The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins for Content Upgrades

Content upgrades are one of the most effective ways to grow your email list. By offering readers valuable content in exchange for their email address, you incentivize them to subscribe to your list.

However, creating and delivering targeted content upgrades takes work. You need the right WordPress plugins to streamline the process.

In this ultimate guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know about using WordPress plugins for content upgrades, including:

  • What are content upgrades and why are they effective
  • The best WordPress plugins for content upgrades
  • Step-by-step instructions on setting up content upgrades
  • Creative content upgrade ideas to engage readers
  • Tips for promoting your upgrades for maximum conversions

Let‘s dive in!

What Are Content Upgrades?

A content upgrade is a free offer you provide to blog readers in exchange for their email address. Upgrades are usually premium content related to the blog post topic.

For example, after a blog post on minimalism, you could offer a content upgrade like a "Minimalist Living Guide" PDF checklist.

Content upgrades work because they provide readers added value. The incentive encourages visitors to join your email list to access the exclusive content.

Upgrades are more effective for list building than generic lead magnets because they‘re hyper-targeted to each blog post. The content relates directly to what the reader just consumed.

Why You Should Be Using Content Upgrades

There are a few major reasons why content upgrades are so effective:

1. They convert visitors into subscribers

Content upgrades convert substantially better than basic opt-in forms. One study found that adding a lead magnet to an opt-in form increased conversions by 785%!

By tempting readers with valuable content, you‘ll grow your email subscriber list much faster.

2. They help segment your audience

With content upgrades, visitors sign up through a specific blog post. You‘ll know exactly which post piqued their interest.

This helps you segment your list so you can send targeted emails based on reader interests. Segmented lists have higher open and click-through rates.

3. They demonstrate value

Content upgrades show you offer value beyond your free blog content. Readers will come to expect quality content and advice from you.

When promoting paid products or services, subscribers are more likely to purchase from someone they know and trust.

The added value also helps readers perceive you as an authority. Position yourself as an expert right from the start with well-designed content upgrades.

The Best WordPress Plugins for Content Upgrades

Manually creating content upgrades is tedious. You need to make new landing pages, opt-in forms, confirmation emails, and more for each upgrade.

WordPress plugins streamline this entire process so you can set up content upgrades with ease.

Here are the best WordPress plugins for delivering content upgrades:

1. Thrive Leads

Thrive Leads is the premier WordPress list building plugin. It comes packed with conversion-focused features to help you create high-performing content upgrades.

With Thrive Leads, you can:

  • Build custom landing pages and opt-in forms
  • Create popups, slide-ins, widgets, and embedded opt-in forms
  • Deliver automated confirmation emails to subscribers
  • Host download files and gated content
  • Get detailed conversion analytics

Thrive Leads integrates directly with email services like AWeber, Constant Contact, MailChimp, and more. Content gets delivered automatically when users sign up.

You can also password protect content and drip it out over time to subscribers. This feature works great for delivering courses or multiple modules over weeks or months.

Thrive Leads works seamlessly with all Thrive themes but also works as a standalone plugin on any WordPress site.

For the ultimate WordPress sales funnel, use Thrive Leads with ThriveCart checkout pages and the Thrive Memberships plugin.

🏆 Thrive Leads is the best all-in-one solution for creating and delivering content upgrades.

2. OptinMonster

OptinMonster specializes in attention-grabbing popups, exit intents, floating bars, slide-ins, and embedded content lockers.

These high-converting lead generation types work extremely well for content upgrades.

OptinMonster comes with a drag-and-drop builder to easily create beautiful opt-in forms for your upgrades. You can deploy them sitewide or target forms to specific pages or posts.

After visitors sign up, you can redirect them to a thank you page with access to the gated content. OptinMonster also integrates with all major email providers to automatically send confirmation emails.

Use OptinMonster exit intents to catch readers right before they leave your site. The tool converts between 5-8% of visitors into subscribers with this aggressive last chance tactic.

Exit intent popups work incredibly well to promote content upgrades. Offer them something enticing so they stick around!

🏆 OptinMonster offers some of the highest-converting lead generation types perfect for content upgrades.

3. ConvertKit

ConvertKit excels at sending automated email sequences. Use it to create dripped content upgrade deliveries.

For example, you can gates courses or ebooks by chapters. ConvertKit will email subscribers each portion over set intervals like daily, weekly, or monthly.

