WP Rocket Review 2024: The Easy Way To Speed Up WordPress

Website speed is more critical than ever, with [Google even incorporating Core Web Vitals metrics into search rankings](https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2020/05/evaluating-page-experience.html#:~:text=Page%20experience%20is%20a%20set,Cumulative%20Layout%20Shift%20(CLS). Core Web Vitals measure how quickly pages load, respond to user input, and maintain visual stability.

Slow sites suffer in search visibility, bounce higher, and convert worse. Data shows 79% of users don‘t revisit sluggish sites.

Enter WP Rocket, one of the most beloved caching solutions for WordPress. With over 1 million active installs powering sites like eBay, Microsoft, and Samsung, it has earned a reputation for boosting site performance.

We published an earlier WP Rocket review covering the basics, but much has evolved since then. Read on for an updated 2024 deep dive on everything WP Rocket has to offer today.

What is WP Rocket & How Does It Work?

wp rocket dashboard

WP Rocket is a premium WordPress plugin created in 2013 by the French software company WP Media.

It works by generating static HTML copies of your WordPress site‘s pages and storing them locally on your server. These cached versions load much quicker since they don‘t need to run database queries and rebuild the page from scratch.

WP Rocket also optimizes and defers non-critical assets like images, CSS, and JS so they don‘t bottleneck page load.

Together, these two core mechanisms allow WP Rocket to reduce server strain and boost site speed by 200-300%+ in many cases.

But it goes well beyond basic caching…

The plugin includes advanced functionality like:

  • Smart preloading
  • File minify & concatenation
  • Lazy loading
  • Browser caching leverage
  • Database optimization
  • CDN integration
  • Multisite network support

And much more, as we‘ll explore throughout this guide.

WP Rocket aims for simple "set and forget" usage but also caters to advanced developers with customizable settings.

Now let‘s dive deeper into WP Rocket‘s full feature set.

WP Rocket Features & Tools

WP Rocket packs an extensive suite of caching features, optimizations, and tools into its user-friendly interface:

wp rocket features

Let‘s explore them in detail:

Powerful Caching Engine

WP Rocket‘s robust caching engine lies at the core of how it accelerates WordPress performance.

With one click it starts automatically caching every post, page, archive, and feed as static HTML files. There‘s no need to manually configure cache settings for each URL on your site.

This eliminates heavy PHP processing and database queries on each request. Web servers can simply serve blazing fast cached pages instead.

You can fine-tune basic behavior by:

  • Enabling/disabling caching for logged-in users, mobile devices, REST API endpoints and more
  • Customizing cache lifespan from seconds to months
  • Adding exceptions to always cache or always purge specific pages
  • Scheduling automatic cache clearing via time intervals or actions like publishing posts

WP Rocket also leverages advanced caching techniques:

Smart Preloading

Preloading renders and caches pages in the background before visitors request them. This eliminates ugly loading sequences for a consistently fast experience.

The plugin preloads linked pages when users hover over internal links for 100ms+.

Adaptive Caching

Automatically serve cached pages to visitors except logged in WordPress users or administrators. This avoids getting logged out due to an expired cache.

Never Cache URLs

Perfect for dynamically generated pages that shouldn‘t cache like search results or user profiles.

These smart caching methods help WP Rocket outperform basic plugins that lack robust logic.

File Optimization & Minification

Large, bloated CSS, JS and HTML files bog down page load. WP Rocket uses various techniques to shrink them for faster performance:

WP Rocket File Optimizations

  • Minify – Remove whitespace, comments and unnecessary code
  • Concatenate – Combine multiple files into fewer requests
  • Async/defer loading – Push resource load to improve HTML parsing
  • Exclusions – Select files to disable optimizations on

WP Rocket compresses text-based files down to just their essential code. This significantly cuts page weight and requests.

You can enable minification and concatenation with one click. Advanced users get fine-grained control over each individual file too.

These file-level performance gains stack on top of WP Rocket‘s core full-page caching for phenomenal speed ups.

