Thrive Architect Review 2024: The Best Page Builder Plugin?

Thrive Architect Review

Welcome to our in-depth Thrive Architect review.

If you want to drive sales and improve conversions, you’re going to need a way to build landing pages with ease. And you’re going to need a way to build conversion-focused page layouts.

In this Thrive Architect review, we’re going to take a deep dive into how this powerful WordPress plugin can help you achieve both of these objectives.

What is Thrive Architect?

Thrive Architect is a visual page builder plugin for WordPress that helps you create great-looking, conversion-focused pages.

According to Thrive Themes:

"It‘s the fastest and most intuitive visual editor for WordPress."

The idea is to let you build your pages as fast as possible using the drag-and-drop editor so that you don’t spend endless hours fiddling around with shortcodes, CSS and HTML.

Using Thrive Architect, you can:

  • Create a Homepage using one of the pre-designed Templates or adding elements like Icons, Buttons or Columns to your current theme.
  • Build Landing Pages with built-in Lead Generation elements to help grow your mailing list.
  • Format Blog Posts with features like Content Boxes and Styled Lists to make them stand out from the crowd.
  • Create Sales Pages, Webinar Pages, Product Launch Pages, and more.

How Thrive Architect Helps You

Creating pages with the default WordPress editor is tedious and time-consuming. It was never intended for building professional looking pages.

Meanwhile, you need a WYSIWYG editor that lets you quickly build high-converting pages without technical headaches.

This is where Thrive Architect comes in.

It gives you an easy way to create beautiful pages that convert visitors into subscribers and customers.

You can use the pre-made templates to jumpstart your designs or build pages from scratch using the drag and drop editor.

Some key ways Thrive Architect helps:

  • Speeds Up Page Building – The intuitive drag and drop interface lets you create pages visually in a fraction of the time, compared to coding them by hand.

  • Boosts Conversions – Thrive includes many built-in elements like opt-in forms, countdown timers, testimonials, etc specifically designed to increase conversions.

  • Detailed Customization – Every element on a page can be customized with extensive styling options. So you‘re not limited by rigid templates.

  • Responsive Pages – All pages made with Thrive are mobile-friendly out of the box. You can also fine-tune responsive behavior.

  • Split Testing – Run A/B split tests on pages to further optimize conversions. Easy to set up without technical skills.

Let‘s now dive into the editor and see how Thrive Architect works.

Building Pages With Thrive Architect

There are two primary ways to build a page with Thrive Architect:

  1. Use a pre-made template
  2. Start from a blank canvas

Both approaches work well depending on your specific needs.

Next, let‘s look at each of these page building methods.

Using Landing Page Templates

Thrive Architect comes packed with over 100+ professionally designed landing page templates.

These templates give you an instant starting point to quickly create landing pages.

For example, some popular templates include:

  • Webinar Registration Pages
  • Lead Capture Pages
  • Sales Video Pages
  • Confirmation Pages
  • Thank You Pages

And many more.

The templates are organized into relevant categories which makes browsing them very easy:

Thrive Architect Templates

Once you pick a template, you can fully customize it to match your brand style and messaging.

Let‘s see how this works.

Customizing a Landing Page Template

When you choose a template, Thrive Architect loads it up in the visual editor.

You‘ll immediately notice the familiar WordPress toolbar at the top. This houses key site-wide settings.

Below this toolbar sits the Thrive Architect interface. This is where you‘ll spend all your time building and customizing your landing page.

Now, within the editor, your landing page consists of different elements like:

  • Headings
  • Text
  • Images
  • Buttons
  • Form Fields
  • Columns
  • etc.

To edit any element, simply click on it and the customization options will show up on the right panel.

For example, if you select an image, you can replace it, resize it, add borders and effects, choose visibility settings, and much more.

Same goes for other elements like text, buttons, columns etc. Each one comes with extensive styling options you can tweak.

Check out this quick example:

Edit Thrive Landing Page

As you can see, it‘s very easy to tailor the template to match your brand style.

And that too without having to touch a single line of code.

Save Your Own Templates

Once you customize a template to your liking, Thrive lets you save it for later reuse under "My Templates".

So the next time you need a landing page, you can simply reapply your saved template instead of starting from scratch.