ConvertKit forms also allow you to redirect subscribers to a URL after signup. Send them right to a landing page to access their content upgrade download.

Creating multiple sequences and forms helps you segment subscribers based on which upgrade they signed up for. Then nurture subscribers with targeted email follow-ups.

ConvertKit‘s email automation workflows pair perfectly with content upgrades centered around long-form premium content.

🏆 ConvertKit is great for creating dripped content upgrade deliveries over time to subscribers.

4. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is the most popular email marketing service because it‘s easy to use and free for small lists.

To deliver content upgrades, create a separate Mailchimp audience for each upgrade offer. Then, make a targeted opt-in form to subscribe users to each audience.

When users sign up, MailChimp sends an automated welcome email. Upload your gated content and provide subscribers access via the email.

You can also link to landing pages with the download after subscribers confirm their email address.

The benefit of separate audiences is you can track conversion rates for each upgrade. See which convert best and double down on related content and email sequences.

🏆 Mailchimp offers basic content upgrade functionality in their free plan.

Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Content Upgrades in WordPress

Once you choose the best plugin or apps for your needs, it‘s time to start creating awesome content upgrades!

Follow this 7-step process:

Step 1: Identify Content Upgrade Ideas

Brainstorm compelling content upgrade ideas directly related to your blog posts. Think about what premium content would add value for readers.

Some effective types of upgrades include:

  • Cheat sheets
  • Checklists
  • Templates
  • Swipe files
  • Reports
  • Courses
  • Video trainings
  • Discount codes
  • Interviews
  • Calculators
  • Free trials
  • Giveaways

Use your best blog posts and categories to determine potential upgrade topics. Align the freemium offer to extended information in the articles.

For example, if you have a blog post about starting an Etsy shop, complementary upgrades could include:

  • "Ultimate Guide to Selling on Etsy" ebook
  • "How to Photograph Crafts That Sell" video course
  • DIY Templates and Design Assets Pack

Great content upgrades always provide something of high additional value to engaged readers.

Step 2: Create Your Content Upgrades

Now it‘s time to actually create your content upgrades!

The quality and design hugely impact their effectiveness. Some best practices:

  • Format easily: eBooks, PDFs, DOC files, video courses
  • Design professionally: Buy templates to brand consistently
  • Make scannable: Use bullet points, numbered lists, headings
  • Start strong: Lead with the biggest wins and takeaways
  • Share secrets: Give away your best tips that readers won’t find elsewhere

Step 3: Make Landing Pages

Every content upgrade needs a dedicated landing page to tell users what they‘ll receive.

Quality landing pages clearly explain the:

  • Offer
  • Format
  • Value

Use your plugin builder or a page builder plugin like Elementor or Beaver Builder to design. Include:

  • The upgrade title and cover image
  • A description
  • Testimonials
  • FAQs
  • Opt-in form

Refer back to the offer frequently to remind visitors what they‘ll get by subscribing.

Step 4: Build High-Converting Opt-In Forms

Well-designed opt-in forms can triple conversion rates.

Some best practices for crafting effective opt-in forms include:

  • Minimal required fields (just email address)
  • Use a checkbox option for GDPR consent
  • Add social proof like follower counters
  • Inform value with taglines like "Get access to the guide valued at $97"

Visually, opt-in forms should have:

  • High contrast from background
  • Prominent call-to-action buttons
  • Entry field placeholders

Test different form layouts, especially right vs left-aligned. Use your WordPress plugin to A/B test conversions.

Step 5: Connect Email Service & Deliver Content Upgrades

This step will vary slightly depending on your platform. But in general, you‘ll:

  • Connect your email service like Mailchimp or ConvertKit
  • Set up post-subscription actions like automatic emails or redirection
  • Upload gated content into libraries for subscribers
  • Use templates to customize confirmation messages

Refer to your plugin‘s help docs for exact details on setting up content delivery workflows.

Step 6: Promote Your Content Upgrades

Time to drive some traffic to your awesome content upgrades!

Promote upgrades using:

  • Links in related blog posts
  • Sticky sidebars or popups
  • Rear content upgrade section
  • Email sequences
  • Social posts

Send subscribers to the dedicated landing page with context about the value it provides.

