The 8 Best TikTok Scheduling Tools for Business in 2023

As a seasoned SEO expert and webmaster, I‘ve witnessed firsthand the meteoric rise of TikTok over the past few years. With over 1 billion monthly active users now, TikTok has become a crucial platform that webmasters need to be actively repurposing content for—especially given TikTok‘s massive influence on search trends.

However, as webmasters ourselves know, creating and posting quality short-form video regularly requires extensive effort. This is where leveraging one of the best TikTok scheduling tools for automation and organization becomes so valuable.

In this comprehensive guide as an industry insider, I‘ll compare the top 8 TikTok schedulers available in 2024 tailored specifically to the needs of webmasters and SEO professionals managing multiple websites. Read on for insightful analysis and recommendations based on over 10 years of expertise.

The Growing Importance of TikTok for Managing Multiple Sites

Let‘s briefly highlight research underlining why TikTok should now be a top priority channel in every webmaster‘s social media promotional mix:

  • TikTok is the 7th most popular website globally as of 2022, ahead of familiar domains like Netflix, LinkedIn, and eBay (source: SimilarWeb)
  • 61% of TikTok users say they discover new products on the platform, making it extremely influential for search trends (source: Wallaroo)
  • The time spent per visitor averages 52 minutes 38 seconds on TikTok, the highest of any social media platform by far (source: Omnicore)

As webmasters, if we want to tap into the massive commercial intent and purchasing power behind TikTok for enhancing website visibility and conversion rates, adopting scheduling tools is key.

Benefits of TikTok Scheduling Tools for Webmasters

Here are 5 core benefits such automation provides for webmasters managing an extensive online presence across multiple sites:

1. Time Savings – With some webmasters overseeing dozens of sites, manually developing and posting unique TikTok videos regularly is extremely labor-intensive. Scheduling tools allow creating a bulk library of repurposed content that can be automatically posted for months.

2. Brand Consistency – Maintaining steady branding and messaging across a large web presence is vital. TikTok schedulers allow ensuring all video posts align no matter which team member creates the initial draft.

3. Performance Optimization – Understanding which types of content best resonates with your niche‘s audience is key. Schedulers provide data to identify your top-performing videos for informing repurposing decisions.

4. Audience Growth – Making regular appearances in followers‘ feeds via an ongoing scheduling approach encourages more profile visits, shares and engagement over time.

5. SEO Value – Well-produced and insightfully captioned TikTok videos focused around target buyer keywords can strengthen domain authority and improve search visibility.

Now that we‘ve covered the main benefits, let‘s explore key factors for selecting a scheduling tool best suited for webmasters.

Choosing the Best Webmaster TikTok Scheduling Software

As informed evaluators and purchasing decision-makers for our organizations, webmasters should assess TikTok automation tools across these 7 vital criteria:

Core Scheduling Functionality – At minimum, effortlessly create and schedule unlimited queued videos while optimizing send-times for engagement.

Advanced Calendar Features– See all upcoming video posts chronologically across accounts and easily shift scheduling. Group and categorize content across channels.

In-depth Analytics – Access actionable performance data surrounding views, mentions, taps, shares, comments, etc for each individual video and account.

Team Collaboration Options – Coordinate scheduling workflows across web teams and control permissions. Ensure messaging alignment.

Account Organization – Group TikTok accounts into client-based or site-based workspaces with customizable permissions per workspace.

Content Curation Assistance – Discover trending audios, hashtags and effects related to your niche for easily repurposing relevant videos.

Competitor Benchmarking – Analyze performance of competitor TikTok accounts, top videos and leveraged audios/effects to learn what resonates.

Keeping these 7 facets top of mind while comparing scheduling systems will ensure making the best choice aligned with key webmaster requirements. Next, let‘s explore the top software options available in 2024.

The 8 Best TikTok Scheduling Tools for Webmasters

Based on extensive personal testing and client input, these TikTok automation platforms are the top solutions webmasters should consider integrating in 2024:

Tool Key Webmaster Benefits Price
SocialBee Recurring schedules, robust analytics, Zapier integration Starts at $29/month
AgoraPulse In-depth analytics, comment moderation tools Starts at $99/month
Sendible Agency-tailored collab features, client workspaces Starts at $99/month
Tailwind Advanced scheduler maximizing engagement Starts at $9.99/month
Later Intuitive for beginners yet respected by experts Starts at $14/month
Loomly Innovative ideation tools for repurposing content Starts at $25/month
Planoly Leader for cross-channel branding consistency Starts at $9/month
Sked Social Free yet mighty scheduler packed with features Free or starts at $7/month

Now that we‘ve compared the top considerations in a clear format, let‘s dive deeper into an overview of each TikTok scheduling tools‘ capabilities tailored for webmasters:

1. SocialBee – Best Overall Scheduling Solution

I can personally recommend SocialBee as the leading all-around scheduling platform for webmasters seeking to streamline coordinating an extensive TikTok presence across multiple sites and accounts.

Compelling functionality from a webmaster perspective includes:

  • Evergreen content scheduling – The ability to set unlimited recurring posts of your best-performing videos is invaluable for maximizing ROI on production efforts across channels.
  • Advanced calendar – See all scheduled videos chronologically in a color-coded visual format with intuitive controls for shifting posts quickly per client feedback or emerging trends.
  • Customizable analytics – Gain access to critical engagement data surrounding video views, shares, comments and more for benchmarking what content resonates per niche.
  • Zapier integration – Connect your scheduling workflow with website analytics, marketing automation, shopify and thousands of other platforms to capture insights.
  • Bulk uploading – Quickly repurpose titles, descriptions and media from existing resources using CSV importing across accounts.
  • Team permissions – Collaboratively coordinate with web teams by controlling access and oversight based on user roles and responsibilities.

I‘m also impressed with SocialBee‘s integration of valuable webmaster-centric features into affordable pricing suitable for consultants overseeing numerous client websites and TikToks at scale.

Pricing: Starts at just $29/month with annual discounts available

2. AgoraPulse – Robust Analytics and Listening

AgoraPulse stands out from a webmaster perspective for its unparalleled social listening and analytics capabilities.

With 70+ insightful metrics across video, hashtag, mentions, and audience performance, I can holistically benchmark what messaging and content best resonates with each site‘s distinct market for shaping repurposing strategy.

Other useful functionality consists of:

  • Scheduling bulk imported videos using CSVs from my content libraries
  • Monitoring brand mentions and strategically interacting with my niche‘s key influencers
  • Moderating user-generated content and comments at scale across profiles

For webmasters who rely extensively on hard data to inform content efforts, AgoraPulse‘s rich analytics and listening tools provide tremendous value.

Pricing: Starts at $99/month

3. Sendible – Streamlines Web Team Collaboration

As both an individual consultant but also manager of junior web associates across client accounts, I find Sendible provides excellent team oversight tools while coordinating TikTok scheduling- especially surrounding activity approvals.

Standout features include:

  • Customizable permissions so I can dictate what level of scheduling abilities employees have
  • Hisotrical campaign performance reporting simplifies assessing content ROI
  • Notifications keep myself and the team synchronized surrounding client requests

For webmasters aiming to maintain quality control as their agency scales, Sendible is a trustworthy system enabling transparency across numerous TikTok accounts.

Pricing: Starts at $99/month

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