The Complete Guide to Social Media Videos: Ideas, Tips and Best Practices for 2023

Video content has become an indispensable part of social media marketing. With platforms increasingly favoring video in their algorithms and users spending more time watching videos online, having an effective video strategy is key for brands in 2023.

But what types of videos should you be creating? And how do you make sure they captivate audiences and drive results for your business? This comprehensive guide answers all those questions and more.

12 Creative Social Media Video Ideas to Try

Let‘s start with some fresh video ideas you can try on social platforms this year.

1. Product Demos

Showcase your product or service in action through demos. Provide different angles and usage examples. Sprinkle in customer testimonials for added credibility.

2. Behind-the-Scenes

Give an authentic inside look at your brand operations through behind-the-scenes videos. Let customers relate to you.

3. Q&As

Answer common customer questions in engaging video Q&As. Boost helpfulness and approachability.

4. User-Generated

Repurpose fun user-generated videos showcasing your brand. It adds authenticity.

5. Mini Documentaries

Create interesting short documentaries explaining your origin story or showcasing an industry.

6. Tutorials

Teach customers something new through an educational how-to video.

7. Live Events

Host a special virtual event for customers then repurpose it into video content.

8. Series

Produce an entertaining or informative video series to sustain interest.

9. Collaborations

Team up with an influencer or complementary brand for a viral co-created video.

10. Testimonials

Collect glowing customer testimonials on video to build trust and credibility.

11. Tours

Give an insider tour of your office, factory, store or other unique facility.

12. Vlogs

Start vlogging to give fans a personal look inside your world.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to social video ideas…

More Unique Social Media Video Concepts

In addition to those 12 evergreen video ideas, here are some more creative concepts to stir up engagement:

Giveaways & Contests

Run an exciting video giveaway or contest campaign to grow your audience.

Before & After Transformations

Showcase powerful visual transformations related to your product or service.

Stop Motion

Use cool stop-motion animation video effects to explain a concept or highlight a product benefit.

Interactive Videos

Add polling or questions to your video to spark two-way engagement.

Video Memes

Create funny or shareable videos based on trending memes.

Educational Videos

Teach viewers an important concept or skill through a helpful explainer video.

Case Studies

Bring a customer success story to life vividly through video case studies.

Employee Spotlights

Highlight your amazing team members through fun employee spotlight videos.

Video FAQs

Answer multiple common questions concisely in one informative video FAQ.

Crafting Shareworthy Social Videos: Tips & Best Practices

Now that you‘re overflowing with video ideas, let’s ensure you have the tools and knowledge to produce quality videos worth sharing…

Shoot Vertically

Vertical videos take up more screen real estate on mobile. Perfect for social media!

Keep it Short

Aim for videos under 2 minutes long ideal for social media consumption on the go.

Hook Viewers Fast

Grab attention immediately by highlighting the key benefit or payoff in the first 5 seconds.

Add Subtitles

Subtitles boost viewership by allowing silent video watching. Also helps with accessibility.

Use Attention-Grabbing Thumbnails

Thumbnails act like a video poster – optimize them to intrigue viewers to click play.

Promote Videos Heavily

Amplify reach by promoting videos organically and through paid ads across platforms.

Make it Interactive

Prompt viewers to like, comment, share or answer questions to spark engagement.

Leverage Influencers

Get influencers to react to or collaborate on videos to expand viewership.

Optimize for Each Platform

Customize video specs and style based on guidelines and algorithm for each social platform.

Analyze Performance

Use built-in analytics to determine top-performing videos then make more like them.

Engage with Commenters

Reply to video comments and questions to keep viewers invested in your content.

The Landscape and Best Practices For Top Social Platforms

Now, let’s analyze the video landscape on major platforms – from content style to algorithm favors:


As the #1 social media platform, Facebook offers immense video marketing potential despite its declining organic reach.

Key Tips:

  • Native video uploads perform best
  • Push viewers to Facebook Watch
  • Use captions & interactive elements
  • Limit video length to 1-2 minutes
  • Publish consistently 1x daily


With over 2 billion monthly logged-in users, YouTube remains the internet‘s top video search engine and #2 social site. Mastering YouTube is non-negotiable for video marketers.

Key Tips:

  • Optimize titles, descriptions & metadata
  • Engage heavily with commenters
  • Make search-friendly evergreen content
  • Promote videos externally to drive traffic
  • Analyze click-through rates to optimize thumbnails


As usage and favorability continues to climb, Instagram delivered the highest social media referral traffic in 2022. With its heavy video focus, you can‘t afford to overlook Instagram video marketing.

Key Tips:

  • Post natively for maximum reach
  • Use Reels for viral potential
  • Leverage effects & interactive stickers
  • Keep videos short, vertical & appealing
  • Add clickable links to bios & stickers


TikTok‘s meteoric rise positions it as a mandatory video marketing platform – especially for younger demos. Fun, entertaining and addictive videos thrive here.

Key Tips:

  • Post natively for max visibility
  • Make videos extremely creative/funny
  • Use viral sounds & effects
  • Participate in popular challenges
  • Engage heavily with commenters


While not considered the most video-centric platform, Twitter still drives impressive traffic. Videos that spark conversation thrive best.

Key Tips:

  • Capitalize on trending news/topics
  • Post natively for max visibility
  • Use captions to enable silent viewing
  • Keep videos concise
  • Leverage hashtags for discovery

Video SEO Essentials: Optimizing for Search & Recommendations

While social media videos serve a distinct purpose from YouTube videos optimized heavily for SEO, you should still utilize basic video SEO best practices when sharing your social videos.

This on-page optimization makes it easier for platform‘s algorithms to recognize and recommend your content. It also enables video search within platforms.

Key Video SEO Tips

  • Use keyword-optimized titles – include target keyword upfront
  • Write thorough video descriptions fully summarizing the content
  • Add a full video transcript for text-based discovery
  • Categorize videos using platform‘s tagging or categorization tools
  • Insert target keyword naturally into beginning of video narration

Thorough video SEO combined with compelling video content, savvy promotion and consistent engagement makes your videos shine brighter in crowded social media feeds.

Tracking Video Analytics

While vanity metrics like views and shares make you feel good, you need to analyze video performance more deeply to optimize efforts.

These key video analytics provide actionable insights:

  • View rate – percentage of followers who watched
  • Average watch time – how long people engaged
  • Traffic sources – where viewers are coming from
  • Audience retention – how much of video people watched
  • Click-through rate – thumbnail/title success rate
  • Engagement rate – likes, comments, shares per view

Compare metrics to identify your best-performing videos then replicate their formula for greater viral success. Videos are some of the most important branded assets you create so analyze them with surgical precision.

Real-World Examples & Inspiration

If after all this video guidance you still need sparks of inspiration, browse through these stellar examples of brands winning with social media video content across major platforms:


  • Red Bull – Known for their highly engaging, extreme sports video content
  • proportional desserts – Interesting food videos spark cravings & shares


  • Nike – Their motivational videos rack up millions of views
  • Gymshark – Workout videos cultivate their young, fit audience


  • GoPro – Gorgeous outdoor adventures captured via GoPro
  • Everlane – Lifestyle branding focused on transparency & ethics


  • Chipotle – Their viral food videos induce cravings
  • Netflix – Leverages characters & memes from popular shows

I hope this comprehensive deep dive equips you to create show-stopping social videos that engage viewers while achieving your marketing objectives.

The space will only grow more video-centric so start honing your video strategy today. And constantly test out new engaging formats.

But above all else, let authenticity, value and entertainment drive your video content creation.

Best of luck and happy video making!