What to Tweet: 29 Engaging Ideas to Elevate Your Twitter Feed

Posting compelling, useful updates to Twitter is key for engaging your followers. But coming up with fresh ideas day in and day out can be challenging. This comprehensive 2500+ word guide will provide you with 36 tweet type examples plus best practices to help you create an elevated Twitter feed that delights your audience and goes viral.

Who‘s on Twitter? Understanding Key Audience Demographics

With over 300 million active monthly users worldwide, Twitter has become a go-to platform for connecting with distinct audiences in an authentic, public manner.

According to Pew Research Center data, some unique attributes define Twitter‘s vital demographics:

  • 23% of adult Twitter users in the US fall between the ages of 18 and 29, the highest percentage of any age bracket. Additionally, 19% of users are 65+. There‘s reach across ages.
  • 42% of Twitter users have college degrees or higher,above average educational attainment
  • The platform over-indexes for higher earning Americans, with 42% living in households earning $75k+ annually

And Forbes recently reported that Twitter sees 25 million daily active U.S. users creating 500 million tweets per day. That‘s a highly engaged audience.

Understanding these core demographics allows you to create content with greater precision. Now let‘s explore how to intentionally engage these users through an effective content strategy.

Crafting an Intentional Twitter Content Strategy

Jumping into individual tweet tactics without an overarching content plan often dilutes results on Twitter. By first defining your goals, target audience and planned content map, you can post with increased direction. Here are best practices for crafting an intentional Twitter strategy:

Define Your Target Audience Persona

Start by getting clearer on who specifically you aim to reach on Twitter. While we explored Twitter‘s general demographics earlier, dig deeper into your specific customer personas. Analyze their demographics, interests, preferred content formats, pain points and motivations. Tools like DemographicsPro allow you to input data points on current customers and extrapolate wider target audiences. Use these insights to refine content.

Set S.M.A.R.T Content Goals

With target personas clarified, define your core content goals. Setting "SMART" goals creates focus, including making them:

Specific and Strategic – zero in on precise content objectives like education, lead gen or brand awareness rather than vague notions of "engagement". Tie to business goals.

Measurable– define numeric objectives like tweet impressions, engagement rate, clicks, conversions rates, etc. to track

Attainable– ensure Twitter goals ladder roll up to reasonable expectations given resource allocation

Relevant– content aims should map clearly to overall marketing and company priorities

Time-bound– set achievable outcomes over specific durations(monthly, 6 months)

Here are some example SMART Twitter content goals:

"Drive 20,000 tweet impressions monthly with a 4% engagement rate for increased lead gen by EOY 2023."

Map Out Content Themes and Topics in Advance

The next step is planning overarching content themes, topics and hashtags to cover in upcoming months on Twitter. Start by looking back at historical high performing tweets and identify strengths to build upon. Conduct some keyword research on related terms and trends as well.

Then populate the following template to map topics across weeks and months:

Month 1 Topics and #hashtags
Weeks 1-2 New company updates #news
Weeks 3-4 Expert tips #how-to #pro-tips

This will allow you to ideate fresh slates of tweet content within proven themes consistently over time, driving greater connection.

Now let‘s explore 36 specific tweet types to work into your content calendar!

36 High Performing and Engaging Tweet Types

Based on social media industry research into top performing tweet formats, here are 36 content style examples you can leverage:

Company and Product Announcements

Major company updates like new leadership, secured funding or product releases should be shared directly on Twitter to alert engaged followers in real-time. Treat your audience like company insiders hungry for news. Backlink announcements to online press releases or news for more details.

Example Tweet: We‘re thrilled to announce $5M in new Series A funding from @VCfirm to fuel development of our flagship product! Read more in @techpub #startup #funding

Behind the Scenes and Company Culture

Give followers a peek at what happens within your company outside the typical branding with tweets showing unique cultural elements or behind the scenes perspectives most don‘t see. The casual nature humanizes your company.

Example Tweet: Do you wonder what our product design team brainstorm sessions look like? Here‘s a quick video glimpse into the early concepting for our new app launch! #design #startup

Blog Content Promotion

Introduce and preview key insights from all newly published blog articles via tweets. Include compelling custom graphics and headlines in the style of news hook to catch interest and urgency. Strategic hashtags also help.