Step 7: Analyze Performance

Use built-in reports to view:

  • Content upgrade opt-in rates
  • List growth from each upgrade
  • Open and click-through rates

Watch subscriber behavior from each stream to inform future content and offers.

Keep testing new upgrades following this process to keep expanding your mailing list!

12 Creative Content Upgrade Ideas Your Visitors Will Love

The best content upgrades match subscriber interests while including original value not found elsewhere.

Here are 12 creative ideas to engage your blog readers:

  1. Ultimate guides: Compile your top advice into one downloadable resource related to your niche or a specific post topic. Guide formats like PDFs work extremely well.

  2. Audits: Provide readers personalized guidance relevant to them. For example, website, SEO keyword, or social media audits deliver custom insights to help them improve in your field of expertise.

  3. DIY kits: Kits satisfy eagerness to put your advice into practice. Offer printable packs with templates, graphics, toolkits, or assets to boost knowledge application. Give them what they need to get started.

  4. Mind maps: Visually organizing related concepts helps readers better internalize ideas. Offer mind map diagrams to enhance advice comprehension.

  5. Workbooks: Take article points further through workbooks with writing prompts, self-evaluation, and spaces for notetaking. Workbooks reinforce article concepts through further reader elaboration.

  6. Transcripts: Produce the written transcript for a popular video or podcast episode. The upgraded format allows readers to consume the content more easily again and share key excerpts.

  7. Assessments: Help readers measure current progress with assessments benchmarked to key advice from your posts. Provide a scoring analysis and recommendations to improve.

  8. Cheatsheets: Summarize article takeaways, formulas, or tactics into a pinnable one-pager. The easiest way to refresh knowledge from your top posts.

  9. Resource lists: Curate and annotate the best external resources related to articles. Lists save readers research time collating relevant tools, calculators, deals, or other websites into one upgrade package.

  10. Statistics reports: Expand on popular posts with custom statistics research. For example, aggregate industry studies and survey data into original data reports tailored to each trending topic.

  11. Local guides: Take nationally focused articles and compile city-specific advice instead such as “Denver edition” for brands with concentrated reader locales. Hyperspecific speaks volumes.

  12. Product discounts: Cross-promote affiliate products or your own products in content upgrades. Discount codes incentivize purchasing while bundles boost average order value through joint education and special savings.

Tips to Promote Content Upgrades for Maximum Conversions

Populating your site with stellar content upgrades is an awesome start, but means little if no one opts in!

Here are 7 proven tips to maximize content upgrade conversions:

1. Place opt-in forms strategically

Don’t just slap upgrades at the end of posts. Insert opt-in forms in high visibility regions like:

  • Post tops
  • Between sections
  • Sidebars
  • Popups

2. Limit form fields

Each extra form field decreases conversions. Only require email address and use checkboxes for data consent. Name, phone, address etc can come later.

3. Structure posts purposefully

Foreshadow the upgrade early and remind readers consistently how much value they’ll get by subscribing. Sprinkle affiliate links throughout posts too.

4. Display engaging visuals

Depict your upgrade’s format, packaging, screenshots or metrics prominently. Reader imagination units the visual with perceived value mentioned in text.

5. Urge urgency

Limited-time guarantees, dwindling stock claims, and expiring-soon countdowns all create actionable peer pressure.

6. Advertise upgrades elsewhere

Promote both on your site AND offsite. Add links in your email signature, social bios, paid ads – everywhere. Cast a wide net.

7. Funnel to upgrades from all content

Infographics, videos, podcasts…direct them all to your list too! Multichannel seeding brings subscriber omnipresence.

Grow Your Authority with Content Upgrades

Content upgrades demonstrate you offer tremendous value well beyond surface-level blog scanning.

Readers willingly exchange their email address because your proprietary advice provides solutions for their burning needs.

The more you empower subscribers, the more gravitas you earn as an industry thought leader. The upgrades intrinsically position you as the trusted expert source for specialized knowledge within your niche.

This authority gains listener loyalty so when you DO transition to selling products, programs or services…

They will flock to buy from someone who already profoundly understands and transforms their world.

Start swaying minds to your mindset today within brilliant content upgrades! Simply pick a specialization channel and pour your passion into creating genuinely life-changing PDFs, videos, templates or trainings around it.

The rest smoothly flows from there.

You’ve totally got this. Now go wow some audiences through upgrades!