This is much faster than building new landing pages each time.

Starting From a Blank Page

While templates do speed up landing page creation, sometimes you may want to build a custom page layout based on your own design.

This is where starting from a blank canvas in Thrive Architect comes in handy.

When creating a new page, just choose "Start Blank":

Start Blank Page Thrive

Thrive will load a plain page, devoid of any elements.

You can then leverage the drag-and-drop editor to add elements and build your landing page exactly how you envisaged.

Let‘s take a look at some key elements that help you construct custom landing pages.

Content Boxes

One of my favorite modules in Thrive Architect is the content box.

This helpful container allows you to group together multiple elements and treat them as one visual unit.

For example, here‘s a content box containing some custom text and a call-to-action button:

Thrive Content Boxes

The key benefit of content boxes is they give you tremendous layout flexibility for showcasing important sections.

You can stretch content boxes edge to edge, center them, position them left or right, customize backgrounds and borders, etc.

This amount of customization freedom is invaluable when designing high converting landing pages.


The ability to create multi-column layouts is vital for any serious page builder.

And Thrive Architect delivers here with its smooth column structure:

Thrive Columns

Simply choose the number of columns you need and Thrive will automatically create responsive widths.

You get complete control over column widths and gutters across desktop, tablet and mobile sizes.

Such effortless column management ensures your custom landing pages look great on any device.

Dynamic Content

A nifty feature in Thrive Architect is dynamically generated content.

For example, you can automatically display WordPress posts in a grid layout without hard-coding anything:

Dynamic WordPress Content

Similarly, ecommerce sites can showcase WooCommerce products in a nice visual grid or carousel right on a landing page.

Dynamic content coupled with columns gives you the building blocks to create stunning landing pages that stand apart from the crowd.

And this barely scratches the surface of what you can build with Thrive Architect blank canvas mode!

Adding Lead Generation Fields

Now what good is a landing page if it doesn‘t collect leads, right?

To remedy this, Thrive Architect provides built-in tools to add various types of lead generation forms.

You have two options when creating opt-in forms:

1. Standard Opt-In Form

This is a simple vertical form with fields like name, email, phone number, etc:

Thrive Standard Optin Form

Ideal for above the fold placement.

2. Modal Popup Optin

For this type of form, you first add an element like a button or image to trigger the popup animation:

Trigger Modal

Next, this trigger element opens up a modal popup when clicked:

Thrive Modal

The popup contains your actual lead gen form fields.

This is perfect for leaving the main content clean while still capturing leads in a non-intrusive yet effective way.

Both form types come packed with customization settings for colors, fonts, submission actions and more.

And you can connect forms to all popular email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Aweber, Constant Contact etc with just a couple clicks.

Thrive makes it almost effortless to create great-looking, high converting lead gen forms.

Making Pages Mobile Friendly

Let‘s face it – over 60% of traffic now comes from mobile devices.

So it‘s absolutely critical your landing pages look fantastic on smartphones and tablets.

Thankfully, Thrive Architect has built-in responsive tools that help you optimize mobile UX.

For example, you can:

  • Preview on mobile – Easily see how your landing page looks across desktop, tablet and mobile screens.

  • Selective visibility – Choose to hide or display elements only for certain device sizes.

  • Individual control – Micro adjust position, text size and other style aspects individually for mobile, tablet and desktop.

Together, these powerful features ensure your Thrive landing pages provide an excellent responsive experience.

Thrive Architect Modules

Thrive Architect comes packed with over 40+ content modules. Here are some notable ones:

Conversion Boosting Modules

These elements help elevate conversions when added to landing pages:

  • Testimonials – Show social proof and build trust. Comes with many templates.

  • Countdown timers – Create urgency and prompt visitors to take action.

  • Styled bullet lists – Highlight benefits using custom layouts and iconography.

  • Form fields – Capture leads with name, email, phone number and more.

  • And many more like Content Reveal, Credit Card Icons etc.

Content Modules

Additional elements to showcase information:

  • Posts Grid – Display blog posts or products visually.

  • Tabs – Segment your content into tabbed sections

  • Table of Contents – Auto generate anchor linked table of contents.

  • Star Ratings – Collect reviews and display them as star ratings.