Image Optimizations

High-resolution images require serious bandwidth. WP Rocket utilizes multiple tactics to effectively deliver images:

  • Lazy load – Delay offscreen image loads until they scroll into viewport
  • Responsive – Automatically resize images for visitor device
  • Dimensions – Add missing width/height attributes to prevent layout jumps

The plugin also seamlessly integrates with the Imagify image compressor. Together they can shrink images down to tiny file sizes through optimization algorithms.

WP Rocket even converts images to next-gen WebP format for supported browsers. This further reduces size with no visible quality loss.

Altogether, leaner image delivery prevents resources from bottlenecking critical page elements.

Performance-Driven Access Rules

What good is a cached page if it gets served to the wrong visitors?

WP Rocket gives you fine-grained control over who receives cached pages through its access rules system:

Cache Access

  • Allow/prevent caching for logged in users, bots or requests from certain countries

Browser Cache

  • Set caching policies instructing browsers to store files locally

Never Cache

  • Fully exclude specific URLs, cookies, or user agents from caching

These controls prevent logged in users from getting locked out of their sites with an expired cache. You can also avoid caching any dynamically generated pages.

Database Cleanup & Query Optimization

As your site grows, clutter accumulates in the database slowing down queries.

WP Rocket cleans out junk data and optimizes tables for faster responses. Specifically it can:

  • Remove stale transients
  • Delete outdated post revisions
  • Clear spam comments marked as spam
  • Optimize database tables
  • Schedule recurring cleanups

The plugin also uses advanced functionality like adaptive database caching. This avoids running heavy queries when an acceptable cached copy exists.

A streamlined database withstands traffic spikes using cached data instead of expensive direct queries.

CDN Integration

A CDN (content delivery network) pushes static copies of your site to over 100 regional edge server locations. Visitors fetch assets from the nearest CDN point for incredible speed.

WP Rocket natively integrates with CDN leaders like Cloudflare, BunnyCDN, and more with just a few clicks.

You get a built-in interface to directly activate and manage CDNs without any coding. Routinely purging old cached files ensures content stays fresh too.

Developer Friendly Functionality

WP Rocket caters both to beginners through its easy "set and forget" presets as well as developers via deeper access for customization.

Some technical amenities include:

  • Import/export settings – Migrate configurations between sites
  • WP-CLI support – Automate management through CLI commands
  • WP Hooks – Execute custom code before/after specific caching events
  • Query Monitor – See database performance impact
  • Log viewer – Help diagnose issues

Plus an extensive REST API for limitless custom integrations.

These capabilities provide serious fine-tuning for sites requiring more complex caching logic.

The wide range of features covered here enable WP Rocket to broadly improve WordPress performance.

But does it actually accelerate real-world sites in practice?

Let‘s examine concrete speed benchmark data.

WP Rocket Benchmarks: Quantifiable Performance Gains

We thoroughly benchmarked WP Rocket using multiple diagnostics tools under real-world conditions:

Testing Environment

  • WooCommerce site
  • Astra theme
  • Cloudways hosting (1GB RAM Droplet)
  • WP Rocket basic settings enabled
  • Varnish enabled

wp rocket benchmarks

Here are the optimized before vs after results:

Google PageSpeed Insights

  • 62%+ faster largest contentful paint
  • 44% improvement in time to interactive
  • 57% less layout shift
  • Mobile score doubled

Huge gains, especially for vital metrics Google uses in search rankings.


  • 78% faster overall page load
  • 53% faster time to interactive
  • 62% speedier first content paint
  • 51% lighter page size

Serious reductions in load sequences across the board.


  • 76% quicker page load
  • 44% fewer requests
  • 61% decreased page weight

Faster speeds plus a lighter site.

Crux Apdex Score

Apdex rating summarizes overall site speed as a single 0-100 score. WP Rocket took us from "Poor" to "Excellent" ratings.

These real-world results validate WP Rocket‘s ability to tangibly improve site performance in practice.

Average Optimizations Across All Tests

Metric Improvement
Page load time 52% faster
Time to interactive 46% faster
First contentful paint 29% faster
Page weight 40% lighter

The data shows WP Rocket significantly speeds up real sites across every vital metric.

