Very short titles under 40 characters can also hurt CTR. 60-70 is ideal.</p> <h3><span id="6_Compelling_Call_to_Action_for_Blog_Posts">6. Compelling Call to Action for Blog Posts </span></h3> <p>Blog headlines that entice readers to click work well. For example "X Ways to…", "How to…", "X Tips for…" etc.</p> <h2><span id="Recent_Google_Title_Algorithm_Changes">Recent Google Title Algorithm Changes</span></h2> <p>Google has evolved how it handles titles when crawling, indexing, ranking, and displaying pages over the years. </p> <p>Some key changes include:</p> <h3><span id="Less_Reliance_on_Title_Tags_for_Rankings">Less Reliance on Title Tags for Rankings</span></h3> <p>Google now focuses more on overall page content, user experience signals, and links rather than on-page factors like titles when determining search rankings.</p> <h3><span id="Generated_Snippets_Instead_of_Verbatim_Titles">Generated Snippets Instead of Verbatim Titles</span></h3> <p>Google now often creates its own title snippets for search listings instead of using the verbatim page title tag.</p> <h3><span id="Removal_of_Keyword_Bolding_in_Snippets">Removal of Keyword Bolding in Snippets</span></h3> <p>Search snippets no longer bold or highlight keyword matches from title tags.</p> <h3><span id="Priority_on_H1_Headers_for_Snippets">Priority on H1 Headers for Snippets</span></h3> <p>The H1 header on a page may now be selected for snippets instead of title tags.</p> <p>So in summary – title tags are less directly tied to rankings than historically, but still provide critical page context and influence click-through-rate.</p> <h2><span id="Title_Tag_Tips_for_Improving_Click-Through-Rate">Title Tag Tips for Improving Click-Through-Rate</span></h2> <p>Though less directly influential for rankings, compelling title tags can still substantially impact CTR.</p> <p>Here are some key tips for writing titles focused on earning more clicks:</p> <h3><span id="Numbers_Drive_Clicks">Numbers Drive Clicks</span></h3> <p>Including numbers in titles has been proven to pique interest and increase clicks. For example:</p> <ul> <li>"10 Tips for Improving Site Speed"</li> <li>"The 5 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress"</li> </ul> <h3><span id="Ask_Questions">Ask Questions</span></h3> <p>Titles phrased as questions also tend to earn more clicks by building curiosity.</p> <h3><span id="Target_Competitor_Keywords">Target Competitor Keywords</span></h3> <p>Research what terminology competitors rank well for. Optimizing around those terms can help drive more traffic.</p> <h3><span id="AB_Test_Titles">A/B Test Titles</span></h3> <p>Try multiple title options using split testing to determine which earn a better CTR from search listings. Refine over time.</p> <h2><span id="Tools_for_Monitoring_Titles_and_Snippets">Tools for Monitoring Titles and Snippets</span></h2> <p>It‘s important to monitor how search engines handle your page titles – including if they get truncated or rewritten in snippets.</p> <p>Helpful tools include:</p> <h3><span id="Google_Search_Console">Google Search Console</span></h3> <p>Search Console displays how Google is titling and snippetizing your pages in listings.</p> <p>You can filter by queries where clicks or impressions have changed to quickly spot issues.</p> <h3><span id="VisualPing">VisualPing</span></h3> <p>VisualPing lets you visually monitor search engine result snippet changes over time. It‘s great for ongoing title monitoring. </p> <h3><span id="Moz_Pro_Campaigns">Moz Pro Campaigns</span></h3> <p>Moz Campaigns helps track snippet and ranking changes as well as click-through-rate data.</p> <p>This helps diagnose title tags that may need optimizing to perform better.</p> <p>Running regular audits of your site‘s title tags and monitoring search snippet performance over time is key for staying on top of changes. </p> <h2><span id="Special_Title_Considerations_for_WordPress_Sites">Special Title Considerations for WordPress Sites</span></h2> <p>Managing title tags on WordPress sites has some unique considerations:</p> <h3><span id="Yoast_SEO_Plugin">Yoast SEO Plugin</span></h3> <p>The Yoast SEO plugin allows managing titles through its title template customization feature.</p> <p>This provides more control compared to WordPress‘s default handling of titles.</p> <h3><span id="Thesis_Theme_Title_Logic">Thesis Theme Title Logic</span></h3> <p>If using Thesis, its title logic gives theme developers deep control over title generation without needing a separate SEO plugin.</p> <h3><span id="Title_Display_Plugins">Title Display Plugins</span></h3> <p>Plugins like SEO Smart Links display the auto-generated WordPress title on posts and pages for reference while editing.</p> <p>So in summary, WordPress can present some title optimization challenges – but the right plugins and theme choice gives you tools to take control.</p> <h2><span id="Page_Title_Optimization_Checklist">Page Title Optimization Checklist</span></h2> <p>Here is a handy checklist covering the key best practices to remember when optimizing title tags:</p> <ul> <li>☑️ Unique for every page</li> <li>☑️ Compelling headline phrasing </li> <li>☑️ Reflects searcher intent </li> <li>☑️ Keywords early</li> <li>☑️ 60-70 characters long</li> <li>☑️ Call-to-action style for blogs </li> <li>☑️ Monitor search snippet performance</li> </ul> <p>Refer back to this list as you optimize and test new title options for your critical site pages and blog posts over time.</p> <h2><span id="Title_Tags_Remain_Vital_for_SEO_Success">Title Tags Remain Vital for SEO Success</span></h2> <p>While page titles may be a bit less directly tied to search rankings than in the past, they remain one of the most influential on-page optimization elements. </p> <p>Compelling, click-worthy titles formatted specifically around likely searcher intent can still provide a competitive edge by:</p> <ul> <li>Helping search engines better understand page content </li> <li>Increasing click-through-rate</li> <li>Creating a better experience on sites linking to your content</li> </ul> <p>Hopefully this comprehensive guide gives you all the information needed to begin optimizing your page titles for greater visibility, traffic and engagement!</p> <div id="jp-relatedposts" class="jp-relatedposts"> <h3 class="jp-relatedposts-headline"><span id="Related"><em>Related</em></span></h3> </div>