Example Tweet: Still not seeing the results you hoped for from email marketing? Our latest data analysis post explores the top 7 troubleshooting tips. #emailmarketing #datadriven

Twitter Threads on Key Topics

Educational or informational "threads" as a series of chained tweets tapping into trends and high-interest news can captivate audiences. Ensure cohesion through numbered sequence and summary tweet.

Example Tweet: With NFT news dominating headlines, what exactly are NFTs? Let me explain across a quick 10 tweet thread…[1/10] NFT stands for non-fungible token – a unique digital asset verified on the blockchain…

Event Promotion

Strategically promote industry events, conferences or company gatherings you will actively participate in via tweets. Share value propositions, special precautions amid COVID-19 and motivational calls to action to drive event sign ups.

Example Tweet: We couldn‘t be more excited to exhibit at this year‘s #CES2025 showcasing our new smart home assistant device. Come visit Booth 234!

Interactive Polls

Poll sticky posts gather quick feedback from engaged followers to crowdsource opinions, spark discussion and guide business decisions through democratic participation.

Example Tweet: Which new feature would you find most valuable in our upcoming app redesign? Reply to cast your vote!

FAQs and Expert How To‘s

Constantly answer common customer questions and address pain points by tweeting short FAQs or educational explainers. Position your company as an authoritative expert guide.

Example Tweet: Having issues with error code 502 appearing? Here‘s a quick how-to fix: 1) Refresh browser 2) Check internet connection stability 3) Contact web host if issue persists #troubleshooting

Funny, Relatable or Inspirational

Occasional light humor or inspirational quotes fosters positive brand sentiment when crafted properly. Just ensure tone and topics clearly align with company values. Laughter and wisdom unite!

Example Tweet: Who‘s got that Friday feeling? We do! Enjoy this iconic meme as we wrap up another hard week‘s work of serving customers! #FridayVibes

Carefully Selected Memes

Niche internet humor via relatable memes can land well when specifically tailored to known company personalities, cultures or challenger brands aiming for irreverence. But take care not to try too hard. Allow your brand identity to guide appropriate topics.

Example Tweet: When the intern figures out how to fix the printer once and for all! #ITheroes

Holiday Recognition

Timely holiday-specific messaging shows customers you recognize important moments and seasons in their lives. Keep greetings inclusive and express gratitude.

Example Tweet: Wishing those celebrating a very meaningful and mindful Ramadan. May your days be blessed! #Ramadan

Share Industry Insights

Commentary providing context on need-to-know industry news gives followers insider perspective. Demonstrate thought leadership.

Example Tweet: Massive implications as @Adobe announces acquisition of @FigmaDesign for $20B. This further consolidates the design platform space. Our take on why this opens new opportunities. [Link] #Adobe #Figma

User Generated Content

Repost organic, high-quality user photos featuring your product. This authentic advocacy wins new supporters. Ensure proper photo credit.

Example Tweet: Huge thanks to @AmandaH562 for capturing this gorgeous sunset view using our newest Pixel Frame model! Well done! #pixel #photography

Job Openings

Attract specialized talent by natively tweeting out available company job openings and their links to application portals. Showcase your employer brand.

Example Tweet: [HIRING] We‘re searching for an innovative Senior UX Researcher to join our team in Portland, OR! Learn more about this opportunity here [Link] Please RT!

Product Update Promotion

Share new or improved product/service offerings with followers consistently. Promote associated capabilities, features and customer benefits through tweets.

Example Tweet: We‘ve just launched an upgraded version of our popular project management software with new views, templates and integrations! See what‘s new here: [Link]

Special Discounts and Promos

Limited-time savings and exclusive promo codes reward loyal followers with incentives to purchase. Sweeten the deal but don‘t overuse.

Example Tweet: Twitter fans only! Enjoy 20% off your first monthly subscription by applying code TWITTER20 at checkout! #[product]Deals

Retweets and Shared Content

To conserve original content effort, strategically recirculate industry related tweets from partners, influencers and earned media press mentions. Boost signal.