  • Click to tweet – Encourage social shares.

  • And more like accordions, maps, tables etc.

Creative Modules

These advanced modules help create unique page designs:

  • Shape dividers – Separate sections with angular shapes.

  • Animations – Add subtle animations like fades, zooms.

  • Sticky elements – Pin elements like menus while scrolling.

  • Popup triggers – Open popup lightboxes on certain actions

As you can see, the options are almost limitless when building custom landing pages in Thrive Architect.

And new content modules get added with every update!

Is Thrive Architect Right For You?

Thrive Architect reduces the headaches associated with creating high converting landing pages in WordPress drastically.

But who can really benefit from this visual editor plugin?

Bloggers & Content Creators

Take your blog from basic to badass by creating custom post layouts that drive shares and engagement.

Agencies & Freelancers

Deliver gorgeous landing pages to clients super fast. Pre-made templates provide instant starting points.

Ecommerce Store Owners

Drive more sales by showcasing products beautifully or creating dedicated landing pages for promotions.

Marketers & Sales Teams

Create a full conversion focused sales funnel – from squeeze pages to thank you pages – with ease.

Coaches & Consultants

Build high-end pages to attract premium clients. Limited only by your imagination.

Event & Course Creators

Drive registrations using beautifully designed launch pages and webinar pages.

As you can see, Thrive Architect suits a wide range of websites and use cases.

Thrive Architect Gutenberg Support

There‘s often confusion around how Thrive Architect works with Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor.

Let‘s clear this up:

Thrive Architect has full Gutenberg compatibility in two ways:

1. As stand-alone landing page builder

Firstly, Thrive exists on its own for building dedicated landing pages.

When you create pages with Thrive, it has nothing to do with Gutenberg.

Thrive gives you a clean, distraction-free environment, fully optimized for landing page creation.

So you don‘t need to worry about Gutenberg at all here.

2. Integrating with Gutenberg editors

Now when it comes to normal WordPress pages and posts, you have two options:

Either write it directly inside Thrive Architect, or use Gutenberg.

If you prefer Gutenberg for writing articles and blog posts, that is fully supported.

Thrive gives you a dedicated Gutenberg block for inserting saved templates easily into posts and pages.

This means you get the landing page power of Thrive Architect + simplicity of Gutenberg together.

So Thrive complements both stand-alone landing pages as well as integrated with Gutenberg – giving you maximum flexibility.

Thrive Suite Pricing

Thrive Architect is typically purchased via their suite of WordPress products called Thrive Suite:

Thrive Suite Pricing

Here‘s what you get with Thrive Suite access:

  • Thrive Architect – landing page builder

  • Thrive Leads – lead generation and list building tools

  • Thrive Ovation – testimonials and social proof generator

  • Thrive Optimize – conversion rate optimization

  • Thrive Theme Builder – custom theme builder

This complete conversion focused package gives you immense value under one roof.

Detailed pricing is as follows:

  • $19/month starter plan

  • $29/month growth plan

  • $49/month scale plan

  • Or discounted annual payments available

Considering that standalone landing page softwares can cost hundreds per month, the pricing above is an absolute steal for what you get.

Plus there are occasional special deals too bringing costs down further.

So if you‘re looking for an affordable way to take your WordPress site‘s conversions to the next level – definitely give Thrive Suite a serious look.

Final Thoughts

Thrive Architect makes the whole process of creating high converting pages refreshingly simple.

Both complete beginners and experienced users will find it a perfect balance between power and ease of use.

The huge library of pre-made templates provides instant access to beautifully designed pages. Useful for quick wins.

While the flexible, drag-drop editor gives you total creative control to translate any custom layout from your imagination into reality.

Add to that all the conversion focused modules, detailed mobile responsiveness, dynamic content features, and seamless Gutenberg integration – and you have an extremely capable landing page builder.

Ultimately, if you want to:

👉 Grow your email lists faster

👉 Drive more sales

👉 Get more leads

Then Thrive Architect is hands down your best bet.

It eliminates the technical complexities around building high converting WordPress landing pages and funnels so you can focus purely on what matters – results!

So why not give Thrive Architect a spin today with their risk-free 30 day money back guarantee? You have nothing to lose 🙂