How To Drastically Improve WordPress Speed with W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare

If you run a WordPress site, chances are you‘ve wondered how to make it load faster. Slow page speed frustrates visitors, hurts conversions, and damages SEO. Thankfully, optimizing a WordPress site doesn‘t have to be difficult or expensive. In this comprehensive guide, you‘ll learn how to leverage two free tools—W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare—to slash your page load times.

Why Page Speed Matters

Before jumping into the how-to, let‘s review why you should care about optimizing page speed in the first place:

  • Faster sites make visitors happier. No one wants to stare at a spinning loader.
  • Quickly loading pages convert better. Even minor delays cause people to abandon pages.
  • Speed improves SEO rankings. Google factors page speed into search results.
  • Fast sites cost less to run. You use fewer server resources per visitor.

The numbers speak for themselves. Studies show:

  • 53% of mobile site visitors leave pages that take over 3 seconds to load.
  • A 100ms delay reduces conversion rates by 7%.
  • Faster sites enjoy 35% more organic traffic.

Clearly, every site owner should aim for maximum speed. Now let‘s look at how W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare make that possible.

How W3 Total Cache and Cloudflare Speed Up WordPress

1. W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache is a popular WordPress caching plugin with over 2 million active installs. It works by generating static HTML files and storing them to bypass PHP and database queries. This eliminates much of the dynamic processing required by WordPress.

Specifically, W3 Total Cache offers multiple types of caching to optimize different parts of page generation:

  • Page caching to save entire pages as static files.
  • Object caching to cache external resource files like themes and plugins.
  • Database caching to save database queries and results.
  • Browser caching to leverage visitor browsers for caching.

Together, these minimize the computational work for your server. By serving cached copies instead of dynamically generating pages on every request, your site runs much faster.

2. Cloudflare CDN and Optimization

Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) and site optimization service. It acts as a proxy between visitors and your server with 100+ data centers distributed globally.

Here are the key speed benefits Cloudflare provides:

  • CDN for faster file delivery. Static files get served from nearby data centers rather than your origin server, reducing latency.
  • Image and script optimization. Embedded resources get automatically compressed and resized.
  • Caching and minification. Resources get cached, code gets minified.
  • HTTP/2 support. Enables faster transfer protocols and server push.

Together with W3 Total Cache, Cloudflare gives you blazing fast static file delivery combined with heavily optimized code and assets. Now let‘s look at setting them up.

Step-by-Step Guide: W3 Total Cache Setup

1. Install and Activate the Plugin

First, install W3 Total Cache from the WordPress plugin directory and activate it. Then navigate to Performance > General Settings to launch the configuration wizard.

2. Run the Configuration Wizard

The wizard will step through automatically testing caching methods and guiding you through optimal settings. Options include:

  • Page caching method – Disk enhanced, disk basic, memcache, etc.
  • Database caching – Usually best disabled.
  • Object caching method – Depends on server support.
  • Browser caching – Must be enabled.

For most sites, choose the recommended disk enhanced for page caching and enable browser caching. Object and database caching may require tweaking based on server limits.

3. Configure Advanced Settings (Optional)

Under the Performance tab, you can fine-tune advanced caching behavior including cache lifetimes, exclusions, purge triggers, and more. The defaults work well for most sites.

4. Enable the Cloudflare Extension

Navigate to Extensions and enable Cloudflare. This allows purging the Cloudflare cache from within WordPress.

Step-by-Step Guide: Cloudflare Setup

Now let‘s get your site connected to Cloudflare for CDN and optimization benefits.

1. Create a Cloudflare Account

First, head over to Cloudflare and sign up for a free account. Add your WordPress site by entering the domain.

2. Select the Free Website Plan

On the pricing page, scroll down past the paid plans and choose the Free option. This still includes full CDN and optimization features.

3. Update Your Nameservers

Follow the setup instructions to change your domain‘s nameservers to Cloudflare. This may require updating settings with your registrar. The process doesn‘t impact site availability.

4. Connect Cloudflare in W3 Total Cache

Return to W3TC‘s Cloudflare extension and enter your Cloudflare email and API key to connect your Cloudflare account.

5. Configure Key Settings

Under the Speed tab in the Cloudflare dashboard, enable Auto Minify for CSS/JS/HTML files and Brotli compression for maximum optimization.

And you‘re all set! Cloudflare now acts as a speedy proxy for your caching-optimized site.

Additional Tips for Optimizing Speed

Here are a few more things you can do to squeeze out every bit of performance:

  • Choose a fast, modern web host if not done already.
  • Limit use of complex themes/plugins.
  • Enable GZIP compression in WordPress.
  • Resize and optimize images.
  • Minify CSS/JS files with W3 Total Cache.
  • Consider a dedicated caching plugin like WP Rocket.

Troubleshoot any issues like endless redirects by checking Cloudflare SSL settings and cache purge configurations in both W3TC and Cloudflare.


With W3 Total Cache intelligently caching dynamic WordPress content combined with Cloudflare‘s global CDN and optimization network, you now have all the tools needed to achieve blazing fast speeds. Optimizing performance might take some initial effort, but the long-term dividends are invaluable. Your visitors, your bottom line, and even Google will thank you!