Example Tweet: Must read perspective piece on the future of AI by @erikbryn at @Wired. Key takeaway: "The real opportunity is in combinining AI with human insight."

Data Visualizations and Statistics

Carefully designed data visualizations, charts and statistics make tweets pop while establishing your credibility as an insights-driven thought leader. Images required.

Example Tweet: Over 50% of customer issues resolved within first contact in 2022 through our enhanced AI support technology [Support Insights Infographic.png]

Expert Analyst Commentary

Provide your unique analysis or "hot take" on an industry report, event or announcement to assert subject matter expertise.

Example Tweet: 5 key metaverse developments and milestones from #MWC we see defining the space in 2025 according to our lead VR analyst @GeoCortez [Link to Commentary]

Trending Hashtags and Topics

Strategically align branded tweets to trending hashtags around important cultural moments or events. Provide substance when participating rather than hollow hijacking existing momentum for attention. Relevance is key.

Example Tweet: As #WomensHistoryMonth begins, we celebrate the accomplishments of our incredibly talented female data scientists driving analytics innovation forward @ourcompany.

Short Videos

Video dominates today‘s social landscape given shifting consumer preferences to digest quick visual information. Short 30 to 60 second professional clips on things like product updates, company culture and CEO messages captivate scrolling feeds. Maintain production quality.

Example Tweet: Enhanced creativity and scalability. That‘s what our newest generation smart displays empower. See a demo now! [Brand Video 59 secs]

Optimizing Your Tweets for Maximum Impact

Beyond just the underlying content of your tweets, how can posts be further refined? Here are proven best practices for optimizing tweets for engagement:

Incorporate Strong Visual Media

As evidenced by multiple internal Twitter studies into top performing tweet analysis by impression and engagement levels, incorporated images, infographics, GIFs or embedded videos dramatically lift performance over text-only updates. Catch the eye through visuals!

Strategic Hashtags and Tags

Expanding tweet visibility through selective hashtags and @user tags matching target topics/communities gives tweets relevance. Seek a balance between branded and trending tags when appropriate to harvest existing conversations.

Include Links and Calls to Action

Every tweet should motivate readers toward an action, whether visiting a key blog post or resource landing page. Implementing strategic direct links builds connection beyond the platform.

Experiment with Post Length

The ideal tweet length has increased as Twitter expanded to 280 characters. On average, tweets between 100 and 250 characters now see peak engagement. But occasionally experiment with more long form "threads" on discussions requiring depth. Change it up!

Schedule Tweets in Advance

While real-time posting has authenticity, 90% of Fortune 500 companies rely on social media tools like Hootsuite to efficiently plan, manage and schedule batch tweets for continuous new content with minimal daily effort.

Analyze Tweet Performance Through Key Metrics

Ongoing tweet analytics assessment allows you to determine what content types, engagement strategies and post scheduling drive impact and conversions. Continuously optimize efforts based on data.

Key Twitter Analytics and Metrics

Twitter‘s native analytics dashboard offers key indicators around tweet performance worth tracking weekly or monthly including:

  • Tweet Impressions – Total reach
  • Engagement Rates – Likes, retweets, replies
  • Link Clicks
  • Hashtag Performance
  • Top Performing Tweets- Impressions and engagement

Third party tools like Hootsuite offer additional metrics filters around audience demographics as well. Continuously analyze what resonates.

Survey Followers on Valuable Content

Sometimes directly surveying engaged followers provides qualitative insights indicating what tweet content they find most useful and compelling. Ask for suggestions in DMs or via quick Typeform polls to followers about improving your Twitter feed. This feedback fuels content refinement.

The More Tweet Variety the Better!

There you have an extensive library of 36 tweet type examples plus proven Twitter optimization advice to elevate your brand‘s content strategy. The key is incorporating wide tweet format variety paired with consistency around providing value. This captivates and retains audiences while asserting subject matter expertise.

What tweet ideas resonate most with you and your followers? Which formats should brands prioritize in 2023? Share your thoughts on crafting compelling Twitter content!