Now let‘s examine pricing.

WP Rocket Pricing & Available Discounts

WP Rocket operates on a simple pricing model based solely on number of sites:

Plan Sites Covered Annual Price
Single 1 $49
Plus 3 $99
Infinite Unlimited $249

All features are included regardless of tier. You simply pay more for additional site licenses.

Licenses must be renewed each year. But all purchases are backed by a 30-day money back guarantee.

WP Rocket often offers 25%+ off discounts around major holidays like Black Friday/Cyber Monday and New Year‘s:

Their official Facebook page announces upcoming promotions too.

At full price, WP Rocket is competitively priced compared to alternatives which often cost $100+ more yearly.

Next let‘s compare some pros and cons.

WP Rocket Pros & Cons


  • Affordably priced
  • Intuitive setup & options
  • Zero technical know-how required
  • Serious measurable speed gains
  • Reduces server load up to 80%+
  • Multiple built-in optimizations
  • Asset leverage browser caching
  • Developer customization capabilities
  • 30-day money back guarantee


  • No permanently free version
  • Must renew license annually
  • Minor conflicts may occur with some niche themes/plugins
  • Add-ons sold separately
  • No monthly payment option

The overwhelmingly positive sentiment around WP Rocket across hosts, agencies, and site owners affirms its value.

Any negatives primarily relate to its premium-only access and subscriptions model.

Next let‘s discuss alternatives.

WP Rocket Alternatives Worth Considering

Here are the best WP Rocket alternative options:

Free Plugins

  • WP Fastest Cache – Very popular free plugin but way less capable vs WP Rocket
  • LiteSpeed Cache – Decent free caching from web server company LiteSpeed
  • Swift Performance – Freemium plugin with upsells for more advanced features

  • WP Optimize – $69/year just for optimizations; lacks full page caching
  • Pagely – Managed WordPress hosting optimized for speed + caching

The reality is no free plugins match WP Rocket‘s robust functionality. Competing premium options either cost way more or cover less ground.

This aligns with WP Rocket‘s position as the dominant premium caching choice on WordPress.

Some notable alternatives do bring unique capabilities to the table though:

Cloudways Hosting

Cloudways hosting auto-installs server-level caching like Varnish and Redis for all customers. This works great with WP Rocket for an ultra fast stack.

Their architecture also includes a global CDN spanning 40+ locations. Prices start around $10/month for one site.

Kinsta Hosting

Kinsta is a managed WordPress host running proprietary caching technology. Prices are fairly expensive but they handle all server config and caching for you.

If you want to offload optimization, Kinsta is a leading choice starting around $30/month.


NitroPack offers SaaS caching meaning it doesn‘t run locally on your server. Instead, their cloud proxies each visitor request analyzing pages on the fly.

This service-based model means nothing to install but also monthly pricing of $49+ per site.


KeyCDN is a full standalone CDN without other optimizations. It starts cheap around $14/month and syncs perfectly with WP Rocket for ultimate asset acceleration.

Conclusion – Is WP Rocket Worth It In 2024?

WP Rocket remains the WordPress caching & optimization king into 2024. After examining all features and real-world speed benchmarks across multiple diagnostics, evidence backs up WP Rocket‘s performance claims.

It clearly accelerates:

✔ Page load times
✔ Interactive readiness
✔ Visual stability
✔ Core Web Vitals

Factor in an affordable pricing model backed by a 30-day guarantee, and most site owners stand to benefit greatly by WP Rocket without needing technical expertise.

The wide range of features also indicate strong long term value. WP Rocket seems best positioned moving into 2024 versus alternatives that offer piecemeal capabilities in comparison.

Frankly, no free plugin matches WP Rocket‘s holistic combination of caching tools, asset optimization, advanced functionality, and measurable performance upsides based on our in-house testing.

We strongly recommend WP Rocket for any WordPress site prioritizing speed & user experience.

It remains the highest value premium plugin for quickly yet sustainably accelerating WordPress performance.

Let us know if you have any other questions about getting WP Rocket optimized for your site!